Skulduggery Pleasant gets Fac...

By nowblackarc

106K 4.4K 2.1K

This is just a funny story about what would happen if the Skulduggery Pleasant characters got facebook. All t... More

Welcome to Facebook Skul
Ghanith and Bonechina
Alice (& more Ghanith and BoneChina)
Cool Hair
Fletcher's new gf
Triple dates
Ghanith Oneshot
Training and the Competition
Fletcherie VS BoneChina
Fletcherie VS Ghanith
Author's Note
Ghanith VS BoneChina
Valduggery Oneshot
Tanguine Oneshot
Fletcher's Loyalty
Dead Men Stories
BoneChina Forgiveness
Scapegrace X Thrasher
Dead Men Stories Part 2
A naked skeleton- Valduggery
Boyfriends 2 (Sweet Revenge)
Overprotective Boyfriend (Bonechina)
Breakup 1 (Bonechina)
Break Up 3 (Valduggery)
Break Up 4 (Ghanith)
I always waited for you (Ghanith)
Valduggery VS BoneChina
Fletcherie VS Valduggery
Drunk bae
Remnant Memories
Truth or Dare?
Secrets Part 1
Secrets Part 2
Fletcher X Tanith
YOLO unless you're Skulduggery
Missing Gordon
Drunken Nights
Relationship status
Shopping Days
Merry Christmas!
Books 2 (after reading Skulduggery Pleasant)
The Marriage
The Next Generation
Leather VS Suit
Wear a dress!
Camping!! 2 (Fletcher's Revenge)
Sexter is on
Monster Hunters
Alice the Twelvie
TV series
Sexter is On 2
Overseas Holiday & Important Notice

Break up 2 (Fletcherie)

1.2K 60 36
By nowblackarc

*Private Chat between Fletcher and Valkyrie
Valkyrie: Fletch?
Fletcher: Hey Val
Valkyrie: Can we.... just be friends?
Fletcher: Why? Why Valkyrie do you always have to insist on going out then dump me? Is our relationship a game to you? Are you just using me just to see how much you can hurt me every time?
Valkyrie: Fletcher... It's just... I don't think you are right for me
Fletcher: So then.. Valkyrie Cain.. what is right for you? Was the VAMPIRE right for you?
Valkyrie: Fletcher. No-
Fletcher: No? No what?
Valkyrie: C'mon Fletcher please
Fletcher: Please what? We're over Val. You don't understand do you? The great Valkyrie Cain. Of course you don't understand. You think you're the centre of the world. Admit it. You probably enjoyed the attention you got for being Darquesse. Every life you took the more attention you got. Is that why you killed Valkyrie?
Valkyrie: I don't understand
Fletcher: Of course you don't. You don't know what it's like to be the sidekick. Are you too famous for me? Is that why you broke up with me? Is the Last Teleporter Alive not special enough for you? Stephanie would understand.
Valkyrie: She was my reflection Fletcher. She was me Fletcher. She never was a person!
Fletcher: That's where you're wrong Valkyrie. You just can't accept that Stephanie was a much better person than you. You're meant to be the star aren't you. Valkyrie, Stephanie was so much better than you. She would understand
Valkyrie: Fletcher, she wasn't even human. The only reason she talked and walked was because I touched the mirror. She was my replacement. And replacements are never better than the original!
Fletcher: You're wrong Valkyrie. The only reason I ever asked you out again was so I could get over the loss of Stephanie.
Valkyrie: See? You're the bastard. You were just toying with me
Fletcher: Then I though you loved me. And for a while I loved you back.
Valkyrie: You never did. You never tried in our relationship. I always had to ask you out on dates because you never could be bothered to organise them. Half the time you declined my requests for a date because you were "busy". Were you seeing another girl?
Fletcher: I don't cheat. Unlike you with your filthy vampire
Valkyrie: Fletcher, listen to me. That was almost 10years ago.
Fletcher: No you listen to me. I thought... maybe you could be my new Stephanie
Valkyrie: Unlike the reflection, I'm a person Fletch
Fletcher: Well, how can a PERSON be so emotionless
Valkyrie: You have no right to say that
Fletcher: Your conscience wanted to destroy the world
Valkyrie: If Darquesse was your conscience you would have never won the fight and the world would be destroyed
Fletcher: You don't know that. You're pathetic Val. You think you're high and mighty. I wish you had died in Stephanie's place

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