The Void (Rainbow 6 Siege x O...

By voidlupusofficial

7.7K 135 34

Logan Whitman is the most valuable asset of The White Mask. When a certain op goes south, Logan is captured... More

The Op
Where Am I?
Night One
A Choice
A New Life
The Fight
A Mission
Operation 'Oh Shit'
Well, that's not very nice (1K Special)
Getting to Know Her


449 5 2
By voidlupusofficial

As Tachanka walked through the metal detector, it went off.  They let him through since the obvious reason was his helmet.  When Logan walked through, it gave off another beep.  A guard went to search him but was quickly stopped with a blade to his throat.

"Don't try it," Logan told him calmly.

The guard nodded and backed off, hand on his neck.  Continuing, they arrived at a dark, wooden door.  Knocking on it, they heard a feminine voice reply, "enter."

When they walked in, Logan saw a short, nougat-colored woman in a royal blue suit, sitting at a desk.


He sat.  She nodded to the Russian who turned and left the room.

"So, mister Whitman, I see you have a knack for escaping places meant to hold you."

He said nothing.

"The silent type, huh?  That's fine.  Anyways, since you're so adept at defeating and outsmarting my operators, I have a proposition for you."

Logan cocked his head to the side, interest piqued.

"I want to offer you a place in Team Rainbow."

Taken aback, he smiled as if it was a joke and said, "C'mon lady, if you're going to try to get something out of me, you need to try harder than that."

She slid a piece of paper towards him.  On it, were areas to fill out with his credentials.

Holy shit.  She's not messing around.

His mouth suddenly went dry as he took the paper, hands shaking.

He looked up, confusion in his eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Aurelia Arnot.  More commonly known as Six."

"I, I don't know what to say.  I...think I need to think about this if that's okay with you."

"That's fine.  You get one day.  Tonight you will be bunking with one of my operators."

He nodded and got up to leave.

"And Logan," He looked.  "Remember, you hold the keys to your fate."

Silently, he nodded and walked out.

Tachanka was waiting for him outside.  As he met the Russian, they looked at each other and walked to the stairs leading towards the third floor.

"We don't have any open rooms for the male operators so Six is having you bunk with Hibana, our female, Japanese operator."

"Hmm. How cliché.  Having a possible operator bunk with a female instead of a male.  This happens in almost every action movie."

They continue on in silence.  Once they finally reach a door on the third level, Tachanka knocks on it.

"Coming!" a voice responds.

Soon, a Japanese woman opens the door and looks at her visitors.

"Hello, comrade, Six needs this young man to room with you for the night," he points at his partner.

She looks at a ragged Logan, recognizing him nonetheless.


"Yeah, me.  Surprise surprise."

She steps forward and slaps him across the face.  He spins around and clutches his face.

"What the hell was that for?"

"What do you think, idiot?"

"Hey, hey, hey, no fighting.  Hibana, he needs a room, the male dormitories are full and you're the only one with an extra bed," Tachanka stated.

"Fine.  Come on in," She reluctantly steps aside.

The trio continues in, looking around.  There was a large bathroom on the left-hand side, a TV and Entertainment Center full of snacks against the wall to the left of the door.  To the right was a large closet, half of it being used by Hibana.  In the back of the room were two, queen-sized beds.  In between, was a large dresser, mostly used as a nightstand by the current occupant, and finally, a small recliner on either side of the room, by the beds.

"Well, this is homey."

Hibana walked forward and threw herself on her bed.  Logan turned and faced Tachanka.

"Hey, if I'm going to stay here, I need some new clothes, preferably black things.  And if you could wash these clothes, that would be great."

The man nodded and walked off.

"Hey, lady, do you mind telling me where the armory is?"

"Second floor.  It has a big obnoxious sign saying 'Armory'."

"Thanks, bye."

He made his way there and walked in.  It was huge.

"This is perfect."

He went to work on a mask, something he could conceal his identity in but still breathe properly.  He ended up making this.

There, that's perfect.

He placed the mask over his face and walked to a bronze mirror.

Not bad Whitman, not bad at all.

Now, to make it gas resistant.

After a while, he had perfected it to make sure no gas could ever penetrate this and enter his lungs, not even his own gadget could affect him.  He walked back to the room with his mask on, slightly scaring Hibana as he walked in.  He sat on a chair until Tachanka arrived at the room with Logan's new clothes.

"Thanks.  Be seeing you."

The Spetsnaz nodded and walked off.  Logan closed the door and went to shower.

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