๐—š๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ | ๐—•๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ

Von ritzcrackahs

21.5K 586 189

"๐˜Ž๐˜ฐ ๐˜ง๐˜ถ๐˜ค๐˜ฌ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ง" "๐˜•๐˜ข๐˜ฉ, ๐˜'๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ง๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ช๐˜ง ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ช๐˜ฅ." Book 2 of Greed series! Mehr

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Von ritzcrackahs

(That picture though..)

Huge time skip
Ban's POV
Back in Liones, it was now Thursday, October 26th, and

Y/n's baby bump got really big.

I on the other hand, was training with Captain when she came outside.

"Wrap it up and come in to eat dinner!"

I looked back at Y/n, with a pleading face.

"Nope. You have to eat dinner before everyone else demolishes it- or in other words, before I do."

As soon as she said that, Meliodas ran inside.

I followed behind him, closing the door shut and locking it.

The Sins had all sat down and started eating, chatting about something I honestly didn't care about.

I sat down beside Escanor, who was drinking booze and talking to Merlin.

"Ey Ban, come here for a second.", Y/n said out of nowhere-

I stood up quickly and walked over, wrapping my arms around the top of her stomach.

(Y/n's sitting on a barstool) "So Margaret just texted me, that her Old Man had a vision."


"Let me finish, baka. It was about the baby, and the vision had Mel holding a baby boy."

When I tell you that Captain got happy real quick, I mean it. "A.. baby boy? I'm gonna have a nephew!"

"He's gonna be so strong! Oh, this is amazing!", Diane squealed, jumping around with Elizabeth again.

Y/n just smiled and shook her head.

Now that I think about it, Y/n is in incredibly good shape. Her ankles aren't all swollen, and she's still as lively as before.

"That's because Merlin put spell on Y/n, so that she wouldn't have so many problems.", Gowther replied after reading my mind.

I threw a fork in his direction, and it hit the side of his head.

I turned Y/n around in her seat, and kneeled down in front of her stomach.

"Hey, little one.. we all can't wait to see your cute ass.", I cooed, before getting bopped on top of the head by Y/n.

"Still a baby, doofus." I sent her a playful glare, and then continued, hearing loads of awes from around the tavern.

"We'll have a name reveal tomorrow, and it's so freaking cute.. Auntie Diane, Elizabeth and Merlin will all spoil you and love you to death, while Uncle Meliodas, King, and Escanor will train you to become nice and strong. That is, if The Captain doesn't kill you with his cooking."

With that statement, I got hit on top of the head again, but this time by the demon himself.

"I would say that my cooking isn't that bad, but that wouldn't be the truth, right?"

"Right", everyone replied.

I stood back up and grabbed Y/n a plate, sitting back down beside her.

"Do you feel okay?"

"Yep, I'm feeling great actually."

She reached her hand over and stole a piece of broccoli off of my plate.

"Didn't think you'd be one to eat broccoli, Ban." I smirked and slid it over to her.

"I know you haven't eaten yet, so I actually got it for you. And I'm not moving until you eat it."

Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "Thank you."

Y/n's POV
I decided to prepare things for the baby's name reveal, while everyone was sleeping.

I laid out pieces of paper with the baby's name on it, all around the tavern, and posted sticky notes with the name on them as well.

At the end of the day, Ban and I would admit that the name they kept seeing all around was the baby's!

Proud of my idea, I placed the last sticky note on the side of the bathroom sink.

It was now 9:45pm, and I was honestly exhausted.

Not to complain, but Merlin's potion did not take away the tiredness that I get out of no where.

I drank a cup of water before heading upstairs.

I entered the bathroom and took a quick shower, so that I would be ready and awake in the morning.

Opening our door, I saw that Ban was.. reading? What?

"Since when do you read?"

"Well, hello to you too. It's baby tips and stuff- I want to be the best dad possible."

"In that case, scoot over."

October 27th
The moment I opened my eyes, I was met with Gowther's face being right in front of mine.

"Eek! Oh my God, don't scare me like that, stupid!", I whisper-shouted, hitting him on his chest.

Unfazed, he apologized and started explaining, "Do you know why I found this under a mug?"

He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, with
(B/n) (Baby's name) on it.

I tried sitting up, but Ban's arm laid across my stomach.

"Uh.. not sure, Gowth.."

"Well, it looks just like your super- neat cursive hand writing.. or am I just crazy?"

Ban had woken up and stared at Gowther for a solid 10 seconds.

"Hey 4 eyes, why do you have a sticky note with the baby's name on it?"

I facepalmed and put my fingers near Ban's head in a gun shape.

"You're such an idiot.. that was supposed to be a surprise!"

Ban's eyes widened and waved us off with a smirk.

"My bad."- and then he went back to sleep.

"I figured that was it.. but I didn't want to assume. Would you like me to tell the Sins, or..?", Gowther asked just as every other Sin ran into the room.

"B/N!!!!", they all cheered. Ban stuffed his face in the pillow, his arm not moving.

"Your plan sucked, apparently. His name is B/n.", Ban mumbled, going back to sleep.

I flicked the side of his head and turned to the excited bunch of people.

"Yep! It was supposed to be a suprise, but you guys caught on quickly.."

Meliodas- unsurprisingly- was the happiest of them all.

"I'm gonna have a nephew, and his name's gonna be B/n. I'm gonna have a nephew, and his name's gonna be B/n.", he sang, as the rest of the Sins joined in.

I looked over at Ban who just honestly wanted them to shut the hell up.

"Okay, okay, that's great and all, but I need someone to either return or eat the reveal cake I baked yesterday- vanilla."

The Sins all ran out of the room, Merlin literally teleporting and Meliodas sliding (and falling) down the rail.

"That's your bestfriend."
"That's your brother."

I chuckled and stood up to stretch.

"We have to get downstairs sometime today, babe."

Ban just groaned and flipped on his back. "I'm too tired.. I did so much yes"-

"You did nothing yesterday. And since you and Mel won't let me waitress, I'm stuck in the kitchen.."

"Well technically, I didn't care at first, but Captain wants you to wear that stupid uniform."

"How the hell would I be able to fit that? You both must be incredibly dumb, because that wouldn't work at all."

He smirked and stood behind me in the mirror, helping me with my hair.

"You do know that today we're all going to Istar to get our power back, right?"

I nodded my head, handing Ban a bobby pin. "Isn't the trio coming? Gria, Gil, and Howzer?"

Ban finished my hair, making a simple bun in the back of my head.

"Yes, they are. And all three of them are excited to see B/n as well."

With a smile, I looked at the clock next to our bed.

"They should be here"- I was interrupted by Howzer shouting that they were here. "-Now.", I finished.

I had walked downstairs, after getting dressed into a huge long sleeved shirt with a short sleeved one over it.

Diane was first to greet me, with a giant smile on her face.

"Morning, Y/n! Morning, B/n! Are you ready to head on out?", she asked, placing her hands on my stomach momentarily.

I nodded my head, looking downstairs to see everyone.. depressed.. Not what I expected.

"Why is everyone so down? Are you all hungry or something?" Everybody's heads perked up from the tables.

At the same time, atleast 5 people's stomachs growled. I laughed before turning to Meliodas.

"Why don't you ask Mel to cook you guys something?"

Everyone just coughed awkwardly.

"Y/n, not even I think that's a good idea.", my brother replied, his face underneath Elizabeth's skirt.

I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen.

I had to make food for 11 (or 12) people, and I knew that'd take a while.

Ban came down at perfect timing though, smiling at everyone's depressed mood.

"I would've thought that they'd be excited, but I guess not."

"Everyone's hungry as hell. They shouldn't have eaten that cake before bed. I'm debating whether I should scold them or cook something.."

Ban smirked and pulled out the eggs, bacon, (sorry Hawk) toast and waffle/pancake mix.

I had started with the pancakes, making small ones on a big pan to save time. Ban had done the toast, and I had started the bacon and eggs as well.

"Are you sure that you're not gonna burn all of that food?", he asked, and I scoffed.

"My dad owns a bakery. I could cook the entire breakfast without trouble."

I stirred the eggs while flipping the pancakes and bacon, watching everything turn brown.

I made it into more of a buffet, and laid everything out. 3 dishes of eggs, 3 of bacon, and 2 of toast, piled up on top of each other.

Ban and I high fived, while calling everyone into the kitchen.

As soon as those words left my mouth, everybody came racing into the kitchen.

"God, you guys really would take a bullet for food, wouldn't ya?"

"Only yours, Y/n.", Gilthunder replied, walking back into the main room with his already made plate.

Hawk came trotting in, begging for scraps.

Due to the fact that I made so much food, there were loads of scraps leftover.

Hawk's eyes turned into stars, and he had dishes of scraps lined up after another.

"Y/n, Ban, you two are the best!"

"Thanks, Hawk/ Master!", we both said together.

Ban offered to clean up, and I made my plate before sitting down next to my brother.

"Breakfast was great, sis! Thanks alot!" I looked at Mel's plate and saw that he finished already.

Matter a fact, the only people who hadn't, were Ellie, Diane, and Merlin.

"You boys eat too fast. Don't choke on your food now." I got a few chuckles in reply, and just continued to eat my food.

Today's definitely gonna be interesting..


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