Dangerous In Black (four)

By hals20t

257K 9.9K 614

Alejandro Martini has always been in charge of the business side of things; handling the deals and the money... More

Dangerous In Black (B4) Alejandro's Treasure
Quick Question
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Author's Ending Note
More Part 2


13.4K 377 75
By hals20t

A U T H O R ' S     N O T E

im not going to lie & say im not nervous about writing this book because i so am because most of you really wanted this one & I hope it lives up to your expectations;

First Timer's Welcome
if you are here for the first time, hi!
nice too meet ya ;)

that being said i hope you enjoy


In time, Alejandro found himself sinking into a protective shell. His hard exterior contrasting the man on the inside who'd been through hell and back; who used to wear his heart on his sleeve but was taken for granted and his naivety almost cost his family their lives as well as their business, all because he hadn't been able to think clearly, all because his mind was clouded by lust and love. Love had been something foreign to him and his brother's growing up.

At five, his older brother Allegro six, and his younger twin brothers, Alessando and Arturo three; their father had started treated them differently, training them to be able to run the family business  because in their line of work, love was not available. Over the years, Alejandro stuck by his brothers and followed his fathers orders until his untimely death when he was seventeen. Allegro, his older brother took over then; but Alejandro seemed to stray, spending his time elsewhere and his idleness had cost his heart.

In the years after, Alejandro took it upon himself to be all work and no play. He spent day and night organizing and double checking all the dealings they made and who they dealt with. The burden he carried from his mistakes continued to weigh him down in the years to come and those around him could see it but he wouldn't allow them to help him; this was his weight to bear; so he'd never make the same mistake twice.

Alejandro had been taken aback when his older brother had brought Greece home. The woman who'd claimed his heart, Alejandro didn't believe it, not for one second so he sent her away— but that had proved to be a mistake he wouldn't make again. A year and half later, Arturo had found Dallas and the year after that, Alessando found love with Laya and Elliot. Alejandro had seen them all fall in love and slowly he watched his family grow and now seeing his nephews always made him smile, on occasion anyway.

He'd made a terrible mistake with how he'd treated Greece in the beginning and eventually had to trust his brothers to make the best decisions possible and soon each of their significant others had wormed their way onto his good graces. He trusted his new family wholeheartedly and knew they could hold their own whenever need be.

Now, Alejandro sat on the couch in the living room, watching the toddlers play; Adriano-Brio, Allegro and Greece's three year old son and Alonso, Arturo and Dallas' two year old son. The boys were both seemingly sharing the blocks and one suddenly hit his foot and Alejandro narrowed his eyes at Alonso's toothless grin. He smiled, rolling his eyes before going back to researching on his phone.

"They stuck you on baby sitting duty?" Alejandro looked up to see the broad shoulders of Elliot leaning by the doorway.

The young man, now twenty two had come a long way from the eighteen year old he once was. His faded blonde hair curled in the front as his ice blue eyes were looking at him in amusement.
"They're all training." Alejandro shrugged.

Elliot nodded at the answer, "You ready for tonight?"

Alejandro nodded, tonight, Elliot and himself were brokering a deal with a client who had reached out to them, asking for a safe transit to sell their weapons. In return, they'd offered the Martini's two million in those same weapons free of charge if Alejandro and his family held up the deal. Tonight was the first time, they'd be meeting them and Elliot always tagged along for the meetings; Alejandro trusted him to always make the best decision. Elliot had shown time and time again that he was an excellent judge of character and most definitely always the smartest person in the room.

Their family ran on structure, and everyone played an important role in keeping them running. Elliot had made sure to do background checks on everyone they'd be meeting tonight so nothing would surprise them, and on multiple nights for the past week the two of them had stayed up studying the faces of the men they were meeting, leaving nothing out; they couldn't go in blindsided.

"Pa!" Adriano-Brio yelled at his father Allegro, as he entered the room and the child began to waddle over to him.

Allegro picked up his son who'd made it to his feet before looking over Alejandro and Elliot.

"Everyone ready for tonight?"

They both nodded their heads as Allegro gave them a single nod, tonight, Allegro wouldn't be able to attend the meeting with them as he had another business meeting, he had to see about.

"Good, when it's done I'd like a report before we agree to any terms."

Alejandro watched Allegro kiss his son, "— and Elliot, I expect you to let me know if anything seems amiss." Elliot smirks before nodding.

"I trust you, fratello." (brother) Allegro says to him before leaving the room.

Elliot gave Alejandro a look before excusing himself, Alejandro nods before turning his attention to his other nephew who was alone eating a toy car and Alejandro chuckles at the toddlers antics as his mother soon arrived to retrieve him for a nap. Alejandro yawned, making his way to his own room for his own nap.


Alejandro dressed in his usual back suit, the top button left unbuttoned revealing his chest tattoo. He wore a classy gold chain around his neck and his dark charcoal hair, gelled back in a neat style. His stormy grey eyes accessed his appearance as he wrapped his gold Rolex watch around his wrist covering the end of his full length arm tattoos that covered both his arms. He ran a tender finger along his neatly cut scruff before stepping out of his tidy room and walking towards the common area where Elliot already stood with his loves Laya and Alessando.

Elliot's attire resembled his, sporting a black suit and neatly combed blonde hair that Laya gently pushed away from his forehead. Elliot had his gun strapped to his belt as he leaned forward and kissed Alessando on the lips before doing the same to Laya. Greece, Allegros's wife fluttered to Alejandro's side, her hand fixing his suit before she smiled up at him.
"Good luck,"

Alejandro gave her a small smile before Elliot walked towards him.
"Hey, you take care of my boy!" Alessando warned him.
Alejandro rolled his eyes, Elliot had been doing this with him for three years now and every single time Alessando would warn him about protecting his precious cargo. Alejandro looked towards Elliot who had an amused expression on his face before walking over to Alessando and embracing him again.

Fifteen minutes later, Elliot and himself were driving to their destination, followed by a car of five of their men close behind them. Alejandro pulled up at a large house, not as grande as their compound but spectacular none the less. Their guards flanked their sides as they walked towards the door that was opened for them and an older man stepped out.

"Gentlemen, I suppose you are the men, Mr. Khalil is expecting?"

Alejandro gave a brief nod before he and Elliot were escorted into a common area where men were stationed around at the exits and corners each holding rifles and Alejandro lifted his brows at the brazen attempt to display their power.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Khalil will see you in a moment."

Alejandro gave Elliot a look before Elliot made a face, "See us? He's obviously trying to show off."

Alejandro couldn't help but agree as an entourage of men stepped into the room. Followed by the man of the hour, Sai Khalil, who's dress wear consisted of a silk Sherwani (Indian wear for men).
"Alejandro Martini," the older man greeted him firmly, in a handshake, before turning to Elliot and giving him one as well.
"Take a seat, we may be here for a few hours."

Alejandro does as told before Sai begins to speak,
"You and me have much in common you know," Alejandro doesn't speak allowing him to continue, "I too grew up in Italy after my father moved us from my homeland of Palestine. Of course, I absorbed the culture, married a white woman but I never forgot where I came from. You see, me and you are two men looking to make a living and I am positive we can both get what we want when we agree to make a deal."

Alejandro crossed his arms, leaning forward a bit, "Of course, no deal can be finalized on the first meeting."

Sai nods at that, his jaw tightens though and Alejandro knew Elliot noticed it too. It would seem, that was not what Sai wanted to hear.

"Yes I totally agree," Sai lies, "but my shipment is time sensitive and I would hate to have to take other measures."

Elliot leans forward, "Was that a threat, Mr. Khalil?"
"— because I can assure you we do not take threats lightly."

Sai seems to remember who he's talking to at Elliot's words and rings a bell calling for drinks to be served. Suddenly a woman steps out of the shadows, dressed in a black sari, her face left uncovered as Alejandro could see her pale skin. Her dark hair tied back in a neat ponytail that still reached the middle of her back. Her eyes the most marvelous green, with a small button nose and cherry red lips to match, Alejandro was mesmerized but refused to show it as the young woman placed the tray in front of them.

"This is my daughter, Rome; named after my most beloved city. The same city I met her mother."

Alejandro eyed Rome's slender figure before taking the drink she offered him. Her eyes held his for a moment before he noticed her pupils dilate. Alejandro, although he wouldn't drink the glass being offered to him, he couldn't refuse the beautiful woman. He held his poker face as he immediately snapped his gaze back to Sai as they further discussed the deal. At the back of the room, Rome stood with her hands at her side as she waited patiently for them to finish. He could feel her gaze on him as he spoke and frowned at the amount of time Sai seemed to have his daughter standing for.

The woman, at least twenty years old, seemed frail, at least 5'4 and obviously soft spoken. He wondered about her life here, was she treated with respect, was she given the love she deserved. He was taken out of his wayward thoughts by Elliot who'd cleared his throat. Alejandro hummed before offering a hand, "Thank you for the invitation." He paused, "We'll give your proposition a look over before our next meeting, three days from now."

Sai gave him a generous shake before calling his daughter to walk them to the door. Rome bowed her head at her father's command before leading the way towards the front door. Subtly she'd turn to look back at Alejandro before walking at a faster pace and and it was then he realized she was limping, Elliot caught his gaze, a confused expression laid out for Alejandro to notice, before she opened the door for them.

"Please come back." She whispered, and Alejandro was taken aback by the way her tone seemed to be begging him.

"We'll be back by Wednesday," Alejandro found himself saying.
Rome nodded her head solemnly before they left the building and Alejandro took one last glance at her, something's not right— he thought as he stepped into the car and drove away.


A U T H O R ' S N O T E

i hope you lovelies loved it because i know how long some of you have been waiting for this <3

for the newbies
Oldest —> Youngest



Allegro + Greece = Adriano-Brio

Arturo + Dallas = Alonso

Alessando + Laya + Elliot = a surprise later

anywho until next time


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