Lunatic | Jenlisa

By Nerdy_Frozen

1.5M 64.1K 97.2K

lu·na·tic (/ˈlo͞onəˌtik/) "A person driven mad by the moon." None could make her crazy enough to want them. ... More

二 | Ni
三 | San
四 | Shi
五 | Go
六 | Roku
七 | Nana
八 | Hachi
九 | Kyuu
十 | Juu
十一 | Juu Ichi
十二 | Juu Ni
十三 | Juu San
十四 | Juu Yon
十五 | Juu Go
十六 | Juu Roku
十七 | Juu Nana
十八 | Juu Hachi
十九 | Juu Kyuu
二十 | Ni Juu
二十一| Ni Juu Ichi
二十二| Ni Juu Ni
二十三 | バラ
二十四 | Ni Juu Yon
二十五 | Ni Juu Go
二十六 | Ni Juu Roku
二十七 | Ni Juu Nana
二十八 | Ni Juu Hachi
二十九 | Ni Juu Kyuu
三十 | San Juu
三十一 | San Juu Ichi
三十二 | San Juu Ni
三十三 | San Juu San
三十四 | San Juu Yon
三十五 | San Juu Go
三十六 | San Juu Roku
三十七 | San Juu Nana
三十八 | San Juu Hachi
三十九 | San Juu Kyuu
四十 | Yon Juu
四十一 | Yon Juu Ichi
四十二 | Yon Juu Ni
四十三 | Yon Juu San
四十四 | Yon Juu Yon
四十五 | Yon Juu Go
四十六 Yon Juu Roku
四十七 | Yon Juu Nana
四十八 | Yon Juu Hachi
四十九 | Yon Juu Kyuu
五十 | Go Juu
五十一 Go Juu Ichi
私の月 | Watashi no Tsuki
私の太陽 | Watashi no Taiyō
あとがき | Afterword

一 | Ichi

53.6K 1.8K 1.7K
By Nerdy_Frozen


"The moon is my sun,

The night is my day,

Blood is my life,

And you are my prey."



Obsession is defined as something that preoccupies or fills the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.

With that in thought, is it not that far fom the definition of Love?

Love is an obsession.

It possesses you.

It makes you lose all your senses and moral judgements.

It makes you lose yourself in the high of the emotions.

You cannot stop thinking about any other thing but the one you're in love with.

There is no love without obsession.

Obsession will always be present in love...

Likewise, Moonstruck is defined as someone who is unable to act or think clearly and normally, especially in the presence of love.

It is sometimes correlated and linked with devotion, moonstruck is a devotion of a person to something, or someone. A devotion to the moon, a person lost in a fantasy, a reverie – or it is simply just a romantically sentimental person...

Often times a person succumbing to their moonstruck is regarded as a mentally unstable person.

Thus, the two terms may, or may not be intertwined with each other – two sides of the same coin, one cannot function without the other – but the other can function without the latter.

One is Moonstruck, One is In Love, One is Obsessed, One is Devoted.


Volume 1 of Kim's - Yukimori's Saga


— "Ma please stop crying, cause I'll tear up again." A blonde girl was holding the cheek of an older woman. They can be seen within a busy and boisterous sea of people in Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand.

"How can I not cry? My baby is leaving Thailand to go to Korea. That's so far! I haven't experienced a long-distance relationship, such as this between us since you went to that girl's scout camping a few hours from our town." the older woman, a beautiful Thai with tan skin and dark tresses, announces in teary agitation.

"Mama!" the blonde, her daughter, who was taller than the woman – scolds in amusement.

"It's only for a few years, after that– I'm back to Thailand." the daughter lovingly caresses the cheeks of her mother.

"Three years is a long time Pranpriya!" tears well up in the woman's eyes, "But I'm proud of you. I'm proud that you're finally living your dreams."

"I just wish you would continue your studies here." the woman whines childishly, her hold on her daughter's clothes tighten.

Pranpriya giggles, "I would stay but– I can't let this opportunity slip. It would be such a waste and I don't want to live my life regretting that I didn't choose to jump the risk."

The woman nods, "Yes– again, I'm so proud of you. But I'll miss my little potato." she grabs Pranpriya's cheeks and gives a loud peck of a kiss on her soft skin.

Pranpriya returns the gesture by lovingly kissing her mom's forehead.

I'll miss my home. I'll miss my Mama and Papa. I'll miss my friends, but I can't back out now. I've come too far, I have to stand my ground in this decision.

After she graduated from high school as one of the Top achieving students in both academics and her sideline, photography– a scout from a high-end university in Korea grew interested in her skills.

Pranpriya always had a passion for photography, unlike her parents who were more in line with Culinary (she can't cook for a living). She took up photography programs during her high school days and even became apart of their journalism committee. Due to this, she won tons of awards in photography and journalism contests.

Pranpriya also loves to dance but her sole focus is still photography.

She was once interviewed, on one of the contests she signed up to, and asked what made her love photography— she simply answered, "My passion is my obsession, I do not know why I love taking pictures so much– but, capturing the things that catch my eyes always pleases me, and sharing it for others to see somehow makes me happy."

The scout, who was actually from Korea – offered her a scholarship in their university.

Kim's University, one of the top schools in Asia and currently fighting head to head with Seoul University in terms of their offered superior education and student passing rates.

Having the chance to be a part of that type of University would be a dream come true for her.

The only down point is that, she was miles away from her family and she has to learn a new language in such a short amount of time.

But there was one thing Pranpriya is known for, and that is her passion and drive to achieve her goal. Learning Korean from scratch was quite hard at first but she somehow made it work. She wouldn't say that she's that fluent in Korean yet, but she knows she'll somehow pick up the language when she stays in the country. After all, three years was a long time– words of her mother.

"I wish Papa was here to say his goodbyes," Pranpriya says in a sad voice.

"Oh don't worry, once he comes back home– I'm going to give him a good old Thai beating from missing your flight." her mother raises her right fist as a demonstration.

"No no, please don't do that," Pranpriya laughs, "I understand that his flight back to Thailand from Switzerland was delayed. I'm sure he's sulking right now on his flight." she grins.

The older Thai laughs, "I'm sure, he wouldn't want to miss his little angel off to college. But I still can't believe you're leaving for Korea."


"I know I know, I've said it so many times now– but can you blame me? It's hard for a mother to let her child go to college and be independent. Plus, you're so far, and you're in a foreign country so I can't help but be worried about you." the woman's eyes tear up again from the onslaught of emotions she's feeling right now.

Pranpriya envelopes her mother with a hug, "I'll miss you and Papa so very much. Don't worry I'll come back in one piece." she releases her hold and gives her mother a toothy grin.

The older Thai slaps the shoulders of her daughter, "Of course you will! Or I'll personally drag you back here."

The Airport's intercom cracks, "Flight 123 from Bangkok, Thailand to Seoul, Korea— we will be departing real soon, we are requesting all passengers of this flight proceed to board area gate number 3. I repeat—"

"Well that's my flight Ma, I gotta go now." Pranpriya looks at her mother in sadness.

The woman takes a deep breath, "Goodbye Pranpriya, or should I call you Lalisa?" she releases a soft smile.

"I'm Lalisa to them, but I'm still Pranpriya to you and Papa." the daughter gives her mother a rueful smile in return. She grabs a hold of her luggage.

"You take care, alright? Call me and your father once you safely land in Korea okay?" the older Thai fixes her daughters clothes.

Tears start to gather on the daughter's eyelids, "Don't cry, we'll see each other again." the mother laughs, their roles are reversed now.

Lisa blinks away her tears, "I'll see you Ma, I love you."

"I love you too my potato. Now go, you'll be late." she shooed away the younger Thai.

Lisa tightens her hold on her luggage and walks away, she waves goodbye to her now, red-eyed mother.

Lisa leaves her home with a heavy heart, but... With a rush of excitement mixed with nervousness on her journey to the foreign land.


"That was probably the longest person you had a relationship with. What's his name again? Kevin? Karl? Or was it Kite?" A girl can be seen sitting on a sofa, happily munching a piece of chicken wings.

The girl can only be described as angelic or probably, goddess-like. With dark wavy hair falling to her waist, doe chocolate eyes, porcelain white skin, and pinkish heart lips.

Another raven-haired girl with feline-like dark brown eyes, the same complexion of skin and cute chubby cheeks, merely shrugged at the other girl's question, "It's Kai, Jisoo-unnie." the feline-eyed girl flips her hair and walked towards a sofa to comfortably sit on it.

The girl named Jisoo, shrugs her shoulder, "Well– I don't know him. Not worth my time, that's why I do not understand why you'd waste such precious time dating people." she shakes her head and throws the chicken bone on a paper plate.

"They're just a bunch of brain dead guys or... girls when they talk or look at you." Jisoo points at Jennie then grabs a new piece of a chicken wing.

"I'm pretty sure they only chase you to get on your pants— or try to experience dating a rich person, or probably to have a leeway by using you in bribing our professors in helping their grades up Jennie." Jisoo harshly bit a piece of the chicken wings, some crumbs were sticking on her cheeks.

The feline eyed girl, named Jennie, winces at Jisoo, "You talk too much, and you sound like a paranoid person. Please, don't eat like that. You look starved, it's disgusting. Where are your manners?" she grabs a piece of tissue paper on the table and hands it to Jisoo.

"Thanks." Jisoo grabs the tissue and wipes it on her cheek, then she crumples it to a ball.

"I can't help it, too many liars and conniving people surround us. That just makes me a cautious person Jennie."

"The only reason I can find why you are like this, is because of playing too much chess," Jennie smirks and crosses her arms on her chest.

"Eh– I'm the oldest who will inherit and replace our father on his seat from the company. So, yes– my paranoia is understandable." Jisoo grabs her bottle of Pepsi and takes huge gulps from the drink.

Jennie rolls her eyes, "Yes Ms. Heiress, no need to put more salt into my wounds– do you always have to remind me that I'm the youngest who would not inherit our fortunes?" she pouts in mock offense.

"Oh shut it Jendeukie, you know that's not true. Just be thankful that you have more freedom from the responsibilities— and no inheritance?" Jisoo grins foolishly, "I thought you'd inherit the medical branches?"

Jennie merely shrugs her shoulder as she gives Jisoo a thoughtful smile.

"You got to choose what course you want– unlike me who was forced to take up Business." Jisoo groans in despair, "Man I wanted to become like Colonel Sanders or something, be the new face of KFC..."

"Hmmm true..." Jennie hums in agreement, "But you can just buy the KFC franchise you know... instead of becoming a chicken cook."

Jisoo's eyes lit up in glee, "Ooohhh did you know that Mcdonalds is not a fast-food restaurant but kind of like a real estate business? They acquire more of their profit through franchises than selling burgers, fries, or chicken..."

Jennie merely looks at her sister with a blank look, clearly losing her focus and attention from the current topic.

"Ugh–" Jisoo paused on her rambling as her brows furrow, "Wait, our topic diverted from your relationships, to our courses– and then McDonald's."

Jisoo pointedly looks at Jennie, "You can't run away from my questioning Missy." she points accusingly at the bemused looking Jennie.

Jennie sighs in annoyance, "Can we just drop that? I'm bored okay, no one caught my interest long enough to make me want to stay longer...."

Jisoo looks at her sister in disbelief, "Okay, that wasn't hurtful at all. Wow, I feel a little sorry for them. Just a little." she squints her forefinger and thumb together.

Jennie shrugs her shoulder without care whilst chuckling under her throat.

"One day..." Jisoo chuckles, "One day you'll meet someone who'd make you go cuckoo brain for them– and I swear, if karma hits, they won't like you back."

Jennie looks at Jisoo in amusement, "How could anyone not want me?"

Jennie clicks her tongue, "But I get your point, maybe... But I'm not the type who'd go crazy for a person. That's just stupid."

Jisoo was the one shrugging now, "Who knows? Love is a dangerous thing that makes even a sane person go insane. You might eat your words once you fall in love."

Jennie laughs at Jisoo's words, "You say that as if you've been in love before."

Jisoo just gives Jennie a blank look, "Maybe I have fallen in love..." her mouth broke out into a cold smile that made Jennie's heart shiver in fear. 

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