Dance With Me {Book 2: My Dan...

By Vicky16Glossy

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three Pt.1
Chapter Three Pt.2
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve (Janet Chapter)
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Ten

59 2 0
By Vicky16Glossy

(Dominic's POV)

Vicky has stayed in Bianca's bedroom all day and won't let me see her. I know every apology in the world won't make up for what I've done to her, and I had a choice not to kiss Becky back. But the moment was too intense and I wasn't thinking straight at the time.

Here I was worried that she would find another guy and forget all about me. Then I become a hypocrite and kiss the one girl that Vicky decided to save from drowning. How can one girl just ruin something I've been waiting a year to piece back together. That summer that Vicky lost her memory, I did everything that I could to get her back. Now all of that has gone down the drain.

"Bianca please let me inside," I begged Bianca to let me into her room. She and Nadia blocked my way and haven't budged for half an hour.

"I'm sorry Dominic but she doesn't want to see you right now," Nadia said. "She's my little sister and I'm always going to be on her side"

I looked over at Bianca and pleaded for her to understand how much I needed to see her, "Bianca, please let me talk to her"

She looked down at her feet and twiddled her finger around, I know how hard it was for her. Ever since Vicky and I got back together, Bianca and I have become great friends. Making her choose between me and her best friend is a selfish thing for me to do but I'm a selfish person when it comes to Vicky.

"Dominic please don't make me do really hurt her"

"I know that what I did is unforgivable but I just can't stand the fact of her in pain because of me"

The door to Bianca's room opened and Vicky stood there with a puffy face and dark circles under her eyes, we stared at each other for a moment before she broke it.

"Bianca do you know where you put my pills when you moved my stuff?" Vicky asked.

"Moved your stuff?" I asked. "You moved out of our room?"

She ignored me and kept on talking to Bianca, "I put them in your makeup bag"

"Thank you," she closed the door and the two girls guarding it turned back to me. I can't believe she moved out of our room over a kiss. A kiss that meant absolutely nothing to me. 

When I realized that she wasn't coming out anytime soon, I decided to go to my room and get some sleep. It was not as if I was going to get any sleep in the first place. All I did was lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling for hours until I drifted off into a dark dreamless sleep.

(Victoria's POV)

I made sure to wake up early so I wouldn't bump into Dominic. Seeing him last night for the first time since the club was weird. It took everything that I had not to burst into tears, but the entire time I was in that room I promised myself to not be weak in front of him. I had to have an advantage in all of this. One sign of weakness and he'll feel that he still has a chance. It's not like I completely hate him for what happened. Becky did kiss him first...but he kissed her back the same way he kisses me.

Nicholas picked me up thirty minutes later and he offered to buy me breakfast. It wasn't like I was going to eat any of it anyways. I just haven't had the appetite for food.

I waited in the car while Nicholas went inside of Mcdonald's to get us something to eat. As I waited for him, I observed his truck. I would never have imagined he'd be into trucks. I would never have imagined him being a dancer either.

He opened his side of the car and handed me a large breakfast burrito. Normally I would dig in without hesitation but my medication was messing with my appetite. It's the first time in a year since I've taken them because I haven't had a reason to before. But if I didn't eat something, it might affect me while I audition later on today.

"Thanks," I said and took a small bite out of my burrito.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I sighed and took another bite. "I practiced all day in the backyard and I finally landed that barrel you taught me"

"I can't wait to see it," he said.

"My barrel?"

"Your routine," he turned into an intersection after the light turned green. "All of the freshmen audition in one room together. They want you to see what you're up against"

My eyes widened and I began to freak out, "I thought it would be just me and the judges, not the twenty other people I'm competing with!"

"You're not competing for anything, everyone gets put into a class no matter what. This audition just shows the judges what class you'll be more comfortable in"

"But that's the problem. I've been a ballet dancer since I was three. I want to do something else"

Nicholas parked his car in the school parking lot and turned off his engine. 

He picked up my left hand and said, "Do you see the lines that are in your palm?"

I nodded.

"And how each one is different?"

I nodded again.

"That's you, you're not just a ballet dancer. You're a special person, I don't see people like you very much. You can do any routine that someone throws at you no matter what genre it might be. You've just been focused on one your entire life"

He started playing with my fingers and slowly looked into my eyes. I felt like the car was a thousand degrees and my heart was pounding so loud that it made my ears pop. I had to get out of there before I did something I regretted. I tried to search for the door handle and hopped out of the car just in time to bump into...her.

"Hi Victoria," she said in a nervous voice. "How are you?"

I couldn't even answer her, because if I did it would be something that I would regret later. So I just nodded and walked past her.

"Okay little fishies!" a middle-aged woman with a cane walked into the room that we were all waiting in. 

"I'm Analesa Graham and I am the president of this school. Welcome to Berkley. You are here because you are the best that America has to offer. Everything that you thought that you knew about dancing is just a fragment of what it really is. Right now, you are all newborn babies that just started walking and we, your instructors and section leaders, are your loving mothers.

I'll call your name, you'll hand me your music, you'll audition, then sit back down. You only get one minute. So once it hits that mark, I'll stop the music. Remember this is not a competition to see who is better than you, we just want to get an idea of what classes to put you in for the year.

Notice that I just said the word year. That's right my little fishes, your class may or may not be the class you will be in for the next four years. One semester you could be a ballet student and the next you're a ballroom student. 

Also, you may be put in more than one class. It's never happened before, but maybe someone will surprise me. Is everyone ready?"

We all nodded.

"Good. We'll be going by last name. Elsa Berstein, you are first. Everyone else, no dancing or talking. You will stand there and watch"

A tall girl walked forward and handed the lady with the cane a CD. By the looks of her, she was probably doing ballet. Whenever she started I just blanked out. I was too busy focusing on Nicholas and how he looked so official. This whole time we spent together I completely forgot that he was a section leader. I bet he makes a great one seeing as he's a great teacher.

I switched my focus to the next leader...Becky. It sucks when the girl who kissed your boyfriend has a better body than you do. It's not that I have a terrible body, I just don't have crazy abs like she does.

When I looked back at her, I noticed that she was looking over at someone on the other side of the room. I followed her gaze and saw Dominic looking straight back at her. I slugged my shoulders and let out a puff of air.

They have got to be kidding me! Can they be any more obvious?! I could walk up to her right now and rip her weave right out of her scalp and feel nothing but pure joy.

"Dominic Garcia!" I snapped my head to Dominic at the sound of his name. By now there were only two kids and me. For the love of God please don't let me be the last, I can't take all of that pressure.

Dominic handed her his iPod and got into position. I've seen him do his routine a thousand times before, he's been practicing it since graduation. I can honestly say that he has nothing to worry about, and he never does. Everybody, including Mrs. Analesa, were dancing and clapping along with him. He has that effect on people.

Mrs. Analesa stopped the song and had realized that she went past the required time he was supposed to dance. She was enjoying herself so much that she forgot that she was judging.

"Thank you Mr. Garicia, you may step over there please," Dominic nodded and walked over to the side that the people who already auditioned had gone.

The worst thing that I feared had come true. I was the last person. I slowly walked up to the judge's table, handed Mrs. Analesa my CD, and got into position. The music started and my mind went completely blank. All the choreography and hard work that Nicholas and I had put into this dance had gone down the drain. What do I do? The chorus is almost here and I'm going to look like a complete fool. So I guess I'm going to have to wing it.

I did a combination of leaps and kicks, pirouettes, and barrels. Everything I could do to keep from looking like a complete idiot in front of Dominic. Then suddenly the music stopped and everyone started clapping for me. I guess that's it. I can finally breathe now.

An hour later, the section leaders came out along with Analesa and hung a list on the door.

"Now before you parade up here like dogs chasing a bone, I want you all to know that all decisions are final. Don't bother me in my office asking why you didn't make the section that you wanted. Be proud and embrace it"

She and the leaders walked into her office and all of us ran to the list. There were few people who were disappointed and others, like Dominic, who were happy with what they got. I searched for my name and found it under:


"Yes!" I said in excitement.

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