WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

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In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere

477 34 24
By SinnaMonnBun

VC-Nikki-Its the first day of Brie and I working together and I'm just curious to see how this goes. Lets hope she puts her ego aside so everything can run smoothly.

The 18 teams arrived to their first challenge grounds for the season.

VC-Mickie-Judging by where we are right now....I probably might not like this challenge.

They were stationed on top of a high hill.

The cast gave a round of applause as Hunter approached.

"Hey guys. Hope you guys are all in good spirits today. You all look refreshed, motivated and ready to go."

"I feel nauseous." said Paige. Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"Welcome to your first challenge of this season of Rivals. This one is called Road To Nowhere. And for some of you...it might be a bit of fun. Since you're working with your rivals, you may enjoy what you're going to have to do. Here's how its going to be played."

-There is a platform with a runway suspended 400 feet above the ocean. It also hangs off the side of a cliff.

-There will be a cart that one player from each team will have to sit in.

-The other player will have to run towards the runway and push that cart off of the runway.

-However, towards the end of the runway there will be a series of coloured flags.

-Each flag is worth points.




-The colours with the highest points will be harder to reach.

-As the team  is riding towards to end of the runway and comes close to the flags, both members will have to try to grab as many flags as they can before they fully plummet off the runway.

-The ones who are pushing the carts will eventually have to place both feet on the cart as it nears the flags. Once they mount the cart, they cannot remove their feet.

-The male and female team with the highest points scored, wins.

-Competitors will be attached to cables and harnesses ensuring their safety.

VC-Miz-I get to push Dean off a cliff? Are you serious! This is great! Does-does he stay there splattered on the ground for the rest of the season?

"Fellas, you're going to want to get this victory...because this week is a guys' elimination week. That means, whichever male team comes in last will be sent straight into the Stomping Grounds. Ladies, just because you're all safe this week doesn't mean you can slack off. The top female team for this challenge will win $1000."

The girls all cheered and clapped.

"The order has been randomly selected so, Dean, Miz. You're up first."said Hunter.



There will be a new kind of confessional introduced this season. Its going to be pre/post challenge VC where the members of the teams will be standing and giving a quick interview before or after their challenge/elimination. It looks like this-




Everyone started gearing up and started talking strategy.

"You look lighter than me so maybe I should push you off the cliff."Dean suggested.

"Your arms are longer than mine. You'll be able to reach the red flags better than me."


Dean stuck out his arm and Miz placed his next to his.

"Oh yea. You're right."

PreVC-Dean and Miz

Miz-I am so excited to push this buffoon off of this cliff.

Dean-But you're coming down with me so I don't know why you're so happy.

Miz- I love the thrill of it. I may never get the chance to throw you off a cliff in my entire life. This is my chance! Im going to love it! I wish I could look Renee in the eyes while I'm doing it.

Dean-Whatever. Just focus on grabbing as many flags as you can.

"Alright boys, you ready?" Hunter asked, "Remember, you can only collect flags as long as that cart is rolling! Got it! Okay ready....and......"he sounded his horn, "GO!"

Miz took off very slowly and gradually made his way.

VC-Miz-This isn't about how fast you can throw your partner off a cliff, its about how much points you can rack up. Slow and steady wins the race.

"A little faster Miz."Dean instructed.

"Be quiet. I know what I'm doing."

Eventually they arrived at the first flags which were the green ones.

VC-Dean-The strategy was for Miz to grab the green ones since he'd be closer to them and for me to grab the red and yellows. Well...

As Dean was getting ready to grasp at the yellows

The runway ran out and they both went plummeting.

"Oh god. That looks terrifying."said Kaitlyn as she looked on.

Hunter sounded his horn.

"Please tell me you got a yellow one."said Miz as they both dangled in the air.


PostVC-Miz and Dean

Miz-We got....10 points. I did what I was supposed to do! Dean was the one that couldn't do what he was supposed to do! Am I surprised? No!

Dean-Why were you pushing so slow?

Miz-It wasn't a race!

Dean-Have you ever heard of momentum, jackass. If you pushed with a little more speed the cart could have picked up some momentum and I would have probably gotten a little further to reach the other flags-

Miz-Whatever! We lost! Okay! We lost! Those 10 points were amateur points! Anybody could get those points!

Dean-We lost because of you and your dumb idea!

Miz-*walks away*

Sasha and Peyton were seen putting their helmets on.

PreVC-Peyton and Sasha

Peyton-I don't know how I feel about intentionally riding off of a cliff-

Sasha-You're going to be attached to cables. You're going to be fine.

Peyton-We can't ever be 100% sure. Things go wrong all the time. Have you ever seen Final Destination?

Sasha-*rolls eyes*

Peyton-I don't know if i'll be able to get through this.

Sasha-Do you know what show you're on? This is The Challenge! Shit like this isn't even scary. We've done scarier things-

Peyton-Oh great, here comes miss know it all Challenge supreme, Sasha Banks. The ultimate final boss of The Challenge blah blah blah *makes a mocking hand sock puppet*

Sasha-Im just telling you the truth. If you know heights would be a problem to you then why did you come on the show? What do you think you would have been doing?

Peyton-What a way to support your partner.

Sasha-Look, you sit in the cart and i'll push okay. Would it be easier for you?

Peyton-Yea I guess.

Sasha-*shakes head in disappointment*

"Alright you girls ready?"Hunter asked. He blew his airhorn, "GO!"

Sasha ran as fast as she could, pushing Peyton in the cart while she did.

"Get ready!"Sasha yelled out to her as the runway became less and less.

Finally, they came to the drop and both women extended their bodies in attempt to reach the red flags before they dropped.

"You got it?" Sasha asked.

Peyton raised the red flag to show her.

"HELL YES!"Sasha cheered.

PostVC-Sasha and Peyton

Sasha-Our strategy was....as we're about to fall, leap towards the red flags. We ignored the green flags because since they're closer to us, it'll just throw us off guard. They don't matter. In the end, we scored 30 points because we both got our red flags. Try to beat that bitches!

Peyton-I think we set a pretty high score to beat.

Sasha-No way anybody's beating us. That fall can really shake you up and you lose focus. Was it scary?

Peyton-I wasn't really thinking to much about the drop, I was just focused on reaching out for the red flag.

Sasha-You did great.

"AJ, Seth, you ready?"Hunter asked.

PreVC-AJ and Seth

AJ-The plan's simple, just stay focused and grab as many flags as you can.

Seth-Dean and Miz got 10 points. As long as we get higher than that, we're safe. We don't want to be last place on the first challenge.

Hunter blew his airhorn, "GO!"

Seth took of charging towards the runway as he pushed AJ along.

The green flags came within reach and Seth quickly snagged them. Finally, the yellow ones got closer. AJ put his hand on the pole that the flag was attached too. But then came the drop.

They both went over board, head first but AJ never let go of the pole. Ultimately, instead of getting only the flag, he accidentally ripped the whole pole out of its place.

"You're supposed to only get the flag."Seth informed him as they both dangled around, AJ still with pole in hands.


"AJ, Seth, you're not suppose to take the pole with you. Therefore, that does not count. You only got 10 points fellas."Hunter said to them as they still swung around in the air like christmas tree ornaments.

PostVC-AJ and Seth

Seth-It was an unfortunate accident. Right now we're tied with Dean and Miz.

AJ-I don't know whats going to happen if we both tie for last place.

Seth-Theres still a lot of teams left to go. We still have hope of them screwing up.

AJ-Flat out, it was a bad performance. Im not happy about it.

Seth-Im not either but....we had one shot aaaaand.....you took the pole instead of the flag.

AJ-*turns to glare at him*

Seth-This L is on you bud. *walks away*

Remaining Results-

Kaitlyn(pusher) & AJ(in cart)- 10 points

Chris(pusher) & Punk (in cart)-10 points

Nikki(pusher) & Brie (in cart)- 5 points. Initially 10 points but Brie dropped a green flag by accident.

Cesaro (pusher) & Dolph (in cart)-20 points

Charlotte(pusher) & Paige (in cart)-20 points

Kevin (pusher) & Sami (in cart)-15 points

Bayley (pusher) & Billie (in cart)-10 points

Tommaso (pusher) & Johnny (in cart)-25 points

Naomi (pusher) & Mandy (in cart)-15 points. Initially they had 20 points but Mandy accidentally dropped a green flag.

Velveteen (pusher) & Aleister (in cart)-15 points

Mickie (pusher) & Alexa (in cart)-10 points

Big Cass (pusher) & Enzo (in cart)-15 points. Cass got disqualified for hopping off the cart to reach the yellow flag before the drop.

Liv(pusher) & Renee (in cart)- 15 points

Roman (pusher) & John(in cart)-20 points

Lita (pusher) & Trish (in cart)-15 points

After the challenge was over, everyone assembled in front of Hunter.

"Alright. Great challenge guys." he said as they gave themselves a round of applause, "None of you were able to grab all the flags, none the less we still have two outstanding teams today. Scoring a total of 30 points, the highest any team had scored, is the team of Sasha and Peyton."

The girls smiled as everyone else applauded them.


"Can you not yell in my ear?" Said Punk.

"Congrats girls, you're obviously safe this week and also, you won $1000. You guys can decide how its going to be split among the two of you. As for the guys, scoring a total of 25 points.....was the rookie team of Tommaso and Johnny. The rookies came to play I see."

"Well, we're not just here for our good looks."said Johnny.

"Im impressed. Keep that up and you both just might become our next Challenge champions."Hunter commended.

"Beginners luck." Chris saltily said.

PostVC-Tommaso and Johnny

Johnny-Being rookies and winning the first challenge means a lot to us. Usually, the 'newbies' are the ones that gets sent straight into eliminations. Thankfully, we were able to avoid that this week.

Tommaso-Just because we're new to this game doesn't mean we should be slept on. It doesn't mean that we're no good. I don't care if you're a Challenge champ, a finalist, a vet, whatever it is you think you are. We're coming for you. We are on a warpath that no one will survive.

Johnny-Hell yea.

"As for today's losers,"Hunter continued, "Enzo, Cass, you ended up getting disqualified because Cass, you took your feet off the cart. You had 15 points but because of that...you now have zero. So....sadly for both of you, you'll be going into the Stomping Grounds to face which ever male team that the rest of the teams decides to send in there with you. As for the rest of you, like I said, you all have to now go back and decide on which male team you want to send into the Stomping Grounds for possible elimination. One vote per team okay. Choose wisely. See you all soon."

PostVC-Enzo and Cass

Enzo-We aint scared of none of these team! Look at us! You got a certified G and a seven foot tall monster of a man! Nobody got nothin on us!

Cass- We're goin into the Stomping Grounds? Well bet your ass somebody's gonna get stomped into the ground!

Enzo- And you- cant-teach-that!

Cass-Thats right.

Who should be sent into eliminations against Enzo and Cass?

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