𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠

By StormingSolby

17.4K 963 776

Elements, what comes to mind when you hear that word. Maybe the glowing sun, or the shimmering ocean, but doe... More

Character meet


603 37 14
By StormingSolby

(Colby's POV)

"Listen boy if you want this whole plan to work you need to wake the hell up," Jake says as I feel a force hit me, I just let him abuse me with the pillow being so used to it now.

"Come onnnnnn Mike wants to meet up," he sighs when he finally understands I'm not moving from my bed. It goes quiet for a bit and I reclose my eyes thinking he gave up but I'm proven wrong when I feel burning heat all around me, I launch up looking around my bed seeing huge flames all around the perimeter of it. They quickly go down revealing Jake standing there with a closed fist that is stopping the flames.

"So you ready to go or..." he slightly re opens his hand making the flames come barely up again just waiting for his command to be as big as they were before.

"No! I mean yes I'm ready let's go," he grins snapping his fingers so the fire is completely gone.

"Great! Meet me down stairs in ten," he walks out as if he didn't almost just kill me for wanting to have a lazy day. I sigh looking around my room seeing all the boxes of furniture that need to be built and boxes that need to be unpacked. Maybe later..

I jump up going to my closet throwing on a navy oversized sweater and black jeans, also grabbing a black beanie on my way out my room.

"Okay okay we can go now," I jog down the stairs seeing Jake waiting by the door, I pull on my shoes and we're on our way.


"Welcome hoes what should we do today?" Mike asks as he pulls open his door for us. He lives in Metal Element quarters but since that's an element that doesn't hurt the others anyone can come here. Same with Air and Darkness and everyone but Fire can go in Earth.

"Well you know the spell we wanna do? Well we need to find all the ingredients we're gonna need for that," Jake takes a list out handing it to Mike.

"Well I have two of them here," he points to the bottom of the list and then opens the door all the way for us walking out the room probably to grab them.

"Here," he walks back into the room with two jars.

"Three claws from a griffin, metal made from the ruler of the element and then obviously we're gonna need my blood," this is a lot for one spell, at least the ingredients are easy it's just stuff that is linked to each element, as in a griffin claw that is the official animal to represent the metal element. Also yes we have a lot of creatures here that are 'fake' on earth. There's also animals there that we don't have here, like dogs. Yes out of all the animals we don't have dogs, or cats actually.

"Great! That leaves 12 more ingredients then we're good to go."

"Other then the fact that we have no idea who the Sun Element is and Corey doesn't know our plan but yeah sure, good to go," Mike laughs opening his front door waiting for us.


"I'm about to flip my shit!" Jake storms out of the sixth store, pissed because we can't find two of the ingredients.

"Calm the hell down weirdo, we should split up so we can check as many shops as possible," I suggest knowing how many left it could be in. There is so many spell stores here it's crazy.

"Yeah that's a good idea, we'll meet back here?" Corey met us at about the third store so he's been helping us. We all agree and then split up, I look down to the list seeing all the places listed. I pause staring at one, you're telling me there was one that only carries Sun stuff and we haven't been there?! Okay it's final we are all idiots. I turn down the road and start heading there.

I walk into the small shop immediately being hit with the strong sent of lemon cake. "Hi! How can I help yo- oh," I look to the voice behind the counter seeing the boy that spilt their drink on me. I examine his face really trying to remember where I know him from.

"Hey, you know how you said I look like someone? Are you sure we don't know each other?" I ask stepping closer to him.

"Oh! Um no I don't think we have, the person I thought you were you definitely aren't..." his voice gets quieter at the end. Now I'm just confused, he looks so familiar but maybe he just has one of those faces. I sigh letting it go.

"So I was looking for the feather of a Phoenix and sunlight that's like trapped if that makes sense..." it doesn't make sense to me I have no idea what that means but it says that so. He laughs nodding and comes out from behind the counter. He goes to one place grabbing one thing and then comes back and grabs a jar from under the counter, I look at him confused since it's just an empty jar, but he just smiles and opens it. He places his hand over the jar and rings of a yellowish gold start dancing in the jar swirling around. I just watch the magic in awe seeing as I've never seen this before.

He quickly slams the lid back onto it and pushes the two items to me. "May I ask what you need these things for? These definitely aren't for just your normal practice spell." I hesitate on telling him not knowing if he would go and rat us out, I couldn't imagine him doing something like that though.

"I'm trying to get my friends off of earth and to here," I say nonchalantly as I pick up the jar examining it. I look over to him to see him standing there lips parted, wide eyes, I just smile at that.

"Don't worry they're from here," I know that he was probably think they're human, which is one of the biggest rules anyone could break.

"Oh, well how you gonna do that?" He asks curiously leaning closer to me from over the counter.

"Well why don't you join me and my friends next time we talk about it," I say signing my signature on the paper he gave me before grabbing the stuff turning towards the door. "I'll see you around," I wink at him watching as he blushes red before walking out the door. What? he was cute leave me alone.

I walk back to where I'm meeting my friends a small smile stuck on my face from the boy I just met.


I updated three books today since I've been doing so bad with updating🖤 Oof who could this boy be??? Just kidding you all already know😹
Lots of love- B
(Word Count: 1176)

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