Element ➳ Sherlock x Reader

By SeraSki

285K 13.5K 11K

Sequel to my first book Sentiment. This is the probably the worst thing to read during class because you mig... More

The Wedding
A bullet, a sprain and Anderson
Sentimental Hickey
Dinner and Thomas
Let it out
The Cornfield
Outsmart The Idiots
No Pinkies
Nasty Glares and Pure Hate
A Little Domestic
Everything Hurts
What Happened?
Don't Leave Again
Define Proper?
The Witch
Captain Holmes
Play Dead
Moon and Star
Shooting Star
Restricted Parameters
Find Her
Sexy Supply Closet
Foreign Fangirls

Human Nature

6.2K 292 368
By SeraSki

Haha the pic of Loki above tho...

So random.

On with the story!

Tom had led me away from them, but not too far, they could still see us.

I got a text from my mum, asking me if I wanted to marry Tom.

I answered with a yes, before quickly shutting my phone off, regretting it for some reason.

I stared down at my feet, holding back tears.

Tom picked me up bridal style and twirled me around.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked, a bit startled.

"Trying to get you to smile, obviously. Is it working?" He asked.

I blinked at him a few times, with an expressionless face.

"Hm?" He bit his bottom lip in hope.

I bit my own, trying to hold in a smile.

My feeling of regret then began to fade.

I don't know how he does it but he can always cheer me up.

"Whaaat? Is that a smile I see?" He teased.

I giggled as he chuckled at my childish behavior.

He twirled me some more before he became dizzy and fell over.

We were left lying on the ground laughing, like idiots.

I had almost forgotten Sherlock even existed.

Tom turned over on his belly and looked down at my face.

"What the hell are you doing?" I laughed.

"I don't know." He said, before kissing me.

I let him.

Sherlock's cheating on me,

In front of me too.

Why shouldn't I?

It's not like he still has feelings for me.

But neither does Tom?

What am I even doing?

Is it right?

Why did he cheat?

Whatever happened to our sentiment?

It melted like ice on a hot surface.

Tom pulled away quickly when he saw my face.

I was deep in relatively negative dark thoughts.

"You okay, darling?" He asked me.

My mind became eased at his voice and I nodded with a smile.

I stood up with his help as he held my hand.

Then we saw Sherlock coming over.

"What the hell do you think you were doing?" He asked, getting dangerously close to Tom.

"Please, I should be asking you! I'm trying to calm her down from the pain you've caused her." Tom scoffed.

"This is irrelevent. You are irrelevant. Leave." He said, before taking my hand and attempting to walk away from him.

I shook my hand out from his own roughly.

He turned and faced me with much intrigue and hurt showing on his face.

"What are you doing...?" He asked, softly.

I slapped his face.

"What am I doing...? Sherlock, what are you doing?!" I said.

He kept quiet.

John had the most confused facial expression a hedgehog could ever have.

"You...go find some girl and start making out with her in front of me?!" I said loudly.

"Y/N...listen--" He said, before I interrupted him.

"No, you can listen. I'm done with this, do you know how much it hurts? I'm not gonna sit here and take this...bullshit any longer!" I yelled.

"I know I'm in no position to interfere but...don't you think she's had enough?" Tom said to him, more quieter, as he placed a hand on the small of my back to calm me down.

Tom was a good friend.

I know he kissed me and all, but I knew it was fake.

It was only to get my mind off of real-life problems, even though he didn't share feelings for me anymore.

I could tell this because of the sudden change where his pupils would not dilate anymore when he talked to me. They would always dilate when he did, but these past days they haven't.

Sherlock bit his bottom lip and ran his hand through his curls frustratedly, before he turned to glance back at the other woman who was not where she was before.

As if she had dissappeared.

I think she heard everything and got mad and left.

"Theres no point anymore." Sherlock sighed.

"What?" I asked, furrowing my brows in confusion.

"That woman...I was only pretending to love her because she was obviously sent by the serial killer himself, as a spy. I was hoping to get answers out of her but nothing worked, the only thing I had left was to charm her." Sherlock grumbled.

"Why would you do that?" I asked, weakly.

"I had to...I wanted to find the killer...I'm sorry, my sugar...truly I am...but I wasn't gonna stay with her forever, only until we found the killer." He sighed.

I kept quiet.

He had me at sugar.

"I've caused you so much pain...all for a stupid case..." He said, staring at the grass with bloodshot teary eyes.

My heart sank, and I looked at Tom, who nodded in approval of what I was gonna do.

I walked up and gave him a hug.

"It's o-okay...as long as it wasn't real..." I stuttered, hesitantly.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you didn't know it would hurt me...since when did Sherlock Holmes become an expert on human nature?" I sniffed and smiled.

"I've been a fool to not even know that much..." He sighed, placing his hands on my waist.

"No." I said.

"Yes." He said.

"No." I pulled away, to stare at his face.

"Yes." He said again, keeping his hands on my waist.

I grinned and ran away from him.

"Come back!" He said, chasing me around.

I could here Tom laugh, as John tried to get him to explain what had just happened.

We were, honestly, like little kids.

Easily forgiving,

and smiling at the littlest things.

Sherlock had been chasing me for five minutes until he finally caught me and tackled me to the grass.

"Got you..." He sang in a sinister tone that sounded very sexy.

I was tickled to death without any help from the two other men who just stood there and laughed for ten minutes.

"Now...lets go catch a serial killer." Sherlock said, while standing up and straightening his suit jacket.

"Bastard." I said, panting as I stood up.

"What was that?" Sherlock asked, with a raised eyebrow.

I knew he heard me.

"BASTARD." I said to his face, regretting it.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder as I hit his back yelling at him to put me down as he walked.

"Uh...Sherlock?" John asked.

"Yes?" He answered.

"The van exploded." John said.

"I'm well aware of that." Sherlock smiled.

"Then, where are we going?" Tom asked.

"Ring this house's doorbell, if you'd please, Tom." Sherlock said, as we stopped by the front door of the house we had hidden behind before.

"Don't you think it will be weird if they open it and see you holding Y/N like that?" He asked with a smile, after ringing the doorbell.

"Nah..." I said, after calming down.

"There's your answer." Sherlock smirked.

"Yea but--" John said, before being interrupted.

"Who are you people?" A woman at the door asked.

Sorry if its short I'm trying to make them longer.

Wow that sounded wrong.

Anyway, thanks for reading, commenting and voting!

I love you all!

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