Blind Faith (Book 1)

Autorstwa ZaneDavidC

1.3K 147 118

Ash tries to escape his troubled past and start again in a new city. Only for the truth to drag him into an a... Więcej

Gods Hand
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 14

30 2 0
Autorstwa ZaneDavidC


Helpless, Ash could only wait for the impact as he dropped to the floor. It didn't hurt, as his entire body and mind already did, a pain beyond comprehension.

He lay in a pool of blood, his breathing slow and shallow. He smiled, well tried too, if a face beaten to oblivion could smile. The blinding glow changed to a honeydew sheen and then to a green tea shade and flowed towards him; softening and fading back to gradually resemble a person, walking towards him. He ignored the fire against his skin, the crystal throbbing in unison with the coming light.

He stared at a hand reaching out to him, glowing in an emerald shade of energy, intimately trailing along his jawline to cup his chin in a firm but caring grip. Another hand pressed against his forehead. With that last contact, all the fear and agony evaporated, clearing the dense fog of his mind and pulsing a wave of hot energy throughout his body.

He gasped - not in pain but in joy - in pure pleasure, the continuous aching stopped and changed his injuries healing. He could feel every cut, every bruise, and broken bone, soothe, reset then fade. In his mind he pictured gashes closing up without a scar and bruises turning from purple to yellow, his internal injuries disappearing as if they never happened.

He could only describe the feeling as sinking into a hot bath, painful and shocking to the body at first then soothing and reviving very soon after. His heart thundered hard and fast, increasing every second the hands touched his skin, his body recovering at a phenomenal pace. Then all of a sudden it stopped, the link severed – only a distant memory, leaving the stone throbbing against his chest, the only gentle reminder.

Ash blinked open his eyes, both eyes, the blurriness disappearing as colour returned like an old friend and he stared up at the shattered patio doors, sunk in, glass in pieces where he had hit and become stuck. He shuddered, remembering, his sight flickering in and out of focus.

So it isn't a dream...

He sucked in the air, savouring every moment, rejoicing at the lack of pain, grinning in delight at nothing but the feeling of being alive. He paused from his elation, to suddenly appreciate a light flowery scent, he had smelt that fragrance before. He stared down and studied a jade colour weave of material inches from his face as someone gently rocked back and forth, and cradled him in their arms. He had not even realised he was laying down. His eyes grew heavy from the gentle rhythm, the warmth and the intoxicating smells - until something splattered his cheek, again and again.


"I am so sorry Ashley, so sorry...I should have been here with you, I could have stopped them – protected you. I should have protected you..."

Ash sighed and bit back a bitter smile, hearing the anguish and emotions in her voice. He pulled away to stare up into Emma's emerald gaze, her beautiful eyes swollen and red from tears, his heart leapt, her natural radiance and grace shining through. He reached out, and brushed a loose strand of her dark auburn hair behind her ear, leaving his hand against her damp cheek, wiping a teardrop with a thumb. The intimacy did not embarrass him this time, it felt right, natural like he had finally come home. They stared at each other saying nothing but understanding each other. She pressed her cheek against his hand and smiled warmly at him. He opened his mouth to speak his mind.


Someone coughed, interrupting and they both turned to look over the sofa to find Leon grimacing at them, beads of sweat on his brow, whole body shaking with strain.

"Umm...sorry to interrupt your magical moment guys... but we still have a serious situation here, that needs to be sorted...and pronto," he growled through clenched teeth. Ash stared at his friend in shock, Leon's deep blue eyes were consumed by a deep honey-yellow glow, the whites of his eyes non-existent. The big man turned away to stare up at something in front of him.

No fucking way, I'm tripping, my head injury is a concussion...

With a gentle squeeze of his shoulder and a nod from Emma, Ash reluctantly got up, out of her lap and stared at Leon, struggling to comprehend what the big man was doing. He stood a meter away from the lounge wall, leaning forwards with his left hand up, pushing against some unseen barrier and somehow pinning Anna flat against the wall – without physically touching her. Her feet were a good five inches off the floor and her eyes had returned to their icy grey colour, now glaring hatefully at Leon, helpless, like a fish out of water.

Ash ground his teeth and tensed, staring at the spiky-haired bitch, who only minutes ago was killing him. Both his fists were clenched in tight balls ready to lash out at her. Sensing his anger, the stone burned against his skin willing him on, but a hand rested on his shoulder calming the fire within. Seeing only Anna, Ash searched for Jayne.

"Where's that little bitch?"

Emma suddenly stumbled against him, forcing him to wrap an arm around her slim waist and lean in close. Her scent and the closeness made him woozy, but a step closer to heaven.

"You okay?" he asked, pulling him back to reality.

"Oh dear I'm – yes, sorry I just got up too quick," she replied, brushing a hand over her eyes. Ash tried to remove his arm, feeling he may have invaded her personal space, but Emma slipped her arm around him and grasped him tightly.

She peered up at him and grinned.

"Just in case," she said.

"Ah...sure, I've got you, don't worry" he replied, trying to stop grinning like a child meeting Santa clause for the first time.

"I know," she said, brushing a soft kiss on his cheek, sending his heart into palpitations.

Was it getting hot in here?

She gave him one last fleeting look and frowned at Leon, and this time Ash noticed Jayne laying at his feet, still and quiet, as if asleep. There was a nasty gash above her eye. Ash grinned at the turn of events and finally relaxed – well as best he could with a gorgeous woman on his arm.

Emma untangled herself from Ash and glided over to help Leon. She looked like an angel, her deep green maxi dress, hugging her slim body like a glove, the colour matching her lovely emerald eyes, drawing out her auburn hair and creamy complexion. Ash stared at her, transfixed, only to move his gaze to Leon when the big man resonated a deep guttural humming sound, like in prayer or meditation. His sweat-drenched face was screwed up, and his eyes were tightly closed.

Emma touched his shoulder and he collapsed to his knees, swaying like a flag in the breeze. Anna looked on in anticipation, ready for when the barrier holding her failed.

Cool and composed, Emma focused on Leon, placing her other hand on his shoulder and closing her eyes. A light tea green shade of light flared around her and the tension instantly eased on Leon's face, enough for him to open his eyes and grin cheekily up towards Ash, his normal blue eyes still afire with an unusual yellow sheen.

Ash stared, gobsmacked at his friend and made an uneasy step away, towards the ruined doors. He couldn't believe it.

Leon too? I must be dreaming, please wake up, wake me up!

Ash closed his eyes for a moment unable to comprehend why he had ignored the obvious, the invisible bonds holding Anna, the eye changes, the glow around Emma, the way he was fixed from his life-threatening injuries. His mind started racing, and the crystal flared up against his skin in response, trying to ease his worries. Ash took another step away unable to swallow down the bile in his throat.

Out of the pan and into the fire Ashley...

He glanced at Emma for help, and his entire world come crashing down - her eyes glowed as well, a dark alien green flare, like fire.

What the hell were they? Why...why does everything turn into a bloody mess around me!

His mind frantic, Ash stumble over something on the floor, he climb back to his feet quickly, he just wanted to get away...away from these - unnatural things. He paused as Emma spoke.

" can release her now, she will behave... won't you Anna," she said, kneeling to place a hand on the side of Jayne's face.

Leon dropped his arms and fell back on his backside, wiping his damp brow on the sleeve of the sky-blue shirt he wore. The yellow fire in his eyes extinguished but did not retain its normal ocean blue, remaining golden like the sun.

Ash turned warily to Anna, ready to run if she even looked at him cross-eyed. To his amazement, she remained where she dropped to the floor, leaning casually against the wall, pretending as if nothing had happened, though she watched Emma carefully under hooded eyes.

"Gees...I thought you had forgotten me," groaned Leon, struggling to talk and breathe at the same time. Emma went crimson in embarrassment, the green fire in her eyes winking out, as she climbed to her feet to stare up at Ash, her gaze turning to worry. Ash guessed she saw him inching away - his face a picture of horror.

For all I know - she's could be a bloody mind reader!

Jayne, still lying on the floor at her feet, moaned and cried out in fright, jolting upright and staring at Emma in shock. Her gaze fell on Leon and her face drained of colour. She sat trembling on the floor, looking nervously around the room searching, for something or someone. Her stare moved from Leon to Emma and back again.

Ash saw that the gash had disappeared, leaving dry flakes of red where it had been. Her mop of dreadlocks swung like golden tendrils back and forth until Anna whistled, grabbing her attention. Jayne snapped her head towards her and crawled over to her side, glancing worryingly around the room, then once at Anna's side her large blue eyes watched Leon and Emma like a hawk, who ignored her, both staring at Ash with concerned looks.

"Where is she then? Where did the bitch go? " snarled Anna, her eyes also searching the room. She tried to look calm, but the way her eyes darted around the room like Jayne's, told Ash she also was terrified.

Emma glanced at Anna and back to Ash not answering. Ash didn't have a clue what the spiky hair girl was talking about.

Emma had only eyes for Ash, her forehead furrowing in worry, her emerald eyes seeping concern.

"I can explain everything Ashley, but for now you will just have to trust me. Please."

Emma must have seen the fear in his eyes or noticed him make another nervous step towards the ruined doors behind. She moved unnaturally quickly and snatched his hand before he could avoid her. He tried to let go, but she held onto his hand like a vice. Her strength was also unnatural.

"Let me go! Get away from me!" he cried, frantically trying to shake his hand free from her iron grip as if her hand heated up to flow a warmth under his skin. The crystal extinguished and oddly remained cold against his chest.

"Please I beg you- you bloody freak leave me alone!" He cried, his voice breaking into a high pitch shriek.

"All of you, will you just leave me alone!"

She dropped his hand suddenly as if burned, causing Ash to stumble back towards his bedroom. Leon looked distressed, wide-eyed, his mouth opening and closing as if he tried to find the words. When their gazes met, he dropped his golden gaze in embarrassment to study his hands. Ash gnashed his teeth and clenched his fists.

"I trusted you. I...I thought you were my..., my friend," he barked. Leon flinched as if Ash had hit him.

"I am A-Ashy. I am," he replied, watching Ash move further away.

Anna and Jayne appeared to have regained their composure, both watching him with great interest. He glanced back at Emma who hadn't moved, but reached out to him pleadingly, her eyes glistening with tears.

"Please, Ashley, trust me, I can explain."

"No!" he shouted. "Shut up... don't you say another word. I don't want to hear your lies, your excuses...I don't know who or what you are, but I have had enough of people lying to me. All my bloody life!" He raised his hands to his temples and clasped his eyes shut in pain, visions of fire and his sister's face began to materialize, blurring and fading in and out. He reached out to touch her face and she was gone.

"Oh my god! I'm going bloody are all turning me into some loony nut job. I don't know what is real or what is bullshit anymore!" He held his head in his hands the pain becoming unbearable, he needed to get outside, he needed fresh air, to clear his mind.

"Ashley, no, be careful," cried Emma.

"Keep away from me you-"

He was so focused on the pain that he hadn't realized as he shuffled along, that the joining wall to his bedroom was now a huge gaping hole. As he leaned back, he met air, lost his balance and fell backwards into his bedroom.

A cry caught in his throat as his outstretched arms frantically grasped at the air in front of him. He spun his head around watching the carpet quickly fly towards him, when someone snatched his trailing arm, pulling him back out and spinning him off the floor to unceremoniously chuck him across the room onto the sofa, a couple of meters away.

It happened so fast his mind buzzed and his ears rang, he bounced once and rolled over hitting the carpet with a thud. The crystal under him pulsated in retaliation and came alive, flaring up against his skin.

"Well, that was not very clever, was it?" said a new voice, smooth and husky. "Temper tantrums at your age. While you're down there, why don't you roll around on your stomach and shout out that life is so unfair while calling out MUMMY!"

Ash climbed onto his side and shrugged off Emma's hand as she knelt beside him and laid it back on his arm.

"Are you okay? You hurt?" she asked, her eyes quickly searching his body.

"Leave him, sister, stop your fussing over the child, he's fine!" groaned the new voice. He tumbled over onto his back and bumped legs with Leon, still sitting on the floor. The big man grinned up at the newcomer like a lost puppy, ignoring Ash and leaned back casually on his elbows.

Emma gasped, peering over Ash's shoulder "Your bleeding Ashley, let me-"

"Get off me, Emma!" He snarled, peering down at his chest. When he had fallen on his front, the crystal must have cut into him.

Ignoring all the eyes staring at him, Ash frowned at his chest trembling, knowing what was about to happen. The crystal flared up into a pink neon glow and his blood began to be absorbed within. It was over in seconds, his wound gone, leaving a hot burning sensation, while the stone faded back to its normal magenta shade, though the red veins within seemed thicker and more dominant than before.

"Interesting," said the stranger leaning forwards onto the sofa's arm, staring at the stone. Ash looked up for the first time and peered into the stranger's face.

He felt his jaw drop and his eye bulge... he couldn't believe what he saw. He grabbed Leon's rock-hard shoulder in shock, his eyes remaining on the newcomer. Ash was unable to fathom what he was seeing.

"I know," said Leon chuckling on the floor next to him. "Incredible isn't she."

The stranger frowned at Leon and shook her head. An expression he saw every day.

"You're not dreaming buddy, or seeing double...well actually you are seeing double, but not in the way you think you're seeing double if you get what I mean." The big man chortled and gave Ash a playful slap on the back, his bare skin stinging from the impact.

"Meet Aimee buddy, Emma's twin sister," said Leon, patting Ash's shoulder reassuringly.

The stranger who saved him from the fall was Emma, but she had long thick raven hair, hanging wildly past her shoulders and eyes that glowed with an alien white fire, not green.

She turned from Leon to gaze intently at Ash. He blushed and looked away, quickly peeking again, transfixed and catching her gaze. A crooked knowing smirk slipped onto that beautiful face.

Emma's face...

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