
By xoGraceLynnxo

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Four years ago Lydia and her brother were sent to live with their grandparents after losing their mother in a... More

New beginning
Finally interested in someone other than yourself?
I look ridiculous dammit!
New kids
Ocean eyes
Dance partner
Everyone has their problems
Pranks and kisses
New friend
Dreams and regrets
Gummy worms make it better
Littlest red
Slut train
Always catch you
Dont interrupt me sibling!
Decisions, decisions
Its time
Lets begin..
Help guys


317 12 22
By xoGraceLynnxo

Lydia and London's proposal dance^^❤️

Lydia Jensen

   A sort of relief flows through my body when London grabs my hand in his. Despite my bond with everyone, he's definitely my rock in this moment. I'm putting my trust in him and he's putting his in me. I've never been this nervous before, my anxiety is bubbling so intensely I feel that if I didn't have London's hand keeping me grounded, I'd float away to never be seen again. It may be because these are people who have known me since I was a baby, I've been gone so long that maybe my subconscious is doubting my ability to show everyone how much I've improved. To show everyone that I'm not that sad little girl anymore.

   My thoughts are interrupted by London's elbow, he digs it into my rib cage and I flick him harshly on his forehead. "What was that for?!" He asks, rubbing the sore spot.

   "You know what that was for." I say shortly and go back to staring at the audience through the curtains that conceal us.

   "I was trying to calm you down."

   "Jabbing someone with your elbow isn't the best way to calm one down. Especially not a girl. You're lucky I didn't bitch slap you." I say without emotion as he stares at me in fear.

   "So violent!"

   "You have no idea."

   "I was trying to get you out of your head."

   "There are nicer ways friend." I narrow my eyes playfully.

   "Where's the fun in that?" I shrug and look back to the audience.

   The conversation loses its value in distracting me as the cheerleaders are starting to finish up their number. Up next is the group dance and then the line up... I felt so bad when I heard the disappointment in Nixon's voice over the phone this morning. I couldn't help that though because I already agreed with Ethan... not that I'm not excited to be his rally girl this year, I'm actually looking forward to it. I just don't want to upset Nixon. We're friends after all.. and I don't want him to feel replaced, despite my friendship with Ethan. Speaking of friends, London has been bringing up our duet dance every two minutes since yesterday. It's supposed to be a secret but this boy cannot keep one of those to save his life. If I hadn't been there to talk to about it with, I'm sure everyone would have found out in a day. Thankfully the only person he got to tell was Ash.

   We were both extremely honored that coach picked us to do this duet. Especially with it being for something as beautiful as a proposal. I practically melted when coach told us the song that the potential groom picked for it. I don't think any other song could be any more perfect for this occasion. That performance is another reason I'm stressing out so badly, my hands fidgeting, my eyes nervously scanning the crowd until I spot the person I was looking for. Ash. He looks bored and is frequently looking from his watch to Elena who is standing closely next to him along with Kayla. I smile at that.

   He always gets like this when he comes to my performances. Always bored if I'm not the one performing, and always overly excited when I am. It used to embarrass me but now it's almost that of an anchor for me. It now encourages me to do better and go harder. Never have I ever seen Ash get as excited as when he cheers for me during my performances and the thought warms my heart. I really got lucky with my twin didn't I?

   "Lydia!" I turn and smile with a little wave when I'm met with those inviting brown eyes. Ethan saunters toward me with his jersey in hand.

   "Sorry I couldn't get it to you sooner. Coach had us running suicides on the practice court until about five minutes ago." He smiles at me sweetly and I take it, pulling him into a hug.

   The hug was short lived as I quickly jump away from his sweaty body. "You reek."

   "It's manly musk babe. Learn to love it." The music comes to an end and I meet his eyes again.

   "Thank you." I pull the jersey carefully over my curled hair and adjust it until it looks good with my dress.

   He grabs my hand and looks me dead in the eye sincerely. "Don't worry. You're gonna be amazing, if you get uncomfortable or nervous.. just look at me. I'm right here with you."

   I conceal the urge to swoon but smile shyly at him before leaning up onto my top toes and leave a lingering kiss on his cheek. I pull back to see his flushed face and smile. "That's exactly what I needed to hear right now. Thank you again." We laugh together for one second and the next, I'm being yanked away from him by London.

   "Hate to break up whatever this is, but it is time for you," he points at Ethan. "to get ready for the line up oh and do try to get up front so you can watch me-" I clear my throat. "So you can watch us make that dance our bitch."

   "On it." I watch his back as he saunters off. That is one nice ass. I shake my head and get into formation behind the curtain. I crouch next to London with my forearm on the back of the dancer infront of me.

   "And the dream becomes a reality. At the moment I'm getting Edward vibes from Ethan but Nixon has time to prove himself too. I have faith." The principle is about to finish up with the football introductions. Next is the dance team. My stomach tightens.

   "I still am curious as to who got you to watch that movie." I whisper as the lights dim on stage.

   "My ex girlfriend. I loved it secretly though."
I shake my head and Katy Perry's 'Roar' remix starts playing loudly around the gym. We run out and do several split leaps in ripples before stopping in formation.

   Silence fills the gymnasium and then 'momma said knock you out starts playing.

   The audience cheers in surprise at our song choice. My song choice. I knew how boring pep rally's can be with the same old song so I asked coach repeatedly if I could pick it. In the end, she obviously obliged.

I wait for the ripples to end before standing up in the middle of the formation with the other dancers crouched around me. I hadn't planned on having a solo during the group dance since London and I already have the duet but coach insisted.

Feel my nerves creeping up my spine so I do what Ethan told me. I scan the room as my body moves until my eyes meet his proud brown ones. He smiles reassuringly and I smirk back at him, my hips and chest popping to the hype beat of the song. My breathing quickens when his eyes travel south of his jersey to my exposed legs.

I feel my face flush and I flick my eyes to the left, only to be met with icy blue ones. His eyes light up when I meet his gaze and he sends me that charming crooked smile I so love. Jesus Christ... maybe it really is a good idea to make London my sex yoda.. Elena and Kayla have their own teams so whatever conversation I have with either of them, they'll just say what they can to make me more interested in the guy they want for me.. or it'll turn into a full on screaming match between the two of them. Again.

Looking at them is not helping ease the tension in my stomach one bit. I sigh and search the gym until I spy my brothers stark red hair in contrast to others around him. His smile widens when I meet his eyes. I smile back and my anxiety is dissipated.

Nixon Tyler

The team starts getting ready for the line up and I can't seem to stop myself from glancing at Ethan every once in a while. Never have I ever wanted to just beat the shit out of Ethan Grayson, he's always been my best friend. The one guy I'd take a bullet for, the friend that helped me through my loss and drug abuse, the guy I confided in when I was pining for my other best friend. He's always been there for me and me for him... So the thought of fucking up his pretty little face had never even crossed my mind... until now.

"Lets have a big round of applause for our incredible dance team!" Principal Martin takes the stage and babbles on and on about attendance, vaping in the hallways, and praising our schools athletes for 'keeping it together'.

I'm not entirely sure how many times I rolled my eyes during that damn speech but The thought makes me remember that warning Lydia gave me the other day. A smile curves it's way across my face at the memory of her musical laugh and sparkling green eyes.

"You know if you keep rolling your eyes, they'll get stuck like that." Her eyes brighten as she looks up at me. I roll my eyes again.

"I don't care." I shrug

She laughs "you'll care when you end up looking like a porn star on crack for the rest of your life."

"I don't care what I look like."

"Is that so pretty boy?"

"It is so.. pretty girl." Her face flushes a deep red and I pretend not to notice for her sake although it's cute as hell.

"Alright now it's time for the line up! Let's go boys." Coach yells and we get in position.

The gymnasium goes wild as the first player runs out with his rose. I wait with my arms crossed and look down at the rose in my hand with irritation. I shake my head and go back to watching Lydia as she whispers to the girl next to her. Soon Ethans name is called but my attention is still focused solely on Lydia. Her face flushed, her eyes wide and curious.

My fists tighten when he runs up to her and bows at her with his rose held out. She grabs it and her face flushed deeper when he kisses her cheek for longer than necessary. How can she not see what a player he is?! Fuckboy would be a more accurate word actually. I hear a snap and look down in surprise. The stem of the rose in my hand is snapped clean in half. Shit.

"Nixon Tyler!" I didn't even realize the other guys had already given out their roses after Ethan.

I shake my head to snap myself out of my daze and run out of the door with a huge fake smile. I've gotten pretty good at putting on an act for audiences, big and small. The thought gives me an idea. The girl I chose after Lydias rejection is pretty enough, I've been friends with her for a while but nothing would ever actually happen between us. One because of Lydia and two, because Cindy is fully gay with a capital g.

That doesn't stop me from grabbing her hand and kissing it as I give her the rose. "Sorry.. it's a bit crumpled." I whispered.

"I figured it would be. Gay as I am, even I would jump at the chance to fuck Ethan Grayson."

"How did you-"

"Cheryl Blossom over there is staring at us. Spin me."


"Spin. Me. Then walk your hot ass away. Don't look at her."

I don't question this, I follow through with her demand but add a little kiss to her cheek for good measure. Lydia is definitely looking at us now. I make a mental note to give Cindy free food for the rest of her life as I walk away.

"Damn Tyler. I thought Cindy was into girls." O'Connor whispers to me when I make it to my spot in line for the free throw tradition we do every year.

"She is." I reply simply.

"Then what.... oh, I see." He laughs and shakes his head at me. "Are you and Grayson really bro loving that red headed chick?"

"Is that really any of your business?" This time instead of barely acknowledging his existence like usual, I look him in the eye for what seems like the first time in years.

His hands raise in defense. "Just curious. I'm not judging anyway bro. She's hot as fuck, even Moon is drooling over her in that little dress-"

Thank god everyone's attention is on the player that's at the t, about to make his shot because I'm about to throw down. I violently pull him toward me by his shirt. The dude on the other side of me is whisper yelling at me to 'chill' but that's out of the fucking water. I look down into O'Connors fearful eyes and my lip flips up in disgust.

"Talk about her like that again and I'll rip your tongue out." My voice is calm and dark. He nods quickly and I push him away from me.

After I make my shot and spout my speech for the team, I'm suddenly being pulled to the front row on the bleachers and pushed onto the cold seat. I look over to see Kayla and Cindy side by side, looking at me mischievously. My eyes roll at their dramatics but I raise my eyebrows for them to continue.

"Nixon Tyler you lovesick puppy!" Kayla coos with her hand over her heart.

"Whatever." I look away but then look back at their ridiculous faces. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Um! You sir were glaring at Ethan during the entire line up ceremony and you took advantage of poor Cindy just to make your beloved jealous!" Kayla yells. Thank god the entire gym is buzzing with conversation and music is thrumming around us because if someone heard that, I'd die of embarrassment.

"Kay. Don't read into it. Cindy is a dear friend. I would never."

"You just did though Nixy." Kayla says and I look at Cindy who sends me a smile that says 'sorry but it's true' whatever.

"I did kinda make him though Kay."

"See? I have done nothing of my own volition." I turn back to the front and pretend to listen to what Principal had to say about how we're gonna annihilate Weatherford high school.

Of course we are, this school is for kids with exceptional grades and skills in one or two sports. Basically we're a scholarship arts school, while weatherford is just a small town public school with no dress code. The last part would be nice, I'd much rather come to school in sweats and a hoodie instead of that stupid preppy uniform. All the girls look innocent yet naughty and the guys all look like posh douches. All due to our creepy principal, I'm pretty sure the skirts the girls wear aren't supposed to be as short as he said was mandatory but it is what it is.


"Shh!" Cindy says a bit too loud and the people around us look at her curiously. She doesn't seem to care though. "London and Lydia are about to start!"

All the lights dim and I look at her in confusion. "How do you-"

"Mr. F is going to propose to Ms. Lovewell. Lydia and London are doing a duet dance for it. I know because I'm on the dance team dummy." A duet dance for a proposal. With London. Probably a romantic dance.. Great.

"And I'd like to announce that we have one more surprise performance from two of our best dancers here at this school! Let's hear it for Lydia Jensen and London Matthews!" Principal Martin cheers.

"Sup bro." I feel someone clap me on my back and clench my teeth when I see its Ethan. He throws himself onto the seat next to me.

Kayla and Cindy snicker amongst themselves but I just ignore them and fist bump my bro. The song starts and we watch as Lydia and London set everyone in a trance with their movements. Something about the.... intimacy of the dance bothers me but I have to admit, it is mesmerizing.

"Aw! This is so sweet. If Ms. Lovewell doesn't say yes she's crazy." I roll my eyes at Cindy's gushing over them.

"For real." Kayla says and leans into Cindy to whisper to her. Fortunately, Kayla has no sense of volume and is a loud whisperer. "I hate to say it but my brother would be kinda cute with her."

I scoff and Ethan shakes his head but we keep our eyes on the performance. Apparently Cindy has no sense of volume either, though she is a bit harder to hear over the music than Kayla. "I didn't see it before because I was team Lixon, but Londia can get it."

"Would you two shut up?" I ask dryly and they roll their eyes at me.

   The song ends with Lydia dipped over his lap and he pulls her into a hug. I don't even pay attention to that cheesy ass proposal. I just watch the two of them bow and walk over to the bleachers after the applause. I do have to admit, Mr. F really thought this shit out. Points for creativity I guess but it's not really meaningful, he just came up with an idea. I mean who the fuck does that?

   My phone starts buzzing in my pocket and I check the collar ID and immediately make my way out of the gym. The buzzing stops as I didn't answer on time but not two minutes later, it starts again. "What Jericho?"

   "Is that any way to speak to your brother?" His arrogant voice fills my ear and I roll my eyes.

   "Half. What.. do... you.... want?" I spell it out so even his dumbass can understand.

"Dad needs you for that job we talked about."


"What do you mean no?! You have to! You know that!"

"Actually I really don't. Don't ask again or I'll change my number and fully move out of the house." My jaw is clenched and my body starts to tense.

"You know what he's capable of Nix. He isn't satisfied with just me working for him. He wants you to take over the family business."

"Well we don't always get what we want do we?"

"There's a lot at stake Nixon."

"Why now? He stopped pushing me after what happened.." fuck now I'm thinking about it.. I promised myself a long time ago that I wouldn't ever think or speak of it again. Yet another promise I can't keep.

"It's different now."

"What do you mean different muppet?"I ask irritatedly, my eyes roll though I know he can't see me.

"He has something to hold against you.."

"What's that?"

"Dads investigators have been following you. They're even at your school." My eyes widen.

"Jericho. What is he threatening of mine?" My tone now completely serious.

".. That cute little dancer girl you liked back when. Lyla? Linden? Laura?"

I swallow the lump in my dry throat. "Lydia."  My eyes roll at his response.

"Lydia... Yeah! Your little best friends twin sister. Classic love story if you ask me."

"So if I don't do what he says.."

"You'll be putting your damsel into distress. So what do you say brother? Ready to learn how to take over the world?"

Wow okay so intense... I don't know if I wanna change the end of this chapter... Comment and let me know by Friday this week if you guys are liking this direction or if you're more interested to just see the struggles and scandals of this group of rich kids! Vote / comment and tell me which ship you're feeling.

Jericho above^^🤭 oh yes I did🤗

Ily! Till next chapter🥰

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