Mind vs Might: There Are No H...

By Hexcss

749K 15.8K 15K

Not everyone is created equal. Young Izuku Midoriya learned this at the age of 4. In a world where 80% of the... More

The Beginning
Appearances(No Chapter)
Paying the consequences
New Life
Revelations and Preparations
UA Entrance
Calm before the storm
USJ Battle
USJ Aftermath
New Game
Operation Megalo
New Era
Red Night
Threats from the past
Eye of the Storm
Vanguard Action Squad
Training Camp Invasion
Sibling Fight
Clash of Titans(End of Season 1)
The Other Side
New King
King's Speech
Underworld War
Facing Reality
Meta v.s Quirkless
None for All
Fall of UA
Final Battle Pt. 1
Final Battle Pt.2
Final Battle Pt.3
What followed the fall...
Plea of the Fool
Role of the Fuhrer
Do You Heil?

New Threats

11.8K 306 65
By Hexcss

All Might was returning to his house after he met with All for One. He finally reached his home and opened the door. He walked to the living room where Inko was sitting on the couch.

Inko: How did it go, Honey? Was it useful?

Toshi tensed at those words, he turned around.

Toshi: Sadly, no, it was more annoying; actually, I want to rest a bit after that.

Inko: Okay, go! I will call you when the food it's ready.

Toshinori walked to his room and lay down on his bed.

Toshi: 'I hate to agree with him, but he is right, Inko has already suffered enough, it is best to not tell her.'

With the League of Villains.

Izuku was entering back to his provisional base near Musutafu. Still, this time he actually entered through the door, walking, instead of with portals.

Izuku walked down the place until Dabi stopped him.

Dabi: Walking in like a normal person? That is not very likely of you.

D.P: There is no "normal" anymore; besides, it is all part of the plan.

Dabi and Phoenix kept walking down the place.

Dabi: You know it is tranquil without Nana hear; it's weird.

D.P: Yes.

Dabi: Tell me, since when did you plan this?

D.P: Why do you ask?

Dabi: You are someone who likes to plan things through, so I guess it must have taken you some time. I am not criticizing you if that is what you think.

D.P: I had had ideas since quite some time ago, but after the Training Camp invasion, a possibility presented itself. I discovered a tracker on Twice's costume. At first, I thought about warning them, but then I realized I could use it to my advantage. I deactivated the security systems so the heroes could approach the bases, and then the rest you know it.

Dabi: As I would expect of you...

In U.A.

Izumi, Kirishima, Shota, Uraraka, and Tsuyu had been called to attend a place where the heroes they had been doing their residencies were waiting for them. They finally arrived at the site, Sir Nighteye's agency, where the Big Three were standing outside. They went inside and saw many heroes inside. Fat Gum, Ryukyu, Gran Torino, Rock Lock, Eraserhead, and Sir's sidekicks, Bubble Girl, and Centipider were just some of the heroes inside.

Sir instructed them to all sit down for him to begin his explanation.

Sir: I have reunited all of you here since I want to ask for your help if my agency is investigating. We are currently looking into the Shie Hassaki, a Yakuza organization that is being recently active this year. We first linked them to an accident a few weeks ago, and have currently connected them with something much grander. FatGum takes it from here.

Fat Gum stood up.

Fat Gum: Yes. A few days ago, my sidekick Red Riot had his debut fight. During it, Suneater was shot with a bullet in hand, and his quirk temporarily didn't function.

Everyone gasped.

Fat Gum: Red was also shot, but thanks to his hardening, the bullet bumped, and we managed to retrieve it; after studying it, we discovered something that made my blood boil. The serum was made out of human cells.

They gasped harder.

Ryukyu: That means that the effect comes from another person's quirk, which removes abnormalities.

Fat Gum: After doing my research with the police, we managed to connect all the trade links back to the Shie Hassaikai.

Rock Lock: How could they possibly do this?

Sir: Mirio and Izumi ran into Overhaul, or Kai Chisaki, the leader of the Shie Hassaki a few days ago; he had a little girl with him, who apparently is his daughter, although there is no register of her birth though. The girl when she was found had a lot of bandages in her body, which means...

Ryukyu: Kai is using his daughter as a way to produce these bullets.

Everyone was shaken to the core; how could someone possibly do this? The ones who were more affected where Mirio and Izumi, who couldn't believe they didn't save a girl right in front of them.

Centipider: We have run an investigation into all Shie Hassaki's properties and listed them all.

The board now showed the location of all Shie Hassaki's properties.

Bubble Girl: As you can see, they are all areas located within your sectors.

Sir: We need your help in investigating them and corroborating Eri's, Kai's daughter's location; we cannot risk any chances.

Everyone nodded in understanding. Mirio and Izumi stood up.

Mirio: We will find Eri...

Izumi: And bring her to safety!

Sir turned to them.

Sir: That is the plan, but you know it is not going to be so easy.

He looked directly at Izumi.

Rock Lock: What do you mean, Nighteye?

Sir: We have found out that the Shie Hissaki is probably working along with Dark Phoenix.

Everyone was surprised, Japan's most infamous villain working with a small Yakuza band.

Rock Lock: What could he possibly want with them? Is he also interested in those bullets?

Ryukyu: That is dangerous.

Sir: There is no proof but-

Izumi: May I say something?

Sir looked at her.

Sir: Go ahead.

Izumi: During the Training Camp invasion, I fought him, but he had fought with Aizawa-sensei before that. When I arrived at the place, he was kneeling down and had his hand injected into Aizawa-sensei's body; when he took it out, it looked like he was extracting blood.

Rock Lock: Your point?

Izumi: What if he tried to use Aizawa-sensei's blood to develop his own Quirk Erasing Bullet?

Aizawa: He couldn't have possibly done it with my quirk, as my quirk doesn't actually attack the oddity itself.

Fat Gum: But I see where she is going with this, as you said, he couldn't have possibly done it correctly, maybe just some similar effect, and to achieve what he wanted, he may have allied himself with the Shie Hassaiki.

Sir: That settles that then.

Gran Torino: Do you think the rest of the League is involved, though? I am not sure Nana Shigaraki would actually accept working with someone so low.

Tsukauchi: I can answer that.

Tsukauchi entered the room.

Sir: Detective, I thought you were away researching the League.

Tsukauchi: I was, and what I found was rather disturbing.

Rock Lock: Speak, detective.

Tsukauchi: First, I can definitely confirm Phoenix's involvement; our spies saw him exit Overhaul's residency. Also, a few days later, Twice of the League made contact with him and brought him to a facility outside of the city. When we investigated it, we found nothing out of usual, except for a few blood stains on the floor. After we analyzed them, we found it to be the blood of Nana Shigaraki. We investigated the area further and found a strange piece of land when we excavated it, we found the decapitated body of Nana Shigaraki.

Everyone's eyes widened at that.

Tsukauchi: I can probably say, Phoenix performed a coup and now is in control of the League. I believed he allied himself with Overhaul since he has no restrictions now and can do what he wants. You should be aware, he is probably holding back no more.

Everyone shook; they knew his power, although they hadn't seen it, and the heroes probably didn't want to. However, they couldn't recoil, they knew what they had to do, but still, there was ko denying, this was a significant new threat.

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