Hybrid Harry

By CamrynHemmings10

17.5K 825 672

"How would you feel if you were a freak"?! *** Spencer- Just you average every day hippie skater girly girl g... More

Hybrid Harry .1
First day of senior year .2
The squad .3
Our little adventure .4
Crush. 5
Slumber party.6
Just a little JaJa before detention .8
Detention .9
roses are red Violets are blue
Fight club .11
The Family .12
Dinner with the Styles. 13
Sexual Edication .14
Skits . 15
Roof top.16
The big reveal.17
So wait...your a cat? 18
Wii sleepover time yay. 19
People talk. 20
Interrogation. 21
The exes.22
So wanna go to the dance with me. 23
Another Hybrid. 24
Homecoming part 1. 25
Homecoming part 2. 26
Quick authors note
Homecoming part 3. 28
Character Ask Part One. 29
Charecter ask part two.30
Running for my life. 31
Authors note and letter to readers
Let's save our boyfriends.33
Rescue Mission. 34
Home and cat fights.35
Please read!
Back to school.37

Day two. 7

716 25 39
By CamrynHemmings10

Harry's p.o.v

I can't help but jog into school. My excitement is unbearable. I feel like I could climb a tree or something. But I don't do that anymore last time I did I couldn't get down. Whatever. I run down the hall and them BANG! I run into someone.

"Sorry"! I say.

"Hey it's alright I should've been watching". The guy says. He has brown hair, brown eyes, very muscular, tall and tan.

"I haven't seen you before". He says.

"I'm new. Harry". I say shaking his hand.

"Liam Payne. I think Rose said something about you. I'm her boyfriend". He says. He shakes my hand really hard.

"Nice to meet you Liam". I say I go to walk away but he grabs my arm.

"Harry you should join the fighting team. You have really big hands". He says. I look at him awkwardly. I see Louis sprint by and yell.

"THATS WHAT SHE SAID"! He yells. Liam rolls his eyes but is smiling too.

"I don't really like the uniforms". I say. "They are a bit too tight".

"No no, that's wrestling. We wear loose shorts and pants in it plus no rules just fighting". He says. I think for a minute. Maybe I should do this. I could get fighting skills, make some more friends, and since the hunt for hybrids is happening I may need to fight back.

"That actually sounds good". I say.

"Okay stop by after school on Monday and you can watch the first practice! If you like it you can join in on Tuesday"! He says. I smile and nod and he does the same. We part our ways. I walk into my first class which is writing. I go to my seat in the very back and see Spencer not there. Kat looks back and I see her sigh and rub her temples. I watch the clock and see the seconds tick down. Then he closes the door.
She is to late. I sigh and cross my arms. Why is the poor girl always late. She runs In but sees she isn't on time. She plops down next to me.

"Spencer this is the forth time you have interrupted me". The teacher says.

"I told you I was in the nurse"! She says.

"Then you need a pass or for your mother to sign a slip". He says. "Detention".

"What!? Why"?! Spencer exclaims standing up.

"Are you actually asking why young lady"? He says. He turns around and starts writing on the white board.

"HEY". I yell.

"What"?! He asks. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I put my middle finger up at him. The class laughs.

"Detention for you too kid"! He yells at me. I grin a little. I sit back down and cross my arms.

"Are you insane"! She whisper yells at me. "Why would you do that? Only people I'm movies do that"!

"I am kind of insane though". I say. "Plus we were supposed to hang out today so I figured I would come along". She rolls her eyes. After many minutes of me taking notes and Spencer doodling the bell rings. It's music class.

"Bye Harry I'll see you later". Spencer says quickly.

"No wait I thought you were in this class". I say grabbing her arm.

"She is"! JaJa says skipping by. Spencer closes her eyes and groans.

"Come on don't ditch"! I say.

"Fine". She says and I see her look really worried. We walk into the room together. We sit near where JaJa is. The teacher jogs into the room.

"Sorry I'm late"! The man says. He looks so older then 22. He is Australian from what I can tell, tan, dirty blonde hair. "I'm Mr. Irwin". I look over and see JaJa's mouth fall wide open.

"I'm your new music teacher since Ms. Whitney retired". He says. "For our first day I'm going to hand out these sheets and play a bunch of different genres of music. Your going to describe the instruments, the form and anything else that stands out in the song".

"Oh no oh no oh no". I hear Spencer say. He hands me and Spencer a paper. He stops at JaJa and they have what seems like a staring contest.

"Okay so first we start with Latino". Mr. Irwin says. He presses play and I write everything down really quickly.

"Yellow". Spencer says out loud. Everyone looks at her. "Sorry". The song finishes.

"Uh okay now for country". The teacher says. Again I write everything down quickly. Music is my forte I guess. My cat ears can hear it better.

"Green". Spencer blurts out. "I'm sorry"! She covers her mouth.

"Alrighty then it's time for techno".

I write it and then look at Spencer. She is covering her mouth and closing her eyes. Her legs are bouncing up and down.

"Say it it's fine". JaJa whispers to her.

"Teal"! Spencer says. She puts her head down and I reach for her shoulder but JaJa shakes her head.

"Spencer are you alright". Mr. Irwin whispers to her. She shakes her head.

"May I be excused"? She asks. Mr. Irwin nods and smiles writing her out a hall pass. As she walks out he turns to me.

"Since your finished will you go see if she is okay"? He asks. I get up quickly nearly knocking the chair over. I go out and look for her. I see the girls locker room and I think I hear crying. I open the door a crack.

"Spencer is that you"? I question.

"I'm fine"! She says sniffling. I enter anyways. She is sitting on the bench. Her make up it runny and her nose red.

"Yet you come in anyways". She says. I sit next to hear wipe my shirt sleeves under her eyes.

"I hope you don't mind me asking. You don't have to tell me. I mean like you really really really don't have to tel-"

"What happened back there"? She says. I nod slowly. "Your going to think I'm weird".

"Believe me I have seen worse and I don't even know it yet". I say thinking to the fact I have cat ears and a tail.

"Okay so I have this mental disease. I wouldn't call it a disease, more like ability. It's called Synesthesia. I have a minor case luckily. It causes me to see colors when I hear certain sound like music or animal sounds. Most people it's everything but for me it's only certain sounds". She says. I nod for her to continue. "Whenever I see the color I feel the deepest need to say it loud I can't control it. I hate it".

"Hey I think that's amazing. You can do things others can't. Your brain can do more". I say tapping her forehead.

"But people think it's weird". She says.

"So what. I don't think it's weird. Your friends don't think it's weird. So just focus on the people you care about". I say. She grins. "So let's go back to class okay"?

"Okay". She says smiling. She takes my hand and I blush. My ears stick up luckily I'm wearing a hat. I walk her back to class and we sit.

"Just say it if you need to". I whisper.

"Okay almost done we are doing punk rock". He says. He plays the song.

"Maroon". She says.

"Yes defiantly maroon". I say. She grins. She write down her answer. The song plays and I try to picture the colors.

"Last song is pop"! Mr. Irwin says.

"Pink". She says.

"Yes pink. I agree". I say nodding. Mr. Irwin smiles and he stops the song.

"Okay so that was just to see what you guys know. I'll see you Monday"! He says. We all leave but JaJa stays behind. Strange.

"Thanks for doing that Styles". Spencer says.

"No problem Spencer". I say.

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