You're My Everything

By niallsprincess4evrs

4.8K 85 11

Lily Masser was just an average girl, going to school, working, little did she know when she would go to see... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 21

786 2 2
By niallsprincess4evrs

*Sorry for the long wait! I swear I will try to update more often. I had a temporary case of writers block but I think I'm getting over it! Yay me! Well anywho, let me know how you like the story so far! Love you! Thanks for reading!*

*9 Months Later*

*Lilys POV*
We decided to stay in and watch a movie, I sat on the couch waiting on Niall.
"What are you doing love?" Niall was leaning against the wall that led to the hallway.
"It's crazy you know, Zayn and Em having a baby." He smiled and walked over.
"You know if you want kids just tell me, we can start like right now."
I laughed, "do you want kids?"
"Yes, but right now I like its just you and I."
"What if we don't make it?"
"Hey where is this coming from?"
For a few months now I've been hiding the messages and tweets, I know it doesn't mean anything but it hurts to see things like what these girls have been sending me.
"I've been getting messages, really cruel messages, and I know you said not to pay attention to them but it's hard when they figure out ways around the private settings."
"They hacked your account?" He sounded shocked.
"Really? These girls released Midnight Memories the day you announced it."
Niall laughs, "listen, I love you, and these girls are being mean because you're with me. I'll say it again ignore them, this is about you and I, ok?"
"Yeah," I smiled, "well I better get the snacks ready." I kissed Niall on the cheek and walked to the kitchen.

*Niall's POV*
I know I should do something about this but I don't what with out sounding like a dick to the fans. While sitting on the couch I heard this song, it sounded like With You by The Subways. Lily likes to listen to them when she cooks and cleans, I get up and stand by the kitchen entrance. She is dancing, how did I get lucky?
"Niall?" She was looking at me, looking at me with her beautiful brown eyes, she walked to stand in front of me.
"Are you ok?" She touched my cheek.
"Yeah, I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to have you." I kissed her forehead.
"Yeah I am a pretty lucky girl, I love you Niall."
"I love you too." I pressed my forehead against hers.
Just breathing the same air as her sends a shiver down my spine.
"I want you so bad." I took my hands and moved them down to her waist.
"Me too," her breathing picked up.
"Here?" I looked into the kitchen.
"Being spontaneous is what keeps a relationship alive." She smiled at me.
"Spontaneous," testing the word on my tongue. I leaned in to kiss her, and she started to walk backwards never letting our lips touch.

*Lilys POV*
I was too distracted by how badly I wanted to kiss Niall that I ran into the counter.
"Ow! Shit that actually hurt!" I pressed myself against Niall, he started laughing.
"I'm all for spontaneous if we don't get injured." Then he started rubbing my back, then slowly lower his hands to my thighs.
"Jump." He whispered against my lips.
I jumped into his hands and he placed me on the counter, he continued kissing me down my neck. He pulled the hem of my shirt, I lifted my arms and he took off my shirt, continuing to kiss my breasts.
"Anyone here?"
Niall stopped and looked at me in panic.
"Shit. It's Harry." He started heading to the door that led to living room.
Before I had a chance to grab my shirt, Harry comes through the door that leads from the dining room, "I grabbed all the crisps-"
I looked eyes with Harry, I didn't notice the change in music, The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone) by U2 was playing. I was sitting in my bra with Niall in the other room, before I could stop him Harry rushed out the door. I grabbed my shirt and put it back on.
"Sorry Niall I have to go." I heard when I came out of the kitchen.
"Harry?" Niall looked at me then back to Harry, "You okay mate?"
Harry looked straight at me, "not feeling well." Then took off out the door.
Niall looked at me, "wonder what's up with him?"
"Um I'm going to check, I'll be right back baby." I kissed Niall's cheek and ran after Harry.
I ran out of our apartment and practically ran over Louis, "sorry Lou, did you see which way Harry went?"
"He almost ran into me downstairs, he was heading towards the car park." El came up besides Lou.
"Thanks. I'll be back." I ran off to the garage. Luckily the garage was only used by the boys, it made finding Harry easier.
"Harry!" I yelled when I saw him by his car, he stopped. I ran over to him.
"Harry, come on, don't leave."
"I thought I could do this Lil, but I can't." He fell against the truck, like he was exhausted, "I can't watch you be happy with him, I also can't be around knowing your fucking him. I love you Lily. No matter how much I tried to deny it. I can't. I want to be the one to make you happy, to make love to you in the kitchen. Niall can only do so much!" Harry's voice was getting louder. "How much do you think he can handle before it's too much for him! He'll end up hurting you! That's what he does!"
"You're wrong." I didn't realize that I had been crying.
"No I'm not. I really started to think about when Em said she was pregnant, Lil I can give you that, you know I can," he stepped in front of me and took my hands, "I can make you happy, I can take care of you, I can make you my wife, hell I would move heaven and earth to show that you belong with me."
"So would he." I stared into his green eyes.
"What did he do when you told him about the fans?"
"Don't play stupid with me Lil, I see how they talk to you, how they treat you, and I see every time you're upset. I can protect you. Just give us a chance."
"Harry we can't," I pulled my hands away.
"How long are you going to pretend like nothing happened?"
"Nothing did happen!" I started crying.
"Like hell it did! I was there too!" He was towering over me.
"It was a mistake!"
"Bullshit! You kissed me Lily!" He had me cornered against my car, "you made love to me...then our baby. Our baby?" He touched his hand against my stomach.
"Our baby is gone Harry,"I finally choked out "our baby is gone." I fell to the floor and started crying, then the first time in a long time I had an anxiety attack.
"Shit. Lily? Lil? Stay with me!"
I felt Harry pull me against his chest, "please Lil, calm down, breathe with me."
All I could see was the darkness, I could feel myself slipping.
"Get away Harry. She don't need you." I felt a different pair of arms around me, Niall's arms.
"Listen to voice Lil, listen to me lovey, I love you no matter what. You're the only girl I want to wake up next to. Come back to me darling." All I could hear was his whisper, feel is breath, see his blue eyes. I blinked to clear the cloudiness.
"Niall, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I sobbed into his chest.
"Hey, hey listen to me," he pulled my chin up, "I fought so hard to have you, if you think I won't fight now you really don't know me love, I'm here and I know you're here with me. Not him. Me."
I nodded and wiped the tears away, "I lost the baby," I told Harry more of Niall.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Harry finally spoke.
"Because of the stress." Niall slowly helped me up, "she was so stressed out from trying to keep it from me, that she finally told me, and we went to go get checked. The doctor told her she had a miscarriage due to stress."
"You should have came to me." Harry took a step toward me.
"This is why you couldn't be with her Harry," Niall pushed me behind him, protecting me, "you don't understand her like I do, you don't truly know her like I do. You think it's about protecting her, it's not, it's about showing her everyday how much you love her, it's about telling her how much you love her. It's about loving her. She hasn't had an attack because I don't try controlling her or making her make decisions on her own. I am behind her 100% and that's what she needs. I love you man, and we make music together, but I need you to realize that Lily and I are together. I'm going to marry her one day and I would like you to be one of my best mans, so please understand we are together."

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