Keep calm and love Luke Brook...

By NessaIsCrazy

14.9K 123 29


Keep calm and love Luke Brooks (Janoskians fan fic)
Chaptah 1 :3
Chaptah 2 ;3
Chaptah 3 o:
Chaptah 4 ;)
Chaptah 5 <3
Chaptah 6 :D
Chaptah 7 :p
Chaptah 8 >:)
Chaptah 9 :')
Chaptah 10 XD
Chaptah 11 x_x
Chaptah 13 :x
Chaptah 14 (;
Chaptah 15 (:<
Chaptah 16 O:)
Chaptah 17 :I
Chaptah 18 >:|
Chaptah 19 O:<
Chaptah 20 {:
Chapter 21 >:}
Chapter 22 (:
Chapter 23 c:
Chapter 24 o':
Chapter 25 >:P
Chaptah 26 c;<
Chaptah 27 ;{D

Chaptah 12 :*

457 6 1
By NessaIsCrazy

Haaay guiise! Im bored so im writing another chapter(: if you like this one, please lemme know! And if you want a dedication, COMMENT - FAN - VOTE ANYTHING Pweese? :p - Nessa x


"Okay, I think there is one thing to ask now" Luke looked at me and Maddi. "And whats that babe?" I asked suspiciously. "SLEEPOVAAAA" He said in a girly voice Maddi and I both screamed at the same time "YEEEEEEEEEESS!"  Luke swung me around in his arms and then planted his lips onto mine. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Maddi and Jai were doing the same.

"Whens the carnival Luke?" I whispered in his ear. "In about 3 hours, so we have time to go...SHOPPING" He yelled I laughed and hugged him. "Luke, sometimes I question your sexuality" Maddi said and shook her head smiling. 

"Maddi, Luke and I are lesbians together! Didn't you know?" I said matter-of-factly. "Oh thats hot" Luke whispered in my ear, my cheeks burned and I looked down. "LETS HIT LE SHOPS!" I screamed a little to loud. The others nodded in agreement.

"Beau, are you coming?" I asked, he just nodded lightly. "Then you're driving us Beaner!" Maddi said I cracked up laughing and Beau just smiled and ran out to the car.

"Hmm, DIBS on front!" Jai called out before sprinting to the front seat of the car. "DITCHER!" Maddi screamed I chuckled and sat in the middle, between Luke who was on my right and Maddi who was on my left.

"Ehm, and to your right you will see the Grand Plaza" Beau said in a posh accent. "Thanks for the ride Beau, you coming in?" I asked him.

"Of course! I'm taking myself somewhere fancy!" He said excitedly.

"McDonalds!?" Jai yelled getting out of the car. "How'd you know bro!?" Beau said high fiving Jai.

I giggled and took hold of Luke's hand. We got to the entrance and I instantly ran off to find Supre. "Alyssa come back! I don't want to loose yah!" Luke called out behind me.

I got into the shop and instantly fell in love with a dress on the wall. It had black roses on it, with pink lace around the waist area. 

Luke came up to me and saw I was gazing at it. "Thats the one babe" He said pointing at it, I nodded in awe.

I ran and grabbed one in my size, I didn't even need to try it on, it was perfect. I payed $40 for it, not bad I guess.

I ended up spending another 20 minutes in Supre and eventually came out with 3 bags full of outfits that Luke helped me choose.

We met up with Beau, Maddi and Jai to get some frozen yoghurt 


Ehm, thoughts? At least 2 votes for the next chapter plz? x_x -Nessa xx

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