The Unexpected

بواسطة lovejeleah

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A life full of second chances. a lot of my stories end up similar.. :/ المزيد



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بواسطة lovejeleah

Leahs pov

We're back home. It's been a few days since we've been home but I already have to be back at school today. Veronica starts next week. But now we need someone to watch her while Jen and I we're both working. So of course Jen asked her mom. Vanessa could only watch her on fridays now because of her job too.

So the day just went by normally. Pretty fast since it's been a while since I've been at work. Then during Jennifer's lunch, since I get out early the whole week, I had lunch with her.

I met up with her downstairs at the cafeteria but at the patio area.

"Thanks for buying lunch" She tells me as I open the bag. "Of course! How's your day going so far?" I ask her. "Good! Fast. I don't have too much to do today but it's going by smoothly since I haven't been here in a week. The pace I love" she said.

"Well that's good! You don't need to much pressure after a vacation"

"Exactly. How was your day at school? Any new changes?" She asked. "There's some new teachers and a few adjustments but nothing major. So I guess everything's fine."

"Have you met the new teachers?"

"Yeah they're nice. There's one that loves joking around. He's pretty funny for an old guy."

"Older teachers do have humor" Jen says and giggles. "Yeah hahaha"

"Ver doesn't have a new teacher right? It's the same first grade teacher?"

"Yup. No change in that"

"Cool. Hopefully I get close with her" she says. "Not too close. That's how I ended up in between your legs multiple times."

"Shut up!" She giggles.

We ate lunch pretty fast, then used our spare time just talking and talking to each other. I loved it. Just time for each other. Then it was coming to an end. We both stood up and threw our trash. Then I walked her to the elevator.

"See you..." she pauses and let's me continue. "I can't sleep over tonight but I'll call you before you and Ver sleep. I gotta be up early all week." I said. "Aw okaaaay" she pouts. "I love you though" I said and reached for her hand. "I love you" she responds and gives me a kiss. "Text me when you're home" she says. "Of course" I smile. She gives me a hug. Pretty tight actually. "Love you babe" I muttered in the hug.  "Love youuuu" she mutters back. Then we pulled away. I pressed the elevator button for her and made sure to wait till she got in.


School is back, I have new students and me being the coolest teacher, I had a present for each one of my students. Cause of course, every first day I get kids crying because they don't want their parents to leave. I'm used to it. But I have my ways to calm the down with snacks and candies. No I'm not gonna completely spoil them with junk. This is just for the first day.

Then as they day went by, it was lunch time. I walked out of my classroom so I could go to the faculty lounge and warm up some food. As I came back, I heard kids yelling. I looked but assumed it was just playing around. But I heard someone start to cry. As an adult I have to break apart whatever argument was going on. But I noticed it was Veronica yelling at another kid. She pouts and crosses her arm.

"You're not allowed to play with us" I hear the kid say..pretty much being rude to Ver. Then she starts sniffling..then crying out loud. I smacked my lips and walked over to them. Veronica immediately runs up to me while crying loud. She wraps her arms around my leg.

"You two should know that you have to share. That's not even your toys, it belongs to the school for everyone to play with.." I said and kept disciplining them. Basically they got in trouble and got consequences. I'm not just gonna let some little kids who made my little one cry, slide with it. Mess with someone I love, you're messing with me too.

Then I carried Veronica and took her with me to my classroom. She was still crying but a little less now. I sat her on my lap as I ate.

"You're fine mama. Don't listen to those kids. You can play with whoever and whatever you want because you're such a fun person!" I tell her. "But how come they didn't let me?" She asks. "Because they're mean but that's why they get time out a lot and never gets free snacks" I said. She sniffles and lays her head on my chest. "I promise you that you can play. They're just mean. But you're nice. Right?"

She nods her head.

I continued eating at the same time. She looks at me then.

"Want some?" I ask. "Yes please" she says. I smile and fed her.

"Yummy" she says. "Yeah? It's your moms favorite meal too but I wasn't able to make some for her today" I said. She just kept eating more of my food.

I grabbed a tissue and wiped under her eyes to wipe the tears away. Then I leaned down and gave her a kiss on her head.

After we ate, we still had lunch time left so I started cleaning up the classroom a little bit.

"I wanna help" I hear Veronica say. "Yeah? You remember how I would fix all the colored papers on the tables?"

"Yeah! I can do that" she says and starts helping. That's my baby.

The bell was going to ring soon so I had to finish up so I can get my class back from lunch.

"Thank you for helping me bubs" I wink at her. "You're welcome Lee Lee!" She says out loud as she walks towards the door.

"Hey wait" I giggle. She turns around and realizes what she forgot. She runs up to me and kisses my cheek. She learned that from the trip from Jennifer.

"Love you" I said as she walks back to the door. "Love you!" She cutely says. I laughed and walked out to, to get my class.

Later on I had texted Jennifer what happened.

"Thank you for making her feel better" she responds

"Of course. You know I have to. It pissed me off seeing them be so rude to such a cute innocent lil baby"

"Lol. I'm glad I wasn't there. I would've slapped someone. I'm surprised you took it calmly, knowing how tough you could be sometimes"

"Well I work there. I would've gotten fired if I let the real me jump out lol"

"That's true 😂"

I smile every time I text her.

I put my phone down for a few minutes and decided to have dinner then showered. Once I came back to my phone, I see 10 messages from her. I quickly opened it because I thought there was something wrong. Turns out, she wanted me to help her pick out some outfits online.

"Babe just call me" I responded. So she calls right away.

"So we're you fucking someone in the last 30 minutes? I know it doesn't take you that long" She asks me right away. "Shut up. I was having dinner and took a shower. But I like all the outfits you sent"

"I like them all too but I have to take some out because I'm on a budget" she says.

She shows me each outfit again and I helped her choose one by one. She just didn't wanna spend over $100. Her limit was $50-60 but what she doesn't know is that the ones we didn't choose, I'm buying it for her secretly with my money. Just to spoil her.

"Okay well now that that's settled.. I have an early meeting tomorrow morning and have no time to make food for Ver's lunch. But I do get off early so I was thinking after school we can go out to eat? I'll meet you guys at your place if you take her home." Jen says.

"Yeah sure. What time are you off?"

"Literally 10 minutes after you're off." She says. "Okay then that's cool. I'll buy her a snack to eat so she won't get too full for lunch"

"What snack?"

"Maybe something from McDonald's down the corner from school. I'll have her eat in my room like she did today so nobody bothers her about having McDonald's." I said. Jen smiles through the camera. "So you're the type to spoil her at school. That's cute"

I shrug my shoulders and smiled back. "She had my lunch yesterday too. Your favorite meal too. After I calmed her down from crying, I fed her"

"Mmm..damn I'm a little jealous now" she says. "Why?" "She's getting the attention I used to get from you" she jokes.

"You know I spoil you too"

"You do.." she giggles.

"And you better send me some pictures once the bra and panties set that you bought delivers to your place." I said. "Pictures? I'll send you pictures, videos, I'll even let you see it up in person on me" she smirks.

"Mm that's right" I smile and lick my lips while staring at her through the camera.

"Ha..I love you Lee"

"I love you" I said.

"I wish you were here" she pouts. "I do too"

"I'm getting too attached that it feels weird when you're not with me" she says. "Right? It doesnt feel normal anymore. Like I need you with me all the time. Sounds corny but it's true.." I said.

"well, maybe we should move in together?" She giggles. "You think so?" I ask. "Why not? I mean not right away. We gotta plan it out. But I mean moving in doesn't sound like a bad idea. You always have Veronica after school unless I end up picking her up. We're always with each other unless you have to be home cause of work. We could save up like I did for the car. Just slowly start thinking about it." Jen says.

"Yeah we can do that. Did you wanna move into a new place in general or move into one of each other's house?" I ask her.

"Hmm...I don't know. What do you think? Cause I don't mind mine or your house..but a new one would be a big ass step."

"Yeah..honestly..your place is bigger. I could see us living together there, more than my place" I said.

"I love your place though..even though mine is bigger haha..I still love every memory in that house. From our dating days to now.. like..I remember one time after you took me out on a date and we almost had sex at your place but we didn't..then the next date we did. Oh the times.." Jen sighed.

"We've had memories at your place too" I giggled. "I know I'm just reminiscing stupid" she says to me. I roll my eyes. "Well we will figure it out eventually. Good to know that we do wanna end up moving together one day though" I said happily. "Babe of course!" she laughs.

Jens pov

It's been way too long. Three days since I've actually got to hang out with my girlfriend. Weird huh? I only saw her when she dropped off Veronica. We've both been so busy. I've been busy with my family because we're planning another birthday. My aunts throwing this huge birthday bash at her nice ass house again and she wants me to buy everything for her. Why? I'm not sure. My cousin could do all of that..

Leahs running errands left and right for school. But she's been doing so good. I don't exactly know what it is but she had explained to me, since she's switching schools next school year, she's getting even paid more than they originally told her she'd get paid. She has two different projects that they've assigned her to complete throughout the school year so she's not just going to school, teaching kids, then go home. She has way more on her hands. But I'm proud of her. This is what she wanted when she first started college. Now she's finally doing it.

But anyways, since it's Friday, my mom came over to watch Veronica for the night. She's sleeping over anyways too because Leah wanted to take her with us out for breakfast. How sweet of her. But my moms watching Veronica so that me and Leah could go out with Vanessa and some of her friends. Some of them are my friends too but I know them through Vanessa. Things always go crazy with them everytime we hang out but they said tonight's a chill night. Let's hope it goes well..

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