Fast Times At Clairemont High

By MusicIsMyLife7121415

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Vic is an English teacher and guidance counselor right out of college. He's focused on caring for Mike and ge... More

Fast Times At Clairemont High


89 3 2
By MusicIsMyLife7121415

A/N: Happy Thanksgiving! Let me know what you are all thankful for in the comments! I'm thankful for you guys <3 Enjoy the special holiday chapter ^.^

Cameron's POV

"Cam can you set the table?" My mom called over the clanging of dishes as she cooked, and the voices of our relatives talking in the living room. I'm not much of a "family person" so no, I was not socializing.

"Sure..." I said. I stood at the doorway of the living room and counted how many people there were. Six in all. Great, five people I have to pretend to like all day. Yeah, my family is a little nuts, and considering I'm the only kid, well, I'm treated like a baby. I took out six plates and silverware.

"Oh, add two because we have more people coming." My mom added. I rolled my eyes, careful not to let her see.

"Great..." I mumbled. Thanksgiving. I have no problem with the holiday, I love the idea of appreciating what we have. And don't even start on the food; talk about food baby. I'm just not a fan of constantly being ignored by the people who asked me to be the flower girl for almost all of their weddings since they had no other choice.

I set all the plates down around the table and put silverware next to each. As I went I made a mental seating chart just so I could figure out who has yet to arrive. Me, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Aunt Sue, Uncle Dan... That was it. I couldn't think of anyone else who would be coming. The doorbell rang and my dad ran to answer it.

"Mom? Who else is coming?" I asked, wondering who I missed.

"Oh, you know the new neighbors down the street?" She asked. New neighbors? There were no new neighbors.

"Uh, no?" I said. She turned to face me.

"The ones who moved in at the beginning of the summer; your boyfriend Mike, and his brother. You know I didn't realize your teacher lived so close to us." My jaw dropped. The front door opened and I heard my dad talking to Vic and Mike. Oh this will be an interesting family gathering...

"My boyfriend?" I asked, playing dumb, even though she was wrong to begin with, at least with which brother... My mom nodded as she continued cooking.

"Yeah, I could tell by how much time you spend over at their house. I completely support that decision, even if he is a little goofy, anyone's better than Andy..." She explained. I would agree with her there for once. Mike had come over a few times and Mom met him. I realized I had to play it off like I wasn't happy to see my teacher though.

"But why did you ask my teacher to come over!?" I groaned.

"Don't you know their family lives far away? I felt bad that they would be all alone. Now shush and be polite!" She slapped me with a dish rag as she walked by to greet Mike and Vic. "Hi! It's so nice to see you two, I'm glad you could make it!" She started. The guys smiled as they came in and were quickly engulfed in an overly-friendly mother hug. "And Michael, I'm so glad you're treating my Cammy well!" She gushed as she patted Mike on the back. Mike looked completely lost at the statement and Vic gave me a confused look. I couldn't exactly explain what was going in in that moment so instead I stepped up to Mike and did the only thing I could to try to get the message across to both of them.

I kissed him.

Not a little peck, a real kiss. Like what Vic and I did at the concert. I made it look as real as one can while suppressing the vomit begging to come up. As soon as I heard Mom 'aww' I discretely shoved him away.

"Hey...babe..." I forced out between gritted teeth. Mike gave me a stunned look and a nervous smile back. "Hi Vi--Mr. Fuentes. Glad you two could come..." I choked out. He forced a smile but looked kind of upset that I kissed Mike right in front of him. I'm sure he understood why though.

"Well, come in! The food is almost ready. Make yourselves at home. Cammy, introduce them to everyone?" Mom asked before she went back to the kitchen. I nodded back to her and as soon as she was gone I dragged Vic and Mike to the study and shut the door.

"Oh my god what are you two doing here!?" I practically screamed.

"Your mom asked us to come. I tried texting you this morning but you never answered." Vic said. I had been helping set up all morning and hadn't heard my phone. I sighed and thought about the situation.

"Okay, well, Mike, I guess you're my boyfriend. Vic, you and I don't get along." Mike nodded and I shoved him out of the room. I was about to do the same to Vic but he held my arms back.

"Why did you have to make Mike your boyfriend?" He asked. I sighed and kissed him.

"My mom got the idea somehow and I just let her believe it. Anything else?" He nodded and relaxed a bit before continuing.

"Yeah, so...Cammy?" He mocked. I blushed at the embarrassing nickname and shoved him out.

"Shut up." I muttered. I followed the two out and introduced everyone to them as my boyfriend and teacher. Little did they know it was really my boyfriend the teacher.

"The turkey's ready!" My mom called from the kitchen. Me being me, I shoved everyone out of my way as I bolted to the table, practically drooling. My theory is that I can go all day without eating and then shove more of the good food down my throat all at once. As everyone filed in I quickly pulled Mike's arm and sat him next to me. Vic stood awkwardly, waiting for everyone to take a seat until my mom did the same to him as I had to Mike and pulled him down next to her.

"Wow Mr. Fuentes, you're so young! How long have you been teaching?" Mom asked, a little more enthusiastic than was probably necessary.

"Uh, I graduated college last year. This is my first real teaching job..." Vic said, trying to subtly move away from my mom.

"Oh wow, congratulations!" She gushed. I looked past Mike and saw her drop a hand on Vic's knee. He tensed up and gave me a panicked look. "You have a gift for it; my Cammy has been so much more attentive lately, I'm sure it's because of you." I almost scoffed at her. Because of Vic I'm less attentive! At least in English... Vic gave her a small smile.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. I think if Cameron puts a little more effort into her work, her grades could come up significantly." He hinted at me. I rolled my eyes; what is this a parent teacher conference? My mom laughed over-dramatically.

"Yes, she is a lazy one, I have to admit that!" She said, not even looking at me. I cocked my head and pouted. I am not lazy! I just choose to avoid work at all costs. Vic shrugged.

"I wouldn't say that, but she may be a bit--oww!" I kicked Vic under the table and he looked up at me. I glared at him to stop talking about me like I wasn't even in the room. Luckily, Mom didn't notice. "Uh, this food is fantastic!" He said, shoving more into his mouth to change the subject.

"Wow, Vic, you have such nice hair! What do you use? Pantene?" Vic looked up.

"Uh...herbal essence actually..." He said. Everyone who heard him took it as a joke and laughed, although I knew it was true. Vic laughed nervously and played it off as a joke. Mom however, thought it was the funniest thing on the planet.

"Oh Vic! You're so funny!" She slapped his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Ow..." He muttered at the slap. Okay, my mom needs to stop flirting with my boyfriend who is also my teacher. It's just weird! Call my dad oblivious but he never noticed, or didn't care enough to act on it. I don't know what's going on with them.

We continued eating, mostly in silence, or, at least as far as I was concerned. Vic and I sneaked glances at each other between other conversations, but I still had to act like I was in love with Mike. Like, eww. My mom was still talking to Vic and not-so-subtly touching him. I was starting to get really pissed at her. Of course she didn't know we were dating, but Vic should have pushed her away! He could have just said "hey I'm not into you" or "whoa bitch you bein' too old for me" but no, he just lets her practically molest his hair and arms. Those are mine for molesting, you little fuck.

"So Victor," She started, practically on his lap by this point. "Do you have a girlfriend?" Vic looked like he almost choked and I dropped my fork onto my plate, letting it make a loud clanging sound. I rested my elbows on the table and my head on my hands. Mom and Vic both looked at me and I smirked.

"Yes, Victor, do you have a girlfriend?" I was risking a lot by behaving this way, but I didn't care. i just wanted Mom to stop drooling over him. Vic hesitated and nodded.

"Yeah, I do actually." He said and shrugged my mom away from him. She looked disappointed, but regained her composure quickly. I smiled to myself, knowing Vic didn't want her, just me.

"Oh? What's her name?" She asked. Shit.

"U-uh..." Vic started. He glanced at Mike and I and we both shrugged. "C-Cara..." He stuttered. Mike and I glanced at each other. I didn't know everything about her, but I knew Cara was bad news. But Vic's over her, right? He didn't mean anything by that, her name just came to mind. Obviously he couldn't have said me. Mom thought for a moment.

"Wait, is she that girl who has the pink car and is always going to your house?" Wow, stalker much? Vic cocked his head and slowly nodded. Mom smirked. "Oh, I'd just love to meet her sometime! Maybe we could have you three over for dinner one night!" I could tell by her tone that she was completely lying. If she had seen Cara, she would have called her as much of a slut as I did.

"Oh...uh, maybe..." He muttered. "I mean, as long as Mike gets his homework done and everything..." Vic said, passing school work off as an excuse. Mom shrugged.

"Yeah, of course. Carmen has work too, though we know that's a lost cause." I sighed and dropped my head.

"Cameron." I corrected her, though too softly for her to hear. Mike put an arm around my shoulder and I shut out the rest of their boring conversations until everyone was done eating. I helped clear the table and everyone eventually migrated to the living room. I sat next to Mike and Vic sat on the other side of me. We didn't speak, but after a while of everyone else around us talking Vic looked to Mike and nodded his head towards the door.

"We should go..." He said quietly. Mike nodded and Vic looked to my mom. "Msr. Stewart, thank you so much for having us, everything was wonderful. Mike and I are going to head out now." Mom nodded.

"Thank you two for coming! It was great getting to know you, and definitely plan on bringing that lovely girlfriend of yours over for dinner sometime." She said with a smile. I saw Vic glance at me out the corner of his eye.

"I will. I'll see you later." He said, he, Mike and I standing up.

"I'm going too, bye Mom." I said and led them to the door.

"Bye Cammy!" Mom called after us. I cringed at the name and as soon as we were outside the guys laughed.

"Well, I think I'll have to start calling you that now." Vic said, snaking his arm around my waist since we were out of sight from my family. I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, talk about sexual tension. I was getting worried for the turkey the way you two kept eye-fucking across the table..." Mike groaned. Vic shoved him and kissed my cheek as we walked back to their house.

"You know what I'm thankful for?" I asked as we went inside. Vic pulled my arm so I spun around and stood in front of him. He smiled and leaned his forehead agains mine.

"What?" He asked in his deep raspy voice that I loved so much. He moved his lips to mine and kissed me.

"You." I answered cheekily, bopping his nose. He rested his hands on my hips and chuckled.

"I'm thankful for you too." He kissed me again and hugged me tighter. "Mmm...stay the night?" He mumbled against my lips. I hummed in agreement and thought of all the things I was going to do with Vic all night.

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