WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

22.2K 1.5K 2.4K

In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

Friend or Mastermind?

444 32 30
By SinnaMonnBun

"Have you asked her yet?" Miz said as he approached Dean and Renee who were sitting on the sofa together.

"Ask me what?"Renee asked.

"Who do you want to go up against for eliminations?"Miz asked.

"Guys, I don't want to pressure anyone into doing anything. Vote for who you want."

"No no no no no no. You're not playing Dean's game, you're playing my game Renee! You and Liv are our biggest alliance here sadly. We're working hand in hand. When you go into eliminations I want to make sure you emerge successful because you know why? It benefits me! So tell me who you want to go against and we'll make it happen."said Miz.

VC-Miz-Dean and Renee are a couple. Renee and Liv are our number one ally because of Renee and Dean's relationship. If we lose them, we lose a number on our side. We lose the only number on our side. We can't let that happen.

"Well I mean....probably Brie and Nikki. I beat Nikki last time so I'm pretty sure I have a chance against her again."

"Are you sure that you and Liv can take them?" Miz asked.

"I don't know about Liv but...I hope we can."

VC-Renee-If its something physical then I'm not sure how we'd hold up against Brie and Nikki but if its something mental like puzzles or trivia or something then those girls don't stand a chance against me. Brie, Nikki, love you guys but you guys aren't the brightest bulbs in the set.


VC-Mandy-So even though our alliance was short lived, Alexa, Liv and I are still maintaining a friendship. Maybe this alliance won't be useful now but I'm sure in the future it will be.

"We went outside and we talked and stuff. I couldn't keep my hands off of him."Liv said to Mandy and Alexa.

"You sure you guys just talked?"Mandy raised her eyebrows, "You can tell us what really happened. We won't say anything."

Liv was talking to Mandy and Alexa about what happened with her and Dean.

"Yes. We only talked. Nothing else, I swear. I wasn't even thinking about doing anything else. I was just so happy to actually be next to him."

"What did you guys talk about?"Alexa asked while filing her nails.

"About our time on Temptation Island and stuff like that. He was actually telling me that.....things between him and Renee haven't been the same after the show."

"Wow."said Mandy.

"He said that the relationship now wasn't like how they left it when they began the show."

"Obviously it wasn't going to be the same. Look at the things that both of them did while they were on the show. It would've been better if they just went their separate ways."said Alexa.

"Yea. He just doesn't seem happy."said Liv.

"I think they're going to break up eventually. You just got to be patient Liv."said Mandy.

She nodded.

"Can you guys believe Johnny's married?"Alexa asked in disbelief.

"Did you not see the wedding ring on his finger?"Mandy asked.

"I shouldve asked you the same question a few months ago?"Alexa laughed.

Mandy's jaw dropped, "Touché"

"Anyway, I'm crushing on him so hard like...you can't even believe."said Alexa.

"Yea he's cute."Liv agreed.

"It sucks because he's freaking married!" Alexa whined.

"Just because he's married doesn't mean you have to stay away from him."said Mandy.

"Yea you guys could just be friends."said Liv.

"Also, if you get close to him its only going to benefit you and your partner."said Mandy, "Is Tommaso single? I could sure use him for some benefits too."

"I don't know. I heard him and Lita has been getting pretty friendly with each other."said Liv.

VC-Alexa-Mandy's right. I don't want to...try to follow in her footsteps and be a home wrecker but...just because Johnny's married doesn't mean we still can't be friends. Our friendship can benefit each other in this game.


"Open wide darling."Velveteen said to Paige.

She tilted her head back and opened her mouth. Velveteen began pouring Hennessy into it.

VC-Paige-Velveteen is honestly such a breath of fresh air in the house. He's so positive, so out going. He's unapologetically him and I love it. He's someone I can definitely party all night with.

Alexa reached out her hands to Velveteen, "Piggyback ride?"

He stooped down in front of her, "Hop on."

She hopped onto his back and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Im next!" said Brie.

"Me too!"said Kaitlyn.

"Wha-ya'll better start coughing up some cash to ride The Dream."he said.

Brie groaned, "Why'd you have to say it like that?"

He stood up with Alexa still on him, "Hold tight."

He began running about the house with her as she screamed in excitement.

AJS's eyes followed them.

VC-Alexa-Dream has become a friend of mine believe it or not. I dont make friends often but somehow him and I hit it off. He's totally awesome to be around and he's so different to all the other guys. He's like the guy best friend I've always wanted.

"I think you're the most intimidating one out of all the girls here."Velveteen said to Trish.


"Yea girl, you're a savage! I wouldn't want to mess with you."

She put her hand over her heart, "Thank you."

"You don't gotta thank me at all Queen."

VC-Trish-Queen? Ive never been called Queen before......feels nice.

"Ladiessss! Who's ready to turn up?!"Dream asked the group of girls who were hanging out outside.

The girls cheered.

He began pouring shots for them, "Theres no time to sit and sulk! As long as The Dream is here, everyday's going to be a party. Everyday...is going to be...... an experience!"

VC-Velveteen-Im a very extroverted person. I like socializing. I like talking to people. I like making friends. More often than not the friends I make are mostly women. We have a group of badass women in this house so of course I want to be on their good side. I gotta depend on them to save my ass after all.

The majority of the Challengers were now all hanging out outside. Dream was yet again able to take a quiet night and turn it into what he called, an experience.

The music was turned up, the drinks were flowing. Some Challengers were in the pool, some were dancing, some were horsing around, some were in their peer groups.

"I know you're probably nervous to go to the Stomping Grounds."Dream said to Liv, "Ive been there. Ive felt those feelings. But keep your head up darling. You're going to be back here before you know it."

"Im even more nervous to go to the Stomping Grounds because I have a bum as a partner."she said, "She doesn't even talk to me."

"Listen, my partner barely talks at all. All he does is stay in his room. Yet, we still pulled through. You're a badass bitch okay. You're going to go into the Stomping Grounds, kick ass and come back. Trust me."

"Thanks Dream."she smiled.

"Now stop sitting around and lets dance!"he said as he pulled her up from her seat.

Miz shook his head in disappointment.

"Its so obvious what he's doing."he said to Dolph as they both looked on at Dream who was now dancing with Peyton and Billie.

"He's buzzing from one girl to the next. Either he's trying to get laid or he's trying to manipulate them."said Dolph.

"Im glad you see it too."

VC-Dolph-We are playing a game where people will do anything to be safe. Hell, they might even pretend to be in love with you just to stay in this game.

"I gotta put a stop to this. This is just sad."said Miz.

VC-Miz-Ive been sitting here, watching Velveeta Dream or whatever he calls himself, float from girl to girl like a damn butterfly. He's not talking to any of the guys. His focus is only on the ladies. I see what you're doing, Velveeta. This charade ends now.

Miz got up and marched straight over to where Dream was.

"Can you cut the bullshit already Pat?"he said.

Dream stopped in his tracks and lowered his sunglasses, "Pardon?"

"Its very clear what you're doing okay. You've been going back and forth bothering the women for hours now. You think no one would notice? Stop trying to manipulate them!"

"Bothering?!"Billie asked in disbelief.

"He's not bothering us!"Peyton added.

"Do you have some sort of problem here or..."Dream asked.

"If you think nobody knows what you're doing you're wrong. You're going from girl to girl, literally throwing yourself at them. We all know that its just part of your scheme to be protected in the game!"

"A scheme? You're calling this a scheme? Boy, I'm just having fun. Maybe take that stick out of your ass and try to have some fun for once in your life too, how bout that?"Dream snapped back.

Miz chuckled, "You are being so desperate right now. Billie, Peyton, don't you see what he's trying to do?"

"Miz, piss off!"Said Peyton.

"Yea leave him alone!"Billie said.

"So, you're having fun, Patrick? Is that what it is? You've been making it your business to go up to every single girl in the house and bamboozle them, and.... thats your idea of fun?"Miz asked.

"Im sorry, have you been feeling left out because I haven't given you any attention yet?"Velveteen asked.

"Yea thats what it is!"said Billie.

"I rather talk to the ladies than talk to self centred assholes like you Miz."said Dream, "And fyi, you are in no position to call me that forbidden name. The only person that I'm going to tolerate calling me that name is my partner so until then, its Thee fucking Velveteen Dream to you, bitch."

"Shoo Miz, go away!"Peyton shooed him.

"This isn't over Dream."said Miz.

"Boy, its been over. Now get out of my face."

VC-Miz-He knows exactly what he's doing. Even though its detrimental to all the other guys team, it is genius. I need to figure out a way to get rid of him and Aleister. But I don't know how I'm going to do that when he already has the majority of the girls wrapped around his finger.


Everyone gave a round of applause as Hunter stepped into the voting area.

"Whats up guys."he greeted them, "I hope you all took some time to discuss among yourselves which team you're going to be sending in tonight. As you all know, Naomi and Mandy are safe from eliminations. So, Renee, Liv, would you come up here and join me."

Liv and Renee got up from their seats and went to stand next to Hunter.

"First, we'll start with John and Roman. Which female team will you be nominating to send into eliminations?"

John spoke up, "Its really nothing personal but....we'll be voting for Billie and Bayley."

VC-Bayley-I really want to perform well in the challenges because I want to build credibility for my team. Mostly myself. I don't want to be seen as weak and...I think thats exactly what we're being seen as. We're being seen as a layup and its pretty stressful.

"AJ and Seth?"

"Our vote's going to be for Billie and Bayley as well."said AJ.

"Dean and Miz?"

"Because it was their personal preference, our vote is going to be for Brie and Nikki."said Miz.

VC-Nikki-Wait? They wanted to go against us? Wrong choice girls.

"I thought we were friends Renee?"Nikki said.

Renee gritted her teeth, "Sorry."

"Kevin and Sami?"

"Because they voted for us last week our vote is going to be for Alexa and Mickie."said Sami.

"Velveteen and Aleister?"

"We're going to vote for Sasha and Peyton just because they were the first team to say our names last week."said Velveteen, "Peyton, sorry hun. You know I love you."

She nodded.

"Chris and Punk?"

"Nikki and Brie. If its what Liv and Renee want then thats what Im going to give them."said Chris.

"Dolph and Cesaro?"

"Nikki and Brie for...obvious reasons."said Dolph.

"Johnny and Tommaso?"

"Well Nikki and Brie already has the most votes so might as well vote for them."said Tommaso.

"Alright well, with four votes, Nikki and Brie, you're going into the Stomping Grounds."said Hunter.

Nikki and Brie got up from their seats and joined Liv and Renee next to Hunter.

VC-Brie-Last season, Daniel and I were the first team to be sent home. I don't want history to repeat itself this season. I don't want Nikki and I to be the first female team to be sent home. I was a Challenge finalist for crying out loud.

"So its official, it'll be Nikki and Brie versus Liv and Renee in the Stomping Grounds. Good luck to both of you. See you all very soon."Hunter said before he left.

VC-Renee-It sucks having to go up against two friends of mine but....I have to do what I have to do to stay in this game.

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