I will never love or will i (...

بواسطة Yuki567

44.7K 1.4K 164

A girl that is emotionless and two boys that hate each other, will make the emotionless girl that says she wi... المزيد

I will never love or will i (Izaya and Shizuo love triangle)* Editing*
Part 1 (in the past) *edited*
Part 2 (In the past)*edited*
Part 4 (In the Past) *Edited*
Part 5 (In the past)
Part 6 (In the Past)
Part 7 (In the past)
Part 8 (In the past)
part 9 (In the past)
Part 10 (In the past)
Part 11 (In the Past)
Part 12 (In the Past)
Chapter 13 (in the past)
Chapter 14 (in the past)
Chapter 15 (in the past)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (End)
Surprise!!! (Read!!)

Part 3 (In the Past) *edited*

2.2K 82 9
بواسطة Yuki567

Kana's POV

"Kana?!"  My mother who had her black suit on and dark black hair tied up in a bun said as she stood in the doorway.

"mother, why are you here?" I said in a monotone voice, that didn't faze her at all since i had never spoken to anyone without a monotone voice.

"I'm here to do some business with someone, but shouldn't i be asking why you are here when you are suppose to be at home?" she said with a sturdy look.

"I'm just here with a partner of mine from school doing a assignment we are suppose to do" I feel the aura of Celty's atmosphere go into a confused aura when i said Shinra was a partner instead of a friend, which common people would say instead of saying they are 'partners'.

Celty: "I thought you came here with Shinra, because you two were friends?" She held out her phone with these letters written on it and showed it to me only, since it was an a angle where my mother could not see it. As i finished reading the sentence i quickly took her phone and typed a message for Celty only to see.

Me: "I am i think? I'm just saying that because i don't want my mom to know i have friends ok so just play along."

Celty just nodded and wrote on her cellphone.

Celty: "Please come in kana's mom" My mother nods at celty and walks into the small apartment, as she does Celty goes to Shinra's room to tell him my mother was here for some kind of business. As Celty leaves my mother and i alone we go over to the couch and sit in silence, while waiting for Shinra to come, as i heard Shinra's footsteps come closer i saw him in front  of us.

"Ah Miss. Woodsrow, my father has been expecting you; please follow me" My mother gets up and follows Shinra, I would of followed her, but it seemed that she knew that i wanted to follower her since she faced me and told me not to follow. I just nodded without auguring and told her that i would wait for her in the living room, but she shook her head in a no and said to go home and that she would speak with me later,

Celty: "What was that all about?" I faced Celty and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know Celty, but do you know why she's here?"

Celty: "No i don't know, but i did know that a famous company lady would come here today and talk to Shinra's father; wait are you her daughter?"

I tense up inside, but don't show it and begin to answer her question, but as i am i am interrupted by Shinra who explains about it.

"Celty, Kana-chan here is the daughter of the Woodsrow's company that came here to talk to my father about medical things, I already knew that she was the daughter of that company, but i didn't want to tell you two that i knew. I thought you knew Kana-chan that i would know since you knew my last  name?"

I face Shinra and begin to feel hurt inside of me, it felt really bad almost as if i was struck by a hard blow for being an idiot for believing Shinra was my friend and that he wasn't using me, but in real life he's just like every other person.  I then face the other way  and saw the door close to were i was I was about go to the door until Celty put her phone out towards me so i could read it.

Celty: "Kana, are you ok?" My body feels lifeless and i could feel that my eyes were showing it on the outside.

"Yeah, do you feel ill; you look a little pale, why don't you lie do-" before Shinra grabbed my arm to lead me to the couch i felt my hand slap his hand away. Shinra looked a little confused from my reaction, but tried to help me again, but it was too late because I had already ran out towards the door and through the halls were i came up.

"Kana-chan, Kana-chan; were are you going, huh huh dam it i can't caught up. No, Celty i'm alright just go caught up to her before she gets los-" I didn't stop to hear the end of the sentence of Shinra speech, because i had already ran down the steps and out the door to Ikebukuro were there were lots of people walking by and talking on there phones not even caring about the person by them or what other people were doing. 

I close my eyes and try to forget the bad memory that were popping up and decide to see what time it is, as i do i take out my cellphone that read 4:23; I let out a sigh and look back up at the apartment where Shinra had taken me to, but for some reason i could feel Celty's atmosphere coming close to me. When the aura comes closer i decide to quickly run fast towards a different direction from the apartment and duck into an alley. I lost my breathing pattern while running, but I try to quickly regain my breathing pattern again. When Celty's atmosphere is gone i decide to get out of the alley way that i ducked into.

"Hey there sweetie, what's a girl like you doing here?" A guy with bad breath that smelled like wine and smoke mixed together grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall. I stare at this drunk guy with a blank face, while seeing how he was and by the looks of it, it seemed he had another guy with him in the background.

"Boss, wait she's a high schooler?"

"So what of it, it only makes this even better" As he spoke he begins to get near my face making his breathing go way to close to my face. I was about to kick him and make a run for it, but my plans were ruined when a familiar pocket knife went right between my face and the other guys face. This surpried the guy and the other guy in the background which only made him and the other guy back away from me and look at the person who threw the pocket knife.

"Who the hell are you?"

I too then faced the person who threw the knife and too my surprise it was Izaya with his annoying smirk on his face which made me pissed off as hell.

"Whats wrong Kana-hime it looks as if your not too happy to see me?"

"For your information, I'm not" 

"Oh, is that so and why is that?"

"you should know now shouldn't you" He just looked at me and smirked at me again; I  just rolled my eyes and was about to go, but it was ruined when that  stupid idiotic drunk guy grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. As he did that he put one of his hands around my waist and the other on my throat making it look as if he would choke me if i made a wrong move.

Izaya just looked at me with his usual face as if he didn't care about my safety, but somewhere in his eyes i could see that he was concern about me and didn't want me to get hurt; for some reason this made my heart  tingle a little bit.

"You better not move or i'll choke her if you do" The drunk guy said while the other guy with him stood by his boss  side with a bat in his hand. Izaya chuckles at the scene, but as he does the drunk guy decides to tighten his grip on my throat and makes it so it was hard for me to breath especially when he smelled of sweat and beer were the only things i could breath in.

"Go ahead, be my guest i don't  care if you choke her or not, why should i anyway she's just a another human that was fun to play with and use" This made my heart hurt bad inside my chest it felt as if he had struck me with a knife and took it out slowly for it would make the pain hurt more. I was confused at this, why would i feel like this and why towards him; I thought these as the guy's hands tighten even more making me lacking oxygen. 

Izaya on the other hand didn't look as if he cared, but i could see that his eyes showed that he did care even through he didn't want to show it. 

"Kana-hime, you were an interesting person to play with, but i think your time is up and you will be dead now; I guess i'll be on my way now" While he said that my hair starts to fall on my face covering up my eyes and making me look as if i was already dead, but in really i was thinking about  how i had lived and what had happen throughtout my life time. 

"Hey, I thought that she was your girlfriend aren't you going to save her?" The other guy with the bat  said while Izaya just stopped walking away and turned around to look at me. For a minute I thought that his eyes had widen, but they then went back to normal and he had turned around again to not face me.

"No, why should I she was just another human in my game and now i have no use for her since she's just a weak girl who can't even save herself" As he finished his sentence he started to walk away again; this pissed me off since it was his fault i was in this situation anyway. 

"You're an idiot Izaya" This made Izaya turn around and face me.

"Oh am i now; I 'm not the one who's in that situation now am i" I just smirk while my bangs were still covering  my eyes.

"Yes Izaya your right, but you are an idiot for thinking i was weak"

"Is that so, then why are you still  lik-" Before he finished his sentence a dark aura came out of me and started to grab the two guys and consuming them one by  one. There screams were the only things being heard and there blood splatted everywhere on the walls and some on me; Izaya looked startled at this, but it then turned into a smirk as if he had thought of a plan.

When the black aura finished consuming them it then went back towards my shadow and disappeared. 

"Kana-hime" I look over at Izaya who was looking at me and walking towards me; I was about to answer him, but my body felt weak and i felt dizzy. I take another look at Izaya, but as i do my vision begins to get blurry and i start to fall into two arms that took hold of me almost as if they had been waiting for me to fall into them for they could hold me tight as if i would vanish in thin air. I could also hear Izaya say something to me, but I couldn't make it out, instead I feel unconscious in Izaya's arms.

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