Only In The Myths (Katsuki Ba...

By Titania21erzascarlet

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People think quirks at the best thing imaginable, used for good or used for evil. But what if you want to us... More

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908 54 22
By Titania21erzascarlet

Letting go of the hug you both sat on the floor of the bathroom, when an ear deafening scream was heard from downstairs. "Those damned hooligans better not be fucking up my house!!" Getting up he started stomping down to them.

'Something about that pomeranian...' you smirked, standing up and walking down the stairs to be greeted with Mina jumping on top of the boys on the couch. "What's scaring the crap out of you?" Questioning her overly scared face, clinging onto Kaminari for dear life.

"Th-there wa-as a—" taking a deep breath, "SPIDER!!" while she was freaking out, Kaminari seemed to like all the attention. Kirishima on the floor, protecting the couch like a knight to a castle, hardening his arms. Sero... well Sero was hanging from the ceiling with his tape.

"Bunch of wusses...." Rolling his eyes, Bakugo started searching the room for the eight legged creature.

"So what exactly happened?" You asked, turning towards the cowards and Kirishima.

"I woke up to something tickling me, and I thought it was one of you then I opened my eyes to be met with Satan himself!" Mina answered, "Course, I did what any sane person would do. Panicked, threw it across the room and started to scream!"

"Of course..." you mumbled, joining Bakugo in the search.

"DIE!!!" Followed by an explosion behind the couch, everyone jumped in fear, some screaming; Mina and Kaminari. While you ducked down, covering your head. 

Soon enough after the blast had settled, the dangerously loud scream of a mother was heard upstairs, "KATSUKI THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING BAKUGO!!" Mitsuki stomped down the stairs Bakugo following her lead after rolling his eyes, causing an argument to break out between the two. 

Out of curiosity you walked around the couch to see the damage. The floor and some of the couch was covered in ash and spider guts, not to mention there was holes in both. Letting out a quick laugh before walking to the others, "It's dead."

With a sigh of relive Mina let go of Kaminari and got off the couch, running over to Bakugo, jumping on his back, "THANKS BAKUGO!!" she yelled while Bakugo let out a killer threat, before knocking her off his back and onto the floor. 

"Very manly of you to protect the weirdos, Kirishima." You commented, Kirishima's face lighting up quite fast.

"It's what I do!" He exclaimed with a thumbs up and a proud smile. 

A loud smack being heard from the arguing family, from Mitsuki slapping Bakugo. "What do you all want for breakfast?" she questioned in an oddly happy voice for someone who just slapped a person nearly to death. 

In unison Kaminari, Sero and Mina yelled; PANCAKES!! While you didn't care what you got, Kirishima just wanting something nutritious and Blasty boy rubbing the back of his head. 

"Katsuki, stop whining and come help!" Mitsuki growled, a smile on her face but a devilish look in her eyes. 

"Oh, I'll come help Mitsuki! If you want me to that is." You offered, If you're staying here, might as well help.

Her attention turned to you before waving you off, "Nonsense, the brat needs to do something too!" sending her son a devil glare before prancing into the kitchen, Bakugo following behind with a sneering face. 

"So, Y/n whereabouts do you live?" Kaminari asked, "It seemed like the rest of us live pretty close to each other."

"17th mind your business street." You replied, knowing they would nag you until they got it out of you, you went to the kitchen. "Hope you don't mind me being here, they are just overwhelmingly irritating."

"So you came to irritate us instead..." Bakugo growled under his breath, earning a glare from his mother, shutting him up quite quickly.

Taking a seat on one of the spinning stools by the island you leaned on your elbows, "Glad to know Twinkle Fingers has the same attitude as home."

He seemed like he was about to retaliate but a warning shot came from Mitsuki, with a mocking face Bakugo went back to mixing the batter. "Katsuki has never been one to hide his... temperamental side... from anyone for anything." Mitsuki commented, cutting the tops of strawberries.

"It doesn't bother me, sometimes it can actually be pretty funny!" You smiled at her, oblivious to Bakugo's sudden stop of working before shaking his head and continuing. "Unless he calls me a fucking Gorgon." Glaring daringly at the back of his poofy head.

Starting the process of pancake making, the sweet smell entered your nose sending a wave of joyful tingles through your body. "Smells hella good!"

"Thanks! I'm amazing at cooking!" Mitsuki bragged. 


"SHUT YOUR YAP!!" Glaring back at her son before turning to you, "Dear could you get the plates?" 

"Sure." Getting off the chair and walking around the island Mitsuki told you where they were, you opened the high wall mounted cabinet with slight difficulty. Reaching for the plates, being just too short. 

About to call out your snakes but a recorgnisable tsk followed by, "Fucking shorty..." stopped you, looking behind you, you saw Bakugo was already there, reaching above you his chest egearly close to your face. "Here." Shoving the plates into your hands, shock evident on your face. Thankfully he got back to the pancakes before they burnt. 

'Well that works too...' walking over to the island, you place the seven plates down. Ready for the appetizing breakfast, "I'll go get the others." heading to the living room, you all ordered them to ' get their asses in the kitchen ' they all walked past you to the kitchen, one by one thanking you.

Most took a seat while some decided to stand, Bakugo served up the pancakes while Mitsuki put on either syrup or whipped-cream and strawberries. Handing everyone a fork and a knife, everyone who doesn't live in the house took the first bite and praised the heavens. 

"THAT'S DELISIOUS!!" basically all of them yelled, you agreed. It was perfect, the toppings nice and fresh, the pancakes full of flavour and softness. It was the best thing you had eaten in forever! 

"Is this how all pancakes taste?" You questioned quietly, not really wanting to be heard but Mitsuki's super sonic mother hearing was activated. 

"Nope! These are the Katsuki special! I swear this kid has a talent for cooking!" she praised. 

"Have you never had pancakes, Y/n?" Sero questioned.

"No..." You replied, not sure why it's so important. 

"WHAT!!" Mina exclaimed, "That's crazy!" 

Kaminari soon butting in, "Didn't your parents make you pancakes as a child?" Subconsciencly you zoned out for a minute before avoiding the question. Half way through your pancakes, you got a notification on your phone. 

Opening it you saw it was Momo, saying she finished the uniforms and they are at your doorstep. Quickly finishing up, you put your plate in the sink, giving it a quick yet thorough wash before trying to put it in the cabnet. Using your snakes for some unknow person tried to help again. 

Unbeknownst to you, Bakugo was watching and mentally slapped himself for helping you before. But he still had the image of your face when he did it, making it all the more worth it. 

"Explosions, we gotta go." You commented, looking over at him. 

"Where are you two going?" Kirishima questioned, innocience on his face. The cannot be said about Kaminari. 

"Dude, what's in your pancakes?" out of nowhere Sero questioned, looking down at Bakugo's food. 

"The idiot likes it with chilly in it." Practically everyone in the room cringed when they heard this from Mitsuki, Bakugo not caring and looking over at you. 

Finishing up his food, he got up asking, "Where are we going?" Placing his dishes in the sink. 

"Uniforms." was all you said before walking out the room, leaving everyone else confuzzeled, Bakugo soon following behind you as you grabbed your clothes, waited for Bakugo to change and left. 

"That's weird." Mitsuki added, talking to the remaining retards, "Normally when someone tells him to go somewhere you have to fight him first." That got everyone thinking.

"You really asked crafty to make uniforms." He questioned oddly calm.

"Yeah, I told you I will. So I did."

"You told her we fought?" He commented.

"No, I lied to her." You replied, "Figured you'd like to keep it a secret that you came to appologise to me."

He tsked, looking away from you for a second before his eyes subconsciencly difted back to your face. "So you're a liar." 

Taken aback by that reaction, thinking he would've been grateful you replied, "Alright next time I'll tell her you're actually a gianty softy." You joked, letting out a laugh. 

"Don't call me a sof-" Looking up at him, waiting to continue. He looked down at your mesmorizing eyes before re-directing his eyes away from you, "Nevermind."

Climbing through the wired fence, you lead him to your home once again. Right at your doorstep sat the package, picking it up you unlocked the door and walked into your comforting home. "Make yourself at home." You commented, taking the box to the kitchen grabbing a knife and cutting it open. 

Handing Bakugo his new uniform, he suggested you both spar again. After a couple minutes of persuasion you agreed, you spared, it was a tie and you both got pretty hurt, but that's what happens when you fight a pyromaniac. Of course you fought outside, you weren't about to sacrifice your home. 

"First Aid kit is in the bathroom." You pointed out, hesitantly he went to grab it. You had persuaded him since he was flung against the floor and trees quite often durning the fight. 

His hands searched the cabnets and counter when he finally found it, but also found something else. 'What's this?' he questioned, picking up a bottle of pills. Turning it over, he saw it was quirk nulifying pills. 

The new found knowledge set him off, he was convienced you were holding back now. He hates it when people hold back, not fighting at full potential is like an insult to the face. "Did you find it?" you voice questioned from another room. 

Out of anger and spite, he blow the bottle to a crisp, throwing it away in the bin. "Yeah, Whatever!" he called back, quickly fixing himself up, grabbing his uniform and leaving. 

Thinking nothing of it, once he left you decided to lounge around for the rest of the day. But when the next morning came, when you were about to take your pills. You were fucking pissed to see the darkened bottle in the bin. And you weren't afraid to show it. 

'It's gonna be one hell of a day today...'

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