Undying Legacies: Mirrored

By SolidBabe

71 32 20

Second year in Ridgmoor and Teagan is ready to start the year off as successfully as possible. She aims to ac... More

1 Dragon in my Soul
2: Reunions of Pleasant and Unpleasant Kinds
Bets and History
4: Gracers
5: Accidental success
7: Practise and Pains
8: Lost Control
9: Talking Reflections
10: Speak to yourself
11: Truths
12: Steady Spiral
13: Deciphered
14: Concoct
15: Wait time is painful
16: Blub-blub-blub
17: SleepSearching
18: Escape
19: Fog
20:Continuation again

6: Morrow

2 1 0
By SolidBabe

"Good girl Lyra, you did well today." Teagan gasps breathlessly as she leans against Lyra's neck, patting her comfortingly.

She's been outside every day this week - the air gets colder as the days go by and Teagan has to wear a sweater by this point.

She's tired, and hungry, and a little bit dizzy from all the loops she's been practicing, but she feels the warm glow of accomplishment as she lands on the solid ground. Her legs still wobble from the change in altitude and she feels a stiff, her head is still floating, but it's nice as she leads Lyra back into her warm corner.

Teagan pats her Pegasus one more time and waves at Rumbus as she leaves for the afternoon. Potions class will be starting in half an hour and Core has been extra tense this month.

Teagan enters the castle grounds as she peels off her gloves, heading toward her room. Things seem rather peaceful of late.

Except for that explosion in potions class last week - Teagan was sure she hadn't put more than three drops of fire root - and why does everything have to explode in her face?

The dream still comes regularly though, but she hasn't passed out in the day time for some time - she counts that as a win. She's forgotten about the picture in her artifacts book - her mind is too focused on studies and practicing to beat Scarrow.

That, and her journal.

She still doesn't know what she's going to write in it, if she's going to write anything at all - it's making her feel uncomfortably insignificant.

Teagan reaches for her door handle.

She misses, and gasps - her brain fuzzes instantly and the image of the door with the dragon above it appears in place of her door. Teagan wobbles on her feet, braces herself against the frame and shakes her head.

What is this?


The red haired girl looks up to see Lila's questioning face. Teagan lets out a small shaky breath and smiles. "I'm fine Lila - just a bit dizzy, been out practicing with Lyra all morning." She assures her friend - that's a lie . . . and you know it.

Teagan ignores herself.

Lila nods and opens the door for them.

Teagan signs and looks around, suddenly getting the strange feeling she's being watched. She shudders in the empty space of the foyer and walks into her room, closing the door firmly behind her.






Winter Solstice, End Year of the Dragon

The elder of the North is terribly ill.

It's a horrible situation. He has expressed a deep regret that he does not have anything that would assist our problems with the Naturals. He says it is the way of fates hand. There is nothing we can do to stop the oncoming horror that rises before us.

I had hope - until I heard those words.

There is no more hope. There will be a war. And there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

Lord help us all.

I will be returning home tomorrow. I've gotten word that the king seems to be inclined to take action against the Naturals. I can only assume Malcolm Scarrow has something to do with it and it pains me to think ill of my closes friend.

Harden is getting more and more violent. I must start giving him sleeping drops, his dreams seem to be unsettling.

Magnus Monicroff



Teagan closes her journal and slips it into her satchel, she wonders what Magnus does next but Core walking in interrupts the students' activities.

He enters with a frown on his face, which is the norm, then lands a tight look on Teagan. This is also, unfortunately, normal. But this time he looks sourer than normal.

The girl shifts in her seats uncomfortably. What was it now?

"Headmistress want you in her office Monicroff." Core says stiffly and opens his books.

Immediately, whispers start up and Teagan ignores the burning stares as she gathers her things slowly, she doesn't want them to think she's running away, and leaves the classroom.

What could Headmistress want now? She hasn't spoken to Teagan since school had started. Teagan was certain she hasn't don't anything wrong.

Except for maybe that potion explosion - but Core should be used to that by now.

Teagan feels the nerves attack her stomach as she knocks on Headmistress's door.

"Come in Dear."

Teagan does. The room looks as wild as it always had - the window is still blue and everything is colored in its tint. The shelves seem to have gotten fuller and there is a beautiful crystal glass case with shimmering vials of silver liquid inside it that wasn't there last time.

"Yes Ma'am?" Teagan says softly as she takes a seat slowly, really - her mind is racing, what did she do?

"Oh, nothing Teagan. " Headmistress says airily as if she's read Teagan's mind, she takes a sip of her sludge, as she smiles at Teagan startled face. "I only wished to discuss something your teachers have brought to my attention. Are you feeling well dear?"

Teagan's heart flips. Nobody knows about the dream or the conscious dream she's having - "Yes Ma'am."

"Good - you seem to have color to your face - I hear you joined the Gracers?" Headmistress seems to be getting at something and Teagan wishes she would.

She nods silently instead.

Headmistress presses her elegant finger together. "All good things. Now - " She settles calmly in her chair. "Someone mentioned that you're having a bit difficulty controlling your charm casting of late."

Teagan's heart drops.

The petrification charm - Ms. Shank's - oh dear no.

"I - suppose." Teagan says, unsure.

Headmistress nods. "Hmm, has this ever been a problem before?"

"Um – no - no ma'am,."

"I see . . . you seem to be having a difficulty casting the charms when you want too - and when you do . . . it happens at a higher level than expected." Headmistress goes on.

Teagan's hands fist with nerves. "I - I really don't' know ma'am." She really doesn't. She just assumed it was because she wasn't focusing enough.

Could there be another reason?

"I think, seeing as you are a maturing mage, your aura is also maturing. Many gifted young mages go through this fluctuation but at a smaller unnoticeable scale."

Wonderful - she even develops abnormally.

"Seeing as you do have a stronger aura for magic than most your age - how would you like it if I helped you ease into the control?" Headmistress continues smoothly.

Teagan startles and looks at the woman in surprise. "Help me? What?"

"That's what I said Teagan. Help you learn control. How does after classes' sound? One hour a day, here in my office?" Headmistress takes a slow sip of her tea.

Teagan swallows in thought. On one hand, she's relived that perhaps there's nothing too horribly wrong with her. But on the other - she'd have to explain to Thad and Lila where she goes after classes.

She doesn't really want them to know something might be wrong with her - they already get antsy when she says she's fine every time they ask.

But perhaps getting better control would prove she was fine in the end.

"Thank you Headmistress. I'll - I'll be here. Thank you very much." Teagan rises to go.

Headmistress shakes her head. "Think nothing of it dear. A gifted student like you needs to be nurtured. Have a pleasant rest of the day."

"I will – thank you again." Teagan smiles and ignores the apprehension in her stomach. She would benefit from Headmistresses help.


Teagan misses the solemn look that paints Headmistress' faces when she closes the office door.





"Just a little bit on the flick - not too heavy, there we go - now levitate please." Mr. Hanz was a stocky man with a head full of unruly brown curls and thick set shoulders and legs.

He was also surprisingly meticulous and dainty for a man of his width, and he expected nothing put perfect etiquette in his class.

Teagan wonders how she's never seen this man last year as she holds her elbows at a precise angel in her wand etiquette class.

"A little higher at the wrist, Ms. Monicroff." Hanz says sternly.

Teagan gets the sense he doesn't really like her much. Which is unfair, if he based his assumption of her character on rumors.

Teagan adjusts her position.

"Now levitate the books in front of you."

They were practicing basic spells they all knew - but slowly building them into strength, Teagan looks forward to the day she'll levitate an a entire carriage.

"That's it. Good."

Teagan realizes he's not talking to her.

Why won't her book levitate? She tries again - this isn't right . . . something isn't right here- she could levitate books before with no problem - why wasn't it working now? She lets out a sigh of frustration and flickers her wand again.

Still not an inch of movement.

Teagan glares at the books and whips her wand harshly at them.

Mr. Hanz lets out a stunned shout.

Teagan turns around and sees everyone's books levitating into the air. Students gape as the books rise to the ceiling of the spacious class and start floating randomly.

Mr. Hanz looks confused until he eyes Teagan's shocked face.

"Did you do that?" He asks, almost accusingly.

Teagan shakes her head - she doesn't think she did.

"Then who did?" Hanz says, suddenly tired as he rubs at his rugged face.

Teagan hiccups and suddenly the books take a wild turn and start spinning around the room. Somebody screams as a paper and leather tornado starts. Teagan gasps as Mr. Hanz gives her a steely look.

"I - I don't - "

The books become violent. Students run out of the class, some dodge underneath desks, Mr. Hanz gets wacked in the head several times, so do other students. Teagan cringes away from the wind and sharp edges of the whirlwind of reading material. Something nicks her in the face and Teagan gasps again when they surround her and spin harder, the room is in chaos and Teagan can't hear anything from the rush of the books around her.

"Stop!" She screeches and everything freezes for a breathless moment. Then, books rain from the air and fall lifelessly to the ground.

Teagan's hair is a wild mess as she lets out deep measured breaths.

Mr. Hanz crawls out from under his sanctuary and adjusts his tie, fixing her with a more paranoid look now.

Teagan swallows and for one dreadful moment - she fears he'll kick her out of his class.

"Ahem, that's enough for today. Teagan - I'd like you to stay after class and - help clean up this - this mess." Hanz says uncertainly.

Students gather their scattered things and leave, some throwing Teagan weary looks while others start whispering to each other. Teagan doesn't notice the look Scarrow flashes at her before he too leaves the class.

She turns towards Mr. Hanz- "I'm sorry sir I - "

Mr. Hanz sighs and pulls out a sharp blue handkerchief from his shirt pocket to wipe his red face.

Teagan gasps, her eyes widen and the entire room disappears, and she falls - falls through glass and shatters it.

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