Change of Perspective (TodoBa...

By WokeASF

200K 6.5K 9.8K

When Bakugo and Todoroki get into a fight, what will Aizawa have them do? More

Intro Thingy
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five

Chapter Four

6.8K 199 257
By WokeASF

Todoroki's POV:

I wake up and it's still dark out. I'm so tired, but I had a nightmare. I was taken by the league of villains. I was in Bakugo's body, so I felt everything he did. I just felt pure anxiety. Is that how he felt when he was taken?

Well anyways, they took me and the tied me up. They tried to get me to join the league and I just kept refusing. They started throwing punches and telling me that I was already practically a villain and everyone thought I was. I had already knew that people thought I was a villain, but it's not really what I was thinking. It was what Bakugo was thinking.

I don't think it was a dream, but a memory. Then everything else happened. The thing with All Might, and us saving Bakugo, but I was looking at everything through Bakugo's perspective. It was honestly so eye-opening. I know what Bakugo went through. I don't think anyone else knows what they did to Bakugo. I feel really bad. I just feel really anxious now. I hate this, but I don't want to wake Bakugo up.

I should try to go back to sleep. Yeah, that's a good idea. I lie back down and close my eyes. I sigh heavily and try to get comfortable enough so that I just drift off into sleep.

About an hour later, I groan and take out my phone from my pocket. I'll text my sister so see if me and Bakugo can go over later to get the papers for the field trip signed.

Me: Hey, will father be there at noon? I need to get this permission slip signed


I then decide to play some games. I start playing crossy road. It's pretty fun and I always play it. I'm just thinking all of these bad things and I feel absolutely horrible. I hate that Bakugo goes through this every single day of his life. He seems absolutely fine. Like there's nothing wrong with him at all. He hides it so well and I bet even Midoriya has no idea. I bet no one even has a clue. It's so frustrating because his anxiety and depression is so strong and no one knew. Absolutely fucking no one. How could that be? I'm so pissed off now. I hate that not even I knew. I know I wasn't close to Bakugo, but I think that I'm quite observant because I'm quiet and I take in everything around me. And I couldn't fucking see that Bakugo was suffering so much.

He never got to have someone hold him or help him though these types of things. He never had the support he needed. He never had anyone to back him up. It was always him by himself going through things that people shouldn't go through alone. His parents pretty much ignore him and he doesn't feel like he's important enough to talk about it to Kirishima or any of the others. I feel it. I feel what he usually does, but he's always acting like he has the confidence. He has to be the one to give himself the courage to try. His parents don't ask 'how was your day' or say 'you did good son' or anything like that. I at least have my siblings to ask me and nag about how my day was.

I feel lonely. Absolutely lonely. I start crying. I grab the pillow and bury my face into it so I don't wake up Bakugo. He's treating me how he wants to be treated at these times. He's being here for me because he's always wanted to have someone here for him.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump. I freeze and stop crying. Fuck, he woke up. "Hey, what's up? Did you have a nightmare? Don't pretend that you weren't crying because I know you were," he whispers at me. I take a deep breath and pull away. He hugs me and I just start crying again. "I had a bad dream, but I think it was your memory," I say, trying to prevent a voice crack. "I-it was when you were taken by the league. I felt everything you felt. I was as scared and as sad as you were," I tell him. "You went through that alone. All alone. You never told anyone and you carried a huge burden on your shoulders," I say.

He just hugs me tighter and it honestly feels good to know that he cares. I don't know if he actually does, but he sure does make it seem like he does. "I know, but it's okay. Right now, I'm here for you," he says. I nod and stop crying a little bit after. "Are you okay? Do you think you can sleep or do you just want to stay up and play some games or something?" I think about it for a while before saying, "Um, let's play Minecraft." He smiles and nods. "Okay but I'm gonna brush my teeth first." I move out of his way and he passed through. I need to brush my teeth too.

He stops at his doorway when he sees that I wasn't following him. He gives me a questioning look. "Well, aren't you going to brush your teeth too?" I smile and get up to follow him. We get to the restroom and I realize that I still have the bedsheets wrapped around my arms. He grabs the toothbrush and puts some toothpaste on it. I try not to think negatively so I spark up a conversation. "So Bakugo, school is going to be weird tomorrow. We also need to go to my house to get the permission slip signed by my dad. I texted my sister to see if my dad would be home, but she hasn't answered. To be fair I texted her like at 5, almost 6, in the morning."

He nods when I say school is going to be weird tomorrow. He finishes brushing his tongue and rinses out his mouth to answer as I put some toothpaste on the toothbrush I'm using. He moves out of the way and says, "Yeah. It'll be weird talking to your dad. I already hate the thought of it. Your dad really pisses me off. Usually I'm alright with him, well pretty much everyone pisses me off but I'm alright with most of the pros. Even with your dad usually, but now that I'm in your body, I find him so annoying and that stupid ass flame beard is just so, so- um what's the word? Oh yeah fucking stupid."

I smile, trying not to laugh because then the toothpaste would go everywhere. I nod at his comment. I do think my dad's beard is pretty dumb. "So, about school. I was thinking we could just walk to school together everyday this week. You just act all pissed off that I'm following you and no one would suspect a thing because you're so mysterious and no one questions when you do anything. At lunch I'll tell Deku that I want to sit with you guys and that way we know what's going on with each other's friend groups at all times. Then if something happens without one of us being there, we can tell each other when we get back here," Bakugo says.

I had already brushed my tongue and I was now rinsing out my mouth. I turn around and nod. "Yeah it sounds good. Hopefully it'll be that easy," I say. He sighs and nods too. "I also don't want to slip up and call you Bakugo when you're in my body," I tell him. "Yeah, I know, me too. And remember, call me IcyHot, Half'n'Half, Canadian flag, Candy cane, or anything offensive that's white and red," he says. I nod and take in the information. "Do I take the pills now?" He looks at me and nods. Then he walks over to the drawer and takes out the two bottles of pills and hands me one of each with the water bottle that I've been using the whole weekend.

I take both pills and then give a thumbs up and smile weirdly. He laughs and rolls his eyes as he goes to turn on his Xbox. I just hope school goes well. I don't know how he does it to get through school, but I'll try. He hands me the remote and we both sit down on the bed. The bed sheets on my arms are very useful. They're comfortable and since the bandages on my arms are secure, it doesn't hurt. Of course there's also the fact that they prevent me from trying to hurt myself. Also since they're big, I can't really move my arms too much so if I try to hurt my legs, it would be so annoying and I don't have the energy to even try. I have a blanket over me and it's also covering my arms. It's only so that if Bakugo's parents walk in, they don't say anything.

I just really don't want to hurt Bakugo's body more than it already is. He goes through a lot as it is. I can feel everything he usually feels and the medication is working already. Even with the meds, his symptoms are still pretty damn high and it's crazy. The more I think, the more I realize how weird this quirk really is. It's very unique and it makes no sense.

"Okay let's go mining so that we can find some obsidian to go to the nether. When we do that, we can go onto easy or whatever setting you want to fight some endermen to get ender pearls to find the end. Then we can get so much XP and be even more strong," Bakugo says, excitedly. I nod and start to get some coal, my iron pickaxes, my crafting table, and LOTS of wood and torches. We start mining and time goes by really fast.

A few hours later, Bakugo's mom walks into the room as we're fighting some endermen for their pearls. I quickly remember that I'm Bakugo right now and look at her. "Hey we're leaving now. Bye you flunk," she says and closes the door. "Tch whatever Old Lady," I tell at her as I hear her footsteps die off in the distance. I feel a little sad that she just left so quickly and that dad didn't come say goodbye but it's nothing new.

Wait, she's never done that to me. It's Bakugo's mom, not mine. I'm not connected to her. I sigh and Bakugo yells, "Ah fucking Enderman stop teleporting away from me!" I laugh and help him out. We had gotten a lot of XP from mining coal so we enchanted many books. We eventually got looting III, so the Enderman started dropping two pearls. "Hell yeah," I said happily. I completely forgot about everything else.

After collecting around 50 ender pearls, we decided to take a break. It took forever to get that many pearls even with the looting because Enderman are hard to find. "Okay we should eat before we continue playing. Just another salad okay? Unless you're thinking of something else," he says. "I feel pretty okay right now. Let's go out to eat or something," I say. He looks at me questioningly at firstly before smiling. "Okay, I think mother left some money. She always leaves some on the counter for groceries or take out. Let's go check," he says as he gets up. "I also think I have money in my backpack," I say as I go to my backpack to look for my wallet.

He gets some clothes for us to wear out. I find my wallet and smile. I turn around and Bakugo hands me the shirt and pants he picked out for me. It's still cold out so it's just a hoodie and some black jeans. He has pretty much the same thing. I stick out my arms for him to cut the duck tape off so that I can take off the bed sheets. Then, I go over to the restroom to change. I change quickly so that I don't think about doing anything else and knock on Bakugo's door. He opens the door, now changed, and walks to his closet again. I see a basket of laundry and walk over to it to put the dirty clothes in there. "Hey, is this dirty?" He walks out with two pairs of shoes and nods.

I throw the clothes in there and he let's me choose which shoes I get to wear. I choose the black vans which leaves him with the white converse. He throws me a pair of socks and I out them on before putting on my shoes. I grab my phone and wallet before heading to the restroom to see how I look. Bakugo follows me. I walk in and we both stand in front of the mirror. "This is so weird," I say, looking at myself, but not really myself. I feel a little disappointed and disgusted looking at 'myself'. I hate this because I am not disgusted with Bakugo, but now that I'm in his mind, I can't help but hating 'myself' which is Bakugo and it's just all so agh. So weird.

He nods at what I had said and just sighs. "Okay we look alright so let's go," he says. I follow him and turn off the lights behind me. We get to the kitchen and he grabs the money that's lying on the counter. "Aha here it is," he says as he shakes the money at me. I laugh and we start heading out.

"So where do you want to go IcyHot?" I quickly think of somewhere to go. "Um how about some KFC?" He nods, slowly, in approval. "We should maybe get to know each other. Yeah?" He looks at me and gives me a questioning look. "What do you mean 'get to know each other'? We're in each other's body. I think we know enough," he says, amused. I laugh. "Not really though. I mean I know some things about you that I didn't know before, but that doesn't make us close. We should tell each other a out ourselves. Is that okay?"

He thinks about it for a second and nods. "Um, yeah. I think that's fine. Why do you want to get to know me anyways? Like why do you want to get close to me?"

"I just want to let you know that you have me as a friend, even if you don't want it. I know these are not the circumstances you wanted when you finally trusted someone enough to tell then about yourself, but I'm going to show you that I can be trusted with your personal life. You got that?" He had just looked at me shocked. We still had our own thoughts, it's just that sometimes we weren't in control of them. I think he has more of a freedom to think and do stuff on his own since I was already at peace and stuff. Of course my life wasn't absolutely perfect, but I was okay with it. I liked my life and I never had any mental illnesses. I know that he still thinks negatively of himself, but since he's in my body, some of the calming and regular thoughts jump in and he doesn't let anything get to him.

"That's really nice IcyHot. I don't know, but I think maybe we'll be good friends. I just have to get my life in order and figure some stuff out. I don't know if I'm getting better though," he says calmly. "If you let me, I'll try to help. I feel what you're going through. Literally. I'm going through it right now and I can feel how you've always wanted someone to be there for you through times like these. That's why you've been so warm and comforting. This is what you want and I honestly appreciate it so much," I tell him.

He looks at me sadly before saying, "This is hard to talk about. Let's talk more when we're in our own bodies. Right now let's talk about the easy stuff. Yeah?" I nod, completely understanding what he meant. I suddenly get really anxious thinking about school tomorrow. It's just a regular day like any other but I just got really nervous all of a sudden. I also start thinking about the league of villains and my nightmare. I wonder if Bakugo has them all the time. I think he does. I was hit with a feeling after I woke up last night that was like 'ugh again.'

We walk into KFC and decide what to order. We decide to order some biscuits and fries on the side with mash potatoes to dip the fries in. I love doing that but Bakugo thought it was weird because they're both potatoes. "It tastes great, trust me," I tell him as we wait for our food. He just laughs. He goes to fill up our cups and I told him to just serve me Dr. Pepper. He nodded and left as I checked my messages. I never checked them after sending my sister that one at almost 6 in the morning.

I saw that she texted me a few times but not a lot. I opened them up.

Fuyumi- He's going to be here all day. He doesn't have to work so come by later.


Fuyumi- He asked about you and I told him you were staying at a friends. I asked him if you could stay over for the rest of the week and he said it was fine


Fuyumi- Hey why aren't you answering? Also what time are you coming by? Do it before 8 because you know how dad gets


Me- I'll be by like at 7, thanks for asking him for me. The reason I didn't answer was because I was just with my friend


I put my phone down when I see Bakugo coming back. "I don't think I'm going to get used to seeing you in my body," I say. He nods. "Yeah, right back at you." While we wait, I decide to start asking questions. "Okay so now question time. I'll ask a question then you answer it. After you answer the question, I'll answer the same question. Then you ask a question and so on. Yeah?" He nods and I start thinking. "Okay so let's start with the basics. What's your favorite color?"

He laughs and says, "Blue or red." I nod and then tell him my favorite color. "Mine is probably red too." He smiles. It's his turn now and he asks, "What's your favorite show?" "Ooo this is a hard one. I watch too many shows that are so good. Let's see. Maybe How I Met Your Mother," I say. "I've never seen it. Well, I used to come across it on the TV when I was younger but never actually watched it. Well, mine is probably Criminal Minds."

"Oh I've only watched the first season but then I found another show and forgot about it," I tell him. He nods. "Well, you should definitely keep watching it." "Okay my turn," I say. "What's a word that you hate?" He cringes at the question. I guess he's thinking of that word that makes him cringe. "Ugh! I hate the word, peripheral. Agh, I don't know. I just can't stand it," he says, sounding annoyed. I look at him, amused. "Really? Why?" He shrugs and his shoulder eat his ears. "Agh I don't know. I just can't stand it. Now your turn."

I think about it before saying. "Well, the word baste." I cringe at the word and I see Bakugo cringe too. I laugh and look at him. "Right!? It's a cringy word." He nods and then they call out our number. We both get up and go over to grab the tray. There's only one but I quickly take it before Bakugo can. I laugh and we walk back to our table. We sit down and start eating. "Okay it's your turn to ask a question," I say. He finishes chewing the chicken. "Any favorite movie?" I nod. "Yeah. Pretty much anything like a musical. My favorite is probably Strange Magic right now. Heh," I admit. He looks at me weirdly.

"Dude what?" I laugh and say, "Ha, um yeah. It's pretty good. Let's watch it!" He laughs. "What even is that? Dude what?" I glare at him. "Shut up, it's good. It's a great movie and the songs are great too," I tell him. He just laughs and tries to catch his breath. "Phew. Okay that was funny. So my favorite movie is probably 2012. I actually kinda hate it because it gives me anxiety, but it's a good movie. I like natural disaster movies," he says. I go to ask a question after taking a bite of my biscuit before he interrupts me. "Oh! I forgot. You have to dip the fry into the masked potatoes," he says excitedly.

I grab a fry and scoop out a bit of mashed potatoes. I eat some and it actually does taste good. I look at him and nod in approval before taking another fry and dipping it into the mashed potatoes.

We ask questions back and forth. The simple ones like favorite animal, favorite pastimes, favorite food, mad stuff like that. I don't think about throwing up my food or not eating. I'm just having a good time with Bakugo and we're actually laughing at the things Kirishima and Kaminari do. We get up and start cleaning up to leave. I throw our trash away and Bakugo cleans up whatever crumbs we left behind. Thankfully, it wasn't a lot. We grab our drinks and get a quick refill before heading out.

On our way back to his house I remember that we have to get the paper signed by my dad. "Oh shoot. We have to get the permission slip formed and I left the paper at your house. Let's hurry," I say. He nods and after about 5 minutes, we get to Bakugo's house. I quickly run upstairs to get the paper and I get back downstairs to see Bakugo drinking his soda and looking at his, well my, hands. I grab my cup from the counter and we start walking to my house. It's around 6:30 and I barely realize how long we stayed at the restaurant.

We slow down because I still have a lot of time before 8. Bakugo just walks casually, looking at the trees. "Okay so just call him Father and be monotone," I say. He nods and grabs the paper from me. "Did you bring a pen?" I pat around my pockets because I know I brought one. I find it and hand it to him. "Okay so I think my sister is home. Just give her a side hug and say hi. My brother is at work a lot, so he's probably not there. Okay?" He takes it in and nods in acknowledgement. He already looks annoyed at the mention of my dad.

We get to the front of my house and we knock before walking in. Fuyumi walks in and greets us. "Hi Shoto. Dad's in his study," she tells Bakugo. He nods and they go in for a hug. "Hi, this is my friend, Bakugo," he says. I have a scowl on my face but I still take out my hand for her. "Hello, I'm Fuyumi," she says as she takes it. I nod and then Bakugo starts walking in the hall. He turns around to look at me so I can tell him which room is his. I lean my head to the right as I talk to my sister as Bakugo. He nods and knocks on the door. There's a 'come in' and he enters, closing the door behind him.

Fuyumi starts talking about, well me, Shoto. "He's really sweet and calm. Super quiet and mysterious. Do you two get along?" I look at her and nod. "Well, kind of." She nods and then Bakugo comes out with a now signed paper. "Okay well, we'll be going now. See you later," Bakugo says to Fuyumi. She nods and we leave. She seemed normal so I don't think she had a clue.

We walk out and start heading back to Bakugo's house with our almost-finished drinks. Bakugo sighs, "Well, this is going to be a long ass week."

Word Count: 4,146
Heyyy. It's 11:56 for me so it's still Tuesday!! I uploaded on time!!! Ik it's not Tuesday for some of you, so I'm sorry about that. I hope you all liked the chapter. Thank you all for reading and commenting and I'll fix typos later. I love you all and the next chapter will go up on Friday<3

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