The Criminal's Mate

By bri72182bri

233K 8.4K 334

(Book One) Taylor Fox lives in the crazy city of Miami Florida as the top police officer on the force. She... More

Chapter 1: Bank Robbery In Progress
Chapter 2: I Will See You Again, Mate
Chapter 3: Cherry Red Ford
Chapter 4: The Dog Want's To Kill Me
Chapter 5: A Date With A Criminal? As If...
Chapter 6: Don't Get Caught...
Chapter 8: I Need My Mate
Chapter 9: You Brought Her Here?!
Chapter 10: Ok Your Being Serious...
Chapter 11: 'Get Used To It' He Say's
Chapter 12: You Can't Control Me
Chapter 13: If It Kills Me
Chapter 14: Dead End
Chapter 15: I Have The World To Fight For
Chapter 16: Welcome Home
Chapter 17: Prank Wars
Chapter 18: Family Reunion's Suck
Chapter 19: Talk About Possessive
Chapter 20: Monster In The Closet
Chapter 21: Phoenix
Chapter 22: And Now Your Mine
Chapter 23: The Big Bad (Ticklish) Alpha
Chapter 24: Did We?...
Chaper 25: Powerless
Chapter 26: Home "Sweet" Home
Chapter 27: Homesick
Chapter 28: This Is A Test
Chapter 29: New Harmony City Limits
Chapter 30: A Glimpse Of Hope
Chapter 31: I Found Soren
***Important Author's Note***

Chapter 7: Six Seconds To Run

8.4K 310 4
By bri72182bri

Chapter 7: Six Seconds To Run

Taylor's POV:

I sit waiting for Nick to come back. When the waiter brings our drinks, he looks like a scared puppy, keeping his gaze down the entire time. I guess Nick scared him off. I feel someone's gaze on me and look to my left. There's a man who looks to be in mid 30's staring me down. He has a mix of blonde and brown hair, a beard with the same colors, and green eyes. His skin tone is dark and his aura is threatening. I hold his gaze, refusing to look away. After what seems like hour's, he finally gets up and leaves.

What is it with people today? After a few minutes I start to get worried about Nick. After a few minutes longer, he comes back and sits down. I don't know rather to say he looks like he saw a ghost, or he looks beyond angry.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm good," He responds smiling.

After we finish eating and pay the bill, we get in the car and drive off. I can't help but wonder where we're going, but I know he won't tell me. I can't believe I'm actually enjoying this, going on a date with a criminal...

I feel like I can trust him, but there's still that side that doesn't want to. My thoughts were interrupted when my door opens, it's Nick. I step out and see that we're at the Pier. I remember coming here a couple of months ago with my friends. During the day, the water is crystal clear, the further out it goes, the darker the water gets. Leading down the short pier were candles. At the end was a gazebo that had flowers and candles around it. I couldn't help but smile.

"You like it?" He asked.

"I love it," I replied.

"Well then, let's go," He say's taking my hand and leading us down the pier.

-----One month later-----

The date that we had about a month ago was perfect. I've been so lost in my own thoughts, it's hard to concentrate at work. We just talked at the pier; shared stories, brought up random things, joked around. It's the best date I've ever had. Not that I've really had that many, anyway.

I've noticed Nick's behavior has changed. We've been meeting from time to time over the last month. Every time we go out in public, he acts so paranoid, almost as if he thinks someone is out to get him. It's starting to make me worry. 

Out of nowhere I suddenly start coughing, so I grab a tissue from the box and cough into it. I pull it away from my mouth and see blood. I've been doing that ever since the robbery, I've also had pains in my stomach. The doctors can't find anything wrong, so I try not to worry.

I'm currently sitting in my police car waiting for a driver to slip up, then I feel the ground shake slightly. It's probably just an 18 wheeler passing by, maybe a mild earthquake. A few minutes later, I get a radio saying there was an explosion, the address is Nick's...

-----Domonic's POV before the explosion-----

That day of the date, Aiden warned me to stay away from Taylor. We've been laying low, and taking a break on our job. I just can't stay away from my Mate, a selfish and dangerous thing to do, I know. But if I stay away, my Wolf will slowly die. A Wolf has to have his or her Mate. 

The house is in complete chaos right now. Austin, Brett, and Grant have the TV all the way up, Sandy is cooking, banging pots and making noise, Brad is blaring music in his room, and I'm sitting at the kitchen table just wanting the noise to stop.

My arms are crossed and I sit motionless with a frown on my face. I've been hearing beeping for the last five minutes, I can't stand it anymore. It seems I'm the only one that can hear it. A few minutes later and it still rings out.

That's it...

"Hey!" I yell, causing everyone to look at me. "Brett, mute the TV! Sandy, turn off the microwave and stop cooking for a minute! Brad! Turn your d*** music off for a minute!" I yell the last part loudly so Brad could hear me. All of the noise stops.

"Does no one hear that?!" I ask. They all shake their heads no.

I listen to try and find the source. I put my ear to the wall. I put my hand on the place where it's the loudest. I grab a hammer from the toolbox that Austin brought in. I use the back of it to pull the sheet rock up. Once I pull it off my eyes widen.

"C-4! Run!" I yell.

I get a glance at the timer on it... six seconds to run.

On the way out I grab my keys off of the hook, everyone else doing the same.

"Get down!" I yell ducking behind the corner of a shed. Right after the words leave my mouth, the house explodes. Aiden... I'd bet anything that he did this.

A few minutes after the explosion dies down, we all move from hiding. Once we're all together, I notice there's only five of us...

Brad's not here.

I look around frantically hoping he's still ducked down, but see nothing. Once Sandy realizes this, tears begin to leak down her face with Austin holding her.

I feel numb. I have no emotion to show right now. Brad was my brother, we never told anyone because we're not aloud to work with family. Aidens rules... Aiden.

I hear sirens in the distance and say, "Take the back road, we have to get out of here,"

We all get in our car's, well, I get in Austin's car with him in the passengers seat.

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