#1 Falling for the guy that h...


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Ashleigh and Anna have been friends since before they could remember. Ashleigh has an older brother, his nam... Еще

Falling for my best friends brother / brothers best friend
1- Did he just turn cute?
2- Living with the family.
3- Were like scooby do thats me and you.
4- Calm down bro.....
5- We may. not be close, but I got your back.
6- Hate is a strong word. Try Love.
7- Stage One: Denail
8- Stage two: Hiding these feelings
9- #TeamUn-Coordinated
10- Love-Hate relationships
11- How hypocritical of you
12- Circle of love
13- To girls one guy (part 1)
14- Two girls one guy (part 2)
15- Anna's News
16- Princesses advice
17- Telling you both
18- Anna knows
19- Telling one more
20- A journey to cadet camp
21- Settling in at camp
22- Chilling with my new guy friend
23- What are we?
24- Relationship?
25-School changes things....
26- Birthday awkwardness
27- Summer Of Nomance
28- Stage three : Managing the awkward feelings
29- Brithday wars
30- The only way to get over him
31- Telling Him
32- The get away
34- Even our parents talk about it cringe much!
35- Spreading Rumours
36- The guy
37- A broken heart - (The final chapter)

33- Suspicious behaviour

850 30 11

OMG 2.5K Thanks guys !!!!

3 chapters left after this. I can't wait to get this book done. For those of you that really like this story, you will hopefully like the shocking surprise at the end.

This is a filler, but a really important chapter, as it sets the final plot of the book. (Watch closely to what Anna says)


2 Months later>

"DAMIT" I exclaimed as my suitcase popped back open.

It was Valentine’s Day, the first day of February camp, I was excited I hadn't seen her in two months; Anna was going to be there, how cool was that? Her new school did cadets and we both had a camp today at the same place!

And no I did not buy myself chocolate and give it to myself this morning pretending that it was from some else, because I’m not sad! I have a life! I have tons of guys that would buy me something; this wasn't my 14th valentines in a row being single. I have a boyfriend every year.

"CHRIS!" I yelled as I rolled of my suit case.

"What?" He yelled back.


Chris was back from school, it was the February holidays next week. It was Friday morning today; I had school then camp later. We unfortunately always have to miss it for cadets. I didn't really mind though, the only thing I didn't like was This.Stupid.Suitcase.

"Chrisssss" I yelled again as he opened my door.

"What?" He said impatiently.

"Help me...." I frowned looking up at him.

He looked at my suitcase and laughed. He didn't even help me; he just laughed and left the room. I sat there with my bum on the floor, head being held up because of the bed, and legs inside my suitcase.

"I hate you Chris!" I called out.

Chris did eventually come back, he had Ryan with him. Chris had helped me close my suitcase. I looked at Ryan, he looked at me with no emotion, I looked away instantly. I hadn't properly seen him since I told him I liked him. We hadn't looked at each other at the same time since Anna's party. I was lucky I was dark toned, because I knew that I was blushing like crazy.


"Awww you’re blushing!" Ellie said as me her; Antonia and Tiffany sat down in the dining hall.

Antonia had asked me if I still liked him.

"How can you tell?" I asked surprised.

"I don't know I can just tell."

"Do you two have cadet camp today?" Tiffany asked me and Antonia.

"Yeh we do" I replied. "Have you finished packing?" I asked Antonia.

"No!" Antonia laughed. "Have you?"

"Yeh almost, I just need to put in my toiletries after I have a bath.

"Lucky, I need to finish packing." She said.

"Tut tut tut, leaving it to the last minute are you?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeh." Antonia admitted.

"So it Anna coming?" Kamila asked as she sat down next to us.

"Yep" I said taking a bite out of my 'Chicken'.

I had to have school dinner today, I had been given some sort of animal, and trust me it was not 'chicken'. This 'animal' probably dropped down from space.

"What is that?" Ellie asked as she poked her sandwich.

I should have gotten a sandwich, dam.....

"Dunno probably some sort of donkey." I shrugged.

"Better than yesterdays 'lazania' I’m surprised the food didn't start talking.

"Haha that's school food for you." I said as I opened my bottle of Yazoo.


After saying bye to my Mum, Dad and Chris; I dragged my suitcase towards the coach and put it inside. I smiled at my family as I boarded the coach. It was February camp, I was sick last camp and didn't enjoy the last few days, and hopefully I wouldn't get sick this camp.

I jinxed it.

After about an hour and a half, we arrived at camp. Anna was arriving tomorrow, I still couldn't believe the coincidence, and Chris didn't understand my happiness. "You saw her not to long ago" He would say. I didn't care, she was still my friend. Even though we were drifting apart, we were still close.

Chris and Dad are enjoying their time in Canada, I know lucky right! Chris won a scholarship and dad got a promotion, Dad lives with some colleagues, (mum made sure that they were all male) and Chris's new school provides accommodation. Chris is already starting to pick up the accent. Dad will never lose his heavy African accent.

I would only get to see Anna at night or during breakfast if I was lucky. Her contingent was smaller than mine. When her coach arrived the next morning, it was just the one. My school had two. We only used one and a half of it though. We would have one if the other school joint with mine wasn't part of our contingent.

Callum quit cadets, James quit, Connor was still here though. I missed James; I didn't know Connor and had stopped talking to Callum months ago. My mum had thought that Callum was my boyfriend, well he was, no actually he wasn't. Well he might have been, I just didn't know. People still ask me if we used to go out, I just say "No". Apparently he's been saying "Yes" oooops....

We had forty five minutes to wait for the mini bus to come back for us to take us to a training centre. I text-ed Anna and told her to come outside her billet and meet me by the hall. She had met me ten minutes later.

"Anna!" I said as I got up and hugged her.

"Ashleigh!" She said as we hugged.

"Oh.My.God. You looked hilarious!" I laughed as I looked at her in the cadet uniform.

"Shut up I look beautiful, you’re just jealous!" She laughed.

"Of what?"I joked.

"Oh fuck off." She said hitting my arm.

We had a small conversation; it was nothing abnormal, just the basic catching up. Until she asked me something that completely took me aback.

"Do you still like Ryan?" She asked me randomly.

I froze completely froze on the spot.


"No." I answered hesitantly; she didn't notice my hesitance as usual.

"Okay, because I was going to ask if you know if he has a girlfriend." She said causally.

He best not!

"Erm....I don't know, I don't think so, but then again I wouldn't know." I over spoke.

"Oh okay then." She said, and that was the end of that conversation.

For now.....

She seemed to enjoy mentioning my old-current crush on him....

And that was something that was not normal......


I didn't see her for the rest of the day until later on that night. We had done weapons handling all day and I PASSED! For the first time I actually properly passed! I was proud of myself, and not only because of that, there was a little boy in year 8 that everyone had given up on passing, even the staff, he had ended up crying and wanting to go home. But I had helped him. Guess what? The boy passed. I felt like a proud bird, whose chick had flown for the first time.

We would be going down to the range tomorrow to shoot. I walked down the semi-dark pathway with Melissa and Nisa, we were going to Nafee, Anna would be there in about 10 minutes.

"Boo!" She said as she jumped up behind me.
"Hay bitch." I said turning around to greet her.

Everything was normal again, until the next say. She had done it again; she mentioned my crush on Ryan. This was not normal, it was an avoid topic, not a 'hey let’s keep mentioning it topic'

*The next day*

The riffle shooting session went alright, It would have went better is my sites worked. I had riffle number 9. It was the riffle which's aiming whole wasn't fixed, so there was no accrete way to aim. Everyone who got that riffle said that they had trouble aiming.

I sat down at Nafee it was my third night so far, I wanted to stay away from my billet, and one of the girls had gotten sick.

I had bought a packet of crisp and a can of ginger-beer. Anna had joined me, along with Nisa. Nisa had bought a packet of haribo's, and Anna had bought a big packet of chocolate. We were all so healthy.

Nisa had eventually left, and Anna was rambling on like crazy. I wasn't really listening properly until I heard my name. What she had said scared me, how did she know?

".......So my mum keeps asking, does Ashleigh like Ryan? Does Ashleigh like Ryan?......."

"What?" I interrupted her.

"I don't know" She shrugged off, and started talking about rabbits.

That was the end of that topic for that day. Luckily Anna didn't say anything about my crush on Ryan. I had lied again, I had told her I didn't, she had believed me. I was surprised that she did, I had been constantly changing my mind and lying for the past 7 months.

Yes it has been 7 months, I mentally cry and scream every time I think about it, it felt like 7 weeks, but it's been 7 months. I had to face the fact that I had a problem, I had liked him for way to long. I shouldn't have even liked him in the first place. It was so wrong, so right.

I just didn't know what do to, I kept telling myself that I had to get over him. It was like the harder I tried, the deeper I fell. For more I left it, the worse it got. I had tried everything, I even used WIKKI HOW.

He had to reject me.

It didn't say that, but it could be the only way. I was trapped in a whirlpool; the water is love. I was drowning; I was giving up, I swam towards to the top, only to plunge back down. I needed air, I needed it. Air was hate, I wanted to hate. If it meant not to drown, then I will hate, hate and always hate. I needed to hate Ryan, but the water was too deep to get out.


It was day four and half of our room was sick. I had a sore throat; I was becoming sick. We all were, the girls started to hang out as just the girls; the boys the same. I had sat down by the table with Antonia, Melanie, Violate, Melissa, Kamila and Nisa; the girls. There were other girls in our contingent, but they were a few tables behind. Cole (Ellie's long term boyfriend, it's been what 5 months?), Connor and some other boys, were on the table behind me.

"So Ash....Who do you like?" Melanie asked smirking.
"Oh no-one." I said, I couldn't help but smile.
"Lair!" Violate, Melanie's side friend said.
"I know who she likes." Kamila smirked.
"Who?' Melanie asked.
"Anna's brother!" Antonia said.

Antonia found out in September, I didn't even have to hint who it was. She guessed it, she was right.

"Still!" Nisa and Melanie said, Violate also said it but was a second behind, I wonder why?

"Maybe." I said looking down embarrassed.
"Awww." Kamila said.
"Shut up." I said embarrassed, as I picked up a slice of toast.

*That night*

I was with Anna, Megan, and some girls from the year above me at Nafee.

"Haha Ashleigh used to like my brother, she wrote him a card saying 'I like you don't tell anyone' two years ago." She laughed. As she told a group of girls in the year above us from my school.

The girls had just found out that she was Ryan's little sister.

"Hahahaha so funny!...No! It's wasn't even two years ago it was three months ago." I corrected.

"Awww you remember." She teased.

"Bitch its February, and Christmas was in December. I don't need to be Insigne to calculate that." I snapped.

She laughed again, I wanted to push her off the bed. This was not Anna.

*The following night *

I had gotten to know Megan a little bit, she had found out from loud Melissa that I like Ryan. I was with Megan and Anna, they were walking me to my billet, it was 10:15. I had lost all my energy.

"You know she still likes him." Megan said.
"Yeh I know." Anna smirked at me.
Wow wow wow, she knows? She knew! Wow......

After being dropped off at my billet, I went to the loo and got changed into my soft and fluffy Onze, it had those foot things that you put your feet in. The girls were playing never have I ever. They weren't using drinks, they were using their fingers instead. Everyone started off with ten fingers up, and instead of drinking they would put a finger down. The last person who had at least one finger up would be the winner.

I joined them, it wasn't as if I had a life, so there was nothing for me to expose myself for. We being teenagers the game soon started to have inappropriate nevers.

"Never have I ever....Suck dick!" One girl said as we all turned to look at another girl. She put a finger down.

"Never have I ever had sex." The girl said, causing one of the older girls to growl and lose a finger.

It was eventually my go.
"Never have I ever been drunk." I said. Everyone lost a finger.
"Never have I ever smoked." I said, everyone lost a finger.
"Never have I ever.....Kissed a boy.....Had sex.....Been to a real party.......Lied about where I was going." I basically said everyone's life stories.

Antonia had pay back for me. She had two fingers left..

"Never have I ever.....Went out with Callum, liked Callum, been friends with Edward, liked Edward, Liked Anna's brother. Liked any of my friend’s brothers. Had Nigerian parents..." She was on a roll.

A roll so long that she took me out of the game......

I had found out that I really didn't have any sort of experience into what teenagers did. Little did I know, that was soon going to change.


I had arrived home the following Saturday, even though I was now completely sick along with everyone in billet 21; which was now referred to as the sick billet where everyone had the flu; I wanted to go back. I had found out something very wrong and disturbing, also completely shocking.....

 I found out that both my mum and Anna's mum had spent that whole week talking about my crush on Ryan. I was mortified but also curious, they knew something that I didn't know.....


3 Or 4 Chapters left of the book.

Ahhhh I can't wait to see your reactions to the ending.

I wanna know what you guys think of the book, I can see that I have a few silent readers, don't be shy guys..... Can you all coment on what you think?! :)

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