Heartfelt Love (Male Rivals x...

By CuteFireFlareon

260K 5.9K 5.6K

All credits to Yandere Dev for making Yandere Simulator. After seeing his April Fools video a hundred times... More

1- Arrival
2- Untrusted
3- Day 1
4- Odd Dream, New Rivals
5- Power
6- Demon Realm
7- Reset
8- Dream
9- Repeated
10- Comforting
11- Video Game
12- False Lives?
13- Girl's Sleepover
14- Truth
15- Ex and Bully
16- Suspicions
17- Bullies
18- Fakes
19- Their Happy Ending
20- Real Selves
21- Reset Lives
22- Boys
23- Kitten
24- Another Rival
25- Taken
26- Help Me
27- Back
28- Mr Mido
29- Caught
30- Plans
31- I don't know
32- Dance
33- Music
34- Female Rival
35- Saikou Home
36- True Yandere
37- Contest
38- Careful
39- Old Souls
40- Damien
42- Stay Away
43- Company
44- Bullets
Valentine's Day Special
45- Date
46- Charity
47- Garden
Late Easter Special
48- Festival
49- Foxes
50- Coma
51- Angels
52- Time
53- Who
54- Embarrassed
Osorō is one of meh husbandos
55- Wake up
Announcing the relationship/ Jealous people
One Month
First Kiss + I Love You
Not being around them
He's sick
Catching up Damien and Hoshiko
Helping with their problems
Osorō x Reader x Megamo
He/She loses a bet
They're stressing/ Argument
Vacation Together- Part 1: Preparing
Vacation Together: Part 2- Time there

41- Questions

624 19 9
By CuteFireFlareon

I hurried to the job with Ayano and apologized for being late.

"Hey, no sweat. You're here just in time actually." "Oh that's a relief." I said and Wisteria nodded. We got our iPads and waited a bit, talking until mine buzzed to show I had a table. My table was a table of 6 people and I smiled as I left.

After work

I checked on the cat food and realized we were low so I got my money and told mom and dad that I was going to buy some cat food and toys. "Have your siblings go with you. Go buy something for your Senpai." They blushed and nodded as I walked with them while they took their own money. We got to the store and I waited for those two to get a gift for them then we went to the cat food and toys. I got 15 cans of food, a laser pointed, a toy mouse and a chargeable mouse that she can chase around the house while we're gone. I smiled as I paid for my stuff then they paid for the gifts. "What did you get them?" "Well for Taeko, I got her a couple pieces of jewelry." "I got Budo some punching gloves and a kinda small punching bag that he can hang up." I nodded as we walked out and back home.

I put the food away and showed Sen her toys as she chased the electric mouse for a while until she was tired. I smiled and picked her up. "My cute little Sen." I said and she purred while she rubbed her head against my cheek and I giggled.

Hanakō's POV

I shouldn't get jealous over a cat! It's dumb! But she doesn't realize I want to talk to her... I thought and saw her look up. She smiled and waved to me while I waved back. She placed Sen down and opened her window while I opened mine. "Hey, how long were you watching me?" "Not long I swear! I didn't mean to stare. I just fazed out in my thoughts..." She giggled and I blushed. "Alright. I just saw you looking sad. Is there something you want to take about?" "Well... yeah... How do I tell my crush that I like her? She's so oblivious and I want to tell her so bad but I don't know how! I just get too nervous when I think about it near her..." "Well I can't help you much here but... maybe leave her a note asking to meet her by the cherry tree on a Friday?" "Maybe... That sounds great!" I smiled and she nodded. "I should shower soon... I'll talk to you tomorrow!" She waved and I waved back as she closed her curtains while I blushed at the thought of her naked.

Calm yourself Hanakō! She hasn't chosen any of us yet! I slapped myself a bit and blushed.

Reader POV

Can't believe I just casually talked to him... he knows one of my best friends is dead... I shivered in the shower and soon finished as I got out.


The five girls were texting me that we should eat lunch together all week.

Kizana: How about we eat together all week?
Amai: Sounds good but what's with the sudden suggestion?
Kizana: We're basically never hanging out together besides lunch.
Osoro: Kids are still afraid of me.
Oka: Me too... they still think I'm going to summon a demon and kill them...
(Y/n): Why? You both don't hurt others and Osoro only attacks others who she needs to.
Osoro: I'm a delinquent. No one cares about that (Y/n). And no one believes Oka can't summon demons.
Me: Okay...
Asu: Sorry for never responding. Why don't you both come to the roof though? (Y/n) is basically known as the 'Delinquent Tamer' or something and Oka can't summon demons but we might as well scare others if they still think that.
Me: Delinquent Tamer? When did that happen?
Amai: Remember when you calmed down Umeji? It's that.
Me: Oh... I just didn't want anyone in trouble.
Osoro: Fine, I'll go. And Oka, tell me if anyone tries to harass you, same with you four.
Oka: Okay... Thank you...

I smiled and got off the chat as I saw Succubus. "When will you tell the boys?" "A day I see them all together." "So after school, okay." I smiled and nodded as it was lunch time. I got the lunch boxes and handed Kizano his box and soon left, saying I was eating lunch with the girls all week. He seemed disappointed but nodded as I got to the five. I wanted to tell them about the boys but I didn't want to put them in danger. I sat down with the five and noticed Hoshiko looked lonely as the others noticed I wasn't eating. "Why aren't you eating?" "Hoshiko looks lonely. I'm going to talk to her real quick." "Are you crazy? All she'll do is bully you." "Come on, I told you at the dance she was nice! It's quick and you'll notice if she does anything to me." Osoro was suspicious but sighed. "I will be keeping a close eye on her." "Alright." I said and went over to her.

"Hey Hoshiko, are you okay?" She jumped and looked at me and started blushing. "Ah! I'm fine... why?" "You looked lonely, where's the other girls? You five were always inseparable so where are they?" "Oh um... I stopped being their friend... they wanted to bully you but I refused... so I stopped being their friend." I looked sad and hugged her a bit. "Oh right! Well it's a good thing you don't want to hurt anyone. Are you sick? You're face is completely red..." I said and felt her forehead and cheeks. "Hmm... odd. Alright well, if you ever need a friend, I'm pretty sure you have my number?" She blushed and nodded. "Alright, text me anytime but for now, I'll ask the five if it's alright for you to eat with us today." "Are you sure? I don't want to-" "I'll be fine with it. I want to make sure you aren't lonely." I said and she nodded as I looked to the five, I got to them and Osoro looked at me.

"Well?" "She's not those four's friend anymore. They wanted to hurt me but she refused so can she eat with us so she has someone to talk to?" Osoro grumbled that I'm too nice and I smiled. "I'll be okay with it if she apologizes. And don't tell her, I want her to apologize on her own." "Okay? Your four?" "If she won't hurt you, fine." "Me? What about Oka?" "Oka can protect herself more than you and if not, I can protect her." She said and Oka smiled and nodded. I nodded and went to Hoshiko.

"The five are okay with it. Do you want to eat with us?" "Well... if they're okay with it, I guess so..." She smiled and picked up her lunch and followed me to the girls. She sat next to me as I ate and Hoshiko spoke.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting something and... I'm sorry for hurting (Y/n) before now..." She said and swore she wouldn't hurt me again as I smiled to her, remembering the bruise. I smiled to Osoro as she sat back. "Good, she did what I wanted." "What?" Hoshiko was confused and Osoro spoke, "Apologizing for hurting (Y/n)." I nodded and spoke. "Hey um... there's something I wanted to tell you five. Two things and Hoshiko can hear one I'd say. I don't want the other to scare her..." "Yeah?" Kizana asked and I blushed, "I haven't told anybody else this and please don't judge me for this... but I'm actually bisexual..." I muttered and they were in silence but I soon heard Asu. "You don't have to be shy. Sorry, we were surprised." The others nodded as Hoshiko seemed relieved. "Something you want to tell us Hoshiko?" "I thought I was the only one in this school..." She sighed in relief and I smiled as I shook my head. "I was so scared to admit it. Can you leave for a minute Hoshiko? I don't want this to scare you." "Of course. Just tell me when I can come back." She said and I nodded.

"It's about Seiyo and Damien..." I muttered and the girls were confused. "I can't explain it well but I recorded it..." I muttered and played the recording.

"He's heavy Megamo!" "Be quiet. Someone might hear you." "I don't care right now! He's too heavy! Why'd you make me drag him? Seriously! Why couldn't we make Osorō do it Megamo?" "Because you need to help. I had killed Seiyo with Amao's help and you don't do anything." "Neither does Kizano, Osano, Amao or Aso!" "I know. But Amao helps plenty too. He distracts sweet innocent (Y/n) to make sure she doesn't catch us. But I'll put the others to work later. For now, you're dragging corpses." "Um... quick problem..." Osorō said and Megamo seemed annoyed. "What? This better be important..." "Amao just texted in the group that (Y/n) isn't in the cooking club... she could be anywhere..." Osorō said and Megamo cursed. "Shit..." Megamo said and Hanakō sighed.

I stopped the recording there and the girls were frozen, Amai especially and she was wide eyed. Osoro finally growled and we stopped her from getting up. "Osoro, they might kill you if you confront them..." I said and fainted.

I was in the detective personality and spoke. "They will kill you. God I hate that she's dense..." I muttered and held my head. "And trust me, they'll do it one way or another. (Y/n) is going to talk to them about it after club activities. She'll help cleaning with Amao and walk out with him. She learned this yesterday and I'm going to bring this up to the Corporate Company if they try to do anything to her." I said and they looked at me in surprise but nodded. "(Y/n) is unaware of me. To tell the difference, when I act like this, call me Alicia as this name. Alice for short. Do not try to tell (Y/n) about this since she has no idea of me. She just saw herself faint and that's it. I'm fully aware of every action she doesn't but she doesn't know of a single action I've done because she has no idea I exist." I said then fainted again.

"Sorry... must've fainted... odd..." I said and shrugged as I looked at the fan. "Hey Hoshiko! We're done!" "Oh, okay!" She said and sat by me. I smiled as we all talked and Osoro was still glaring at her. But we soon heard giggling and looked at the direction of it. Osoro was ready to kill the four girls while they had their phones out. "Wow look! It's the gay bitch!" "Musume look! She's with the whore too!" Osoro growled and got up. "Don't you dare call (Y/n) a whore..." She growled and we were all surprised. "Why am I being called a whore?" "Because they don't realize that you're clueless." Kizana said and pet my hair.

Hoshiko was glaring and soon got out her own phone. She played a recording that we all heard.

"So were going to cut her bathing suit tomorrow?" "Yes! It'll be perfect humiliation for her!" "I seriously doubt (Y/n) won't come out wearing it like she's wearing full clothing."

"How do you still have a recording? I deleted them all!" "Except that I already sent it to someone else before you took my phone Kashiko. Shall we hear the others?" She asked and I was shocked. "Wh-Why would they cut the bathing suit? We aren't swimming right now but still..." "I know (Y/n)... I'll make sure it doesn't happen." Asu said and I thanked her as I was confused. Hoshiko played more recordings about the girls talking shit about each of us, mainly me, while I was shocked.

"Let's be honest, the only reason (Y/n) hangs out with those boys is to get to the girls under her control. I mean, she talks to Osorō to make sure the delinquents won't hurt her." "And she talks to Megamo for money." "Same with Kizano." "What do you think Hoshiko?" "We... really shouldn't be saying this. What if she doesn't know what's going on?" "God, would you stop saying that? It's like she controls your mind or something." "I mean... she's probably not bad. Maybe she's nice..." "Did you ever talk to her?" "No... I've listened to you still..."

"I'm done with you! You want to poison her? Why? Because she hangs out with a couple boys! And the fact that you're going to try to frame the female Shidesu because she's a delinquent today is worse! She wouldn't blame her best friend for her death! Besides, how would you get her fingerprints on the poison bottle?" "We'd put it by the incinerator and make her pick it up. What else?" "She's a delinquent. Not an idiot. Once she sees the poison label, she'll probably dispose of it if she picks it up. If not, you probably just killed yourself in some way once she finds out it was you all who did it." "You hang out with us too. She would blame you too." "I'll take it then. Probably warn her too about it." "You wouldn't dare." "Yes I would. If I find out (Y/n) is dead from poison, I'll tell them about this conversation." "And they'll believe you how? You have no proof." "I'll find something."

I was tired of what I was hearing and fainted.

When I woke up, I got out a syringe and gloves. After putting the gloves on, I stabbed the four with the syringe one by one almost so quickly they didn't realize it but they weren't able to fight it as I knocked them out. "Very good evidence captured and luckily, I recorded it all." I took out the recorder and changed the tape. "I'll be keeping that for the police if what was said there is recent or just happened." I said and the girls were all shocked. I got by them each and searched them. I found a small bug to record conversations on Kashiko, poison on Musume, a small radio looking thing on Hana and a button on Kokoro. When I pressed the button, the radio looking thing started playing and I pressed it again to turn it off.

"I must thank you. I wasn't suspecting this but..." I smelled the poison a bit before pouring a bit on my hand and taking off a glove. I pinched a bit of it and tested the texture. Soon, I licked it a bit as the girls were all shocked. "What are you doing? You can die!" Asu said and I shook my head. "Relax. Whoever gave them this was scamming those four. This is far from a poison. It's actually sugar mixed with a liquid version of a stomachache causing... medicine... I'll put it like that. If you excuse me, I need to give this to police." I said and got up, leaving my stuff where it was but putting the items in the bag. I went to the headmaster's office and he was confused when I knocked. He allowed me entrance but once he saw me, he held up his taser.

"I need to ask you to lower that sir. I came asking if I could leave for a short bit." "Why?" "Because I have incriminating evidence against the "popular girls" as they're called here." He lowered the taser and stared at me. "You aren't acting the same Aishi." "It's because the (Y/n) you know isn't me right now. She has dissociative identity disorder. She is unaware of me and thinks she just faints when I awaken." He nodded and spoke again. "So what is this evidence?" "I was hoping I wouldn't be here for long but..." I put on the gloves before pulling out the items I got from the girls. "Miss Hoshiko Mizudori basically gave me this evidence as the four other girls wanted to poison (Y/n) and blame Miss Shidesu." He nodded and allowed me to leave.

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