WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

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In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

Everybody Hates Roman

396 32 32
By SinnaMonnBun

Dean was seen sitting out by the pool with his shirt off as Billie and Peyton iced his shoulders and back.

Everyone had just made it back to the house from eliminations.

"Damn, you're getting the king's treatment out here man."said Roman as he approached them.

"Its the least we can do. He deserves it after being tossed around by Cesaro like that."said Billie.

"I would have really liked if he had taken a shower first though."said Peyton.

"You don't like my sweaty body?"he asked.

"No! You smell disgusting!" she said.

He shrugged, "Deal with it."

Roman noticed the bandage on his chin.

"Your chin got busted up too?"

"Yup. Got a busted chin and lip and a sore and bruised back."

"Those are your battle wounds man."Roman said as he sat next to him, "Im glad you pulled it off tonight."

"Oh are you?"

Roman nodded and lowered his eyebrows, "Yea."

"Were you rooting for me?"

"As always."

"Don't bullshit me Roman. I know you wanted me gone."


"I heard your little conversation that night. You think I'm crazy don't you? You don't want me here because you think I'm unstable. I know you wanted me gone Roman so don't sit there and pretend that you were on my side."

"Alright. Im not going to deny that I said what I said but I only said that because I'm concerned about you. I think this is getting a little too much for you to handle man. Every single show you always have a mental breakdown. That concerns me."

"So would rather see me go home than win some money huh?"

"Dean its-"

"You know what, you think you know too much. Just because you're a Challenge champion doesn't mean you should go about dictating what other people should do. You're supposed to have my back no matter what-"

"I do got your back no matter what! Every single time you get your ass into trouble, who's the first one jumping in to protect you? What the fuck are you trying to say?"

"That you're a hypocrite! If I'm too much of a problem for you Roman then its okay to cut me off. I don't need fake people in my life. Im insane, I'm crazy, I'm unstable, don't let me be a burden to you. I don't want you to pretend to be on my side anymore."

Roman sighed, "Dean....you are....talking some bullshit right now. I don't know where this is coming from but if you want to think that I'm your enemy now then go ahead. I have nothing against you. I want the best for you and I want to see you succeed."

"Yea. Sure."

"This house can really change people."Roman said as he got up from his seat.

VC-Roman-I stand corrected. This show is getting to Dean. I think he's a little too sucked into it and he's making everybody an enemy. His mind is playing against him but...what the hell do I know. I think he has a vendetta against me now.


VC-Charlotte-So its 7 in the morning, I'm in the kitchen making breakfast and all of a sudden.......I see Chris.....wearing....my robe.

"Why are you wearing my robe?"she asked him as he boldly strutted around in it.

"Oh this old thing?"he flaunted it.

"Chris! Take my robe off now! Do you know how expensive that is?"

"Doesn't feel expensive."

"Nobody wants to see you in your tighty withies Chris."said Mickie, "Please....throw some pants on."

"Don't be a hater Mick."

"You know what....two can play at that game."said Charlotte.

She stopped what she was doing and raced into Chris' room.

VC-Charlotte-Im not the only one around here that has a signature look.

A few minutes after, she emerged back into the kitchen wearing a lighting leather jacket and two sparkly scarves with a notepad in her hand.

Chris' jaw dropped "You didn't."

"Christopher Jericho....do you know what happens to people who wears my robe?"

"You better not. I swear to god, you better not."

"Huh, do you know what happens to those people?"

"Fine, i'll take your robe off!"

"Chris......YOU JUST MADE THE LIST!"She said as she began writing his name on the list.

"NOOOOOO! MY OWN LIST!"He fell to his knees as he fake sobbed.

VC-Chris-I have officially become a broken man.


VC-Chris-So, Charlotte and I exchanging wardrobe gave me a great idea. Lets have a party where we all cosplay as our partner. I think it'd be a great way to bond with our partner and to say to the least, it'd be very interesting.

The party kicked off at 8pm in the backyard by the pool. It was truly a sight to behold having everyone dressed as their rival.

Peyton sported a pink wig, shutter glasses and one of Sasha's Sailor Moon t-shirts. Sasha represented Peyton by wearing a short brunette wig and an Australian accent. Roman wore denim short, tied his hair into a bun and tucked it under a baseball cap. John wore a wig to match Roman's hair and got Roman's tribal arm tattoo painted onto his arm. Even though he was unwilling, Chris allowed CM Punk to wear his scarf and lighting jacket. Chris painted on tattoos on his both arms and drew X's on the back of his hand like Punk did and also sprayed his hair black with temporary coloured hair spray.

VC-Chris-(as Punk)-Hi, I call myself CM Punk because it sounds so much cooler than my lame ass real name, Phillip. Im straight edge so that means I'm automatically better than everybody else. Im kind of a scumbag because I like to use women for my own benefits. That doesn't matter though because I'm straight edge and I am in fact better than you and my partner Chris Jericho. Truth be told, I'm jealous of Chris because I can never be as talented and as sexy as him. I have to live the rest of my life being mediocre. Whatever, I'm straight edge so..... I'm better than you.

"Ugh, I feel dirty."said Miz.

He was wearing a grey wife beater, a pair of bootcut denim jeans and one of Dean's leather jacket (that reeked of beer).

"You be careful with that thing."Dean pointed at his jacket, "Its expensive."

Dean was wearing one of Miz's long leather coats and a pair of his sunglasses.

"Expensive? This feels like it was made in a sweatshop! You be careful with my coat!"

"Cant make any promises."

The party was in full swing with everyone drinking and having a good time.

GC-Seth(as AJ) & Mickie (as Alexa)

Seth-(with a country accent) Lexi, please take me back!

Mickie-(twirling her hair) AJ! I love you but I can't! Im in love with someone else!

Seth-I don't care! I still love you! Lets get married and live on a ranch! We'll have a pig farm and drive tractors all day!

Mickie-Sure! But also.....I can't. We're not good for each other!

Seth-(crying out) LEXIIIIIII! How could you do this to me! I already bought a gosh darn ring!

Mickie-(shrugs) Adam's package is bigger.


"Get your drunk ass off the floor."Velveteen said to Brie who was drunk, sprawled out on the living room floor and laughing hysterically.

He stuck out his hand to help her get up.

"How did I even get here?"she asked while laughing.

Kaitlyn came and laid down on top of her. She kept on laughing.

"Somebody call me an Uber! Call an Uber to pick me up!"Brie slurred her words.

"Do you want me to call you an Uber or call Daniel?"Dream asked.

"Who's Daniel?"

"Yours mans!"

"Call me a stinking Uber!"

"Let me call your sister."he said.

"Call her and tell her I said go to hell."

"How you gonna talk bad about her while you're dressed as her?"Dream asked.

"Im allowed too!"

Sami came and laid down on top of Kaitlyn, adding more pressure to Brie.

"Its human Jenga!"said Sami.

Velveteen then added himself to the pile of humans.

Brie groaned.

"What the hell?"Naomi said as she walked into the scene.

VC-Naomi-I dont understand what demon entity possess these kids sometimes.

"Join us!"Sami yelled.

"No!"Brie said.

Naomi stared at them with her drink in hand, "............Ya'll are weird."


VC-Sasha-So I leave the party a little bit to go to the bathroom. When I come back....I see Mandy....sitting across Roman's lap talking to him.........*inhales deeply*

Sasha stood from afar looking on at the two. She saw Mandy offering Roman a sip of her drink (which he denied). They kept on laughing and carrying on as if they were the ones in a relationship.

VC-Sasha-Mandy...I know all about you. You AINT about to do to me what you did to Naomi.

Sasha marched over to the two, "Can I help you with something?" she said to Mandy.

Mandy looked at her, "We're just talking."

"Get the fuck up. NOW!"

Mandy rolled her eyes and got off Roman's lap.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you sitting on his lap?"

"We were just talking."she said.

"Funny. I don't remember ya'll being friends. You better know who you're dealing with. Im not gonna sit back and let you have your way bitch, i'll put you in your place ASAP!"

"Why the hell do you think I want your man? Are you really that insecure?"

"No, I just know that you're thirsty, thats why I'm pissed. Ya'll thirsty bitches desperate as fuck-"

"You're calling me desperate? Take a look at the mirror sweetie, then you'll see who's really desperate."

"Listen to what I'm telling you and stay away from Roman. Got it? Be gone!"

"Maybe you should tell him stay away from me."

Sasha slapped her, "I am NOT dealing with your shit Mandy! You gotta lot of mouth don't you?"

"Sash calm down."said Roman.

Mandy threw her drink in Sasha's face.

"You don't ever put a hand on me, bitch!"said Mandy.

Sasha grabbed onto Mandy's hair and Mandy grabbed back.

Roman quickly grabbed Sasha from behind and attempted to pull her away. However, she wasnt letting go of Mandy's hair. Mandy repeatedly punched her in her chest for her to let go.

"YOU AINT FUCKING WITH MY LIFE BITCH!"Sasha yelled as she flew some kicks towards her.

"Sasha what are you doing?"Naomi said as she came running over. She threw herself in between the two for them to be separated.

"KEEP PLAYING! IMMA FUCK YOU UP! IM NOT DONE WITH YOU!"Sasha yelled as she was being carried away.


"Bitch, shut up. What are you trying to do? Cause a scene?"Naomi said to Mandy.

"She fucking started it!"

VC-Mandy-If Sasha thinks that for some reason I have to respect her then she's dead wrong. She just crossed the wrong person.


Roman took Sasha and carried her to her room.

"You better sit the fuck down, you have some explaining to do." Sasha said to him.

"What did I do?"

"What did you do?"Sasha repeated in awe, "Are you stupid? First I catch you showering in front of her, now you have her sitting on your lap! Are you that fucking insensitive that you don't understand why I'm pissed!"


"If you want her, go get her! Don't let me stop you! You clearly seem to have some sort of bond with her that I never knew existed!"

"Mandy and I are just friends okay. Thats it. Stop overreacting."

"Since when?"

"I don't know. We just....get along. But just because we talk doesn't mean I want to get with her."

"I don't like it Roman! I know what kind of person she is! Do you remember how she was with Jimmy?"

"So you think that I'm going to be like Jimmy? There you go again not trusting me."

"How am I supposed to when I see you cozying up with Mandy? Don't guilt trip me into not being able to trust you because you're damn well giving me reasons not to trust you."

"So I can't have a female friend but you can have a bunch of guy friends. Is that fair?"

"Why are you playing the victim, you're the one fucking up! Furthermore, you don't see me sitting on any guys' lap!"

"But its okay for a guy to lick peanut butter off your boobs?"

Sasha was taken aback.

"You can't be serious right now."she said, "I knew you were going to throw that in my face one day and there it is. You don't understand me at all do you?"

"Sasha........You know what, forget it. You're right, I'm wrong. Im always wrong apparently."

"What does that mean?"

"Figure it out yourself. Im too exhausted to continue fighting with you. I'm going to bed. Do what the hell you want."


He ignored her, took his shirt off and got into bed.

VC-Sasha-I dont understand like...he's messing up but somehow he thinks that he's innocent. Im just ranting for nothing it seems. Why doesn't he understand what he's doing is wrong......I can't believe that we're fighting so much. It hurts because now he's mad at me and we're going to bed angry and....I hate it. I never wanted us to be this way.

Feeling overwhelmed with emotion, she left the room and headed somewhere she could be alone.

VC-Roman-First Dean, now Sasha. Whats going on? Everybody has it out for me for some reason.


"Why are you trying to start drama?"Naomi asked Mandy.

"Im not. I was just talking to Roman and Sasha got mad. Apparently she's paranoid about me."

"Well she has all right to be."

Mandy rolled her eyes.

"Listen....You know how crazy Sasha is. I don't want you getting into any trouble because whatever you do affects me-"

"She's the one who snapped! I was just talking to him and she slapped me Naomi! She's the one trying to cause drama, not me! Do you think I want Roman? Im not here for that. Im here to play the game!"

"Well Sasha wouldn't think that. Even though in your mind you're not doing anything wrong, Sasha's still going to think the worst."

"She's so fucking dumb!"

"Look, just calm down. Maybe stay away from Roman. The best way to make it to the finals is if we stay low. We don't wanna go around messing with anybody."

"Are you scared of Sasha and Roman? I don't care if they're targeting us."

"I don't want to get on their bad side because of you. They're still my number one allies."

"Yea but are you their number one ally Naomi? No, you're not! Stop treating them like royalty. Im sure at any given moment Sasha would stab you in the back."

Naomi sighed.

"Start thinking about yourself and stop thinking about them! Sasha thinks she's so great! I would bury her in a second!"

"Alright, calm down. Let it go."

"If she steps in my way again I'm going to fight back. I'll drag that bitch back to Boston. Nobody's scared of her."

Naomi listened on and said nothing.

VC-Naomi- I don't know if this altercation between Mandy and Sasha is going to affect us in any way. Maybe Sasha might want to pull some strings to get rid of Mandy and I because Mandy is messing with Sasha's weak spot which is Roman. After all,  she does have the power to get rid of us. Sasha and I, we're tight but then again....im basically handcuffed to the blonde devil. *sigh* I really hope this season goes by quickly because so far, its a mess.

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