The Criminal's Mate

By bri72182bri

233K 8.4K 334

(Book One) Taylor Fox lives in the crazy city of Miami Florida as the top police officer on the force. She... More

Chapter 1: Bank Robbery In Progress
Chapter 2: I Will See You Again, Mate
Chapter 3: Cherry Red Ford
Chapter 4: The Dog Want's To Kill Me
Chapter 5: A Date With A Criminal? As If...
Chapter 6: Don't Get Caught...
Chapter 7: Six Seconds To Run
Chapter 8: I Need My Mate
Chapter 9: You Brought Her Here?!
Chapter 10: Ok Your Being Serious...
Chapter 11: 'Get Used To It' He Say's
Chapter 12: You Can't Control Me
Chapter 13: If It Kills Me
Chapter 14: Dead End
Chapter 15: I Have The World To Fight For
Chapter 16: Welcome Home
Chapter 17: Prank Wars
Chapter 18: Family Reunion's Suck
Chapter 19: Talk About Possessive
Chapter 20: Monster In The Closet
Chapter 21: Phoenix
Chapter 22: And Now Your Mine
Chapter 23: The Big Bad (Ticklish) Alpha
Chapter 24: Did We?...
Chaper 25: Powerless
Chapter 26: Home "Sweet" Home
Chapter 28: This Is A Test
Chapter 29: New Harmony City Limits
Chapter 30: A Glimpse Of Hope
Chapter 31: I Found Soren
***Important Author's Note***

Chapter 27: Homesick

3.9K 169 28
By bri72182bri

Chapter 27: Homesick

Dominic's POV:

"You expect me to help you after you cross my boreders without premission and break my warriors nose?" He asks.

"Will you at least hear me out? Please?" I beg. I have my elbows on his desk and my head in my hands.

"Go on." He pushes.

"I met my mate in Miami. This is going to sound crazy but, I'm a criminal, The Wolf. I worked for a man who had a rule that we can't love, can't have contact outside of our assigned group. I met my mate. I was selfish, I couldn't stay away. We got caught and he's been chasing us ever since. This man, he has her now. We had ran for months. And now I lost her." I take a breath and keep going, "My group and I seperated. I have no one but myself. Please, I need you help." I beg. I finally look up at him and see his stare is cold.

"I have no pack. I'm lone, my father kicked me out because I had no mate and couldn't run the pack, I wouldn't be here is I had someone else." I add. He's silent for a while.

"The man, what is his name?" He ask's.

"Aiden, Aiden Brooks." I reply.

"Aiden? Aiden is dead. Hunter sniped him about 2 or 3 days ago." He says.

I look him dead in the eyes. Soren, Soren has her.

"Soren. He has her." I growel.

"I will help you, but know I'm not doing this for you." He say's. I don't care why he's doing it, all I know is that he is doing it. Sadly my curiosity has me asking.

"Then who are you doing it for?"

"My brother. Aiden killed him years ago." He say's.

-----Taylor's POV----

It's been 3 days. Three long, painful, irritating days. The maid gave me a tour of the house, but I still get lost. Soren leaves from time to time, but never to often. He decided to lay off all of the maids so we could "be alone" from what I over heard.

For some reason he thinks were mates, luckily he hasn't tried anything. I'm currently sitting on the bed listening to the stereo that he gave me. I haven't actually tried to socialize with him yet, which is something I need to do if I want his trust.

Maybe I should let him think that I think were mates as well. I mentally shudder at the thought. Every day I have to take a clear liquid gel pill. It keeps my wolf away, and I hate it. The day I try to run, I probably will just slip it under my tounge and spit it out when he leaves.

I walk down stairs and see him on his computer. I remember trying that the second day I was here, he has a passcode on it. I sit beside him on the couch and look at his computer. Some kind of paperwork stuff I don't understand.

"What are you doing?" I ask trying to be as casual as possible.

"Work." He reponds.

"That's boring," I continue, crossing my legs Indian style, "can we do comething else?"

He looks at me and smiles suspisiously, "We can when I'm finished."

I huff and stand up, walking into the kitchen. I open the fridge and scan over everything. This is a huge fridge, paradise for me, if only I weren't in this situation. I stand up straight and continue looking, it would be my luck if he had Redbull. I haven't had one in forever.

I stand on my tippy-toes to look on the top shelf. I suddenly feel someone walk up behind me, Soren is a little to close for comfort but I don't say anything.

"What are you looking for love?" He asks, I hate it when he say's that.

"Redbull." I respond. He chuckles and reaches above my head and brings one down from the back. I swear this guy is almost a foot taller than me!

He hands it to me and I take it from him. I walk back into the living room and sit down. Once again he sits to close but I still don't move. Someone please kill me now!

I turn on Netflix and play World War Z. The last thing I'm gonna watch with Soren is a romance movie. (Does anyone else love that movie? :)

By the time the movie ends it's almost 6 o'clock. Watching that movie reminds me of being a police officer. I miss that, I miss Luna, Dominic, the guys. Everything. I didn't realize I zoned out until I feel Soren shaking me. "Whats wrong, love?" He asks, wiping tears I didn't know had fallen.

"Nothing." I say getting up. Soren stands as well and pulls me back into his chest. I wish I could hit him right about now.

"Tell me whats wrong." He asks softly. Wow, it has feelings.

If I tell him I miss Dominic, I'll anger him.

"I uh.. I just miss my job, basically my old life." I reply, technically I didn't lie.

"I'm sorry love. I'm sorry Dominic took that away from you." He say's kissing my forehead softly.

I mentally shudder, what he said angered me to no extent. Sure Dominic messed up, but he made me happy. I suddenly feel sick to my stomach. I run out of his grasp and to the nearest bathroom.

I empty everything that was in my stomach, I feel Soren holding my hair back with one hand and rubbing my back with the other. Something Dominic did when I was shifting. When I'm finished I feel tears leak down my face.

So this is what it feels like to be homesick.

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