Mind vs Might: There Are No H...

By Hexcss

749K 15.8K 15K

Not everyone is created equal. Young Izuku Midoriya learned this at the age of 4. In a world where 80% of the... More

The Beginning
Appearances(No Chapter)
Paying the consequences
New Life
Revelations and Preparations
UA Entrance
Calm before the storm
USJ Battle
USJ Aftermath
New Game
Operation Megalo
New Era
Red Night
Threats from the past
Eye of the Storm
Vanguard Action Squad
Training Camp Invasion
Sibling Fight
Clash of Titans(End of Season 1)
The Other Side
New Threats
New King
King's Speech
Underworld War
Facing Reality
Meta v.s Quirkless
None for All
Fall of UA
Final Battle Pt. 1
Final Battle Pt.2
Final Battle Pt.3
What followed the fall...
Plea of the Fool
Role of the Fuhrer
Do You Heil?


15.9K 343 638
By Hexcss

The training camp invasion was over, the heroes were totally defeated. Ragdoll and Katsuki were nowhere to be seen, Aizawa and Izumi sustained severe injuries from their fight against Dark Phoenix. The rest of the students and teachers also had some kind of damage; Pixie Bob had a head injury. Meanwhile, Vlad had some 3rd-degree burns from his fight against Dabi's clones. As news spread of the disasters, there was a public outcry against hero incompetence, the public was turning more and more against them. There were protests on the streets. People were now demanding for the military to take over operations. However, the Prime Minister was still reluctant, he wanted to give the heroes one last chance to prove themselves, and that is how he will decide what to do next. During the attack, they were able to capture some villains. Moonfish, Muscular, and Mustard were all arrested. Still, all of them refused to give the word to them about the League's hideout. The image of Dark Phoenix coming against them for their betrayal lured above them, and that was enough to not make them speak. As in the streets the people riot, our characters are having all discussions on what to do next.

With class 1A...

Izumi was the most injured; she had several broken bones, as well as heavy bleeding, even a pierced lung from Izuku's last attack. She was currently in her room, thinking about what has happened lately.

A flashback of those last moments from her fight against her brother appeared.

Katsumi: How could you do this to your own sister?

Izuku: We stopped being family long ago...

Remembering those last words felt like being shot in the heart for Izumi.

Izumi: 'Izuku is a villain now, our family was torn apart, many heroes, civilians and other innocents died, the hero world is collapsing, Katsuki and Ragdoll were kidnapped, everybody is in fear, and all because of me!'

Izumi couldn't hold it, the regret, she started to cry.

At that moment, the rest of Class A entered her room to visit her. What they saw shocked them; there Izumi was, the strongest of them all, crying hopelessly. Shota and Katsumi were the first to rush to her side.

Shota: Izumi, Izumi! What's wrong?!

Katsumi: Everything is okay; we are here now!

Izumi just hugged both of them, not having the strength to reply yet. The rest of the 1A students just stood by the side; they knew she needed some time. After a few minutes, Izumi calmed down.

Izumi: G-guys, I am sorry! -sniff- e-everything t-thas has happened because of me! I-if only I hadn't been so weak! -sniff.

Everybody looked at her, shocked.

Shoto: Izumi...

She raised her head to look at him.

Shoto: Don't you dare... Don't you dare say you are weak!

Now everybody looked at Shoto.

Shoto: And also you are not at fault for what that crazy bastard did!

Izumi: B-but, if only I had been different with him if only I had the strength to stand up for my brother, none of this would have happened! All of those people are dead because of me! Katsuki and Ragdoll are kidnapped because of me!

Katsumi: Stop it! It's true, I am sad for my brother, but it wasn't your fault it happened!

Uraraka: Izumi... You are putting too much blame on you; there is no way you could know what would happen.

Shota: Listen to her, you are just adding more weight on your back, cut that out!

Izumi: G-guys...

Tenya: And don't dare to say you are weak! Because you are the strongest here!

Kirishima: You have had to carry this weight all by yourself, how can you say you are weak?

Momo: But also, now you don't have to carry it alone, okay?

Izumi: G-guys -she said as she started to cry- t-thank you.

Shoto: We are here for you.

Class 1A engulfed Izumi in a big group hug.

Momo: Also, I know you want to make things right... So do I... During the training camp invasion, I managed to put a tracker in one of the villains, that way, we will know their location. I gave the heroes a device to track them down, but I also made one for myself.

Izumi: Momo.... - She then looked at Momo, who had a determined look in her eyes- Let's go rescue them!

Shoto: You won't be going alone, I will go too.

Katsumi: I won't let you rescue my bro without me!

Tenya: I will go... But just to make sure you don't get yourself in trouble.

Kirishima: I will tag as well; I have to save my bro!

Izumi: Very well then, if nobody else joins, we are all! Let's go and recuse Katsuki!

Meanwhile, at the League's hideout...

Izuku was on his bed, you could see he was visibly pissed.

Izuku: 'Damn you, Nana! Why did it have to be him!'

Izuku started to have a flashback from when he returned from the camp.

Izuku: I am here!

Nana: Good, we just finished tying up our new guest! Hahaha. Come see!

Izuku: Oh, really? And who i- WHAAATT??!!

At that moment, Izuku saw an unconscious Katsuki, tied up to a wooden chair.

Izuku: WHY HIM?

Nana: What's the matter? Do you like it? We brought him here because of his villainous personality; he could be a great asset! And think about it, you would be his senior, his boss! You would be the one giving him orders and telling him what to do! How great isn't it? Isn't that what you always wanted?


Izuku was fuming with anger, and he decided to just leave for his room.

Nana: I guess he didn't like my gift, huh... - she said with visible sadness.

Izuku was really angry by remembering that.

Izuku: 'I need some way to take out my frustration!'

At that moment, the door opened, revealing none other than All for One.

Izuku quickly stood up to greet his master.

Izuku: Sensei, it has been a while.

AFO: It sure has my boy.

Izuku: What brings you here, sensei?

AFO: Oh, is that I saw how you reacted to Nana's gift, and I thought you may be angry and needed a way to take that frustration out.

Izuku: You really do know me.

AFO: Of course I do, now follow me.

Izuku followed All for One, and they walked until they reached a door at the very end of the hideout. They stopped when All for One stood at the front of the door.

AFO: Tell me, do you remember the day I met you?

Izuku: Oh yeah, when you rescued me from that sludge monster.

AFO: Yes, and what are your feelings toward that monster?

Izuku: The purest form of hate, he is why I have to use this respiratory mask to live, and also why I have this metal can as an arm.

AFO: And tell me, what do you think happened to it after I rescued you?

Izuku thought for a while.

Izuku: I don't know.

All for One grinned behind his mask, and then he opened the door. Behind it was nothing more than a cage with a green like substance with yellow eyes on it. Izuku's eye widened.

AFO: He is all yours - he said as he closed the door behind Izuku.

Izuku stepped forward near the cage.

Izuku: You...

S.M: Huh? Who are you?! What do you want? Please free me!

Izuku: Ha.. Haha... Hahahahaha...

S.M: What is so funny?

Izuku: Let you go? Hahahaha, don't make me laugh! You don't know how much I have wanted this. Tell me, do you recognize me?

The sludge monster took a while to analyze Izuku. Soon after, realization stroke him.

Sludge: I-its you, you are that kid!

Izuku: Oh yes, I am, and now let's have some fun, shall we? There are some things I want to test out, hahaha, hahaha...

Sludge: N-noo, nooo. Stay away! Noooo...

At the Police H.Q.s

The top-ranked heroes, the police commanders, and what remained of the Heroics Ministry personnel met to decide how to proceed. Tsukauchi stepped to the front with Commander Levi and began the explanation.

Tsukauchi: Please everyone, listen up, I am going to tell you what we are going to do, the Prime Minister gave us one last chance to prove our value, and we better not waste it. Thanks to a student of the U.A.'s hero course who was on the Training Camp during the Invasion, we now have gotten information on the League's hideout. She managed to put a tracker in one of the villains, and now thanks to Levi's recon corps, we have officially discovered their main base. It is safe to say they will probably have quite a lot of defenses set up in place to prevent them from being attacked, but still, it is our only chance. The attack will be divided into two attack groups. The first will head towards the League's main hideout, where it is suspected the League's leading members are, the second group will attack a warehouse a few roads down. It is supposed that is were the Nomus are stored. This is our only chance to bring them down now. We have to deal a heavy blow at least. All of you better be prepared!

All Might: 'All for One... This time... I will bring you down for sure, and with your downfall, Izuku will come back to the light! Be prepared, for I am coming for you!'

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