From What I've Heard - Sander...

By ElliottGreen333

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Logan is a local college student. After too many late nights to count, his friends decide to take him to a pl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
What's Next?

Chapter Four

313 19 7
By ElliottGreen333

Picture above done by: @GizmonotGiz  | Thank you so much!

Logan awoke the next morning in an unfamiliar environment. He was greeted by a wall that was covered in all different types of animal posters. There were a few pictures splattered around too, but they were either of dogs or of other people. The wall underneath all this was painted a baby blue. It screamed childhood, which gave him a hint as to where he was at.

The student turned over, his head when off like a drum as his unclear vision wobbled. He noticed a neatly folded pair of glasses on the bedside table. Upon moving his face closer to them, Logan released that they were his.

He put them on, blinking a few times to acquaint himself with the strong prescription of his glasses. Logan looked over to the other side of the room. It took him by slight surprise to see Patton fast asleep on the bed across from the one Logan was on. It was only when the student noticed all the band posters, horror movie posters, and few art doodles taken directly from a sketchbook, did Logan understand where he was.

A lump moved in the corner, making the poor student jump. Virgil laid on a tiny beanbag nestled in the corner of his room. He was scrolling through something on his phone. He had yet to notice that Logan had woken up. "Virgil?" The student whispered. Said emo boy dropped his phone in his lap at the calling of his name.

"Oh, you're up." He grinned, climbing out of the beanbag.

"Did you sleep in that all night?" Logan asked, scooting over so that Virgil could sit.

"More like, I sat in there all night." He chuckled, stifling a yawn.

"You really should get more sleep, Virge. You know what Patton will say."

"Yeah, yeah. As if I haven't heard the whole spiel before." The emo boy joked, glancing over at Patton. He was so peaceful in his sleep. His hair was a rat's nest with all the tossing and turning he did. "So, how are you doing? You had quite the eventful night last night by the looks of it." He said, gesturing to Logan's torn up shirt and bruised wrists.

"Yeah." Logan sighed, reliving all the fear and adrenaline rush from the night prior. Suddenly, his head shot up, a realization in his eyes. "Damn it." He whisper shouted, stomping a foot on the floor.

"What?" Virgil asked.

"Those stupid drunk kids made me lose my bag. That had all my textbooks, my notebooks, all my 3,981 flashcards." The student panicked. Virgil looked shocked, a small smile slowing sliding up his face.

"How the fuck do you know you own that many flashcards?"

"I had to write them all." Logan shrugged, "Whatever, it isn't important! I need all of my stuff. I have 4 classes today and I need all my stuff!"

"Who said you're going to your classes today, kiddo?" A new, tired voice grumbled. Both other boys turned around to see Patton. He was rubbing his eyes while taking a deep yawn. He grabbed his glasses and placed them on his face. Virgil and Logan shot guilty looks at each other.

"Did we wake you up, Pat?" Virgil questioned softly.

"No. I've been awake and asleep for a couple of hours now." He moaned. Patton pushed himself off of Virgil's bed, joining to two on the other bed. "Logan, what happened last night anyway? You had us worried to death." He pleaded.

"I was just walking back from the library. I was heading to my dorm hall when I started hearing the slurred voices and bottles breaking of other college students." He retold, making Virgil flinch at the thought. "They came out from, seemingly, nowhere. I tried to get through them but one of them tried to pick a fight. He asked me if I was one of the gay kids, so I ran; dropping my bag and everything in it."

"What about your shirt?" Virgil asked.

"They caught up to me. Some girl was trying to undress me while two other guys held my arms back. I broke free of them somehow but the girl had a death grip on my shirt. I didn't want to hurt her so I waited until it ripped and ran again. They didn't follow me and that's when I collapsed." As the student finished his story, he could help but shutter.

It was true, a lot of students on campus weren't a fan of the LGBT+ community that walked the school's grounds. But no one had ever heard anything about people getting attacked by them.

"I'm so sorry, Lo," Patton said, bringing the student in for a hug.

"It's okay, Patton. I'm better now."

"No, you're not!" Patton insisted, pushing Logan away from the hug. "I know you're probably just sparing my feelings or trying to push all this behind you, but this is serious, Lo. You were attacked!" Logan appreciated his friend's concern, but he didn't want to make a big deal out of this situation.

"I understand, Patton. But please believe me when I say, I'm okay. I don't want those guys to get in trouble. They were drunk. Everyone does stupid things when drunk." Logan said. Patton sighed, thinking over his friend's words.

"Okay. But you're still not going to your classes today. You need to rest. And I know exactly how!" The cheery student stood up, rummaging through one of his messy drawers. It took both Virgil and Logan a few seconds to comprehend the flyer Patton suddenly pushed in front of their faces.

Logan grabbed it, seeing that it was an ad for the college production of Phantom of the Opera. "What does this have to do with anything?" Virgil asked, examining it over Logan's shoulder.

"It'll be a great way for Logan to relax. He likes classical music. This show is an opera with the best known classical score in musical theater history! It's a win-win!" The freckly student cheered.

"For who?" Virgil shot back.

"Logan will like the music, and I just really want to see the show and I have no excuse to miss my evening class to go!" Patton whined. That made everyone laugh a little as Logan handed the flyer back to his friend.

"Alright. You've convinced me. I'll go." Logan caved. Patton clapped with joy.

"Great! Tonight at 7:00 pm it is!"

"Great," Logan responded. He felt his back pocket for his phone and looked around the room, making sure he wasn't forgetting anything. "I'll meet you guys there. I'm gonna see if I can find anything from my bag lying around." The student announced.

"Alright. But you better be at that theater by 6:45 at least. If not, you won't hear the end of it!" Patton unthreateningly proposed.

"Believe him when he says that!" Virgil called out, falling back into his bean bag hole. Logan cracked a smile as he left his friend's dorm. Walking out, the sky was a bright grey with cold air whirling around. The student shivered, wishing he wore a jacket prior to being attacked.

He went down the same path as before, keeping a keen eye out for any of his stuff. His textbooks, notebooks, flashcards, anything. Hell, even if he got back his old, raggedy shoulder bag, he'd be happy. 

Alas, nothing turned up. Defeated, he walked into his dorm hall. Jogging up the stairs, he couldn't help but feel his mind scramble. How was he going to get all his stuff back? How was he going to explain to his professors that he lost his books? That was at least $1,800 down the drain for the poor student.

Taking a breath, he turned the key to his room. Immediately his mood turned around as he saw his bag placed upon his bed. Dee turned his head from the desk. He rose up as Logan came inside. "What the hell happened and why did I find your bag outside the physical science department?" His concerned roommate grumbled. Despite how angry his voice came across, his eyes were very paranoid. It looked liked Logan's absence had been on his mind for a while.

"It's okay. I'm okay. It was just an accident." Logan assured him. He told Dee the whole story while going through his bag. Sure enough, everything was there and intact.

"I wish I could've done something," Dee said, cupping his hands over his mouth.

"I know. Virgil and Patton said the same thing. Speaking of which..." Logan trailed off, looking at his phone for the time. 6:08 pm. "I should get going."

"W-Where you going?" Dee asked innocently.

"Patton insists that we go off and watch some imaginary make-believe to take my mind off the incident." He said, using finger quotes. The student changed into a different, dark gray NASA shirt along with grabbing a heavy coat. "I won't be gone long." He assured his roommate before heading out the door and disappearing down the hall.

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