Percabeth oneshots

By PercabethWisegirl

353K 5K 1.3K

People meet Percabeth, AU's and a lot of Percabeth oneshots!!! For example Percy's friends meet Annabeth, bli... More

Home again
Home again~2
New kid
Luna Nighthunts
Taped memories
Military girl
Military girl~2
Leanna Wynters
Aquarium visit
Running away... again
O My Gods!!!!!
We fell in love... thanks to a seal
Need your vote + preview new oneshot
Running away... again~2
!!!!! Important !!!!!
"Don't leave me, please!"
Unexpected Christmas present
"Don't leave me, please!"~2
"Don't leave me, please"~3
Sweet kiss in the elevator
Finally home
Percy's friends meet Annabeth
Surprise visit
Relaxing day at the beach... or not?
La Notre Dame
Liliana Davies
The perfect day
Through fire and flames
"She's your girlfriend?" "No my agapè"
A Baby?
My bestfriend's blind friend
An exploding day at the museum
πŸ’•26 ThousandπŸ’•
Period prank
Charles (Charlie) Jackson
One year
Blind trust
πŸŽ„Merry ChristmasπŸŽ„
🎊Happy new year 🎊
Old pictures
I got tagged...
meet Malcolm
"You're the best that ever happened to me"
Superhero draft
"Will you marry me?"
Merry Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„
Christmas at the Jackson's
Happy New Year πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
Once a spy always a spy

Calypso meets Annabeth

4.4K 86 19
By PercabethWisegirl

After Tartarus. Gaia has been defeated for about 2 weeks. Leo still hasn't returned. I didn't read all the ToA, so I'm not following that storyline. Percabeth is having a nice day at the beach of Camp Half-Blood.

Annabeth's POV

"Hey Perce?"
I asked, skimming through my bag.
"Have you seen my book?"
I looked up at him for a moment, waiting for his answer. Percy rolled his eyes at me.
"Really, 'Beth? A book? We're here to enjoy the sea and have a great time together and you want to read?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Have you seen it or not?"
He gave me that mischievous grin of him, his right hand inching towards my scarf that laid next to him.
'O no'
He looked me straight in the eyes, his seagreen eyes challenging my grey ones. His grin spread on his face, making my stomach erupt with butterflies. Why does he always  have to be so dam cute? One second to late I lunched forwards, trying to grab my book.
Percy's fingers closed around the cover, snatching it away right before I got there. He held it up, his eyes glinstering with joy.
"You mean this one?"
He asked with a sweet innocent voice, his eyes twinkling.
I smiled sweetly at him.
"Yeah. Would you give it to me, Seaweedbrain?"
He pretended to think.
"I don't know, Wisegirl. Why should I?"
"Because you love me?"
He laughed, lowering the book. His beautiful laugh filled the air, making me smile as well.
Just when I thought he was about to give it back to me, he quickly pecked my lips and stood up.
"Only if you can catch me."
And with that he ran off. I smiled and hurried after him.
"You're so gonna get it Seaweedbrain!"
I yelled, my voice filled with laughter.

Piper's POV

"Pipes! Pipes!"
I turned around in the direction of the voice and saw Jason running towards me.
He yelled again. When he reached me he took a second to catch his breath before he looked me in the eyes.
"H-he's back!"
My eyes widened.
I whispered. I couldn't belief it.
Jason said again, smiling broadly.
"Come on!"
He took my hand and pulled me along. Together we ran towards the pavilion, where a large group of campers had huddled together around someone.
Soon my happiness was replaced by sadness and anger. How did he dare dying and leaving us here alone?! How did he dare not even IM'ing us to tell us he was still alive?!
The whole crowed dispersed almost immediately , revealing a wide-eyed Leo. Next to him stood a beautiful girl about our age, although she had some sort of  ageless aura around her.
Leo flinched a bit, before giving me a nervous, apologetic smile.
"I missed you too, Pipes"
That was all I needed to hear. I flung myself at Leo, startling the girl next to him. Not a second later Jason joined our hug.
When we finally pulled away, the girl looked at us with a confused face.
"Pipes, Sparky, this is Calypso, my girlfriend"
Leo said, pointing at the beautiful girl next to him.
"Cal, this is Jason and Piper, two of my best friends."
"Is he the one that tried to eat a stapler?"
She asked. Jason groaned, mumbling something along the lines of -why always that story-. I laughed out loud not even trying to hide it one bit.
"Thanks Pipes"
He mumbled.
"Love you too, Sparky"
After that we all started exchanging stories while walking though Camp.
"And that's it reall-"
We all twirled around, searching for the sudden screaming/laughing that interrupted our story. Not 20 meters away from us Percy and Annabeth were chasing each other. Assuming by their clothes, they just came from the beach. Percy seemed to have caught Annabeth and was tickling her mercy less, while trying to keep something that looked like a book out of her reach.
She laughed.
"Stop I-IIIt"
He smirked.
Then Annabeth did something that caught him of guard, but honestly it was kind of predictable. She leaned forwards and kissed Percy sweetly on the lips. Immediately his body relaxed and he leaned into her, lowering his right arm that was holding the book.
Even from this distance I saw Annabeth's eyes open, revealing a victorious look. Slowly her hand traveled up to Percy's right arm.
Behind me I heard Leo chuckle together with Jason.
Just when her fingers reached the book Percy pulled away, a playfully grin on his face.
"Did you really think I would be caught of guard that easily?"
Annabeth seemed to mumble something and Percy chuckled. Then he ran off again, Annabeth on his heels.
Coincidentally he ran towards us, nearly crashing into Calypso.
"I'm so sor- Calypso?!"
The daughter of the Titan bit her lip and nodded.
"Hey Percy"
The two of them stared at each other, but then I noticed something weird. Percy's usually joyful eyes were now filled with anger and disgust. Before any of us could say anything Annabeth arrived at the scene and snatched the book out of Percy's hand.
"Ha! That was too easy, Seaweedbrain. Why did you even st-"
The moment she saw Calypso, Annabeth stopped talking for a second.
"You're Calypso"
Annabeth stated, no emotion in her voice whatsoever . Calypso nodded. Annabeth's eyes started to get unfocused and misty. Slowly she shook her head and pinched her eyes closed.
"Excuse me"
She whispered, before running off. I watched Annabeth run towards cabin 3, slamming the door behind her.
"It's all your fault."
Percy said, his voice cold as ice.
"If it wasn't for Bob, she wouldn't be here anymore"
After Percy said that, he glared at Calypso one more time and ran off, following his girlfriend's steps.
When he was finally out of view, we all turned towards Calypso.
"What was that?!"
Jason asked. Calypso stared at the place both Annabeth and Percy had stood only a few seconds ago.
"I-I don't get it. I didn't mean for-for that to happen. I-I was just so angry at the time. I-"
"What do you mean?"
Leo asked.
"I cursed Annabeth, when Percy left me. I was sad and angry and... I didn't mean for it to get real! I don't even know how or w-"
I said. Leo frowned.
"Arai. I heard Percy and Annabeth talk about them a few nights ago. They're monsters, but when you kill them you get cursed. Annabeth said something about meeting them down there, you know."
Leo and Jason's eyes widened.
"I don't get it. What do you mean with 'down there' ?"
Calypso asked.


Annabeth's POV

It's been a week since Calypso arrived. To be honest, I don't know what to think of her. It wasn't completely her fault that I nearly died there, but at the same time her curse did nearly kil me. I know she regrets it, Piper told me. But still... that feeling of abandonment. It was horrible. I never want to feel something like that again. And if that's what she had to feel every day for so long, than I understand why she did it. Nobody wants to feel like they're abandoned and alone, like nobody cares for you.
So I get it, sort of.
"Wisegirl? You ready?"
"Yeah, give me a minute."
I tied my hair up in a ponytail and walked out of the bathroom.
Percy smiled when he saw me and I pecked his lips.
"Ready to get your butt kicked, Seaweedbrain?"
I asked. He laughed.
"It's on Wisegirl."
Together we walked towards the Arena.
We sparred for a good hour, before taking a quick break. Percy went to the bench to get some water for the both of us, while I waited amid all the chaos. Not far away some Hephaestus kids were testing some kind of machine. Nothing out of ordinary, really. You always have to watch out when you enter the arena, especially on crazy Friday: the day that most of the new gadgets are tested. And today was such a day.
I was leisurely scanning the area when something caught my eye. Calypso was entering the arena without noticing the huge knife shooting machine. Nyssa pushed the button, not seeing the daughter of the Titan on time. The knife exited the shaft, twirling into the air, Calypso right into its aim.
I took my dagger and threw it, aiming for the flying weapon. Right before the knife would touch Calypso's head, it collided with my dagger, missing a chocked Calypso, who screamed.
"You alright?"
I asked, running towards her. She nodded, trembling a bit.
"T-thanks. You saved my life."
I smiled at her.
"No problem. Just watch out the next time you walk in. I'm surprised Leo didn't tell you about Crazy Friday."
She smiled.
"Sorry, again. I really am sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen."
I pinched my eyes together at the memory of that awful moment.
"It's alright, really. I get how you must have felt for so long. It was horrible. Not even my greatest enemies deserve such a punishment."
Calypso gave me a sad smile.
"Still, I'm sorry and thanks again."
I smiled.
"It really was nothing. Accidents like that happen in daily basis here. And I know you're sorry. I forgive you, but-"
I looked behind me and saw Percy approaching us with two bottles of water in his hands and a confused look on his face.
I turned back to Calypso.
"He's gonna need some more time to forgive you and accept everything that has happened."
I finished that sentence right when Percy arrived.
"What happened? Some Crazy Friday accident?"
He asked, completely ignoring Calypso and giving me my water bottle.
I nodded.
"Thanks and yeah, but nobody got hurt."
He grinned.
"Good, cuz we don't want another Leo incident, now would we?"
I choked on my water and spit it all out, laughing at the memory of Leo running around without his pants on and a lizard on his face. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. I pecked his lips and brought my lips to his ear.
"Talk to her. She's really sorry."
I kissed his cheek one more time, before turning around and walking away.

Percy's POV

"Talk to her. She's really sorry."
Annabeth said and kissed my cheek. Then she turned around and walked away, leaving me alone with Calypso.
My eyes followed her until she disappeared behind the corner of the arena.
I know Annabeth told me to talk to her, but... I don't know. I'm still mad at her that she cursed Annabeth. If anything she should have cursed me, not Annabeth! Annabeth did nothing wrong to her and if she hadn't cursed her, Annabeth wouldn't have nearly died there and-
"I'm really sorry, Percy"
I looked back at Calypso, looking her into her eyes, making sure no emotion showed on my face.
"Really. I didn't mean it to happen. I was just so angry and sad at the moment. I- please forgive me, Percy."
Her eyes started to get watery and then I realised that maybe, I was being to hard on her. But then I remembered what happened down there and my jaw clenched.
"She nearly died there because of your curse."
My voice was a bit unsteady.
"I nearly lost the love of my life because of your stupid curse."
My voice was barely louder than a whisper, but she heard me. Tears fell from her cheeks.
"I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry."
'Give her a chance'
Annabeth's voice echoed through my head . Last night we had talked about the Calypso-incident. She had told me to let it be. The past is in the past and everything is fine now.
Maybe she's right... who am I kidding. Annabeth's always right, even though I don't want to tell her that always. I sighed.
"I'm sorry too"
That seemed to throw her of guard.
"I shouldn't have reacted like that. Not a week ago and not today. I should had listened to Annabeth and forgive you, but I just couldn't... Annabeth, she- she means everything to me, you know. I don't know what I would do without her. She's my everything."
Calypso smiled. A genuine smile that reminded me of the ones she had given me at Ogygia.
"I'm so happy for you two, you know. I hope Leo and I will end up like you and Annabeth."
I chuckled not quite sure what to think of that.
She nodded.
"Yeah, really."

Ending sucks, I know. And Percy and Calypso might be a bit OOC in the end. Sorry for that.
I know it has been a long time since the last update. Sorry for that too, but especially now with Corona and stuff: my life has been a bit hectic. Hope you enjoyed though.

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