Heartfelt Love (Male Rivals x...

By CuteFireFlareon

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All credits to Yandere Dev for making Yandere Simulator. After seeing his April Fools video a hundred times... More

1- Arrival
2- Untrusted
3- Day 1
4- Odd Dream, New Rivals
5- Power
6- Demon Realm
7- Reset
8- Dream
9- Repeated
10- Comforting
11- Video Game
12- False Lives?
13- Girl's Sleepover
14- Truth
15- Ex and Bully
16- Suspicions
17- Bullies
18- Fakes
19- Their Happy Ending
20- Real Selves
21- Reset Lives
22- Boys
23- Kitten
24- Another Rival
25- Taken
26- Help Me
27- Back
28- Mr Mido
29- Caught
30- Plans
31- I don't know
32- Dance
33- Music
34- Female Rival
35- Saikou Home
36- True Yandere
37- Contest
38- Careful
39- Old Souls
40- Damien
41- Questions
43- Company
44- Bullets
Valentine's Day Special
45- Date
46- Charity
47- Garden
Late Easter Special
48- Festival
49- Foxes
50- Coma
51- Angels
52- Time
53- Who
54- Embarrassed
Osorō is one of meh husbandos
55- Wake up
Announcing the relationship/ Jealous people
One Month
First Kiss + I Love You
Not being around them
He's sick
Catching up Damien and Hoshiko
Helping with their problems
Osorō x Reader x Megamo
He/She loses a bet
They're stressing/ Argument
Vacation Together- Part 1: Preparing
Vacation Together: Part 2- Time there

42- Stay Away

791 19 7
By CuteFireFlareon

Megami's POV

I was walking around and waiting for lunch to end as I finished basically as soon as it started by eating early. Soon, announcements came on that classes were cancelled for now. No estimated time was given but the announcements said that they'd be back when a student got back on campus, in which all the teachers knew who it was and apparently why they left. I rushed to the roof since Miss Taiso should be eating up there and I saw the five girls, Hoshiko and the other four tan girls barely waking up.

"What happened?" I demanded and they looked at me. "(Y/n) is at the police giving them some evidence to put these four in jail." "And not Mizudori?" "Hoshiko, and I'm not their friend for one. For two, I gave her the evidence." I nodded and police soon came by with (Y/n) acting as the other personality from the last reset. She was calm and collected as she brought the police officers to the roof and they took the four girls in handcuffs. "Please send our thanks to Corporate Company and Miss Hoshiko Mizudori for the evidence." "Of course officers. Have a good day." She said and they nodded. (Y/n) looked at me and nodded before leaving to the headmaster's office as she told the other girls.

Reader POV

"My parents will hear about this!" Musume shrieked when she saw me and I looked at her before knocking on the headmaster's office. "Yes. I'm sure they'd love to hear about their daughter's plan to poison an innocent girl for hanging out with a couple boys with your fingerprints already on the 'poison.' And also, that bottle wasn't poison. It was sugar mixed with a liquid version of stuff that can cause stomachaches. I said before knocking on the door. "Come in!" I walked in and he nodded. "Welcome back. Do what you wanted?" "Very much so." I said and he nodded before saying an announcement that school will resume and end at a normal time so classes are cut short and lunch is almost over. I left to the roof to be like this until classes needed to start and I would let (Y/n) be back in control.

"Hello Miss Saikou." "Hello." "I know you remember me from last reset. I'll say one small thing the boys don't have a clue of. I am slightly a part of Demon Empress. While I sadly can't see in time unlike when I'm like the demon form, I am able to know about the resets unlike (Y/n)." They nodded and we spoke more as I fainted before the bell rang.

"How long have I been fainted?" "About half an hour." Amai said and I was shocked and nodded. "Lunch isn't over?" The bell rang and Osoro shrugged. "Now it is." I nodded and decided to ask Amai later. I left for class and smiled as I was still pretending not to be afraid of the boys. Megamo walked me to class and left afterwards with hardly a word spoken.

After school

Megamo hasn't talked to me all day and I was slightly afraid but spoke while he was bringing me to the club room. "Megamo, did I do something wrong?" "No, why would you think that?" He asked immediately and I acted sad. "Well... your quiet. It's like your planning my murder or another person's murder soon." "I couldn't plan your murder. My traitorous sister however..." I heard him mutter and I felt afraid. "What about your sister?" "Hm? I said nothing about her." "Right. I must be hearing things..." I said and kissed his cheek when he was kneeling down to pat my head as he normally did to tease that I was short.

"Alright, I'll see you later." I said and he was still as I saw him go red before I closed the cooking clubs door.

Megamo's POV

Holy shit... She actually... I felt where she kissed and moved so I wouldn't seem insane as I got to the Student Council room. The others glared at me and I didn't even give them my usual glare back because of my daze.

"Megamo... Hello?" Shiromi asked and I sat in front of my computer and just typed. "Megami, he's broken." Kuroko said and she most likely nodded as I was hit on the head. "Get out of dreamland. We have work to get done." Aoi said after hitting me and I glared as she glared back. "He's back. I think. What even got you in the daze?" "She kissed my cheek and I wasn't expecting it." "She kisses her friends cheeks. Maybe she just friendzoned you in an easy way." Akane suggested and I glared at her. "You're saying that to piss me off." "Maybe. Now then, did she not get any films?" She asked and I realized I didn't bring her here. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Megami opened it. "Oh, hello (Y/n)." "Hello. Sorry, I forgot to drop these off. It won't happen again." "It's alright. Now, before you go. Did you happen to kiss Megamo's cheek?" "Yes. You know I do it with friends and since he was at my height, I did. Why?" "Oh nothing. Just curious. I should stop distracting you. Go on back to your club." "Okay. Bye you six!" She waved and we waved back as she skipped away.

"I think Akane was right." I rolled my eyes and did work with the others in silence while I thought of how we'd kill Janice and my sister now.

I got a text and checked my phone. It was from Amao saying that (Y/n) stayed and wants to talk to us after school.

Me: We did say that we would all stay after school to talk about our next plan.
Amao: Yeah, but she says she has something to tell us.
Osorō: Alright. Well I am already waiting.
Hanakō: So are Osano and I. Hurry up.
Aso: Just got here. You all better hurry up.

I put my phone away and the five girls looked at me and I saw a suspicious glare on their faces. "Where are you going?" "Activities just ended and (Y/n) wants to meet up with the boys." "Why?" "Didn't say. She just has something to tell us." Megami seemed to know what it was and nodded. "Let him go. I'm sure he'll love this surprise from her. So will the rest." She smirked and I glared at her in suspicion as she smirked back to me. "Go on." She said and waved me away.

Megami's POV

Kuroko checked for a listening bug after I saw Megamo was waiting at the front of the school.

She came back in and shook her head. "Nothing. No small or large devices anywhere. What is it?" "(Y/n) found out about them." "Found out what?" "That they kill. I'll admit, I never thought she'd be able to act as she showed me a certain tape recording of when she caught Megamo, Osorō and Hanakō." I said and explained it as they all were satisfied. "I need to watch this." Aoi said and went to the large window looking out to the front of the school. (Pretend they can see it despite where their room is placed).

Reader POV

I walked out with Amao as Oso told me she'd be waiting in secret to protect me and I got a text from Megami that the Student Council are watching through their window for this. I sighed and Amao was confused. "What's wrong (Y/n)?" "Just what I'm going to say..." I muttered and he seemed worried as I couldn't lie that I was clueless anymore. "Do you need someone to talk to? Are you moving? Did someone you care about die?" "I mean, Damien but otherwise, no. I just... I'll explain later." We got to the front and I saw Oso behind the wall and she held her thumb up with the other girls and Janice. I was go glad she's alive and she'll be heartbroken and pissed to hear how Damien's gone. They've been the closest best friends I've ever seen but I've always trusted them.

"What's wrong (Y/n)?" "I don't think I can trust you eight anymore..." "Why? What's wrong?" They seemed shocked and even Oko looked slightly angry. "What did... our sisters tell you..?" He asked and I shook my head as I kept a good distance from them.

"What's the misunderstanding?" "It's not a misunderstanding Megamo! As much as I want it to be, it isn't! I don't want to hang out with any of you again, okay?" I asked and they were all frozen and processing it. When Hanakō finally got it, he grabbed my arm quickly as I was afraid. "Let me go!" I yelled but he stayed in front of me and kept a dead eye stare with me. "Why? What did we do for you to not want to hang out with us anymore?" He asked and I slapped his arm off me. "You killed one of my best friends! I can't act clueless anymore! I heard what you were saying and I hate you... is that satisfactory?" I asked and he was shocked and Megamo spoke first.

"What do you mean? Damien has gone missing. He probably isn't dead." "Oh really? Then care explain why I saw Hanakō dragging his bleeding corpse?" I asked and he turned to Megamo. "I told you it should've been someone else! I can sneak around places! Not carry bodies." "But, we don't-" "Don't try Osano." I said and played the recording of it.

"He's heavy Megamo!" "Be quiet. Someone might hear you." "I don't care right now! He's too heavy! Why'd you make me drag him? Seriously! Why couldn't we make Osorō do it Megamo?" "Because you need to help. I had killed Seiyo with Amao's help and you don't do anything." "Neither does Kizano, Osano, Amao or Aso!" "I know. But Amao helps plenty too. He distracts sweet innocent (Y/n) to make sure she doesn't catch us. But I'll put the others to work later. For now, you're dragging corpses." "Um... quick problem..." Osorō said and Megamo seemed annoyed. "What? This better be important..." "Amao just texted in the group that (Y/n) isn't in the cooking club... she could be anywhere..." Osorō said and Megamo cursed. "Shit..." Megamo said and Hanakō sighed.

"As I said, all your fault." "If you weren't complaining so loud then she wouldn't have caught us!" I backed up in fear and was ready to cry. "Wh-Why? Why'd you have to kill him? You were all such nice friends but... why? He was my first friend in Nagoya and helped me from bullies..." I muttered and Aso laughed a bit. "Haha... We know, but he saw you as more a friend." "Best friend?" "Girlfriend. He wanted to be your boyfriend. He wanted to take you from us. So that was our only other solution." "Matchmaking! You can make him happy with someone else or do a favor for him that one of the only ways to repay it is to not hit on me! There's no need to kill him! Do you know how scared I was for Janice, the girls and even you? I thought we had some insane murderer and I was so scared one of you was the next victim but you were the killers." Megamo approached and I took a step back each time. I was backing up and hit the fountain soon as I was terrified and Megamo smirked.

"We did it for your love (Y/n). It makes me feel so happy that you had worried about us. But now, you're scared of us. We did everything we could to protect you and have you love us. So, who do you chose?" "None of you! Get off me!" I tried to push him away but he didn't budge and the others had gathered too and trapped me, waiting for an answer. "Choose or we choose for you. And trust me, we all will fight for you." Osorō said and I looked around in fear before calming down while making an idea.

I came up with an idea and put my hands on Aso's shoulders since he was the fastest and would be the biggest problem. His eyes lit up and I neared him, looking ready to kiss him before straight up kneeing him where the sun don't shine and bolted. I have no idea where I was running but found myself at the Student Council door. It opened and I was allowed entrance before it was blocked off. "What if the other girls come?" I asked and Megami pointed behind me. I saw the others as Asu was comforting Oka. "Okay, what you did was great." Asu said and I nodded as I was terrified and sat in a corner but Janice sat down next to me.

"Are you okay?" I shook my head and she sat next to me. She put her hand on mine and pet my hair. "It's okay... I can't believe your friends killed him." I nodded and she kept calming me down.

"Why would you go somewhere I have a key of?" I heard Megamo outside and the others had prepared their pepper spray cans, Oso prepared her bat and Raibaru was ready to kick someone's ass. "Oh, you blocked the door, look behind you though." We heard him and saw a black haired male was standing there and his eyes where there would be a color like blue or something, was basically pitch black but the whites in his eyes were normal.

"Nemesis! Get back home!" Megami yelled but he didn't follow orders as I didn't even bother fainting.

"Alright, let's get this over with." I glared and Janice let me go, fully aware of this. "You go Alacia." "I said to use Alice. Now then..." I said and Nemesis-Kun blindly grabbed for me so I pinned him down and held his head to the ground as he struggled. "Royu Nemesis Shodu! As a level 1 and a higher up, I command you to stop this behavior now! You no longer work for Megamo Saikou if he tries this again." I said and he fell limp. "There, took care of him." "You told him to stop and now he isn't getting up." "Hm? Oh right." I said and snapped once with my left hand and he got up.

"Why am I at Academi High, Alice?" He asked and I saw his eyes were red again. "Good your back. I'll say this quickly, you tried to kidnap someone here, most likely me. Now then, go home and tell your sister I gave her permission to hunt you down if your behavior is different as well as something else such as eye color." "You're giving her that type of permission when I'm better than her?" "As I said, you tried to kidnap one of these girls or me. Go on." I said and he rolled his eyes then jumped out the window. "There. Now he's fully taken care of." I said and they nodded. "Any other tricks you want to try Megamo?" I asked and heard a growl before feet stomped away. But he spoke before he left. "You can't stay in there forever." "Oh but I can. Besides, don't you realize I'm a different personality? I can easily jump out the window and alert your parents with proof of what you had tried to do. Recorded it all too. Maybe I should bring it to Corporate Company. After all, I am a level 1 worker and no Saikou has passage past level 3, the level of Nemesis." I smirked as he left, clearly pissed.

"I'll be back soon. If any of them pass through the door or window, kick their ass and contact me. I believe you know how Janice?" "Calling your full name. I know." I nodded and jumped out the window on a tree after calculating it. I landed and jumped to Corporate Company.

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