Dangerous In Black (four)

By hals20t

254K 9.9K 614

Alejandro Martini has always been in charge of the business side of things; handling the deals and the money... More

Dangerous In Black (B4) Alejandro's Treasure
Quick Question
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Author's Ending Note
More Part 2


8.5K 348 8
By hals20t


Alejandro clenched his fists, his anger slowly spiking as he took in Sai who was seated across from him. The image of the hand prints on Rome's cheeks only amplifying that anger. Someone had touched her, in fact, hurt her and for some reason Alejandro felt the need to enact justice upon her abuser. Of course, he could only make assumptions about who had done it and would never jump to conclusions unless Rome, herself told him the whole truth. Alejandro leaned back in his seat, imitating his always composed demeanor; but believe, that he was going to find out exactly what happened to her and whom was to blame.

Sai was grinning like a cheshire cat before displaying the plans for both himself and Elliot to see. As Sai spoke Alejandro found his eyes drifting towards the back of the room where Rome was standing quietly against the wall. Her soft features facing the floor as Sai spoke telling them of the amount of weapons that needed to be distributed and in the frame time that the manufacturer wanted. Alejandro listened carefully before giving Elliot a look.

The plan, if they agreed would include the Martini's supplying a safe passage for the goods which Alejandro could easily make happen; not to mention the amount of the extra contraband they'd be receiving on their end for their services.

"Look at it this way— you'd be benefiting a lot in the future."

Alejandro looked towards Elliot before Elliot spoke, "Of course, we'd still have much to deliberate with our family,"

Alejandro noticed Sai's fist clench, "Alejandro— I did say before the deal is time sensitive..."

Alejandro didn't remove his poker face, "and I assure you when the time is right, you'll have an answer."

Sai looked like he wanted to say more but chose against it. Alejandro knew he had no one else to turn too because trusting anyone else could result in the shipment being stolen or an arrest; with this fact Alejandro kept his features calm before looking towards the back of the room where Rome was standing. Her emerald green eyes caught his and from his seat, Alejandro could see a blush settle on her cheeks.

He almost wanted to smirk at her reaction to him but refrained as Sai's eyes seemed to be boring holes into him.

"Say, where is your older brother? I've heard much about him,"

Alejandro straightened his back, "He's attending to another matter,"

Sai nodded, pursing his lips, "One of greater consequence I imagine."

Alejandro lifted a brow, why bring up Allegro now he thought as Elliot cleared his throat, "I think, it would be best if you were to show us what we came to see."

Sai's eyes lit up at the change of topic, "Ah yes! Of course."

Sai rose from his seat and Alejandro and Elliot followed; Alejandro noticed Sai nod to his daughter who fell into step with them and Alejandro let his eyes roam her body. She was by far smaller than him about 5'4 for the most and her head could barely pass his chest. He hummed inwardly imagining what it would feel like to have her wrapped up in his arms— but he stopped himself; none of that he thought, he wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

Sai ordered his men to open the doors to a room that was bolted shut. Sai let Alejandro and Elliot enter first before he entered as well as his men and daughter following behind.

"These are the weapons," Sai paused, "The same ones that will be awarded to you when you agree to the deal and my shipment is safely transported."

Alejandro took the rifle that was being handed to him, inspecting it carefully before he gave it to Elliot to hold. They were nice; but Alejandro had seen better but he wouldn't say that as he took in Sai's smug grin.

"Rome," he spoke to his daughter and Alejandro immediately turned his attention to the girl.

Her head respectfully bowed, "Please get these men refreshments,"

Alejandro watched her scurry out of the room before Sai turned to him.
"After Rome's mother's death, my daughter hasn't been herself." Sai admitted.

"How did her mother die?" Alejandro chose to bite the bullet.

"Heart attack,"

Alejandro's eyebrows shot to his forehead, "— she was so young too,"

Elliot gave him a look before Alejandro noticed Rome enter the room again. Her hands holding a tray of drinks before she tentatively approached her father just as one of Sai's men stepped out and knocked the tray out of her hand. The glasses shattering on the floor. The sheer amount of terror evident on her face reflected a feeling of displeasure through Alejandro; it hadn't been her fault, why was she so scared?

She immediately bent down to pick up the pieces of broken glass and Alejandro quickly not thinking of his actions bent as well, to help her.

"Someone get a towel!" Alejandro heard Elliot yell.

Alejandro looked towards Sai who hadn't moved an inch towards his daughter, his expression impassive. Alejandro looked towards Rome who was holding her bleeding palm.

"Come, you've cut yourself,"

Alejandro led her out of the room and towards where Sai had shown him to be the bathroom. He held her hand delicately, inspecting it, "it's not deep enough for stitches," he remarked.

Alejandro opened the tap and placed her palm underneath it. He suddenly caught her gaze and the sheer adoration upon it made him want to crumble.
"No one has ever taken care of me like this, since my mother passed." She whispered.

"Thank you," she whispered almost inaudibly.

Alejandro nodded, "You're welcome."
"I hope what happened won't cause you too much trouble."

He was hoping he'd get a reaction out of her from his statement and she did not disappoint. She gulped, her lips trembling, "You don't know my father,"

She looked away from him and Alejandro wanted her emerald eyes staring into his grey ones.
"Then tell me,"

Rome shook her head, "I cannot, it wouldn't be wise for either of us,"

She took her hand out from under the water, " I must....."

Alejandro didn't know what came over him, but earlier thoughts of never letting it happen again slowly withered away, "I know you know who I am. How powerful my family is, I can protect you."

Rome bit her lip as Alejandro lifted his hand to the side of her cheek. Her skin soft to his touch as she leaned into him and the affection made his heart skip a beat.

"I don't doubt you can, but I...... I cannot allow you to do that for me,"

Alejandro frowned, "—and if I wanted too"

Rome looked away, "We should get back."

Alejandro pursed his lips, "Look take my number, if anything happens, anything please call me."

He had no idea where it came from but he'd already done it as she took the slip of paper and met Elliot outside and for the second time he was leaving her, only this time he was scared.


A U T H O R ' S N O T E

sorry this took too long,

hopefully the update makes up for the wait.


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