Isaiah 14:12

By VaehC3703

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Isaiah 14:12: "How you are fallen from Heaven, Lucifer, son of the Morning! How you are cut down from the gro... More

• 1 Peter 4:8 •
•Titus 2:11-12•
•Jeremiah 17:9•
•Judges 6:18•
•Judges 6:32•
•Proverbs 3:3-5•
•John 3:8•
•Isaiah 43:18•
•Ephesians 5:6•
•Psalm 34:18•
•Matthew 5:28•
•1 Peter 5:8•
•1 Peter 1:3•
•Romans 16:20•
•John 13:7•
•Philippians 4:13•
•Jeremaiah 29:11•
•Romans 8:31•
•Isaiah 14:12•
•Genesis 3:1•
•John 4:18•
•Colossians 3:13•
•Psalm 127:3-4•
•Peter 5:8•
•James 2:19•
•1 Corinthians 11:3•
•Proverbs 28:20•
•1 Corinthians 13:7•
•Ephesians 6:11•
•Ephesians 6:12•
•1 Kings 14:9•
•2 Kings 19:35•
•Matthew 10:16•
•Jeremiah 49:17•
•Romans 12:9-10•
•Revelations 21:4•
•John 15:12•
•Proverbs 23:6•
•Ephesian's 4:2-2•
•James 4:14•
•Mark 10:9•
•Isaiah 43:2•
•Proverbs 4:11-12•
•Proverbs 5:18-19•

•Hebrews 2:14•

1.4K 55 1
By VaehC3703

Hebrews 2:14- "Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil"
~Sin's POV~

My hands fall to my sides at the sight of Emmy standing in the hall. Her eyes are wide with shock, brows knit together in the center. Bella cries loud, holding the side of her face and lip. I know her well enough to know she's being dramatic. I've seen Caleb smack the hell out of her and she didn't shed a tear. She wants Emmy to be afraid of me and by the looks of it, she's succeeding.
"Emmy," I say, stepping towards her. She turns around and runs back down the hall. I take a step and stop myself, turning towards Bella. Her black mascara is smeared around her eyes, bringing out how green her eyes are but she looks ridiculous. "Leave my house, now. You can wait for Caleb outside."
Usually I would wait to make sure she leaves but I run down the hall, trying to catch up to Emmy. I get to her door just as she's slamming it shut. Enzo comes up the opposite direction, raising his brows at me. I try opening he door but she has the door locked.
"EMMY!" I shout, trying not to knock too aggressively. She doesn't say anything. The only noise from inside is her bed moving when I assume she sits down. "Please open the door. That wasn't what it looked like."
"What happened?" Enzo asks, leaning his side against the wall. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair anxiously. How am I going to explain this if she won't let me in or listen to me. The way she looked at me when she seen me hit Bella was horrified. I've told her before how boys and girls shouldn't hit each other, especially a much bigger man and a girl.
"She seen me hit Bella," I tell him. I knock again, my knocks getting louder and louder. If I annoy her enough she'll come out; it's what Allan used to do with me. "She won't let me explain what happened."
"Talking crap?" I nod, my arms hanging defeatedly at my sides. He straightens up, clearing his throat. "I can talk to her as much as she'll let me."
"She has the door locked," I tell him.
"Your a fucking mafia leader and you're six year old is smarter than you?" He asks, squinting his eyes at me. He reaches a hand down and uses his nail to twist the lock. My expression falls when he successfully twists the knob but doesn't enter. "Let me talk to her first and I'll tell you what she says. Give her space."
"Fine. Who were you talking to?" I ask. He looks down the way he came.
"Kole's back. He actually sent me to get you," he says. Fuck. He's the last thing I need to deal with. I'd almost forgotten that he made a move on Davvy. It might have been a long time again but that some grudge I'll hold until I get my revenge. No time has felt appropriate to take him down with everything that's happened in the last year. I could kill him but that's even extreme for me. I'm sure Idris would love a free round at him.
"Where is he?" I ask.
"Outside your office." Nodding, he clasps a hand on my shoulder before I walk away. My hands shake in front of me. The halls are quiet and dim, some lights illuminating less than others. After looking at those decent sized houses today this seems humongous. The hall is much much longer than the ones from today and there weren't rooms everywhere you looked. This just feels like I'm walking around my job sight, not the place my family lives.
"Sin," Kole says when I reach the doorway. His hair is disheveled and the shirt he's wearing needs to be irons. Without being kind, he looks like hell. Under his eyes are dark and his skin is paper than normal. He's never been the tannest of people, but he has more of a yellow tent.
"Where have you been?" I ask. He takes a deep breath, looking at the ground. "When you said you needed time off I wasn't expecting it to be for so long."
"It was a longer process than I was expecting," he says, sounding lost in his thoughts. Is he on drugs? When our meets there's a coldness in them. We didn't have a good relationship before but now you can tell he hates me. Jealous fuck. "It's about Emmy."
"Emmy?" What business does he have involving my daughter? I swear if she talks to him before me I will lose my shit. Davvy is still in the nursery waiting for me for gods sake. Why did he had to choose now to come back?
"I got a paternity test done and the results came in two weeks ago," he says. What the fuck. This is some sick joke. My jaw clenches, ready to start yelling at him for saying such a idiotic thing. There's no point in doing a paternity test with Emmy; she's mine. Dannie told me she was pregnant weeks into it, she wasn't smart enough at that point and never was to lie about me being Emmy's father.
I didn't even meet Kole until months after Dannie told me she was pregnant and he started working for me. They met when she came over after an ultrasound and there never seemed to be any chemistry. There is no resemblance between them. Emmy has my eyes and hair with Dannie's bone structure and light freckles.
My eyes narrow at him, taking in his features. I wish I hadn't. Now looking at him I can see it. His eyes aren't far off from mine, his hair is a shade darker than mine like hers and she had his cheek bones. Not only that but the shape her bottom lip is more rounded like his is.
He takes folded up papers out of his pocket and places them in my hand. "Those are the results. I have more proof; pictures of me when I was baby, you can compare them to Emmy now. I want her, Sin."
"This is some bullshit. I was with Dannie throughout the entire pregnancy and you were working for me at the time," I tell him. He shakes his head, placing his hands in his hips. My heart pounds chest, the best playing loudly in my ears.
"It happened before you guys even met. The night she hooked up with you her and I had been fighting about some other guy she fucked around with. She told me Emmy was mine before she disappeared and I kept it to myself cause you were a good dad. But now, with all the shit that's been happening I don't think she's safe with you anymore. I have every right to take her."
I can physically feel my anger starting to boil over. My face gets hot as I read over the paper. The sound of my breathing is rapid and loud, exposing my nerves.
"That's not how this shit works. You can't just take her from me. I have full custody; my name is on the birth certificate." He scuffs, the corner of his mouth tilting upward. I knew his smartass personality would shine through eventually. He was probably expecting me to put up a small fight, to take one look at the papers and try denying taking his word for it. I can comprehend that it's true, fuck, that's obvious to me now by their looks
"That won't matter when they look at your record. Have you been smart enough to clean that up?" He asks. I've been too busy to clean up my own record, even with the easy access I have it's still a long process. I've also never had a real reason to until now. I have control over the criminal justice system, not everything. It's in the judges hands completely if he takes it to court.
"What the fuck makes you think you have the right to take Emmy from me?" I snap, cutting my eyes at him.
"Blood is thicker than water," he tells me. My chest rises and falls rapidly as I try to compose myself, not wanting to cause any more commotion than we already are. If we start yelling Emmy or Davvy will bear and their nosey tendencies will get them in trouble. "I'm her dad. Think of the shit you could cause happen to her like what's happened to Davvy."
"You're with the same shit I am; I don't know what shit you have going on in my head, but my family isn't yours." He laughs evilly.
"After how much Davina's been used, I don't want that wore out whore anymore. Emmy is my daughter-"
"Let her make that choice when she's old enough to understand instead of forcing this shit on her at six!" I yell, loosing my temper. I turn around at the sound of heavy footsteps. Enzo glares at us, his arms crossed over his buff chest. "As for Davina, you better think twice before talking about her in any way."
"Still feeling insecure about that kiss we shared?" I'm about to swing at him but Enzo grabs my shoulder and yanks me few steps back. Now that he's said something about Davvy I can kill him; that's my policy. He doesn't get a third strike, he's out by the second.
"You dumbasses have Emmy shaken up. She wasn't even trying to torment me," he says. "Either leave or go lay down somewhere, Kole. Sin, go to Davina; I'm sure she needs you. It's too late for this."
"Did you talk to her?" I ask. He nods, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
"About?" Kole asks. Now he wants to be involved whenever she's mentioned; who the fuck does he think he is? No mater the DNA results, I have more right to her as of right now.
"None is your business," I tell him through clenched teeth. Enzo shoots me a look. Being that he's the only one who could genuinely take in a fight I don't try challenging him. "I'll talk to her in the morning. I'm sorry about the yelling."
"It's fine," he says. Kole and I give each other one last look before I turn around. The way upstairs I can't stop thinking of the fact that he can take her from me so easily. He could get a hearing faster than I can clean my shit up. I have no doubt he'd take it that far. After what she seen me do would Emmy be upset about me not being her dad? Did her views of me change?
    The nursery lights are off when I get upstairs so I go to the bedroom. Davvy lays on her back with Eve laying on her chest on the bed. Her hand creases our baby girls back, humming angelically. She sounds like one of those Sirens from a legend. If I hadn't been given the news Kole just dropped on me I would be happy to see them together like this.
    She opens an eye at the sound of the door closing. Her hands hold Eve's back and head when she sits up. She's taken off the little makeup she was wearing today and put on one of my t-shirts that plays the role of a nightgown on her.
    "What happened?" She asks, noticing something isn't right.
                          ~Davvy's POV~

         "Are you crying?" I ask in shock. He keeps his head down, pinching his brows together as he leans his back against the door. I get up from the bed, making sure Eve is laying in the center so she can't roll off. He looked and sounded angry in the entrance when he told me to take Eve to the nursery; I'm not sure if I should mess with him. If he raises his voice or turns it a certain way I know the waterworks will come because I've turned into someone who can't stand their fucking ground. I was less affected by what she said because I knew what she said happened with him was a lie than I was with him snapping at me. "Sin, please talk."
     "I'm not Emmy's birth father," he blurts out, his voice rough from his silent tears. He doesn't give me enough time to register any shock when he starts talking again. "I've been trying to get Emmy to talk to me because she seen me hit Bella and now she won't open the door. She even talked to Enzo instead of me. Kole got back and....we had a talk."
    "About?" I ask, knowing there's a variation of possibilities.
   "He wants to take Emmy," he says, more tears falling when he looks up. There's no other way to explain the look on his face than that his heart is completely shattered and he's confused. "He can fucking do that since she's really his. She's my little girl, I can't lose her, Davina."
     I've always known how much he loves his little girl. From the moment he first mentioned her to me I knew she was beyond special to him. She put a spark in his eyes that wasn't there when he wasn't talking about her. She gave him something to live for, a real purpose. For her, she thinks she needs him, but she doesn't understand how much he needs her. She keeps him grounded, gives him a deeper meaning than someone whose supposed to lead killing machines.
    "He won't do that," I tell him, resting my hands in his chest. He covers mine with his, creasing the back of my hands with his calloused thumbs. His eyes bounce around the room as he gets lost in his thoughts. "I don't know how law works, but she has to have some say. There's no way she would ever choose him after you."
    "She looked at me like I was a monster," he tells me. I watch as he goes to the bed and sits, being careful now to sit on one of Eve's small legs. He reaches his arms out for me to put myself in. Sitting on his lap, I get a sharp pain in my lower stomach, similar to the ones I was getting on the way back from looking at houses. "Answer me something."
                            ~Sin's POV~
         "Am I a horrible person?" I ask. Her arm hangs loose around my shoulders,l. She picks her chin up and tilts her head at me. I can't get the way Emmy looked at me out of my head. She won't even let me in to explain; I probably scared the crap out of her. I'm terrified what questions she'll have when we talk. Not only that, but what if Kole gets to her first and tells her everything before I can?
    "If I'm being honest, you're a horrible person outside of this house, but in here you're the best person ever," Davvy tells me. Will she be able to look past the fact that I hit a girl? Will she think I'm going to hurt her? So many questions are swarming my mind I can't focus on what Davina's saying.
    "I don't know how to correctly explain how what I did was wrong, but also not make her think I was just being cruel. How am I supposed to teach that a man should never hurt a girl what she just witnessed me do it?"
    I know I hold a strong point. Until she's a little older there's no way to teach her both sides of this. What I did usually wouldn't be justified, I doubt in actuality it is in this case. I hit Bella out of anger to prove a point, but I was also standing up for my wife and protecting our relationship. My logic is fucked up but that's just how I am.
     "Let me talk to her." I shake my head, wiping my eyes again.
   "Enzo already tried. He didn't seem like she said much." She stands up from my lap, grabbing her pajama shirts from on top of the dresser.
   "She wouldn't talk to Enzo about anything if it was the last thing to save her life."

     AN: You know something is wrong when Emmy isn't torturing Enzo. If you guys haven't already, please go check out the prologue and characters for Emmy's story, Kill Me, Slowly! Eve will also be a starring role in a story apart of the Florencio Series, and the prologue and characters are up for that as well, it's called "Forever & Ever"! I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: Will Emmy let Davvy talk to her?

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