Only In The Myths (Katsuki Ba...

By Titania21erzascarlet

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People think quirks at the best thing imaginable, used for good or used for evil. But what if you want to us... More

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By Titania21erzascarlet

You happened to wake up, cuddled tightly into a ball on top of Explosion boy. When you realised what had happened you tried to sneak off, thinking it would be easy since he sleeps like a star fish, but you thought wrong. Since after you tried to stand up, you realised his toned arms were keeping you in place.

'Great...' Maneuvering you arm back under his warm grip, you adjusted your glasses that you didn't take off the night before. Once they were on you looked around the room the best you could, moving your head on top of Bakugo's steady breathing chest. 'Good, everyone's still asleep.'

Letting out a deep sigh, you started getting more and more tired as Bakugo's abnormally comfy chest kept raising and falling, you could clearly hear his steady heart beating under your ear and his fiery breath gently blowing over your head. With little to no effort you drifted back to sleep, whether you wanted to or not.

For the first time in a while, Bakugo was actually comfy enough to have a dream. His memories took him to a dream about him, Deku and the dweebs that followed him everywhere. But specifically the day they decided to cross the wired fence. He recalled the signs plastered on metal wires, giving people a warning of the voltage and not to enter.

Then in a fade it switched to another scene. Two days ago, when he followed you to the cave. When you took him home, the first day that he actually went past the fence after the day with his group. The memory showed clearly the moment before he walked in, staring up at the cold, run down fence in the sunlight, and the shadows of the trees.

It would've look peaceful without the fence, but there was more to the memories. Quickly the scene changed to the signs scattered on the floor or barely hanging onto the wire, each time it changed the sky would flicker darker.

"Beware! Monster!"


"Turn around!"


Many more all over the place, they seemed to become bigger and bigger. While in return Bakugo got smaller and smaller, feeling like an ant about to be stepped on a giant. Rain started flooding in, deafening sounds of thunder and lightning filling the area.

He may have been overwhelmed, but he wasn't going to give in! In a flash of lightening, everything was back to normal size, but the weather was yet to seize. Letting out a scoff at the failed attempt to scare, Bakugo was about to walk through the fence.

When a demonic screech was heard behind him in the distance, turning around without a care in the world. The trees seemed to grow longer, like a never-ending hall way in a haunted house. Far, far in the distance was a pair of humongous glowing red eyes. Squinting his eyes to get a better look as the wind started to pick up and the rain started hitting like miniature bullets.

An echo of insults come from the forest, followed by ghostly howls. Trying to keep his eyes on the monster as freezing winds blew, the monster in the woods, flickered closer. "It... was... you..." It howled a creature's voice echoing it, flicking closer, "You ruined my life!"

Bakugo was prepared to fight, getting his hands in their normal position, ready for explosions. The monster flickered closer once again, right in front of Bakugo, looming over him. The silhouette of a crazed human, having a ghostly smile that lived up to the name; ear to ear and blood thirst eyes.

"BETHANY!!" It shrieked, before coming down with it's mouth opened abnormally wide, sharp razor blade like teeth reaching out of it. About to bit him whole, trying to ignite his quirk to no avail. A moment of pause as Bakugo realised what is going on as drool from the demon fell down, within milliseconds he had been eaten whole. Or so he thought, since at the last second.

He was transported away a couple feet, viewing the scene that could've been. But replaced with you, looking with fearful eyes at him, tears pouring down your face. before the earth renching SNAP!

"Ow..." Your voice quietly called, sitting up on the floor. Bakugo had shot up so quickly, it prctically sent you flying off the couch. Using his arms as support beams, he hunch over on the couch, hyperventalating, sweat pooring down and body visably shaking.

He had never felt like that before. Let alone for another person. His eyes were fixated down before shooting up to yours as you cautiously and curiously sat on the floor looking at him. "Bakugo? You alright?" You asked, he looked down at himself before jumping off the couch, running up stairs leaving you confused on the ground before you heard a unusaly loud bang.

In the bathroom, Bakugo was hunch over the sink taking some deep breaths. Ten million things rushing through his mind at once, 'What was that? Why did I think that? Why was it about her? What's going to happen to her? Why do I care about her? WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT HER?!' and many more.

As he was lot in thought a knock came from the door, snapping his head up towards it. "Bakugo, what's going on?" Your soothing voice asked from the other side of the door. 'I don't need help... I never needed any fucking help from any one! I NEED HER OUT OF MY HEAD! but she won't leave it... she never leaves it... WHY?!'

"Hey, whatever's going on, it's going to be okay..." You whispered to him, in an instant his head snapped to his side seeing you standing there with your hand on his back rubbing small circles on it.

In one swift movement he slapped your hand away, causing you to pout before rolling your eyes. Splashing water onto his face and arms, trying to get the explosive sweat off he tried to only concerntrate on that. "How did you get in here? I locked the door." he growled, he couldn't help but talk to you.

"I have my ways~~" you replied cheekily before stretching, looking closely at Bakugo's hands you saw he kept clenching them and releasing repeatively. "Do you want another massage?"

"No, do I look like a fucking whimp?" he growled, looking back at you while drying his hands. "I want answers."

This took you by suprise, you didn't know what he was trying to get out of you, or what asnwers he wanted until he continued with, "Know someone named Bethany?" Causing your eyes to grow wide as flash backs threw themselves into your vision.

"Who's Bethany?" You questioned after snapping out of it, this was a touchy subject for you to say the least.

"DON'T PLAY SMART-ASS WITH ME!!" he shouted, tensing up his muscles, "The look plain as day on your face, shows you know this brat."

With a defeated sigh, you closed the door behind you before walking next to him and plopping down on the floor, tapping the space next you. Rolling his eyes he sat down before you held out you hand, "I'll tell you, if you let me massage your hands Explosions."

Scoffing he flopped his hands into your grasp, his eyes fixated on yours. "Do you have a fucking hand fettish or something?"

Snorting you replied, "No, it's just calming." You weren't lying, his hands are so rough when it needs to be and soft at other times. But they're tense practically all the time. So you enjoy rubbing them, making him feel better even if he won't admit it. "Okay, so this is what happened-

When you were in middle school, at the age of 12. Three years before going to U.A, you and your friends; Rebecca, Marson, Ivy, Zoe and Bethany had started middle school,you were all really happy and such.

They knew what your quirk was, and they were the only people who actually wanted to be your friends. Caus even before the insident, some of the other kids thought you were a monster. And you hadn't even shown anyone your snakes, fearing to scare away your friends.

You were all pretty close friends, always hanging out, making jokes having a good time, you'd even help eachother with homework and things like that. Being together really helped with learning new stuff since you'd make jokes to remember it.

On day Ivy suggested to stay behind in the school so you could all study together since non of their parents had time to look after a bunch on kids, and you didn't want them to know you didn't have parents, that was the one secret you kept from them.

You all went and asked the teachers if you could use the math class the next night and they said yes, so you all went home, had dinner with your families, went to bed, woke up, got your stuff ready, packed in extra snacks so on and so on.

The day went by and all was going well, it was a normal day like usual at the end of the day going to math everyone was chatting.

You placed your books on one the of the desks, putting you backpack on the back of your chair and was ready to start work. All was going to plan, until a storm arrised from the sky.

It was one of those massive and dangerous storms, but you all thought nothing of it since you were inside. Until the lights went out.

"Don't worry guys! I brought candles for just such an occasion!" Bethany exclaimed, a sweet smile on her face.

Before turning into a psychotic one. You thought she was playing another game like she usually does, but all that thinking went out the window when you arms where being held down and your head was soon locked in a hold.

"heh... guys? What are you doing?" you questioned worriedly, Bethany walking ominously closer to you as lighting shone outside.

The fringe on her head, blocking out the light on her eyes. "You've been a burden to every one since the day you started school... You're a monster, and shouldn't be alive." lifting her head showing her blue eyes, "But since I want to be a hero..." She started, you wrestling against the others having a bad feeling, "I'll just punish you!"

The wick of the candle shone bright, lighting up the room as she brought it closer to your arm. "Hopefully this'll hurt!" wiggling on the spot, you tried to escape their devil hold, to not prevail... As the candle was burning the girls started to laugh, the wax started melting and the tilt of the candle tilting down to you.

"G-Guys! I thought we were friends!"

"Who could be friends with a monster like you?" They all laughed like witches, time seemed to slow as fear and terror was easily shown on your face as the wax had reached it limit and started to drip down, gathering up until it was heavy enough to fall down.

You're eyes grew wide when you saw the droplet beginning to fall, closing your eyes waiting for the impact of the burning hot substance... But it never came... Opening your eyes one at a time, everything was painted red. You were drenching in blood of your enemies... looking down at your hands in horror.

"W-what have I done?" stuttering at the sight before you, limb from limb. Rebecca's, Marson's, Ivy's, Zoe's and Bethany's body parts were scattered across the floor like bloody murder. The snakes on your head hissing while forming a circle around your neck. Tears started streaming down your face, after what they pulled they may have deserved it, but this isn't what heroes do! They don't murder... How could someone like you be a hero?

Within moments a teacher was walking down the hall, her heels clinking against the floor. You started stressing about the consequences, if she sees you like this, you'll surely never become a hero and you're life with be spent in jail.

Quickly looking around the room, you thought of the only way to escape. Jumping out the window.

"And that's my backstory..." You whispered, looking intently down at Bakugo's hands, "Please don't tell anyone, I'm trusting you with this secret." You continued, "You should know how it feels to be lied to your whole life..."

There was a moment of silence in the room until Bakugo rolled his eyes, taking his hands from your grasp roughly and pulled you close to him. Your eyes shot open in the sudden movement, been taken back as your face was now pressed up against his chest once again.

His chin resting on your head and his muscles relaxed, it seemed like your massage did what it's suppose to. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you smiled into his shirt. "Those ass-hats deserved it."

It is normally odd for you to show emotions like this, but as you may have noticed you do it around Bakugo. You don't know why, you don't know when it started, but you do know, you are comfortable with Bakugo around.

Alright so that had a bunch of Bakugo and your backstory! yay...

What do you think of the girls? Your 'friends' hmm?


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