WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

22.3K 1.5K 2.4K

In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

Challenge 4-Frogsmash

400 28 13
By SinnaMonnBun

"Great, more heights."said Velveteen as everyone arrived to their challenge destination.

"Whats up everyone, welcome to your fourth challenge on this season of The Challenge Rivals."said Hunter as everyone applauded. He glanced up at the suspended platform, "Looks fun doesn't it? Unlike your last two challenges, you guys might actually enjoy this one. Id like to call this challenge, Frogsmash. Heres how its going to be played."

-Played one team at a time, in same gender rounds.

-Each team must try to make it to the end of a 60ft platform without falling or being knocked off.

-There are swings attached on both sides of the platform.

-In the swings will be the other players of the same gender who will have to rock the swing back and forth (by pulling at the strings) to try to knock off the playing team.

-If one partner falls off the platform, the other partner can still advance.

-The female team that advances across the platform the fastest (or who makes it the furthest) wins.

"Why couldn't we do this last week?" said Chris.

"Ladies, you're going to want to get this win today because this week is a girls elimination week. Guys, you're going to go first. We'll start with the quitters, John and Roman. Start gearing up."

PreVC-John and Roman

Roman-Now this is a challenge I don't mind doing.

John-We haven't been performing great lately so....our time is now. This is our time to hustle so we can add some respect to our names.

Roman-Believe that.

Roman and John looked ahead of them at the 12 swings that each contained a male Challenger.

"Just a warning, you're not making it past us. Ya'll don't got a chance!"Chris yelled at them.

"ROMAN, JOHN, YOU READY?"Hunter asked, "GO!"

Immediately all 12 guys began swinging their swings back and forth.

John carefully studied the scene, waiting for the right moment to begin his advance across the ledge. Finally he made a dash for it as Roman watched. He carefully made it past the first two swings and stood in a safe zone where there were none.

He signalled for Roman to join him.

Roman crept onto the ledge as well but stood a distance away from John.

John took his time to slowly move along the ledge. Finally, he saw what looked like the perfect opportunity to run his way to the end. He sprinted as quickly as he could past some of the swings but was unfortunately knocked off by Miz's swing.

"YOU CAN KEEP GOING ROMAN!"Hunter shouted.

Roman had about 30ft again left to make it to the end.

VC-Roman-People call me the big dog but right now, the big dog gotta activate his cat like reflexes to get my ass across his ledge.

He observed the rhythm of the swings and slowly advanced, ducking and dodging from being hit by one.

Inch by inch he crawled his way to safety and rung the bell.

Hunter blew his airhorn signalling the end of their round.

PostVC-John and Roman

John-Obviously we had very different strategies. I was more focused on getting across as quickly as possible whereas Roman took his time to ensure he made it.

Roman-Its all about trial and error man. At least one of us got across.

John-Good job out there.


PreVC-AJ and Seth

AJ-I hope we can keep our streak up. We've had two wins in a row and today shouldn't be any different.

Seth-Watch me carry us to victory yet again.

AJ-You know what, I actually hope you fall into the water and drown.

"STYLES, ROLLINS, YOU READY?.....GO!"Hunter blew his horn.

AJ went first carefully onto the ledge as Seth watched.

AJ was sent swimming with the fishes courtesy Johnny.

"You're freaking kidding me."said Seth.

VC-Seth-The first swing! He couldn't get past the first swing!

Seth crept onto the ledge and was able to avoid the first three swings. He saw an opening and scurried his way further. He attempted to make it past the next two swings but also suffered the same fate as AJ, spiralling into the water. He could have heard Hunter and everyone else laughing from where he was.

VC-Dean-Not on my watch pal. You're getting clocked if you come near me.

PostVC-AJ and Seth

AJ-...There....isnt much to say. We freakin lost. We're in last place right now.

Seth-At least I was able to make it past the first swing.







AJ-*clenches fists tightly and storms off to punch something*

Finishing Results

Johnny and Tommaso- Both completed

Chris and Punk- Both fell

Aleister and Velveteen-Both completed

Dean and Miz- Dean completed

Kevin and Sami-Both fell

"Okay ladies, start gearing up. Bayley, Billie, you're up first."said Hunter.

Naomi was seen pulling Sasha to the side.

VC-Naomi-Right now, I gotta round up my troops because this challenge is the perfect opportunity to turn the tables. We have the control for this challenge. I need to make some moves asap. Im gonna play the game, the game aint gonna be playing me.

"I don't know if you've noticed but for this challenge, we basically get to call the shots."Naomi said to Sasha.

"How so?"

"We get to decide who makes it across the bridge and who don't. Listen, I won't my pull swing for you and Peyton if you don't pull for Mandy and I."

"Are you serious Naomi? Mandy's on my shit list right now and I would love nothing more than to see her plummet to her death."

"Sasha, put your feelings aside and start using your head."

Sasha looked at her as if to say, 'excuse me'?

"We have the opportunity to get Charlotte and Paige into the Stomping Grounds. Right now, we all need to work together to make things go our way. You can battle Mandy if you want but after this challenge is over. You know its the smart thing to do."

Sasha became very hesitant.

VC-Naomi-This is her time to show me where her loyalty lies.

"........Fine."she said.

Naomi hugged her.

VC-Naomi-I have a great feeling about this week.

"OKAY GIRLS, YOU READY?" Hunter asked

VC-Billie-Oh my god, being up here on this platform without any wires attached on me makes my soul want to jump out of my body. You have no idea how scary this is. And I have to avoid these swings that are trying to knock me off? You gotta be joking me! I think I'm just going to throw myself off! I cannot do this!


Billie took off running as she screamed all the way.

"What are you doing!?" Bayley asked.

Billie couldn't hear her through her own screams.

Sasha, Peyton, Mandy and Naomi were the only ones who decided not to rock their swings at them. Because of that, Billie was able to reach pretty far across the ledge. That was until she got hit in the face by Lita's swing. She stumbled but was able to hold onto one of the wires that held the platform up. Meanwhile, Bayley was making her way across the ledge behind her.

VC-Billie-I almost fell but I'm holding onto this wire thing and......I ended up looking down. Instantly my heart sinks to my stomach.

"Come on Billie! You can do it!" Peyton cheered her on.

Billie took a deep breath and carefully got back on her feet. As she attempted to go further, she was knocked off for good this time by Mickie's swing.

VC-Mickie-That was pretty stress relieving, not gonna lie.

Bayley eventually ended up getting knocked off by Alexa's swing and down she fell into the water, head first.

PostVC-Bayley and Billie

Bayley-I dunno....maybe we should start gearing up to go into the Stomping Grounds because honestly....we sucked.

Billie-We're not going into eliminations Bayley. Peyton said that the other girls has a plan to get Charlotte and Paige in. Are you living under a rock?

Bayley- Well we very well could be on the chopping block to go against them.

Billie-I really can't handle your negativity! You're always moping around like a sore loser!

Bayley-Well its not like I can carry myself like a winner because we haven't been winning anything!

Billie-Lower your tone! Jeez!


PreVC-Mandy and Naomi

Mandy-I predict a win today.

Naomi-Lets hope. Lets hope girl! We gotta hope.


Unlike like the last round, there were a lot less swings being swung. Alexa and Mickie, Sasha and Peyton, Billie and Bayley, AJ and Kaitlyn, Paige (just Paige) and Nikki and Brie all refused to pull their swings, giving Naomi and Mandy a large clearing to easily walk through.

"Are you fucking kidding me! What are you guys doing?"Lita yelled.

"PULL YOUR SWINGS! WHY YA'LL NOT DOING ANYTHING?"Dream shouted from the ground.

The only ones pulling were Trish, Lita and Charlotte.

VC-Charlotte-I don't know what kind of conspiracy is going on here....

Eventually Naomi and Mandy was able to get across the ledge without any problems and ring the bell.

VC-Sasha-Wow...I didn't know that they would get everyone to help them out. I thought it was just us in this plan.

Hunter sounded his horn.

PostVC-Naomi and Mandy

Mandy-I think we're the team to beat.

Naomi-Its a damn good benefit for us to have friends on both sides of the spectrum.

Mandy-Yea. We pulled a few strings and made some promises which we will fulfill. Lets just hope that no one can beat us today.

Naomi-We want this win!


PreVC-Paige and Charlotte

Paige-Im feeling confident about this one. The walking on the ledge with no wires attached kinda freaks me out but....I think we'll be alright.

Charlotte-Just be careful and follow my lead.


Charlotte took the lead and was the first to step onto the ledge.

As she tried to make her way through-

Brie and Nikki gave her absolutely no chance.

Paige's jaw dropped.

VC-Paige-So what I've noticed is that........every single one of those bitches are swinging for Charlotte and I. What gives?

Paige made sure that she had a clearing before she advanced on the ledge. She ended up stumbling which in turn she received a swing to the face from Mandy.

"You bitch!"Paige cursed.

VC-Paige-Right now I feel like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. And I still have a long way to go.

She got back up on her feet and crept a little further. She had her arms spread out to help with her balance.

The girls in the swings were exhausting their arms from repeatedly tugging at the swings for it to go faster.

Paige had about 50 ft left. She held her breath and tried to advance as far as she could have. Sadly, she was knocked off by AJ's swing.

PostVC-Paige and Charlotte

Paige-This is some bullshit *wrings out her soaked hair* Im pissed. Im fucking pissed.

Charlotte-How many of those girls up there you consider a friend? Every single one of them pulled for us! Are they your friends now Paige?

Paige-I definitely see the battle lines have been drawn. We are being targeted and I'm fucking pissed. I didn't even pull for Naomi and Mandy but they were pulling for us! What-what the fuck was that? Its over for all of them now.

Finishing Results

AJ and Kaitlyn- AJ fell

Brie and Nikki-Both fell

Peyton and Sasha-Both fell

Trish and Lita-Trish fell

Alexa and Mickie-Both completed

Everyone reassembled in front of Hunter to hear his announcements.

"Great challenge today everyone. As for the guys, Aleister, Dream....you guys won $1000 for being the fastest guy team to advance across the ledge. Congratulations. The rookies are killing it this season."

"Thank you!"Dream said gleefully as Aleister just nodded.

"As for the girls....there were two teams that successfully made it across the ledge. Those two teams are...Naomi and Mandy...and.....Alexa and Mickie. However, winning by just 10 seconds is the team of.....Naomi and Mandy."

"Hell yea!"Naomi clapped.

PostVC-Naomi and Mandy

Mandy-We did it!

Naomi-We did what we had to do to survive another week. Don't hate the player, hate the game baby.

"As for our losers....there were three teams in which both partners ended up falling. Those teams are Sasha and Peyton.....Brie and Nikki...and....Charlotte and Paige."

VC-Nikki-Oh my god like...please don't let it be us. I don't want to go into another elimination this quick.

VC-Paige-*crosses fingers* Not us. Please, not us.

"And.....the losers of today's challenge who will be going straight into the Stomping Grounds is the team of.......Paige and Charlotte. All of the other teams were able to make it farther than both of you."

Paige was already red in the face from anger. Charlotte just sported a look of disappointment.

"So fellas, remember this week you're in charge of sending in a female team to go against our losers. Choose wisely. Women never forget. See you all very soon for nominations. Take care."Hunter said as he left.

PostVC-Paige and Charlotte

Paige-*while angrily pacing up and down* You know what, I'm sorry for whoever has to go up against us because I'm going to tear them both apart!

Charlotte-From what I can tell....there was a plan made for us to lose today. There is a very clear divide in the house and we are being targeted. I hope you see everyone's true colours Paige.

Paige-They're pussies! They're all pussies because they're scared of us! They want to get rid of us because they know that they can never beat us in a final! We are the strongest fucking team here and thats why they're scared! I have a piece of my mind to give to all them when I get back to the house. They seriously don't wanna start fucking with me I swear to god *storms off camera*

Who should the guys choose to go up against Paige and Charlotte???

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