One Directions Big Break

By cboy650

67.1K 1.5K 447

Lena Cooper finally made it. She's made herself famous, not become famous by being Liam Payne's baby sister... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Authors note
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Authors note
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Third book!

Chapter twelve

1.8K 40 18
By cboy650

Lena's POV

"Hi, you must be Lena." Someone said with an Australian accent.

I turned. Calum Hood was standing there.

"That's me. Hi." I said, trying not to fangirl.

He shook my hand. "Calum." He said.

I smiled. "You're very good friends with my big brother. May as well hug me." I said.

He smirked. "You just want a hug from Calum Hood." He said.

I blushed and laughed, nodding.

He hugged me and I heard a high pitched scream come from the one and only Kathryn Henderson.

"CALUM HOOD!" she screamed.

I chuckled. "I should pull away." I said.

Calum smiled and hugged Kathryn, who looked like she might cry. "Calm down love." He said.

She was blushing like crazy as Harry, Niall, and Liam walked up.

"Hey Cal." Liam said, bro hugging him.

Niall was looking jealously at him as Kathryn pulled away. When was he going to tell her her he liked her?

"Calum, wanna go get Luke for me?" Liam said jokingly.

"Liam!" I hissed.

"Sure." Calum said. "Luke!"

A minute later the one and only Luke Hemmings stood in front of me.

"Whoa! Liam! Hey mate!" he cried.

He hugged my brother and then hugged Harry. Then he turned to me. "Hello, is this the lovely Lena?" he asked.

I nodded. He laughed, opened his arms, and I hugged him tightly.

The second he let me go, Harry pulled me into his arms possessively.

Luke smirked and bro hugged Niall. Liam sent a glare at Harry, which Harry sent right back.

Uh oh.

Big brother versus boyfriend. Not good.

I sent Liam a "calm down" look, and then squeezed Harrys hand to send the same message.

"Come dance with me." He murmured in my ear.

"Are you going to kill someone of they watch?" I whispered back.

I felt him smile. "I'll try not to." He said.

"You promise?" I asked with a smile.


I giggled as he pulled me onto the dance floor.


Liam's POV

It'd been almost three weeks since Sophia and I got into our fight and I couldn't stand it anymore. She's wasn't answering my phone calls, my texts, my voicemails, nothing. I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't talk to Lena about it. She tried to listen but her hatred towards my girlfriend made it hard. Harry, of course, sided with Lena. Niall wasn't good when it came to relationships and Zayn was better at listening to Lena. As for Louis, I didn't see him giving me good advice either.

I groaned and flopped back onto the couch.

"You okay Liam?" Kathryn asked from the doorway.

"I'm fine. A bit annoyed." I said.

She sat next to me. "Me too." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Lena has been busy lately. I'm kinda tired of following Stacey Kelley around." She said.

I frowned. Lena's name was so pretty. Why did Simon want to change it?

Because you're her brother, idiot.

I just hoped that, if Lena ever stopped being Stacey, she wouldn't turn out like Miley Cyrus did after Hannah Montana. Not that I didn't like Miley-she was super talented-I did not want my sister twerking in next to no clothes. Although it wouldn't matter what I thought soon enough. Lena turned eighteen in three days.

I shivered when I imagined her twerking.

"Why are you annoyed?" Kathryn asked me.

"Sophia doesn't wanna talk to me." I said.


"Because I took Lena's side when they fought." I said.

Kathryn sat forward. "Still? Damn. Bitch holds a grudge." She said

"Yeah, she really does." I said.

"Maybe Lena should call her. Apologize and shit." Kat suggested.

"No. Lena wouldn't do it anyway." I said.

"She might. If you give her those brown eyes." Kathryn said.

I laughed. She was such a fangirl. "Maybe I'll try if Sophia doesn't pick up." I said.

She smiled and then Harry came in, followed by Louis and Niall.

"Lena's interview starts in two minutes." Harry said, throwing himself into a chair.

Kathryn grabbed a remote and turned on the tv. "What channel, Curly?" she asked.

"Curly" was Kathryn's own nickname for Harry. I, personally, loved it, whereas Lena and Harry hated it.

"Five." Harry muttered.

Kathryn changed the channel and Louis ran to the stairs.


"One minute!" Harry corrected him.

"ONE MINUTE BITCHES!" Lou shouted.

"Jesus Louis! We're coming!" Lottie yelled.

He came and launched himself onto the couch. "Watch it Louis!" Kathryn yelled.

Niall was glaring at me. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said, sitting in the chair across the room from me.


Lottie and Zayn came down and took up the last two places on the couch just as Lena's interview started.

"Ladies and gentleman Stacey Kelley!" he exclaimed.

Lena, I had to admit, looked lovely as Stacey. But I'd always think my sister was prettiest as herself.

"And, our surprise guest, Ed Sheeran!" Shouted the interviewer.

There was the familiar red haired mate of Harrys that was now fake-dating Stacey.

Ed hugged Stacey and they sat down together. People were cheering loudly.

"So, how's London's new power couple?" the interviewer asked.

Ed smiled. Fake-dating or not, he'd better treat her right or I was kicking his ass.

"We're wonderful. I think I'm in love." He said.

Lena-Stacey-blushed a little and smiled. "Awe, Eddie!" she cried.

He smiled more and put his arm around her.

"Well isn't that the sweetest thing." Said the interviewer. "So, I believe Stacey has already been asked this been asked this already, but I'm going to ask anyway. How'd you two meet?"

Now it was Stacey who answered. "We met through Harry, who I met through Louis." She said.

"Who she met through Lottie." Ed said.

"How nice! And who made the first move?" he asked.

Ed grinned. "I was over visiting Harry when I saw Stacey playfully arguing with Lottie. Then Louis came in-I'm sure most people know Louis is quite the witty one-and started to defend his sister. Stacey made him look like a child and I don't know, something about her intelligence had me hooked. I started talking to her that night and we hit it off." He said.

"Yeah, but it only took you like, forever, to ask me out." Stacey joked.

"It took me me three days, love." Ed said.

I glanced over at Harry to see how he was taking this. He didn't look happy, but he could be angrier.

"Yeah but it felt like forever." Lena said.

Ed laughed and kissed her cheek. "So, where did you go for your first date?" The interviewer asked.

"He took me skating. Word of advice, if you can't skate then don't say you can. I can't tell you how many times he pulled my off my butt." Stacey said, laughing.

Ed laughed. "It was cute when you pouted though." He said.

"When was the first kiss?" the interviewer asked.

"I kissed her on our third date." Ed said immediately. "We were out on a walk in London and I told her to look up at the stars, and when she looked back down I kissed her."

"Awe!" the interviewer exclaimed. "Stacey, what did you think?"

"I was so happy." She said, smiling up at Ed.

"So, we know Broken Music Box by Stacey is about you, Ed. But do you have a song about her?" the guy asked.

Ed thought about it. "Sing." He said. "I wrote that about a date we had in a bar."

"Wonderful!" he cried. "Okay, Stacey. Broken Music Box has that one line, 'only he can unlock my broken music box.' So, what about the line, 'they've been gone for so long. What did I do wrong?' Who is that about?"

"He can't ask her that!" Harry cried. I had to agree. How could he ask that?

"Guys, you're acting like he has some idea of what Lena's been through. He thinks he's talking to Stacey Kelley!" Kathryn cried.

Okay, so she had a point.

"Um, it's about m-my family." Stacey said.

"Your family?" the guy pressed.

"Her family and her aren't on the best of terms. She lives with me." Ed saved her.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Okay, now he's annoying." Louis said.

"Not something I like to talk about." Stacey said.

"Well alright. One more question. When can we expect a collaborative song from the two of you?" asked the interviewer.

"We're working on one right now." Ed said.

"You are?"

"They are?" we all asked the tv.

"We are." Lena said.

"Well! That's amazing! I can't wait to hear it! and meanwhile, I've decided to call you Sted. What do you think?" He asked.

"Please say no." Niall said.

"It's lovely!" ed exclaimed.

"Very well! Ladies and gentlemen, Sted Shelley!"

Oh. My. God.

Lena was never living this one down.

(I tried to make it longer this time. Thank you all so much for reading and voting and commenting too! I love you all so much and I love to read your comments! Don't stop! they make me want to write nonstop for you guys! Also, I recently checked on One Direction's Baby Sister and it has 6k reads! That's amazing! I remember freaking out about 3k, and now there's 3k more! I love that so much thank y'all so much! Okay, I've rambled on too long!

Question of the chapter: What do you think of Ed and Stacey?

And, I've also got another question.

Who likes Luke Hemmings? Because my sister is writing a Luke Hemmings fanfiction!

It's called Falling For Him by kt_soccer.

This is her first book and I'm helping her with it, so don't be shy to read it.

Love all and I'll update soon!


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