WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

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In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

Elimination 3

421 28 7
By SinnaMonnBun

"Alright guys, welcome back to the Stomping Grounds."Hunter said as everyone applauded, "Lets go ahead and bring out our competitors for tonight."

Out walked Miz, Dean, Dolph and Cesaro.

VC-Paige-On the Stomping Grounds right now, theres nothing but a huge ring on the dirt with what looks like a bin in the middle. I sense something physical is about to go down and baby, I've been dying to see Dean in a physical elimination.

"Fellas, tonight you'll be playing a game id like to call Balls In. Heres how its going to be played."

-Played in two separated rounds. Each round will contain one player each from each of the teams.

-One player from one team will play offence, the other player from the other team will play defense.

-There is a ring on the ground with a ball and a bin in the middle.

-The offensive player must try to score their ball into the bin while the defensive player must try to prevent him from doing so.

-For each round, players will be given 5 chances to score as many balls into their bin as possible.

-If a player is knocked outside the ring, steps outside the ring or if the ball is thrown outside the ring, their ball is considered dead and no points will be awarded.

-The team that scores the most points, wins.

-If it comes to a tie, there will be an extra round.

A smirk grew across Dean's face.

"So boys, decide who's playing offence and defense and lets get started."said Hunter.

VC-Miz-I think this is the perfect opportunity for Dean to use all that pent up anger he has and smash the competition tonight. He's a pretty scrappy guy, I should know. But I don't know where his head is at. He's been talking about throwing the elimination and I don't know if he's serious about it. I mean, its Dean Ambrose, he's never serious about anything.

"Listen if you're just going to quit on me, let me know before I do all of this for nothing."said Miz as he and Dean was gearing up.

"Don't worry about it. Lets play some ball."

"You better not be pulling my leg Ambrose. Are you going to perform tonight? Or are you going to tuck your tail between your legs and quit like a chump!?"

"Shut the fuck up and let me do my thing! I don't need to answer to you."

Miz put his helmet on, "All the hate aside, I think this is your moment to shine."

Dean didn't respond.

PreVC-Dolph and Cesaro

Cesaro-I do not only have the brains, I also have the braun.

Dolph-Yea you do, I've seen you in the gym man. You go hard.

Cesaro-I think Dolph and I are at an advantage because we have been able to communicate better than Dean and Miz. Communication is key to having a successful team.

Dolph-We have nothing personal against Dean and Miz but tonight, we gotta do the honours and kick their asses out of South Africa.

Round 1

"Dean, Miz, which one of you will be playing offence?"Hunter asked.

Miz looked at Dean before saying, "I'll do it."

"Dolph, Cesaro, who's going to be playing defense?"

Dolph raised his hand.

"Great, go ahead and take your positions."

VC-Miz-Judging from personal experiences, Dean should be good and tackling so its best for us if he sticks to defense.

"Okay Miz, you have five chances to get your ball into that bin for your team. Dolph, all you have to do is make sure he can't do that. Got it?" Hunter asked. The men nodded.

"OKAY GUYS, YOU READY?.....GO!"Hunter blew his horn.

Miz clutched the ball and ran into the ring as Dolph trailed him. He proceeded to cautiously run around the edge of the ring before he attempted to charge at the bin. As he made a run for it, he was quickly tackled to the ground by Dolph.

There was a bit of a struggle on the ground but finally, Dolph was able to knock the ball out of Miz's hand, grab it and then throw it out of bounds.

Hunter blew his horn, "Okay Miz, you got four tries again. Get back into position. "

VC-Miz-Alright so my first try absolutely sucked. I need a new strategy.

"Come on Miz!"Alexa clapped.

The men got back into positions and waited for Hunter's horn. Hunter sounded his horn and the game once again began.

Miz teetered the outside of the ring, pretending like he was about to throw his ball, just to throw Dolph off. However, Dolph stayed hot on his tail.

He stepped into the ring and tried to make a run towards the bin. Unfortunately, he was tackled back to the outside by Dolph.

Hunter blew his horn.

VC-Miz-This is fucking impossible.

"What the fuck are you doing Miz? COME ON! GET NASTY!"Dean yelled from where he was.

"Get back into positions guys."said Hunter.

VC-Miz-Im pissed off, I'm annoyed, I'm panicking a bit. I am going to get this freaking ball in. I don't care. Im tired of being bodied by these guys.

VC-Dolph-Honestly, this is pretty easy.

"You guys ready?"Hunter blew his horn, "GO!"

Miz charged straight at Dolph. They both locked up and fell to the ground.

The roles were reversed and it ended up being Miz who tackled Dolph this time.

VC-Miz-Im on top of Dolph, the ball is between us. I have an idea and I just hope it works.

As they were having a struggle on the ground, Miz was able to push the ball from beneath him out onto the sand. He got off of Dolph and leaped towards the ball. He managed to get ahold of it and proceeded to run towards the bin. As he neared the bin, Dolph latched onto him.

"COME ON MIZ!"Dean bellowed.

"HOLD ONTO IT MIZ!"Paige yelled.

VC-Miz-Im right there. The bin is literally in front of me.

Dolph hooked his arm around Miz's head and tried to floor him. However, as he tried to pull Miz to the floor, he ended up dragging him over the bin, unknowingly giving Miz a chance to deposit the ball.

Hunter blew his horn.

"Alright Miz, you got one point. You got two more chances. Get back into positions."

VC-Kaitlyn-I am pretty shocked that Dolph is rag dolling Miz around like that. I didn't know he had it in him.

"Okay you guys ready? GO!" Hunter sounded his horn.

The spectating challengers roared with cheers as Miz was able to deposit the ball yet again.


VC-Miz-*dusts hands*Piece of cake.

Hunter sounded his horn, "Okay Miz, this is your last shot to get one more point for your team. Get back into positions fellas."

"No mercy Dolph! No mercy!"said Cesaro.

"You guys ready? GO!" Said Hunter.

As Miz ran towards him, Dolph also charged headfirst and bodied him, tackling him to the outside of the ring.

Hunter sounded his horn.

Miz angrily threw his ball aside.

VC-Mandy-I didn't know Dolph was that tough. It kinda turns me on. Im actually kind of hoping he comes back into the house tonight. We'll have a private celebration.

Dean sighed.

VC-Dean-Dolph and Miz basically has the same body type. Why the hell is Miz not putting up a fight against a guy who's literally his size? He was just getting tossed around like a punk in there.

"Dean, Cesaro, take your positions."Hunter directed.

VC-Alexa-This is going to be exciting.

Paige clapped, "KNOCK EM DEAD DEAN!"

Dean and Cesaro locked eyes as they warmed up.

VC-Dean-Finally I'm getting a chance to flatten someone. I don't only got days of pent up anger, I got years upon years of rage inside me that I'm gonna let loose tonight. Cesaro, brotha, id hate to be you right now because your ass is about to get knocked the fuck out.

VC-Miz-Im a bit relieved because I can see that Dean's head is back in the game. I knew that he wouldn't quit. He wants this way too much.


"Cesaro, Dean, you guys ready?"Hunter asked.

The two men nodded.

Hunter sounded his horn, "GO!"

Cesaro charged at him and got low. Dean was able to get ahold of him and floored him.

Soon, the two began wrestling on the ground for the ball.

"LETS GO DEAN!"Roman yelled.

"KNOCK IT OUT OF HIS HAND! KNOCK IT OUT OF HIS HAND!"Miz chanted as he anxiously paced up and down.

The two kept going at it back and forth on the sand until Dean was finally able to knock the ball out of Cesaro's hands.

Hunter blew his horn, "Okay Cesaro, you got four more chances. Get back into positions."

VC-Dean-I underestimated Cesaro. The guy's pretty strong.

The two were once again in their positions, like gladiators on the battlefield.

"Okay you guys ready? GO!" Hunter sounded his horn.

Cesaro took off straight towards Dean. Dean welcomed him with opens arms....only to body slam him to the floor.

"YES DEAN!"Trish cheered.

The two were once again locked up on the floor, with Dean on top of Cesaro. Cesaro got the ball out from under him and was able to launch it further away.  He wrapped his arms around Dean and was able to floor him. With Dean now laying flat on his back, Cesaro attempted to run towards the ball but was quickly taken back down by Dean. With Dean once again on top of him, Cesaro mustered up all his strength and proceeded to stand up, with Dean still latched onto his back.

"What the hell...."Naomi said in amazement.

"I can't believe my eyes."said Sami.

VC-Chris-Right now I'm watching as Cesaro use 6 ft 2 Dean as a backpack. This motherfucker's got some crazy leg power.

Dean leaped down off of Cesaro and the two made a dash for the ball. Dean was able to get to it first and kicked it out of bounds.

Hunter sounded his horn, "Cesaro, three more chances. Get it done."

Cesaro sat back down on the sand and removed his helmet.

VC-Cesaro-When Dean body slammed me, his helmet directly slammed into my face and ever since, I felt something was a bit off. Also, I began tasting blood in my mouth.

"Oh my god."said Dolph as he saw Cesaro's face.

Everybody gasped upon seeing Cesaro's face.

VC-Mickie-Cesaro takes his helmet off and....all we see is red.

"Is it bad?"Cesaro asked.

"Cesaro, honey, where are your teeth?"Dream asked.

"Alright everyone we're going to pause for bit. Cesaro, its pretty clear that you've been busted open so right now I'm going to need you to get checked out."said Hunter.

"Am I still in the game?"

"That'll be determined after you get checked out."

"Im fine. I don't even feel it. I can continue. I'll get checked out after."

"You seriously need to see a medic Cesaro. You're bleeding all over the place."Hunter sternly said.

A few producers came and escorted Cesaro away to the on site ambulance.

VC-Cesaro-I just hope its not as bad as it seems. Quite honestly, I feel fine. I just have a mouth full  of blood and a few teeth lodged into my head. Its not that serious.

30 minutes after

Cesaro was seen walking back to the Stomping Grounds with a medic. The medic had a short discussion with Hunter before she left.

"Okay, as I've been told by the medic Cesaro, you've lost your two front teeth as a result of colliding with Dean. You will be needing stitches to stop the bleeding."

"Got them already."

"Ive been informed that the injury isn't serious enough to take you out of the competition completely but continuing with this elimination could be dangerous."

Cesaro began putting his helmet back on, "Im ready to continue."

"Cesaro, you need serious dental work. Are you sure you want to continue this? Again, continuing this elimination can worsen your situation."

Cesaro slapped his helmet, "Lets go."

"Cesaro, you don't have to."said Dolph.

"Im ready to continue. Sound your horn Hunter."

"Okay...if you say so. Get back into positions guys."

"Way to go Cesaro!"Kaitlyn clapped.

VC-Cesaro-Im not going to let this injury be the reason why I was sent home. If I must go home today, I rather it be at the hands of my opponent.

"Im not gonna take it easy on you."Dean said to Cesaro.

"You better not."

"YOU GUYS READY?....GO!"Hunter sounded his horn.

Hunter sounded his horn.

"Cesaro, you stepped out of the ring. Two more chances to go."he informed.

VC-Cesaro-The only option for me right now is to get these last two points. If I do, then Miz and I would be tied and we'll go on to sudden death.


"Okay you guys ready?...GO!"Hunter sounded his horn.

With full force, Cesaro charged at Dean like a bull, knocking him flat onto his back.

Easily he was able to deposit the ball.

"WAY TO GO CESARO!"Charlotte cheered.

Hunter sounded his horn, "Okay Cesaro, you need to get one more point to stay in the game and move onto sudden death, got it? Get back into positions!"


"Alright guys, you ready?"Hunter asked, "GO!"

Dean took off charging at an oncoming Cesaro which resulted in them colliding to the ground. They both put up a struggle with each other until they were on their feet again. Dean had Cesaro in a head lock.  Cesaro threw the ball onto the sand so he would be able to fight back properly. He wrapped his arms around Dean's waist and performed what looked like a suplex. He quickly got up and retrieved the ball but when he looked over at the bin, Dean was already guarding it.

VC-Cesaro-Damn, this man is quick.


Cesaro took a few seconds to think about his next move. He carefully scaled the edge of the ring with ball in hand as Dean stalked him like predator.

"Make a move Cesaro."Dean said, almost as to taunt him.

Cesaro charged at him while also catapulting his ball towards the bin, hoping it would score. However, his throw was a little too far and the ball went flying over the bin. Dean noticed that he had launched the ball and quickly got out of Cesaro's way. He ran over and threw himself onto the ball while Cesaro tackled him. The men were once again floored as Cesaro tried to pry the ball away from Dean. Dean did what he could to creep towards the edge of the ring with Cesaro on top of him.

VC-Cesaro-I am getting sick of this. Lets end it.

Cesaro wrapped his arms around Dean's body and lifted him up as if he were an infant. As Dean was now off the ground, he quickly launched the ball out of bounds before Cesaro could have slammed him back down to the sand.

Hunter sounded his horn.

"YES! HELL YES!" Miz exclaimed.

"Dean, Miz, congratulations, you're still in the game."Hunter announced.

"You deserve it."Cesaro said to Dean as he gave him a pat on the back.

"You gave me a run for my money man. You're a beast."an out of breath Dean said to him.


The two teams reassembled in front of Hunter.

"This is probably the greatest elimination round I have ever witnessed."Hunter said, "Cesaro, man you have the heart of a warrior. You two teams really gave it your all and all of your performances were nothing short of incredible. This is how eliminations should be done. You guys truly made a statement tonight. Cesaro, Dolph, keep your heads high. Im sure we'll see you guys back here again. Unfortunately this ends your time here in South Africa, take care."

As Dolph and Cesaro took their exit, the Challengers all gave them a standing ovation.

PostVC-Dolph and Cesaro

Dolph-You seriously need to see a dentist and get your mouth fixed.

Cesaro-Yup. The next time I find myself in an elimination round I'm going to be wearing a mouth guard. And just to make it clear, I don't blame Dean for this. Its unfortunate that it happened but its nobody's fault.

Dolph-It kind of is his fault.

Cesaro-We're not going to be playing the blame game.

Producer-Do you think its still suitable to call you two rivals?

Dolph-Good question *looks at Cesaro*

Cesaro-No, I think its stupid. We're not best friends but....I don't think we're rivals anymore. He's not my favourite person in the world but I don't hate him....like I used to.

Dolph-*chuckles* Like you used to. I don't know what to call our relationship but we're not rivals anymore.


Dolph-Yea thats better.

"Dean, Miz, despite your hatred somehow you two managed to score a victory tonight."said Hunter.

"Yea, I think it was a good thing I got him all riled up a few days ago. He got to let that aggression out."said Miz.

"You guys had a great performance tonight. You two remain undefeated in eliminations. You can go on and rejoin the cast."said Hunter, "Well, theres really nothing much to say. You guys can go on and head back to the house, i'll see you very soon for your next challenge."

PostVC-Dean and Miz

Miz-I thought you were going to throw the game. What happened to that?

Dean-You think I was going to give up getting to put my hands on somebody tonight? Ive never done a physical elimination before so it was refreshing finally getting to do one.

Miz-Arent you happy that we didn't do the challenge this week? You finally got to kick some ass.

Dean-No, you dumbass. You think I wanted to go into elimination tonight?

Miz-Anyway, I think we had a great showing tonight so all the other male teams should be on edge.

Dean-What I know for sure is that a lot of people don't want us here. That gives me an even bigger reason to whoop ass. But let me tell you something Miz, if you ever walk away from doing a challenge again I will bash your face in this time. And no ones going to stop me.

Miz-You know what, I'm not going to argue with you. We won. Lets end the night on a happy note. Threaten me all you want. I don't care.


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