Dangerous In Black (four)

By hals20t

254K 9.9K 614

Alejandro Martini has always been in charge of the business side of things; handling the deals and the money... More

Dangerous In Black (B4) Alejandro's Treasure
Quick Question
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Author's Ending Note
More Part 2


8.5K 349 47
By hals20t


Alejandro had left four hours ago and still Rome held onto the slip of paper with his number on it. Her hands itched to pick up her cell phone and dial it but she wouldn't let her feelings get the best of her. Alejandro had her heart doing flips at the way he'd taken care of her; it was unknown to her after her mother's death to have someone that cared enough or at all really. Rome had been stuck with her father, who only cared for his business and the money he made from it.

Rome sighed before tucking the slip of paper into a draw. Her attention immediately turned to the knock on her door as she stood up quickly walking towards it. One of her father's men stood directly outside, Rome recognized him but couldn't give him a name.
"Your father requests your presence in his study."
Rome nodded her head before stepping out of her room and walking in the direction of his study.

She knocked twice before she heard his voice tell her to enter and respectfully she bowed her in his presence.
"Father, you called for me."

"Yes daughter."

For the first time in awhile Rome looked her father in the eyes, which were cold and unmoving.

"You embarrassed me today."

Rome bit her lip , she knew this was coming ever since she dropped those drinks. And just like always she would take her punishment with respect.

"I've spent this time pondering your punishment."

Rome gulped, "Have you decided?" She asked.

He hummed.


Her back was dripping with blood as she trudged her way back to her room. Her skin stinging as she moved and unfortunately unlike other times, she couldn't see to treat this wound as she collapsed onto her bed, from exhaustion and tears. Rome was tired, tired of living in this house, with her father. Her sobs muffled as she covered her mouth with her pillow.

Alejandro wandered into her mind, his stormy grey eyes and his strong arms welcoming her into them, comforting her but alas, she was alone. Her eyes drifted to the draw where she'd hidden his number but she thought better of it. No, she wouldn't call him; she couldn't, he was probably busy anyway. So in her disheartened state, Rome decided it was best if she just slept it off.

In the morning, Rome had woken up in immense pain, the wound still not treated as she stumbled towards the shower. The room temperature water falling onto her back and she couldn't help but wince, although grateful that her wounds were being cleaned at least. Last night had been a punishment of a more serious caliber, she could still the remember the sting of the whip but it hadn't been the worst and Rome knew, it could always be worse.

Rome stood in front of the mirror with her medicine laid out in front of her as she scrunched up her eyebrows in sheer determination to reach where it hurt. Carefully, she treated herself to the best of her ability but she knew she didn't reach all that needed to be taken care of but with no one else to help her Rome would have to deal with it.

Two days later and Rome still hadn't left her room, her father, thankfully had left her to heal and wallow in her self pity, on days like this, Rome spent her time reading and drawing, mostly drawing with what little paints and pencils her father supplied her with. On her desk, near her wardrobe she kept all her completed pieces tidily on a stack. Today, she had just been doodling, drawing whatever came to her mind as her pencil moved quickly about the paper. Her eyes narrowing as she made the last finishing touch to her piece.

Rome placed her pencil down and gave her art work a once over before biting her lip at who's eyes she'd drawn.

Alejandro Martini.

Even in the darkness of her room, she could feel her blush rising to her cheeks and although she'd been embarrassed slightly from her unconscious actions, she chose to complete it. Her memory served her well as she remembered in detail every curve of his cheek and the pout of his pink lips and the way his chin dipped and the slight stubble on his jaw. Her finished product was almost as beautiful as the real life thing as she hugged it to her chest imagining that it was Alejandro himself.


Rome stood in front of her mirror with Kylana, her father's prostitute beside her. They were both getting ready for the function her father was hosting tonight. A function, Rome had not been aware of until yesterday. It was small, with only six people in attendance but with her father's need to impress, she knew it was going to grand and very expensive even with the small amount of attendees. Unfortunately, the Martini's were not on the guess list and now Rome was slowly filling with regret about not excepting Alejandro's request for protection.

"Rome," Kylana's voice called out to her.

She hummed in response turning towards her, Kylana needed help buttoning her blue sari and Rome gladly obliged and Kylana smiled thankfully at her before turning towards the mirror to style her dark hair, much like Rome's but was a few inches shorter. Rome looked over her appearance in the mirror. Her white sari, accentuating her curves and her long dark hair tied in a ponytail. Her green eyes standing out due to her eyeliner, Rome looked gorgeous as she caught Kylana's stare who gave a brisk nod and a small smile.

"Do you know what this is about?" Rome whispered.

Kylana nodded, "I overheard your father talking, these men supposedly want the same thing as your father."

Rome furrowed her eyebrows, clearly confused.

"You know he's not happy with the Martini's."

Not happy would be an understatement, she thought bitterly.

"He's proposing, they join together to take the Martini's down."

Rome's breathing hitched, "This function is supposed to be an undercover meeting to discuss the best way to kill them."

Kylana whispers again, "Sai believes they've become too cocky being at the top for so long."

Rome rolled her eyes, he's just pissed they haven't agreed to what he wants.

"He's trying good form alliances to kill them because he cannot do it alone."

Kylana nods before Rome purses her lips, dread filling her, she needed to warn Alejandro and she would do so right after she was done for the evening.

Both Rome and Kylana made their way to the entrance of the room where they are met by new faces that Rome had never seen. At her sudden arrival, she noticed the desperate gazes and the smirks before catching her father's eye who was in the center of the room with a man she did not recognize. Rome approached her father with Kylana right behind her as she bowed quickly before looking towards the unknown man who'd given her a once over, his eyes twinkling.

He was at least in the early thirties, his dirty blonde hair cut low and dark eyes making her uncomfortable under his gaze. His jaw was covered in a beard connecting his low cut mustache. He was tall and could have been handsome if he didn't give off that creepy, fucked up vibe.
"Rome, this is Fluer Müller,"

"Fluer, this is my daughter Rome,"

Rome watched as he took her hand and kissed the top, his lips lingering far too long.

"Hello gorgeous, nice to meet you." Rome could hear the German accent dripping from his lips.

"Likewise," she lied.

Rome zoned out as her father introduced Kylana who was behind her. Fluer seemed to be paying no attention to Kylana because his eyes still bore into her face as he licked his lips. Rome shivered feeling uncomfortable as Fluer extended his hand to her.

"Dance with me?"

Rome was not in the position to say no before slowly nodding yes as Fluer led her out. They seemed to be only couple dancing as the slow classical music echoed in the room. Fluer pressed her against his chest and Rome wanted nothing more than to squirm out of it. She could feel his breathing near her ear, his breath reeking of booze.

"Your father is one crazy motherfucker for proposing we go against the Martini's."

Rome gulped as he continued to speak, "-but his proposal would seem more appealing if you were in it."

Rome stilled.

Fluer chuckled, "You've enraptured me sweet girl,"

Rome did not feel the same way as she bit her wanting out of this situation when Fluer kissed right underneath her ear. Thankfully, the song ended and Fluer led her back to her father with his hand squeezing her ass, she wanted to get away from him but stayed put.

"Sai, I'd like to speak to you privately."

Her father nodded giving her a hard look as if asking what did you do before Fluer led him away.

Rome stood beside Kylana who was sipping champagne.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

Rome nodded not wanting to speak of it.

Moments later, her father returned with a smile to his lips, "Rome, there is good news!" He clasped his hands together.

"As a show of good faith, you will go with Fluer. Pack your bags and get ready to leave as soon as the night is over."

"Leave?" Rome asked quickly.

Her father rolled his eyes, "Yes child. Leave. Fluer has asked that he be able to take you."

Rome bit her lip to prevent profanities from slipping before her father pushed her towards the stairs to pack her bags. She caught Fluer's approving gaze before she hurried up the stairs, her breathing rapid. As she entered her room and locked the door.
No, she wasn't going anywhere, not with him, she thought as she stuffed whatever she could into a duffle bag. She was going to leave, quickly she grabbed the bag and ran out of her room and towards the back stairs. When no one was insight Rome unlocked the door just as she heard Kylana's voice.

"Rome?" She asked tentatively, "Where are you going? Your father sent me to check on you."

"I cannot stay here any longer!"

Kylana opened her mouth to speak but Rome cut her off, "Come with me!" Rome demands.

But Kylana only shook her head, "Your father and that man will notice you're gone soon, you need to go now."

Rome gives her a wide eyed look as Kylana helped her open the door, "Run Rome, run! Run for both of us,"


A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

the above picture is one i do not own

hope y'all liked it !

more to come


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