Into The Shadows ✘ Harry Styl...

By Unnecessharry

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sometimes you just need to escape More

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By Unnecessharry

Harry's POV

I walked into the apartment, at 7:47, excited to be home and able to relax with Rosie. "Hello?"

"In here." A feminine voice signals. I walk into the dining room, exposing Rosie whom was doodling sketches into a notepad with a sharpie. She has probably been doing that all day.

"Arent you little-miss creativity." I grinned, walking behind her chair and hugging around her neck.

"Hey you." She smiles, closing the sharpie and notebook.

"Question." I say. "Is it 'ight if Niall comes to the party tomorrow? I seem to like the guy."


"Yep." I agree.

"I suppose Lola wouldn't mind." She smiles.

"Great." I nod. "I've missed you." I say, walking to her, placing my hands on her hips. I pull her hips to my body, then lean into to kiss her. Her hands travel through my hair as her back arches. I let go, grab her hand, and walk into the master bedroom.

"Let's watch tele in here tonight. I'm tired." I grumble. She didn't mind.

Thirty minutes after we settled down next to each other on the bed, after fighting about who has better legs, she fell asleep with her head between my neck and shoulder. I turned the tv off, closing my eyes as well.

The morning swung around fast, the sun shining through the not-so-useful blinds on the windows. Surprisingly, Rosie's eyes were open too.

"Mornin'." She whispers. I maneuver onto my side to face her, and give her a kiss as my 'good morning'. She shows a weak smile, due to her drowsy morning-self.

"I have work until 3 today. I might be able to sneak out a bit earlier, though." I said, my voice coming out raspier than I had expected. That's morning for you.

"That's fine." Rosie grins.

"Not really." I mumble.


I tuck a piece of hair behind her little ears, then smile. "Because that's less time with you."

My hands snake under and above her waist as she lays on her side, then I pull her on top of my body as I lay flat.

"You're cheesy as hell." She snorts.

"You like it though." I smile jokingly. "You find it flattering though you don't want to admit it."

"Shut up idiot." She jabs. I pretend to lock my lips, and throw away the key. I stay quiet for a good two minutes, just staring at her. Her cheeks flared with color and it made me grin.

"You're blushing." I mumble, my voice being strange and cracking. I smile at how cute she is.

"Uugghhh!" She groans, grabbing the fabric of my sweatshirt and burying her face in it.

"Drama queen?" I joke.

"If anyone's the drama queen, 'tis you." She remarks, looking back up at me.

"Nah. It's you."

"Wrong. Try again."

"I'm right." I nod.

"Whatever Harold." Rosie mumbles. I laugh at the use of my full name.

"I have to go to work." I mumble, my hands trailing patterns up and down her back.

"Well mmmmmmkay." She says, smiling. I laugh as she slides off from on top of me. "Have a great time." She says sarcastically.

"I'll try." I say, sliding out of the bed and walking into the closet to get ready. I finished most of the bills and paperwork yesterday, and I'm pretty sure Zayn or Niall hasn't killed anyone or robbed anything lately, so I won't have anything to cover up. I don't know what I'll do for like 6 hours. Maybe I'll go out to lunch with Niall to waste time. Yeah, I'll do that. Maybe then I can't even get out of going back to the hell hole of a job.

I left Rosie, then went to work, and the morning went by fast. I did pretty much nothing besides cleaning my desk area and exploring The Black a bit. It was a three story older building, with a long hallway on every floor with many doors. I've only been to the first and second, and Zayn demands that I can't go to the top. So, I don't. Curiosity killed the cat and I don't necessarily want to be that cat.

"Aye Niall." I say, approaching his desk. "Working hard?"

"Eh, not really. I haven't much to do today I suppose." He explains.

"You want to go to lunch at the cafe down the street?" I ask, hoping he will agree so that I won't be bored for as long. I liked Niall, now that I've told him everything. I could tell he was thinking for some reason when I told him, and he was really quiet.

"Well, sure." He says, smiling and shoving papers aside. They all looked filled out and finished though.

We walked out into the cool Winter air, with the afternoon sun slightly shining behind the scattered clouds. It was a perfect day. And since it was December 12th tomorrow, the Christmas spirit was displayed around the town.

"So, do you like it here in LA?" Niall says after he orders from the menu. I order next, getting a club sandwich and some tea. Sounds kind of gross but whatever.

"Yeah. It's a lot more interesting than North Carolina, where I lived anyways. The only exciting part was hanging with Rosie and my few friends." I said. It was true, we lived close to the small college but it was not a very uplifting town center. "But, she always seemed to make such a boring place more fun."

Niall nods. "Sounds fantastic." He says, sipping on whatever drink he ordered.

"I want to ask you, are you busy tonight?" I said, hoping he'd come to the party. I figured now that Rosie has this new group of friends, that I might as well accompany myself with someone I knew too. And Niall ain't so bad after all.

"I don't think I have anything." He smiles and nods. "Party?"

"Yep. I'll text you the time and address tonight."I explained. I didn't even know the time or address right now, so I would have to ask Rosie If she knew.

"Ight, can't wait lad." Niall says.

"Great." I said.

We walk out of the small corner cafe after we finished our lunches. It was 1:30pm, so I figured I should try and get out going back to work. Maybe if I do get out, I'll take Rosie shopping. Or out to dinner? Maybe both. Yeah, she can get an outfit tonight then we can go out to a casual dinner.

"Today, Niall, do you think if it's okay if I-"

"Yeah, go. It's fine. I'll tell Zayn if he finds out you're gone that you felt sick or something. Plus, we don't have work tomorrow. There's renovations in the offices so we can't be in there." He says.

"Oh, well, uhm, thank you, I suppose. I'll see you tonight?" I ask.

"Count on it." Niall says, sharing waves of goodbye as we split ways. I get into a taxi and get to Rosie as soon as possible. I walk up to the apartment door, and dig around my tight jeans' pockets for the key. Then I hear something yelling. Was Rosie okay?

I dig faster for my keys but I can't find them. I listen closer, and I realize that she's singing a lyric that I recognize.

"BUT THERES NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF," I hear through the door.

"EVEN WHEN THE NIGHT, CHANGES," Just then, I find my key in my coat pocket, and go to put it in the keyhole until I hear a door swing open behind me. Ugh, our grouchy neighbors. We've met them once in the lobby and they are quite a pain in the arse.

"IT WILL NEVER CHANGE ME AND YOU OOOOOooooOooOoo!" She yells, then I hear her curse for some reason. I laugh, then turn back around to the open door, only to expose a grouchy looking grandma. shit.

"She's a handful." Her old voice creaks.

I nod, not knowing if that was a compliment or sarcasm? "I know. But she's my handful so I don't really give a fuck what you think." I say, almost immediately regretting my word choice. She was an old woman.

"Fuck teenagers these day. Shitheads." I hear her mutter under her breathe as she turns into her cat filled apartment, closing the door behind her. What a moody bitch.

I turn back to my business, and unlock the door, exposing Rosie whom was standing near the door, staring at me.
"Hello?" I say, laughing.

"You know, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't talk that bad-ass to your own grandmother, Harry." She grins. I nod, swinging my foot back and forth with my heel planted on the hardwood floors.

"So now I'm a badass?" I wink, smiling cheekily. "Does Rosie Posie have a spot in her heart for badasses?" I say, slowly walking to her, then grabbing her wrists.

"You're like level 2 out of 10 on the badass scale." She snorts. I frown as her hands trail up and down my arms.
"You're like, a field of fluffy cotton candy and puppies and rainbows and pink and princesses and babies and unicorns and those cheesy smiles you always do."

"I'm not sure if that offended me or not."

"Well, it could've gone either way. Depending on if you want to be cute or a bad boy." She laughs, shaking her head. "But you're the equivalence of a puppy."

"Do you like puppies?" I frown.

"Yes." She mumbles, reaching up to peck my unmoving lips. I was too busy holding my smile back.

"So. Tonight, is Niall coming?" She says, turning around on her heels and walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah." I say, staring at her backside. You just can't help it, especially when she wears this one pair of high wasted shorts, or leggings. "Before we go, would you like to go shopping then out to dinner?"

"Sure. But I don't need to go shopping, I'll just wear this." She says. "Plus, we have to be there by 7:30 tonight."

"Okay. Those are my favorite shorts on you anyways." I wink. Walking in front of her and grabbing the outside of her upper leg, under her hips. She places her hands on top of my fingers so that they don't move anywhere. Silly.

"Well that just makes me want to change out of them." She mopes.

"Probably should. I don't want any other guys staring at you." I realize.

"It's okay, Harry. I'll be sure to make you swoon all night long, no other guy." She grins, lightly tapping my right cheek jokingly before walking and jumping onto the couch.

Rosie's POV

I knew Harry wanted to get more physically with me, further than making out or slightly; maybe even accidentally touching each other. I wasn't ready, I don't think. I don't know. I like to think as though I'm a virgin, besides the mishaps with my own father. But that was only twice and it was terrifying and the worst experience I've ever had in my life. I'm afraid that if I try with Harry I'll think of the bad memories instead of living in the moment, with the boy that cares so much for me. I knew for a fact That Harry wouldn't hurt me , or want to. That made me feel better, knowing that he'd treat me well during a passionate time. I knew he had experience, at least a few times in college. He had a girlfriend, but he didn't necessarily like her and they only lasted about three months. Maybe even two. We joke around now about that relationship they had, because it was useless.

My mind kept telling me that Harry would treat me like royalty and that he'd be gentle with me and my emotions... But i constantly would be thinking about the fact I've gotten raped.

I guess we don't know what I'll do until we actually decide to do it, when the time comes.

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