Mobile Legends Oneshots

By kaythekat1

73.9K 1.6K 1.4K

➡Book is closed until further notice⬅ "ℓσvє ωнσ yσυ ωαทτ τσ ℓσvє, ทστ ωнσ yσυ αrє ƒσrcє∂ τσ ℓσvє" Characters... More

Refaela x Argus ♤ returning guard
Alucard x Granger ♤ learn to love
Kagura x reader [F] ♤ cherry tree
Hayabusa x Hanzo ♤ I promise
Granger x Guinevere ♤ repaint
Gusion x Lesley ♤ just one day
Harley x Nana ♤ run aways
Granger x reader [F] ♤ hero in black
X.Borg x reader [F] ♤ annoying pigeon
Leomord x Lunox ♤ hell knight
X.Borg x reader [M] ♤ whats cudding?
X.Borg x Claude ♤ thief
Ling x Zilong ♤ late night talks
Hercult x Cyclops ♤ meeting you
Vale x reader [F] ♤ gone
Vailr x [F] reader ♤ fight
Granger x Gusion ♤ broken
Dyrroth x reader [F] ♤ angels, demons and humans?
Leomord x Lunox ♤ hell knight pt.2
Gusion x Lesley ♤ just one day pt.2
Leomord x Lunox ♤ into the unknown
Gusion x Lesley ♤ love letter
Chang'e x Harley x Lylia ♤ cake
Ling x Zilong ♤ late night talks pt.2
Deleted stuff idk if I should consider finishing
Alucard x Granger ♤ video game
1.04k wHoOp
Dyrroth x reader [F] ♤ angels, demons and humans? pt.2
Harith x Angela ♤ rest
X.Borg x Granger ♤ options
Harley x Harith ♤ date of fate
Zilong x Ling ♤ training
Zilong x Ling ♤ family
Dyrroth & Silvanna ♤ teasing
Claude x [F] reader ♤ are you sure?
Dyrroth x [F] reader ♤ jealous
Zilong x [F] reader ♤ portal
Y'all are cute
Gusion x Granger ♤ hot but cold
X.Borg x Granger ♤ options pt.2
Dyrroth x Alucard ♤ secret
Saber x Gusion ♤ under this mask
Dyrroth x Guinevere ♤ trust issues
Harley x Harith ♤ love that cuts pt.2
Dyrroth x reader [F] ♤ what is Christmas?
Carmilla x Cecilion ♤ twisted
Happy new year! + 5.14k!
Granger x Gusion ♤ stars and bars
Saber x Alpha ♤ computerized emotion
Miya x Zilong ♤ A few minutes
Harith & Nana ♤ hang out
X.Borg x Kimmy ♤ robbery
Lancelot x Odette ♤ castle buying and cuddles

Harley x Harith ♤ love that cuts

859 16 31
By kaythekat1

1410 words

Requested by IrisBlue19

I hope you enjoy! <3

I didn't do what you wanted for the original Harith x Harley that I posted and wanted to correct that! Sorry in advance!

All of them are normal height! And Angela is human but with a few robot parts.

Harith walked the halls of Legends High, skipping past classes and different rooms. He had a smile on his face. But it wasn't your happy joyful smile, it was a smile of insanity. He was planning a very clean murder of one of his classmates, Angela. She was a sweet girl who has some robotic parts and a crush on Harley, Harith's senpai.

Now he was fine with her being friends with him, Harith wasn't that crazy. He was smart about it unlike other yanderes. Yes, he is a gay yandere, so what?

Angela should be in the bathroom right now, as she always comes there at 12. It was around 11:50 so Harith got there before her. He didn't go into the woman's bathroom though, he waited outside.

He wiped the smile off his face when he heard Angela's footsteps and looked at her, she was walking down the hallway with a smile on her face. Kind of like what Harith was doing expect she had her sanity.

"Hi Harith! Do you need anything?" She asked as she walked up to him. Harith faked a sad face.

"I might have burnt the oven in the cooking club..." he looked down. Angela loves cooking club, she is the leader actually.

"MY OVEN?!" she yelled, then covered her mouth.

"Sorry... but how??" She asked confused. Harith shook his head.

"I was trying to bake something but I forgot about it and it caught fire."

"Harith! You need to remember these things!" She angerly huffed. Harith winced.

"Yeah I know..."

Angela shook her head and grabbed Harith's arm, leading him to the cooking club. Harith interally smirked.

This was easier then expected.

He prepended to be sorry while they were walking, Angela smiled and told him it was okay but not to do it again.

Once they got to the kitchen, Angela saw nothing was burnt, the oven was fine and Harith was gone.

"Harith?!" She yelled. Harith stood by the door, closing it slowly.

"Oh, Angela." Harith chuckled. "If only you didn't like him, then I wouldn't have to do this to you."

Angela's eyes widened. "What are you gonna do?"

Harith laughed. "You'll see."

Harith pulled out a knife. Angela coward in fear, pushing herself against the counter tops of her beloved cooking club.

"Someone help!" She screamed. Harith slowly walked over to her and put a finger to her lips, shushing her.

"No one can hear you, this room is soundproof as cooking can get loud, right?" He whispered in her ear. A chill went down Angela's spine.

"Please... don't hurt me..." Angela cried, on the verge of tears.

"But I don't want you taking senpai now do I?" Harith replied and put the knife to her throat. She gulped.


Before she could finish her sentence Harith had slit her throat. He watched as she choked on her own blood, her hands rapidly grasping her throat as if it would do something. Harith darkly chuckled.

"Just on time too! Time for class Angela-san!" Harith smiled at her. She just kept choking, eyes wild.

"He... will... never love... you.."

That was the last thing she said before her body went limp, her eyes with no emotion. Harith happily smiled with his successful kill, he threw the body into the furnace at the back of the school and burnt it. He also changed clothes and went to class, with a smile on his face like always.

But it quickly faded away when he saw Nana with Harley.

He stared at the two for the rest of the class, not caring about the lesson going on and just about a plan to eliminate Nana.

He would have to stalk her first, just to know where she is most of the day and then he would strike once he knew more about her.

Wouldn't Harley be in the way? Well, no. You see Haley is a loner but is still pretty known, preferably for his magic tricks. Harley wants to be a magician when he's older which Harith found cute and was one of the reasons Harith loves him. There were many other reasons Harith loved Harley, but there would be too many to list.

"Harith? Are you okay? You were kinda staring at Nana and I with a slight smile on your face..."

Harith snapped his head to look up at Harley, eyes wide.

Senpai... you noticed.

"Well... I- Uhh..." he mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck shyly. Harley chuckled.

"It's okay. Nana was the only one who found it creepy, I enjoyed the view," Harley winked. To this comment Harith blushed.

"T-thank you..."

Harley smiled as he walked away. Nana then came up to him.

"Look," She slammed her hands on his desk. "It's don't know what your deal is but Harley is mine, you need to stay away from him."

Harith smirked. "Well, we will see about that."

Nana gave him a glare before heading out the door, most likely for lunch. Speaking of lunch it was the perfect time to hatch up a plan to get back at Nana.

After a week of planning

Harith had done it. First he had to stalk Nana for her classes and where she would be most of the time. She was apart of art club, which didn't have many things to cover up the murder so Harith had to lead her to a... more suitable place to kill her. He thought about leading her to the basement but thought she would get suspicious, so he decided on bringing her to his club, the gaming club. Now, he knew which club had soundproof walls and which didn't, that was convenient as people scream when in danger. The gaming club had soundproof walls because well its video games, they are always loud. But the problem was Harley goes to gaming club with Harith and he comes in a few minutes after Harith, making the kill faster than he likes.

But this is all for senpai. He had to do it.

He smirked to himself loving his plan. Now all he had to do was find Nana and bring her to the gaming club before the last class of the day. It was pretty easy because Harith knew where she would be, the art club.

"Nana? Can I talk to you?" He asked and knocked on the door. It opened to reveal Nana, a unpleasant look on her face.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked, annoyance laced in her voice.

"Just follow me, lets go somewhere were there is less people, it's important," Harith said. Nana hesitated but followed him, curious as to what he wanted to talk about.

Harith lead Nana to the gaming club, Harith shut the doors behind them and then both had a seat at one of the computer desks.

"So, Nana..." Harith started. "You like Halrey?"

"Yes, I do." Nana nodded.

"Next time you shouldn't shoo people away from Halrey." Harith smirked and he pulled out a knife, the same knife he used to kill Angela.

"No!" Nana screamed, jumping up before Harith could stab her in the chest. Harith growled. 

"You can't do much Nana, the door is locked and I am the only one who has the key." Harith chuckled as he pulled out the door keys, swinging them in front of her menacingly.

She coward in fear, her eyes wide.

"Maybe if you didn't bother me, I would have been nicer about killing you, but you just had to be a bitch didn't you?" Harith laughed. Nana shook her head.

"But I would die anyway! That doesn't make sense!" She yelled. Harith put a finger to her lips.

"I did it with Angela and Lylia, I was going to do it with you but you just decided to open your mouth." Harith said and stabbed her in the chest. She gasped, her breath caught in her throat.

Harith smiled at her, then ripped out the knife from her chest. She screamed in agony. Harith heard the door open and then a audible gasp.

"Harith? W-what are you doing?!?"

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