Solace Magazine||3✅

By Imperfetto_Tesoro

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Featured(@WattpadChronicles) What is Solace?: Comfort or consolation in a time of great distress or sadness. ... More

Solace's Vision
Table of Contents
• @Reading_Mermaid08
→Latty's Pick ⛏️
→What's🔥 Hot?
→ Tv Series 📺Reviews
→Did You Know 🤔?
→R's Recommendation 🗂
→R's Book Review Corner 📖
→A Love Letter To Writers ✉
→ Shout Out
Table of Contents
*One-on-One 💁🏾‍♀️
*Tv Series Review 📺
*What's Hot?📛
Did You Know?🤔
→Shout Out📣🔊
*A Love Letter to Writers 📨
*R's Recommendations📚
*R's Book Review Corner🗂
Table of Contents
- 🎎One-on-One🎎
-🤔Did you Know?🤔
-📃R's Recommendation📃
- 🗂 R's Book Review Corner🗂
-🔥What's Hot?🔥
-📺Tv Series Review📺
-✉A Love Letter to Writers✉
Thank You!
Table Of Contents
•📑R's Book Review Corner📑
•📖R's Recommendation 📖
•✉A Love Letters To Writers✉
•📽Tv Series Review📽
•🔥What's Hot?🔥
•✍Latty's Pick✍
•👩🏽‍🏫Did you know?👩🏽‍🏫•
Table of Contents
🔥What's Hot?🔥
✉️ A Love Letter to Writers 💌
📽Tv Series Review📽
📄R's Recommendations📄
📑R's Book Review Corner 📑
🔬Did You Know?🔬
Table of Contents
*R's Recommendation
*R's Book Review Corner
*What's Hot?
*Tv Series Review
*A Love Letter to Writers
*Did You Know?
Table of Content
✔Latty's Pick✔
📣Shout Out📣
🎥Tv Series Review🎥
🤷🏽‍♀️Did You Know?🤷🏽‍♀️
🗒R's Recommendation🗒
🔖R's Book Review Corner🔖
📨A Love Letter to Writers📨
💣What's Hot?💣
Table of Contents
♧Latty's Pick♧
♡A Love Letter to Writers♡
◇R's Recommendations◇
♧R's Book Review Corner♧
♧What's Hot?♧
☆Tv Series Review☆
♡Did You Know?♡
Table of Contents
♡Latty's Pick♡
○Shout Out○
○Tv Series Review○
×R's Recommendation
×R's Book Review Corner
◇What's Hot?◇
☆A Love Letter to Writers☆
●Did You Know?●
Table of Contents
🔥What's Hot🔥
📩A Love Letter to Writers 📩
💻Tv Series Review💻
📘R's Recommendation📘
📝R's Book Review Corner📝
👩🏾‍🏫Did You Know?👩🏾‍🏫
Table of Contents
{What's Hot?}
{Tv Series Review}
{A Love Letter to Writers}
×R's Recommendations×
×R's Book Review Corner×
{Did You Know?}
Table of Contents
Farewell: One-on-One
Farewell: Did You Know?
The Best of Book Review Corner
The Best of R's Recommendations
The Best of Love Letter to Writers
Farewell: Tv Series Review
Farewell: What's Hot
The End


66 16 35
By Imperfetto_Tesoro

This next Romance Author is an up and coming writer who was also highly recommended and of course SM had to learn more. SM fans, give it up for Clara!


Hello Clara, how're you doing? Let's begin!

Hi Latoya!

Q: What did you learn while writing your story?

I learned to have a lot of patience. Your ideas won't materialise overnight and to write a good story, you shouldn't rush yourself.

Q: Was the character inspired by a real person? If so, who?

My main character, Natasha, wasn't inspired by anyone I know. Although, some of her experiences were inspired by events in my life. My parents weren't as bad as Natasha's, but we have had our fair share of conflict. 

Q: What surprised you the most about writing and sharing your story publicly?

I was surprised by how daunting it could feel to have other people read my work. Once I put myself out there, I didn't regret it. My favourite part of sharing my story is being involved in the writing community. I have been lucky enough to encounter some truly amazing people. 

Q: Do you plan on writing another story?

Yes, I can't imagine not writing at this stage. I am actually in the middle of plotting my next novel. The next one will have darker themes, touching on the effects of trauma, PTSD and grief. 

Q: How did you come across Wattpad and is there any other writing app you'd consider publishing on?

The book I reserved at my local library was out of stock. While I waited, I looked through the kindle offers and stumbled across 'The Kissing Booth'. In her 'about section', it mentioned 'Wattpad'. A quick internet search later and I was signed up and hooked. As it stands, my first novel is only available on Wattpad with the hopes of it being picked up in the paid stories or published as a Wattpad Book. I just need to get past that little hurdle called 'The Star Program'. If that fails, I will explore other venues. 

Q: What can you tell us about your story?

Heart to Hart is a slow burn romance that follows eighteen-year-old Natasha, the summer after her gap year. The main love story is between Natasha and her best friend, Alec. But Heart to Hart is more than a simple love story. Natasha will also withstand trying times with an emotionally abusive father and a passive mother. These moments, in turn, help her mend a fragile bond with her younger sister.

Q: Does writing energize or exhaust you?

That really depends on the day. Most days, I close my iPad and notebooks up and I feel exhilarated. Other days, I come out with a migraine because my writing day hasn't gone to plan. I don't let those days bring me down. I take a break (by reading someone else's story) and start again the next day. 

Q: What is your writing Kryptonite?

At the moment, it's Instagram. I have been on there most days when I should be writing. I can't keep away. One minute, I am clicking on one post, the next, I am down the rabbit hole of cringey Tik-Toks and watching dogs trying to catch food. I'm surprised I can string a sentence together after that. 

Q: Do you think a big ego help or hurt writers?

Oh, I think you need a happy medium on the ego front. No one likes to see someone constantly boasting about their work or achievements. It can be quite off-putting as a personality trait but on the other hand, continuously putting yourself down is equally unattractive. It has steered me away from a few books. 

Q: What's your reading preference?

There is nothing better than an easy-going romance novel. Not that I dislike mystery or drama in my romances but the straightforward ones that are closer to real-life experiences are my favourite. 

Q: If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

No one will remember your mistakes as much as you. Don't let them rule your life. You are the driving force of your own destiny. I spent most of my time worrying about what other people thought of me; I forgot to live my own life half the time. 

Q: What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?

I am bilingual so I knew from an early age about the power of language. I also spent most of my childhood travelling through Asia and the Middle East. I could say one sentence and they could interpret it in many ways. My earliest memory is probably of my father translating French stories into English and seeing how each word had a new order in the sentence so it could make sense in English. That has always fascinated me. 

Q: How has Wattpad impacted your life?

My husband should answer this question for me because it has probably impacted his life more than mine. He can't walk into a room without hearing the word 'Wattpad'. I am in the early stages of my Wattpad life, so I am still waiting for the after-effects of making a name for myself on the site. 

Q: What's your favorite under-appreciated novel?

'We Were Liars' by E.Lockhart. I am not sure if it counts as being under-appreciated as the book won the Goodreads Choice Award in 2014 but when I mention it to other people, they've never heard of it. I am a Romance lover through and through, and this is far from a romance. I picked the book up thinking I was in for an easy YA read but I was mistaken. From the first few pages, I was gripped, and the ending had me in tears. If I can laugh or cry with a story, I know it's a winner. 

Q: Which mythical creature are you most fascinated with and why?

Mermaids. As a child, the water, and what lay underneath, fascinated me. You actually see that love for the ocean through Heart to Hart. Until recently, I have always lived close to a waterfront. I was born on an island and practically lived in the water. 

Q: If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

*Number one would have to be a Kindle with unlimited battery life and at least a thousand books saved to it. 

*Number two, sunscreen. I burn so quickly. It would be an uncomfortable stay without it on. 

Q: If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?

I don't have the need to take over another person's life but more someone else's position. I would love to swap places with someone that works in the CIA or any other official organization that would have access to secret information. I love a conspiracy theory and want to know if anything is true. 

If I had to pick an actual person, then I will go for Blake Lively. So I can check if Ryan Reynolds is as funny in real life as everyone makes out. 

Q: What's the number one thing on your bucket list?

I actually have a bucket list that I am partway through. On top of my list was getting a tattoo. I have wanted one since I was 18 and I finally got one for my last birthday. Next was to donate blood (I am terrified of needles so both were a massive achievement). I have done that and continue to do so. Writing my first novel was also on my list. My biggest one, however, is to visit Japan. I am desperate to visit during the cherry blossom season.

Q: What are you when you're not on Wattpad?

I am a mother, a wife, and an all-around creator. I work in a school part-time and also own an online wreath-making business. Although I love spending time on my own, I have a large circle of friends and spend most of the time balancing my alone time (for writing), my family, and my social life. 

Q: What's the one thing you struggled with when you just started your writing journey and how did you overcome it?

I struggled with finding time to write. I overcame it by staying up when everyone else was going to bed. That's how I discovered I am a much better writer past midnight. I have to prise myself away from writing past that time. 

Q: If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be and why?

This won't be a surprise after the bucket list question but a Sakura tree, the Japanese cherry tree. They symbolise clouds and I have my head in the clouds most of the time. However, I asked my friend, and she said I should be an oak tree because their acorns represent strength and potential. 

Finally, who is loiseaublanc, and what's the next step for her?

I am Clara Loisy, a romance writer, mother, and wife. I live in a small English village on the outskirts of London with my family, my cat, and our crazy dog. I talk too much and rarely finish my sentences because I have too much going on in my head but give me a pen and everything untangles on the page. 

For me, the next step is hopefully to publish 'Heart to Hart' and to write my next book. Keep an eye on my Wattpad page as the cover and blurb will be released very soon.


Thank you for that Heart to Hart😉 see what I did there lol. Anyway, thanks for joining us and expressing yourself so openly. Wishing you all the best with your future endeavors and happy 2020 may you achieve all your goals!

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