Wildflower- C.H.

By wildflowercal02

26.6K 714 522

A Calum Hood fanfiction "I hear you callin' out my name I love the sound, I love the taste and I can see it i... More

Intro(updated characters)


1.3K 35 30
By wildflowercal02

                     Sierradeaton, calumhood and other liked this

Bo_:)     couldn't think of a caption but stream Youngblood 💋

-Saturday, June 30th, 2018-

I walked mindlessly through the isles of the grocery store with Haley until an item from our list caught my eye. Today was my day to run errands before my event later tonight as lately I have gotten behind on housework and buying necessities like food. 

I was dressed in my comfy clothes, some loose denim overalls over a large long-sleeved t-shirt paired with my white crocs. Comfiest shoes I have ever walked in, I swear. Haley was dressed the exact opposite in her black pleated tennis skirt and tank top. She loved to dress up everywhere she was going and I don't blame her she looks good in everything, she was a model for goodness sake.

Eventually, everything on our list was checked off, so we started walking to the self-checkout line.

"So... how's Calum?" Haley asked, a knowing look on her face

"I don't know what you mean."

"Oh come on B, you said he came over a few weeks ago and the other day I see you walk in the door from your run, which might I add lasted almost 3 hours, smiling like a little puppy and you are gonna tell me, 'I don't know what you mean' " Was I really smiling that big? and I don't know how she managed to make my two-letter name even shorter but she did it.

"I don't even know whats going on, we are friends, we barely know each other," I explained while we checked out, she still looked skeptical.

While walking to the car I heard a ping from my phone. Haley looked at me knowingly as she and I unloaded all the bags into my trunk. I put my phone on the center console while I stepped up into the car but by the time I sat down my phone was in the hands of miss skeptical.

"1 message from Calum" Haley read, handing my phone back to me.

"What does it say, what does it say??" She said leaning over to my side of the car.

I opened the message

C: do you want to come chill at Lukes house the guys and sierra will be there

I'm sorry i cant:( I have a few errands to run before I head to work

I started typing and sent right away


"Hal, I have so much to do today-"

"Nope, excuses excuses you are going, I mean you have to anyway to return Sierra's dress.

Sierra's dress? OH the one I borrowed for an event a week ago

I looked up at Haley in defeat and looked back down at my phone while typing.

wait you said sierra will be there?

C: yes ma'am

I might stop by real quick to drop off a dress of hers that I borrowed 

C: OH so you'll come for SIERRA but not for me okay i see how it is 

haha you're sooo funny

Calum: its a gift (click to view attached picture)

"Alrighty lover girl, let me drive and drop you off, just text me and I'll come to pick you up whenever you need to come back" Hal said with a smug look on her face.

I nodded and we switched places in the car.

Calum sent me the address and I plugged it into my GPS. On the way, we stopped back at our apartment first to put away all the groceries we had just bought, grab the dress I needed to return, and let Harlow out and feed her. And we were back on the road.

We arrived at Luke's house 20 minutes later and as I was getting out of the car Haley said my name.



"I don't understand why you push away things that will make you happy but please try not to for me this time? You deserve the best." She looked at me with a semi sad face and I looked at the ground.

"I'll try, Hal" I responded while nodding.

"Okay, thank you, love you girly see you in a bit," I waved as she drove off and started walking up to the big door.

I knocked on it and was greeted by the tall man of the house. We had a quick hug and he let me inside. I followed him to where everyone was and saw them all sitting on the couch, sipping beer. 

"Hi Bo"

"Hey Bo"

"wassup Mamacita!"

You can guess which one was Sierra.

She rose from her spot on the couch and walked over to me and crushed me in her arms. I think she was a bit tipsy. I mean it was already 6 pm so I guess that is better than being drunk at 11 am.

"Do you want me to get you a drink?" She asked 

"No, I'm good I have an event I need to go to after this." I quickly told her and she nodded and sat down, I looked up to everyone else and greeted them back.

"Did you listen to the album? I guess the more important question did you like it?" Calum asked looking at me with wide almost nervous eyes.

"Of course I did! I can't get Babylon out of my head and what was the other one.. Oh! Why won't you love me, It is actually the best thing I've ever heard," All the boys smiled looking really proud

"We are all super happy and glad that you like it," Ash said and I smiled back at him

I turned my head quickly to the sound of scattering paws and shrunk to the ground immediately.

Hurdling towards me was a small fluffy dog I could tell was Duke from the pictures I was shown and behind him was a massive heap of a dog. They both skidded to a stop and came over to me, tails wagging.

"Duke! I have finally met you!" I picked up the little dog and petted him. Calum walked in from what I guessed was the kitchen and smiled at me, a huge goofy grin on his face.

"Will you stay to keep Duke company?" he asked. Oh, this boy definitely had a few beers before I came.

"Fine, I guess I could hang out for a bit." I couldn't resist the cuteness, laundry could wait. I put down Duke and turned to the other dog who was patiently waiting to be pet.

"Who's this?" I said in my dog voice. I started to give her tummy scratches

"Petunia" Luke responded looking sweetly at the dog.

"more like burrito" Ashton responded.

"You know what, you can insult me all you want, but Petunia does not deserve this bullying!" luke said jokingly as he ran up to Ashton to sit on him.

"APOLOGIZE!" Luke shouted as he wrestled with ash.

"NEVER" ash responded fighting back, meanwhile I was laying on the ground getting licked by the dogs, I was in heaven. Then I remembered the dress.

"Oh! Sierra I have your dress let me go get it." I got up and shuffle ran to where the door was and snatched up the navy blue material.

"Thank you for letting me borrow it."

"Anytime chickadee."

I sat down on the long part of the giant L couch and lugged the two dogs up on my lap, petunia relaxed on my legs and Duke climbed up to my face and started licking it.

"I think we have found our very own dog whisperer guys," Michael said glancing at me as the dogs finally settled looking comfy. I smiled at him and leaned back into the couch while Calum fiddled with the remote looking for something to turn on.

"Hey Bo, is your event invite-only? If it's not we should go crash" Ashton leaned up looking at me

"Yeah I think it is but it's over at 1 am anyway so it won't be that crazy of a party,"

"Well that's perfect then we can come to pick you up when you are done working so you can party with us all, Mike has a DJ set tonight so we were all gonna go out," Calum said still looking for something on the tv before deciding on KUWTK

"I mean I'm cool with that if you guys are," I said shrugging

"Of course!" Luke and sierra said at the same time as Calum hopped the couch to sit in between me and Ash. When Duke noticed Cal was there he got up and stretched before waddling over to Calum.

I relaxed back into the couch and adjusted myself which lead to me becoming knowingly closer to Cal and after a few minutes of watching the Kardashians argue my eyes started to get heavy.


After what felt like an hour of napping to reality tv, I lean my head back up off Calum's shoulder and noticed he had looped his arm around me. My stomach felt like I just dropped off a giant rollercoaster, damn. I leaned up to check my phone and call for Haley when I saw the time.



I had to be at the club by 10:15 to set up. I shot up from the couch which made everybody look at me.

"Shit. shit. shit, I'm gonna be late." I said to myself scrambling looking for my keys only to remember that I was supposed to call Haley to pick me up and we lived a bit away and LA traffic sucked, Sierra got up off the couch and came over to me.

"Hold on Bo calm down, calm down," She said in a motherly voice as she held my shoulders

"I'll help you get ready and we can drive you there, you will not be late trust me." She said with sincerity in her voice.

I nodded, feeling my heart beat faster with anxiety, she brought me into her closet and asked what sort of clothing I had to wear. From the email describing the event, I remember it saying black, semi-casual

"Not a dress, something like a long sleeve and skirt but black." I rushed out still silently hyperventilating

"Okay, we can do that let me find something."

I do not do well with disappointing people or being late for important things. In high school, I would get panic attacks if I had forgotten homework or even if I had worried about something too much because I always think the worst is going to happen even if it is irrational.

My mom ended up taking me to the doctor where they diagnosed me with a panic disorder, my panic attacks are not severe but they happen randomly and my doctor just recommended therapy with no medication which I preferred.

While she continued looking, I heard the door creak open so I turned my head to see Ash step in. I guess he could see/hear me freaking out so he perched himself on the bed and started speaking carefully.

"Bo, you alright?" He asked with a pinch of concern on his face.

"hmm yeah doing great," I said trying to mask my panic thinking he would think I was being too sensitive.

"Shhh, relax just come here," Ashton said with a bit of his Aussie accent as he pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back trying to calm me down. This felt a lot like one of my dad's hugs and I started to relax. After a minute or so of Ash speaking inspirational thoughts in my ear while hugging me, my heart rate went down and my breathing started to return to normal.

"Okay, I think I'm freaking out less, thanks Ash," I said backing away looking him in the eyes.

"As the dad of the group I have calmed many attacks and whatnot throughout the years so I thought I could help with my elderly wisdom." He and I laugh as Sierra comes back to the bed with an outfit she throws at me to wear, Ashton exited the room.

Sierra gave me a black turtleneck, leather skirt, and thigh-high boots along with some accessories, I was still a bit shaky but was able to get the outfit on.

She kept my makeup simple because of time and I was so lucky that they were providing me with their own camera and tripod to take pictures of the guests. I was ushered to Michael's car because he had sobered up the most and hadn't had much to drink anyway. I said short goodbye's to everyone because I would be seeing them later.

"Thank you so much for driving me, Michael"

"Its no problem," He said as he started the car but Sierra came around the corner with a clothing bag and whipped it through the open window before saying,

"You can't go to a club in that outfit so before we pick you up change into that," I gave her a confused look before saying goodbye.

On the way to the place, I texted Haley giving her the gist of what was going on and that i'd explain more later, I invited her to go out with us but she said she had a date so I said goodbye and let her go.

Mike eventually got to the club by 10:10, perfect timing.

I thanked him and said goodbye again and began setting my stuff down to a place behind the bar.

-an hour into the event-

"Hello there little darlin'" I heard behind me as I finished taking a few pictures of guests, this happens often when you work around drunk or creepy guys every weekend so I just learned to ignore it fully and walk away but this person kept following me making me more anxious.

"oh honey bear don't walk away from me," I heard before I felt a tall presence extremely close behind me with mysterious hands on my waist, so I jumped and turned around, ready to throw hands and maybe cry at the same time.

"who do you think you a-" I stopped when I saw who it was

"Kit!" I said as I jumped up to hug him

Kit was my best friend in high school, along with Haley. They have an interesting relationship now seeing that they dated for a while before Kit came out as gay senior year. They both are still good friends but things were awkward for a while. 

I don't blame Haley for falling, he looked like the stereotypical straight skater boy in high school. But hopefully, everyone knows or has learned for example if you 'look' gay it doesn't mean you are and if you 'look' straight it doesn't mean you are. Stereotypes have no place in today's society.

"Hey, honey bear!" He said easily spinning around.

"What are you doing here?"

"Sean and I were invited," He replied and I nodded

"You look different from when I last saw you," I said looking at his longer blonde hair and what looked like a new septum piercing. And from what skin he was showing I spotted a few more tattoos than what he left us with, mainly on his hands.

Kit used to be our third roommate before he moved in with his longtime boyfriend Sean and moved to San Francisco to model around 6 months ago. The last time I saw him was a month and a half ago when he and Sean came up to visit.

"You look different too girl, have you been working out more? your waist to butt ratio is bigger than when I last saw you," He said pinching my behind quickly with a cheeky grin, I swatted his hand away.

"Were you really checking me out? Kit do I need to remind you that you're literally gay," I said shoving his shoulder

"Oh yeah must've forgotten," he said jokingly.

"How's Sean?"

"He's good, he just got a gig but he has to fly to New York for a week and he can't take me with him so I'm alone for next week." Kit said frowning.

"Why don't you stay with us? Your room is still open,"

"Really? Can I?"

"Yeah, of course, I'm sure Haley will be excited to see you," I said as he rolled his eyes

We chatted for a few minutes while I took some pictures of him at his request. 

"Well, who do we have here?" I looked up to see Sean so I quickly hugged him.

"Let me get a picture of you two, so cute!" They both posed like the models they are.

We all chatted together for a bit more before I sent them to socialize while I did my job.

-after the event-

Kit and sean had just said their goodbyes and we discussed the plan for Kit temporarily moving back in and got it all settled. 

I finished packing all of their camera stands and cameras up and walked myself to the bathroom to change. I zip open the mysterious bag only to see a ruched lavender dress and some lower heels to match, all my current accessories matched so I just needed to change the dress and shoes.

I had texted Sierra that I was ready to be picked up and she texted back that they were on their way 

A few minutes later I got a text that they were waiting outside. I made my way to the door and only saw Sierra, Luke, and Ash here to pick me up. Where was Calum?

As if they heard what I was thinking, Luke drunkenly spoke up as we walked to the uber.

"Bo, it is hilarious Calum's ex showed up at the club and was all over him as we left-" He stopped to double over cracking up.

"-You should've seen his face when we left him with her to pick you up I think we are all gonna get it when we get back," Luke finished

Calum's ex?

A/N: Reminder that I imagine Kit as Rudy Pankow and Calum's ex(Kareena) as Madison Beer

This was a bigger update for me so I may have some typos😙✌️

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