WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

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In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

Teams Reveal pt 2

695 33 47
By SinnaMonnBun

"Aleister Black, welcome to The Challenge buddy."said Hunter, "Your rival is going to be none other than a man you know very well.....Velveteen Dream"

"Hm, this should be fun."said Velveteen as he strutted to stand next to Aleister.

VC-Paige-Okay hands down, these two new guys are the most contrasting pair we have so far. One of the guys looks dark and mysterious and edgy while the other one is very flamboyant and expressive and colourful *laughs* I can't wait to see them work together.

VC-Velveteen-Basically, I never felt like Aleister had respect for me. He never calls me Velveteen Dream, he calls me by my real name which is so....ew. Him and I always butted heads. We're just...two people that will never be friends. To be fair, I liked the guy at first but like....why wont he show me respect and call me Velveteen Dream? What so hard about saying my name? Give me the respect I deserve.

VC-Aleister-Patrick and I share different energies. He claims I don't respect him, I just refuse to give him control of what I can and cannot say. I call him Patrick because thats his name. I am not a puppet in his little fantasy world. He's a man that manages to get everyone wrapped around his finger. Everyone except for me. He wants me to say his name then, he's going to have to earn the right for me to say it.

"Mr. Black."said Velveteen, acknowledging Aleister.

"Patrick."he responded.

"I have no idea who that is."Velveteen sassed.

"Alright next....Brie. Any clue as to who your rival is?"Hunter asked.

"Its my sister isn't it?"

Hunter smirked, "It is."

Brie sighed.

VC-Brie-Nikki is very manipulative and deceitful. In season 1, she just....did a lot of things to hurt me. I didn't plan on hating her but the things she said about me.....the things she tried to do to me. It was baffling knowing the lengths somebody I called a sister would go to to get what she wanted. My life has been more at peace ever since I cut her from it.

VC-Nikki-Brie just does not know how to grow up and get over herself. What I did in the past was a little wrong but I have apoloigzed so many times and she still can't find it in her heart to forgive me. I don't hate her like she hates me. But she better understand that if she wants to win some money to pay for her little wedding that she's planning, she better start acting nice because I'm her only hope.

"Sami Zayn, your rival is....Kevin Owens."said Hunter.

Kevin sighed, "Oh boy."

VC-Sami-Once upon a time Kevin and I were the best of friends. But then...he just turned on me. I don't know why. There was once a time where Kevin needed a place to stay and I welcomed him into my home. He stayed there, living in my guest bedroom for 3 weeks. I didn't ask for rent, money for groceries, nothing. Then when the tables turned and I needed help from him, he totally shut me out. He always takes takes takes and never gives back. When I confronted him about his ways he acted like he was the victim. He acted like I had no right to call him out. That was two years ago. Since then we haven't spoken at all. He's changed. He became hateful. Im threading in dangerous waters now that I have him as a partner.

VC-Kevin-Blah blah blah blah, Sami is going to tell you his sob story and make me out to be the bad guy. You know what? I don't care! I don't care if you think I'm the bad guy! If you think its going to be easy for me to have a weasel of a partner like Sami then you're wrong pal! He's too soft. He's too sensitive! He's weak! He acts like he's freaking Ghandi, always trying to be a peacemaker and be friends with everyone! I CANT STAND HIM! And if he does anything to piss me off I am not afraid to walk away from this show!

"Paige."said Hunter.

"Yes Hunter."

"Take a guess at who's your rival and also your partner for this season."

"I see two potential people. Im just going to take a wild guess and say its.....Charlotte."

"And you're correct."

VC-Paige-Ah yes, my ol' pal Charlotte.

VC-Charlotte-My partner....is an erratic, loud mouthed, emotionally unstable maniac. Paige.....Paige uses her emotions too much in this game. Why do you think she got sent home last season! Me on the other hand, I don't tolerate bullshit and I'm not here to play games. I am here for the competition and the competition only. Paige is here for the social aspect of the game. She is going to ruin my momentum and totally throw me off track. She's here to make friends while I'm here to make money. I.....I don't know if its even worth trying to win having this ticking time bomb as my partner.

VC-Paige-Her and I never got along. She always thought that I was out to get her. She's way to paranoid and insecure and trust me, its going to be a pain in the ass tolerating her. She's no fun.

"Chris.....your rival is.....CM Punk."

Chris put his hands on his hip and hung his head, "Great. This jackass."

VC-CM Punk-Last season I accidentally broke his stupid bottle of alcohol and he absolutely went berserk. I guess thats why we're rivals?

VC-Chris-Let me tell you a little bit about this character, CM Punk. He thinks that just because he doesn't drink and so on and so forth, that he's better than everyone here. He is not better than me. I am the best in the world at everything I do and I will not have someone as classless as a guys that calls himself CM Punk tell me what to do. We're doing things on my terms because between him and I, I'm the one that made it to a final while he had to tuck his tail between his legs and go home. This season, Y2J will be Le Champion of Le Challenge.

VC-CM Punk-Chris Jericho is the human embodiment of a migraine.

"Okay next, Kaitlyn, your rival is....AJ Lee."Hunter announced.

She sighed.

VC-Kaitlyn-AJ has screwed me over time and time again. I don't know whats her problem. I don't know what she has against me. All I ever did was try to be her friend but its like she has some personal vendetta against me. Her and I had formed an alliance together last season but....she threw me under the bus. I don't know if I can trust her. I don't know if I want too. She has issues.

VC-AJ-I am....not a team player. I work better alone. I prefer to work alone. I hate depending on people. I hate having someone think that I need them because I DONT.

"Alright Miz-"

"I know what you're going to say and I really don't want to hear it."Miz said.

"Your rival is-"


"Dean Ambrose."

"Fucking hell."a defeated Miz said.

VC-Miz-I get paired with that loon Dean Ambrose. The guy that gets into a fist fight every time he's on a challenge! He's impulsive! Unorthodox! Unhinged! Lazy! Air headed! He's friends with weak people! Being paired with him has no advantages at all. None! Im going to be the one that has to do all the work! He's dead weight and now he's resting on my shoulders!

Miz furiously marched over to Dean, "I swear to god if you do anything to ruin this for me-"

"What? What are you gonna do?"

"I will make your life a living hell! You're going to have to listen to me and do as I say if you actually want to win something for once in your life! You understand!"Miz pointed his finger in his face.

"You better watch who you're talking to man because I'm not scared to drop you where you stand."


VC-Dean-The Miz likes to run his mouth a lot. And because he likes to run his mouth a lot he ended up crossing me multiple times last season. This season, I'm really trying to win so I hope Miz can perform as good as he talks all that bullshit.

"Alright guys, settle down. Theres a lot more time for that."said Hunter, "Our last female team consists of the last two women remaining. Naomi, Mandy, you guys are rivals this season."

"This is a sick joke Hunter."said Mandy.

VC-Naomi-I.....am....at a loss for words. This bitch....tried to ruin my marriage! Now you're telling me that.... I have to work with her to win this game? I have to trust her? I don't know if half a mil is worth this. I really don't. There isn't a bone in my body that likes this girl. Not one. I don't want to talk to her, I don't want to hear her, I don't want to see her face. But now.....we gotta work together? Im going to definitely be drinking a lot tonight.

"And that leaves our last male team being the team of...John and Roman. You guys are rivals for this season."

The pair bumped fists.

VC-John-Roman and I always had sort of a friendly competition going on. In many ways we're similar. He's a tough dude. He's made it to two finals. Now that we've joined forces I think him and I are going to be the team to beat.

VC-Roman-John boy, we've never seen eye to eye but now, you're playing in the big dog's yard. You haven't really been a good performer in the past but now this is the time to bring your A game baby. Im not ready to be dethroned just yet.

"Alright. All of you have been put into your teams. The person standing next to you is your only hope of winning the grand prize of $500 000. Six teams will be coming with me to the final. Three of each gender. You're going to need to put aside your differences and co-operate. You didn't come all this way to go home empty handed. Also, I just want to remind you, you're on The Challenge once again. You can never really get too comfortable because as soon as you do.....the unexpected happens. You never know whats in store for you. So....you all can go to the house now. Get comfortable. Get some rest. I'll see you all tomorrow bright and early in the morning for your first challenge. Take care guys."said Hunter as he dismissed them.

VC-Trish-Looking at some of the teams here.....I can't help but think that this season is going to get messy.

VC-Chris-Is money really so meaningful to me that I wouldn't mind putting aside my differences with my worst enemy and work together with him? You're damn right.

VC-Naomi-From here on out we all march onto the unknown. We don't know what the future has in store for us. I came here, prepared to work hard to finally get a win but.....now I gotta be working hard so my enemy can get a win too. I don't really like that idea.

VC-Seth-This season....is going to be hell.


Here's the trailer!

This season's official theme song: Friction by Imagine Dragons.

Now you know the cast, who are your picks to make it to the final?

Most importantly, which male and female teams do you want to become this season's Challenge champions?

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