WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

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In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

Challenge 3-Triple X Games

484 30 51
By SinnaMonnBun

The scene opened up to show Paige, Sasha, Bayley, Lita and Velveteen with their ears placed against Chris' room door.

VC-Sasha-Right now, Chris is getting his ass lit up by Trish and everybody's here for it!

'You have no idea how stupid you looked last night! Now you're probably going home! I told you not to cause a scene and thats exactly what you did! Do you think any of that was called for? You made yourself look like a complete idiot plus, you made me look bad! I can't keep defending you when you do these stupid things Chris!'

'I was only trying to defend you and defend myself.'

'By acting like a jackass?'

"Oop."said Sasha.

'Im not tolerating this! This is not who you are! You're better than that! I don't want to keep talking to you like a little boy, so stop acting like one!'

VC-Lita-Chris walks around the house like he's king of everything but....clearly Trish wears the pants in the relationship.

VC-Velveteen-Queen Trish is scolding his ass like an angry mother. You go girl.

'Don't let this happen again Chris! I swear, if it does then you and I are going to have some problems!'

'It won't.'

'It better not.'

There was a few moments of silence before the door of the room opened.

Chris walked out and saw everyone in front of the door which startled him a bit. All eyes were on him. He knew he had to play it cool.

"Yea...just had a mind blowing love making session in there."he lied, "Trish is breathless right now. Nothing new when you're Chris Jericho."

"Sure. Sure you did."Sasha replied.


"Alright everyone, welcome to your third challenge on this season of The Challenge Rivals."Hunter said to all the Challengers and they applauded, "First things first.....Chris, I heard you were being a bit of a problem last night."

"In my defence, I was under the influence last night. Had a little bit too much of the bubbly, you know what I mean."he nervously chuckled, "Anyway, the actions of my intoxicated self has nothing to do with my sober self. We're like two different people so I don't think I should be penalized for what intoxicated Chris did. I rest my case."

VC-Paige-Im going to hire Chris as my lawyer whenever I get in trouble with the law. I don't even care if he's not an actual lawyer.

Hunter shook his head in disapproval, "You're really something else. However, Dolph, Punk, both of you were also involved in the situation. It has come to my attention that there were some altercations last night where things got physical."

"All I did was push Chris to defend myself."said Dolph, "However, his partner went Muhammad Ali on his face so....look at him, not me."

Hunter's eyes focused on Punk.

"Now, you all do know that in The Challenge, we don't tolerate physical violence. Dean, what happens to you when you attack someone on the show?"Hunter asked.

"You get your ass sent home."

"You should know."said Hunter, "Punk, Chris, do you guys have your suitcases packed already?"

"I packed this morning because I knew this was coming." Punk sighed.

"Smart move."

VC-Miz-My heart is racing, I'm getting so excited! Chris and Punk are goners! Nah nah nah nah! Nah nah nah nah! Hey hey hey! Goodbye!

VC-CM Punk-Im not ashamed to go out this way. Im proud to get kicked off The Challenge for shutting Chris up with my fist. When you go out, go out with a bang.

"Well...as of right now....Chris, Punk....I hate that I have to tell you this but.......dont sweat it."said Hunter, "You're still in the game."

"WHAT!"Yelled Miz.

Chris' eyes lit up. He looked as though new life was breathed into him.

"What? That can't happen!"said Charlotte.

Everyone stood there confused and shocked upon Hunter's revelation.

VC-Dean-I kicked Seth's ass in season 1 and got sent home. What is he talking about? Punk and Chris got into a physical fight, they gotta get up on out of here.

"This season we're bending the rules a little bit. It is Rivals after all and we don't expect everyone to play well with each other."said Hunter, "We've loosened up on the physical altercation policy however, that does not mean you guys can start World War 3 in that house. If any of you take things too far then you will be kicked off the show. Got it?"

"So I can slap bitches and get away with it?"asked Naomi.

"Im not going to tell you what you can and can't do."Hunter responded.

VC-Naomi-Come on Mandy. I dare you to cross me this time!

VC-Chris-By the help of The Challenge gods, we live to see another day. I thought that was it. I thought we were done for.

VC-Dolph-This is some bullshit. Chris literally had his hands around my throat.

VC-Paige-With this new information that we've been given all I can think of are the opportunities. So so many opportunities to put some bitches in their place.

"Lets get started with today's challenge shall we?"said Hunter, "Today's challenge is called Triple X games."

VC-Cesaro-With a name like that you can't help but think of.....you know.........What the hell are we going to be doing today?

"I mean, I'm pretty good at the Triple X game but I don't think we're talking about the same thing Hunter." Seth proudly said.

"Well you better be good at this kind of Triple X Games too. Heres how its going to be played."

-Played in all male and all female rounds.

-Played on an obstacle course along the beach.

-There are two stages to this challenge.

-In the first stage titled 'Woody', teams must work together to saw off a piece of a log.

-The saw will be placed between their legs and they must use a thrusting motion to complete the action.

-The first team to do so will earn a 5 second head start for stage 2. Each team after that will earn a 1 second head start.

Stage 2

-Players will be attached together at their torsos, with one player upside down.

-Each team must advance along the course, through a pile of tires and under a log.

-The standing player then has to retrieve a red ball that is atop a wooden pole, with their mouths.

-They must use their mouths to drop the ball onto the floor where their partner then has to retrieve it with their mouth.

-When they retrieve it, they must only use their mouth to deposit the ball into a pipe in the ground.

-First male and female team to deposit their ball, wins.

Everyone looked at Hunter in disgust.

"You know what Hunter, just send us home instead. We don't need to be here anymore."said Chris.

VC-Roman-Is he serious? This is what we have to do today?

VC-AJS-When I thought it couldn't get any worse........this.

"What makes it even better, fellas, this week you guys will be up for eliminations so, you really want to get this victory today."said Hunter, "We'll start with the ladies first. Gear up girls."

PreVC-Paige and Charlotte

Charlotte-We've been sucking lately. I wonder why. This is our third challenge and we haven't won one yet. I can't be the reason why. Im used to winning challenges.

Paige- Wow. What a way to throw shade you bitch. You think I'm the reason we're sucking?

Charlotte-I don't see any other reason why.

Paige-Go to hell Charlotte.

Charlotte-Anyway, despite it not being a girls elimination this week, I'm still going to try my hardest to win. If you're not here to win then what are you here for?

"OKAY LADIES, YOU READY?"Hunter asked.


He blew his airhorn and the girls immediately began stage 1 of the challenge. They all had the saw between their legs and thrusted back and forth.

VC-Miz-Watching the girls do this challenge....im thinking to myself....yea theres no way in hell I'm going to be doing that.

"COME ON GIRLS! HARDER! FASTER!"Seth cheered them on.

VC-Mickie-We're like 10 seconds into this and Alexa is already starting to grind my gears.


VC-Alexa-She's thrusting when I'm thrusting! Like...ughhhhhhh! Cant you see what I'm doing? Follow my rhythm!

As they all thrusted, the guys cheered them on non stop.


VC-Peyton-The saw that we have to use, theres a part of it that we have to put between our legs and then theres handlebars to hold onto for when we're thrusting and....I have no idea how to control it!

"You gotta work with me Peyton! What are you doing?"Sasha barked at Peyton who was struggling.

"Im tryingggg!"

After a few more seconds, one team was able to saw off their end of the log and capture first place.


VC-Paige-Its all in the hips baby.

Right after his announcement, Billie and Bayley sawed off their end of the log and locked in second place.

VC-Bayley-I really hope my parents aren't going to see this.

Finishing Positons-

-1st-Charlotte and Paige

-2nd-Bayley and Billie

-3rd-Trish and Lita

-4th-Alexa and Mickie

-5th-AJ and Kaitlyn

-6th-Mandy and Naomi

-7th-Sasha and Peyton

-8th-Brie and Nikki

The girls all got into positions for stage 2.

VC-Mandy-Right now...everyone is like in a 69 position on the floor and....*exhales*.....I just want this to be over.

"Here's a sight we'll never see again....sadly."said Dolph.

"Charlotte and Paige, you have a 5 second head start. You ready?....Go!"Hunter blew his horn.

VC-Charlotte-I chose to carry Paige since I'm taller and probably weigh more than her.

Charlotte was laying on top of Paige so that it would be easier for her to be able to stand up with her.

She made her first attempt to stand up with Paige wrapped around her but immediately dropped back down. On her second attempt, she was successful.

By that time, their 5 seconds head start had expired and the next team was now able to take off.

VC-Billie-So I decided to be the one to carry Bayley through the obstacle course.

Billie attempted to get up off the floor with Bayley but she was weighing her down.

VC-Billie-I don't usually lift weights, I'm more of a cardio, yoga, treadmill kind of girl. Im not trained to do this and I'm afraid I'm going to throw out my back.

One by one the other teams were given the green light to go. A lot of them however, were having a bit of a struggle.

VC-Lita-I am trying my best to stand up but I don't know how the hell to even start this whole thing.

The cameras panned to show Lita on her knees, leaning back on her hand with Trish's legs wrapped around her neck. Trish was balancing on her head.

VC-Trish-Lita, please don't break my neck.

VC-Kaitlyn-Alot of the other girls are struggling to carry their partner, meanwhile I got AJ hung over me like a fanny pack, running through this course.

Kaitlyn and AJ was able to catch up with Charlotte and Paige who were going through the pile of tires. Naomi and Mandy and Sasha and Peyton were right behind them.

Back at the starting line

Mickie was finally able to hoist Alexa up. She was able to take a few steps before stumbled and fell, landing on Alexa, knocking the wind out of her.

VC-Alexa-This is how I die.

Mickie got back up with Alexa still hanging off of her.

VC-Mickie-The hard part about this is trying to walk with Alexa wrapped around my body. After about 4 steps I'm ready to throw her ass off of me.

Using all her might, Mickie gripped Alexa tightly and proceeded to make her way through the obstacle course.

The leading teams made it through the tires and under the log.

VC-Charlotte-My legs are burning. Its not easy hauling 125 pounds of dead weight.

Charlotte and Paige, Kaitlyn and AJ, Sasha and Peyton and Naomi and Mandy were now at their last check point. The remaining teams were catching up.

The only thing that was left to do right now was have the partner that was hanging upside down, deposit their ball down the pipe with their mouths.

VC-Dolph-There were some teams that weren't able to carry their partner so instead of walking, the teams decided to roll and crawl their way through the obstacle course *laughs* You can't get this type of entertainment anywhere else ladies and gentlemen.

"This is the weirdest day of my life."said Roman as he looked on at the girls.

VC-Naomi-Somehow, Mandy is struggling to put that ball in her mouth. Shouldn't she be used to having balls in her mouth?

VC-Mandy-The ball is full of sand and its gross. I don't want sand in my mouth.

"COME ON CHAR!"AJ yelled from the sidelines.

By this time the rest of the teams had caught up.

VC-Paige-I have the ball in my mouth plus I have to direct Charlotte on where to move so I can properly deposit it into the pipe. She's not working with me. How does she expect me to have the ball in my mouth and direct her at the same time.

Paige spat out the ball, "TO THE LEFT! MOVE MORE TO THE LEFT!"

As the girls continued to battle for first place, Hunter blew his airhorn.

"Okay we have a winner. Kaitlyn and AJ, congratulations."

PostVC-Kaitlyn and AJ

Kaitlyn-I think it was a huge benefit that my partner is very light. It was easy for me to carry her around.

AJ-Im glad we were able to pull this off today. Even though all the girls are safe this week, hopefully by winning this everyone can see that we're not just layups.

Kaitlyn-Good job. *reaches her hand out for a high five*

AJ-*high fives her*

All the guys were now stationed on the course.

PreVC-Johnny and Tommaso

Tommaso-Today's challenge is.....ridiculous.

Johnny-Yea they're just pushing the limits with this one.

Tommaso-Unfortunatly this week is a guy's week so we're going to have to try to win. We're here to compete after all so whatever they throw at us, we're going to try our best. No matter how stupid it is.

Johnny-At the end of the day, nobody is going to compete for you. You gotta do it yourself. If you wanna win, you gotta do it yourself. If you wanna survive this game, you gotta make a way for yourself to survive.

Tommaso-I don't believe theres such a thing as friends in this game. Theres only one person you truly can depend on and its yourself.

Johnny-And your partner.

Tommaso-Mostly yourself.

"I can't wait to see this."said Paige.

"OKAY GUYS, YOU READY?"Hunter asked, "......GO!"

Immediately the guys began thrusting back and forth with the saw between their legs. Well.....not all the guys.

"What are you doing?"Dean asked Miz as he alone was thrusting.

Miz stepped away from the saw, "Im not doing this."

"Shut the fuck up and stop wasting time."

"Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope."said Miz as he made his way back to where the girls stood.

VC-Miz-No amount of money can make me put my head between Dean's legs. I don't care if we go into eliminations. I am better than this.

"What are you doing? Go back on the course!"said Charlotte.

All the girls began heckling at Miz to continue doing the challenge.

"Whats going on Miz?"asked Hunter.

"Im not doing this. I quit."

"You do know its a guys elimination this week right?"

"I don't care! I have dignity! Theres no way you're getting me to do that!"

"Well this is absolutely pathetic."said Hunter, "If you're one to run away from things you don't want to do then Miz, The Challenge isn't for you. You won't last a second in the finals so maybe you should stop trying."

Miz rolled his eyes.

"Well it looks like we already have today's losers. Dean, Miz, you're going straight to the Stomping Grounds."

Dean stooped down and put his head between his hands.

VC-Mickie-I feel bad for Dean. It must suck wanting to compete but not being able to because of your partner. On top of that, now they're going into eliminations so, thats the salt in the wound right there.

"I quit too."said Kevin.

"What!"Sami yelped.

"Yea im not doing this either."he said as walked to join Miz.

VC-Naomi-What the hell is going on with these guys today?

Hunter was getting red in the face.

VC-Kevin-Thank god Miz was the first one to quit. He made it much more easier for me to do it.

VC-Cesaro-As emasculating as this challenge is, I rather look like an idiot doing it than be seen as a quitter.

"Alright we have our first place winner. Tommaso, Johnny, you'll be getting a 5 second head start." Hunter announced.

Dean walked over to Sami, "Might as well have some fun with this."

He put the saw in-between his legs and he and Sami began trying to saw the log.

VC-Bayley-I think Dean and Sami would be much more successful in this game if they were partners.

Stage 1 Finishing Positions

-1st-Tommaso and Johnny

-2nd-AJ and Seth

-3rd-John and Roman

-4th-Dolph Cesaro

-5th-Punk and Chris

-6th-Aleister and Velveteen

DQ-Kevin and Sami, Dean and Miz

"Alright guys, get ready for stage 2."informed Hunter.

VC-Seth-Things are about to go from weird to even weirder.

VC-Chris-My partner punched me in the face last night and now I'm supposed to put my head between his legs?

The teams were all laid out on the sand like the girls were, trying their best to figure out how they were going to stand up.

The girls were all laughing at them.

VC-Lita-Again, its awesome having the guys be thrown into these awkward challenges. We have a bunch of hot heads in the house so to see them like this is absolute gold. I hope these challenges humble them.

Velveteen was seen posing with Aleister already draped around him.

"Can we get started, The Dream is getting impatient."he said.

Roman began unbuckling his harness"I think I'm going to call it quits man."

VC-Roman-I hate being a quitter but this one aint for me.

"Are you serious? You're not even going to try?"asked John.

"We're not going to be going into eliminations anyway so we don't gotta worry about nothing."

"How are you so sure about that?"

"Trust me."he said as he began walking away.

VC-John-I don't know about Roman but I'm not playing to be safe, I'm playing to win.

"Babe? You're seriously quitting?"Sasha asked as she saw Roman and John making their way over to them.

He nodded.

VC-Mickie-These guys have way too much pride. They rather take their chances in elimination than have their partner's ass in their face.

"You guys need to seriously rethink coming back onto this show."Hunter threw shade, "You can't call yourself Challengers if you're pussying out at something you don't want to do. Maybe stick to your dating shows instead."

"Ouch."said Lita.

All the teams were able to get up off the ground with their partner and stand at the starting line.

Everyone was now in position.


Tommaso and Johnny took off, with Tommaso being the one to carry Johnny.

VC-Tommaso-If I was carrying Johnny over my shoulders instead of at the front of me, it would've been way easier. Right now I'm not going as fast as I would like too.

One by one the other teams began to take off.

The girls cheered them on as they ran.

"What am I doing with my life."asked AJ as he dangled between Seth's legs.

VC-AJ-Ive dangled off of Seth way more than id ever want to in my life. Thats a sentence id never thought id say.

The guys raced through the sand. Even though Tommaso and Johnny were in the lead, the other teams weren't far behind.

VC-Velveteen-I personally think this challenge was made for Aleister and I. Im able to scurry my way through this course at ease.

Dean and Sami were also still participating as a team even though were no longer a part of the challenge.

As Chris and Punk were going through the pile of tires (with Punk carrying Chris), Punk accidentally fell and landed flat on top of Chris.

The girls laughed.

VC-CM Punk-Do you know how agonizing it is to have to carry Chris? He's a bigger guy compared to me. But no, he insisted for me to carry him.

VC-Chris-Punk falls. His crotch lands promptly in my face.....*sighs*.....First it was his fist, now its his balls.

Johnny, Tommaso, Seth and AJ were the first ones to arrive at the last checkpoint. Seconds after Aleister, Velveteen, Dolph and Cesaro made it. Punk was still struggling to get up with Chris.

Tommaso and Seth both grabbed the ball that was atop of the pole with their mouths and dropped it on the sand for their partner to deposit it.

"STEP BACK! STEP BACK!"AJ directed Seth.

Seth did as he was told.


VC-Naomi-Its really anybody's game right now because all of the teams are at the last checkpoint trying to put that ball into the pipe. Well except for Punk and Chris.

"Dean, Sami, thats cute but you guys need to get off the course."said Hunter as Sami was currently trying to deposit his ball into the pipe.

Depressingly, Dean put Sami down and they both retreated back to where the girls were standing.

The teams kept on going at it, desperately trying to deposit their ball until finally Hunter blew his airhorn.

"Alright guys, we have a winner. AJ, Seth, congratulations."


Seth unclipped the harness and AJ fell flat to the ground.


The teams(now detached) all reassembled in front of Hunter.

"Very very interesting challenge today guys. For those of you who participated, you guys did great. Coming in first place for the women, Kaitlyn, AJ, you guys got a thousand bucks. Good job."Hunter said as everyone applauded, "And well it looks like today is a lucky day to be named AJ because coming in first place for the guys, Seth and AJ. Congrats guys, you're safe from elimination this week."

PostVC-AJ and Seth

AJ-Last week I said that I hope we're able to win when it matters and thats exactly what we did.

Seth-I think we're on a roll here.

AJ-It seems like the more I dread doing a challenge, the more likely I am to win it. Example: today's challenge.

Seth-Well all you really had to do was hang upside down and put a ball in a hole. You're lucky I was able to carry you through out the course with no problems. I thought you being a petite guy would have affected me but, its actually an advantage.

AJ-All I had to do was put a ball in a hole? You're lucky I did it before any other guy was able to do! Thats all you do Seth! You take credit for every damn thing! And I'm not freakin petite.

Seth-You did the bare minimum!

AJ-You know what! Next time why don't you do the whole damn challenge buy yourself if you're so excellent at everything.

Seth-I honestly don't mind.

AJ-*angrily walks off* Freakin pathetic.

"As for today's loser, Dean, Miz, you're going straight into the Stomping Grounds. Its not because you lost, but because you quit. You're not the only teams that quit, Kevin, Sami, John, Roman, I'm disgusted by all of you. I guess your pride and dignity is worth more than a half a mill grand prize. Just because Dean and Miz are going into eliminations, don't think that you other two teams of quitters are getting away scott free. You will be penalised in the near future."

PostVC-Dean and Miz

Dean-I don't know how it is I got stuck with the biggest bitch in the house as a partner-

Miz-Are you kidding me? What, are your panties in a bunch because I quit today's challenge? No amount of money in the world is going to get me to stick my head by your crotch! Do you really think I need this Dean? Do you think I need to win this? Im not like you. Im not a trailer park charity case! Im an A-list celebrity! I have wealth!

Dean-So why the fuck are you here?

Miz-To show everybody that I am better than them! Just because I'm rich doesn't mean I don't like to compete! I love competing!

Dean-But you didn't fucking compete today!What are you talking about?

Miz-Im not desperate for money. They can throw us into elimination! I don't care! I have pride, I have dignity, I have self respect, unlike you Dean! If we win this show do you really think its going to benefit me? I'll be able to add champion to my resume but thats it. Its going to benefit your poor sorry ass! Its going to better your life! My life is great! Im basically here competing for you!

Dean-*takes his light blue team shirt off and throws it at Miz's face* You aint about to say you gave me a damn thing Miz. I rather go home empty handed than win this show with you.

Miz-Im you're only hope in a game like this genius! Do you really think you can ever be successful on this show? You're not even successful in life! What the hell do you know about success?

Dean-*begins taking off the wired mic that was attached to him*You're on your own now hot shot. Im out.

Miz-What do you mean you're out?

Dean-*begins walking away* Im done.

Miz-Dont walk away from me! DEAN! DONT YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME!

Dean ignored him and kept on going.

VC-Dean-He's lucky I didn't choke him the fuck out. He's testing me. He's testing me and he's not going to like whats going to happen to him.


Dean flipped him off.


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