Wattpad for Dummies

By Writing-101

1M 5.3K 2.7K

A 'Step by step'-guide on how to get the most out of Wattpad. More

<I>Introduction </I>
1/ Creating An Account
2/ Getting Started
3/ Updating Your Status
1.) Change your profile picture.
2.) Change your background picture.
3.) Change your username.
4.) Change your email.
5.) Change your gender.
6.) Change your location.
8.) Change your 'About Me'
9.) Connect Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Myspace.
10.) Connect your very own website.
1/ Uploading - a. General
1/ Uploading - b. Basic Options
1/ Uploading - c. Advanced Options
1/ Uploading - d. Finishing Your Upload
2/ How To Edit A Story Group
3/ How to add a book cover
4/ How to add more parts
5/ When your story is finished
6/ Dedications
7/ Casting

7.) Change your date of birth.

22.5K 79 31
By Writing-101

Wrote in the wrong age by “accident?” Well, have no fear fellow Wattpader, because it’s never too late to start faking your age! And with this easy step by step guide you’ll be looking younger in no time!

1.)   Go to your profile.

You can go to your profile by clicking on the drop down menu next to the search bar, where it says hi ‘your name.’

2.)   Edit profile.

This option can be found next to ‘About Me’ at the top of your Wattpad profile.

3.)   Click ‘edit’ at the bottom of your ‘Edit profile’ page.

Scroll down on the ‘My account’ page, until you see the option ‘Edit’ and then it’s all just a click of the mouse.

4.)   Go to ‘Date of Birth’ and change it to whatever you want.

Just write in the day, month, and year you were born…and you don’t even have to show your date of birth if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.

5.)   Don’t forget to ‘save’ your changes afterwards!

And there you have it; you’re magically three years younger. Don’t worry; your secret is safe with us!

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