Panic Room

By xcloudystarsx

843 107 199

Zakou went rigid in his seat, pain twisting in his stomach as he felt bile rising up in his throat. He coughe... More

Prologue: 'Murder in the Ballroom'
Flashback 1- 'The Rivals: Pt 1'
Chapter 1: 'The Body'
Chapter 2: 'Lets Begin'
Flashback 2- 'The Art Scammer: Pt 1'
Chapter 3- 'Arianna Smith'
Flashback 3- 'The Rivals: Pt 2'
Chapter 4- 'Quiet Time'
Flashback 4- 'The Art Scammer: Pt 2'
Chapter 5- 'Axel McLean'
Flashback 5- 'The Rivals: Pt 3'
Chapter 6: 'Juno's Plan'
Chapter 7: 'Man of Poison'
Chapter 8: 'False Accusations'
Flashback 6- 'The Art Scammer: Pt 3'
Chapter 9: 'The Unsupervised'
Chapter 10: 'Jay Allen'
Chapter 11: 'Friend of an Enemy'
Flashback 7- 'The Castillo Business: Pt 1'
Chapter 12: 'Leona Bower'
Flashback 8- 'The Castillo Business: Pt 2'
Chapter 13: 'Juno Castillo'
Chapter 14: 'Claire Clark'
Flashback 9- 'Small Town Girl: Pt 1'
Chapter 15: 'Figure It All Out'
Flashback 10- 'The Castillo Business: Pt 3'
Flashback 11- 'Small Town Girl: Pt 2'
Chapter 16: 'Pleads and Apologies'
Flashback 12- 'Small Town Girl: Pt 3'
Flashback 13- 'Poisonous Talking: Pt 1'
Flashback 14- 'Poisonous Talking: Pt 2'
Chapter 18: 'Fight or Flight'
Epilogue: 'Aftermath'

Chapter 17: 'The Truth Comes to Play'

14 3 12
By xcloudystarsx

"Hear what?" Kira said, confusion and worry overtaking what hurt she felt as Officer Sachhi led her over to where Axel and Officer Crystal were.

"Whats going on?" Kira asked Officer Crystal, to which Axel looked up at her.

"I didn't do it alone." He practically snarled, to which Kira's eyes widened.

"You're confessing to the crime?" She said for clarification, shocked.

"No shit. I'm not getting out of this, but I'm not going down alone, I regret it with everything I am, you have to understand it was my last resort." Axel said, silent tears running down his face as he spoke, Kira listening closely.

"Why did you do it?" Kira questioned, glancing at Officer Crystal who made sure to hold Axel back tightly.

"I had to, I had to do it okay? He refused to help me, I did everything for that man and I got nothing in return. I just wanted to write, and when I wanted the credit I deserve he refused. He was horrible, but I regret it. I regret it so much. He was all I had and I killed him." Axel sobbed, almost collapsing but being held up by Officer Crystal.

"Alright Axel, now what do you mean 'you're not going down alone'? Someone else was involved? How and who?"

"They got me the poison. The bottle you found in the book? Yeah, it was mine. I got it from some random person in the street months ago, and when I tried it, it didn't work. It was a lethal poison."

Officer Crystal nodded, looking over at Kira.

"Yeah, he's right. And that's why it was basically still full, he must've just tested out a few drops of it."

Axel nodded, glancing between both Kira and Crystal as tears continued streaming down his face.

"I'm glad you're confessing to all this, but Axel, who else was involved?" Kira asked frantically, to which Axel looked her dead in the eyes.


"I knew it-"

"And Leona."

At this Kira paused, glancing over to where Juno and Leona were, her heart dropping as she saw Claire standing with them.

"So what, they gave you the poison then? Why'd Juno show up?"

Kira was trying to figure out how to go about this. On one hand Axel could be lying, on the other hand, he could be telling the truth and everyone in this room could be in danger.

"They have a business, the Castillo Business is its underground name, I know they have an actual company of some sort, but I have no clue what it is. All I know is that those two do jobs for people. I found them, and Leona got me the poison. She sent Juno here tonight to make sure they got the money and everything went smoothly."

Axel's head dropped, knowing what his confession would lead him to. He was never getting out of prison, and honesty he knew he deserved it. He wasn't sure how he was even going to live with himself after what he'd done. He was just so angry with Zakou. And now he was dead. All thanks to him.

Now Leona, she isn't stupid. Or blind.

She lowered her head slightly, secretly nudging Juno, jerking her head towards where Kira and Axel were talking.

Juno looked to where Leona showed, seeing the detective glance away from them, Axel crying as he spoke.

Then he saw it.

The faint smile on Axel's lips as they made eye contact.

Juno quickly stood up straight, Leona following, the pair staring down Axel with hatred.

"The snitch, obviously he would tell." Leona growled out, to which Juno nodded, looking at her.

"We have to get out of here. Now."

"Duh! I'm not stupid."

"What's going on?"

They both whipped around, seeing Claire stare at them with confusion, taking a small step back.

"Nothing. Don't worry princess." Juno said slowly, continuously looking back over at Kira.

"They're gonna be on us in seconds Juno, who gives a shit if she knows. You'll never see her again, we have to go!" Leona said aggressively, roughly grabbing Juno's arm and yanking him back.

"Come on, this place is huge. There has to be a way out from one of the rooms in this place." Leona said, staying relatively calm as she quickly scanned the area for where to head for.

Juno did the same, but looked back at Claire.

"Seriously, what the hell are you two up to? What am I missing here?" She asked somewhat nervously, stepping back even more now, seeming to catch the attention of Jay and Ari, who had been off to the side by themselves.

"What's happening now?" Jay questioned, stepping protectively in front of Ari, Claire stopping and standing next to him.

"Fuck it Juno we have to go!" Leona yelled, Kira finally turning around, staring down Juno and Leona.

"Freeze! Don't take another step!" She shouted, stepping towards them, reaching down or her tazor.

Which she quickly realized was gone.

Leona sighed, grabbing something out of her pocket and shooting it at an officer quickly.

He fell to the ground quickly, shock waves seemingly going through his body as he laid on the floor.

"I told you!" Axel shouted, Crystal releasing him and rushing towards the fallen officer along with Sachhi.

Leona shot at another officer who she saw slowly heading for her.

"Don't come any closer to us!" She yelled, defensively holding the tazor out.

Everyone froze, her eyes looking over everyone, landing on officer Sachhi.

She took three quick steps forwards, zapping her before anyone could stop her.

Crystal gasped and cried out, talking Leona to the ground quickly, the tazor flying out of her hand.

Kira rushed for it, but was quickly beaten to it.

She fell to the floor, withering in pain as she felt her whole body being electrocuted.

Juno then quickly shot at Crystal, who dodged it, but fell anyways due to Leona grabbing her leg.

Juno fired again.

And then, the three officers were down.

He looked up, seeing the other three who had been "watching" them the whole night, all of them staring in shock and what seemed to be fear.

Leona slowly got up, now holding something else in her hand.

She held it up at them slowly.

"If you want to live," She then reached up, cocking the gun and pointing it at the officer in the middle.

"I suggest you run. Now." She finished, looking deadly serious  as the three scampered away.

"Run?! Why the hell would you let them go?" Juno asked angrily, watching them run with their tails between their legs.

"Limited bullets dumbass, their deaths aren't necessary anyways. We just need to get out of here. But," She paused, looking down at Crystal who was twitching slightly.

"Fuck I think we have to kill her." Leona says quickly to which Juno stares at her.

"What why?" He questioned, grabbing the gun from Leona, but she didn't let go of it.

"Shes so strong, shes gonna get up before the other two and when she does she's gonna take us down. We just need to get out of here." Leona said, biting her lip almost nervously as Juno tried to yank the gun away from her again.

"No! Her death isn't necessary either! Lets just run!" He told her sternly, to which she tried to yank it back as well.

"Juno c'mon! Stop being a baby! The other two aren't a threat but she is!"

"I don't care, there's no need!"

Leona felt herself getting angry at him now, he never wanted to actually do his job.

"Fine!" Leona yanked the gun away, stumbling back a little before aiming the gun down.


She paused, lowering the gun as Juno sighed loudly behind her.

"Look shes not dead okay! Probably... only short her in the leg anyways, if she bleeds out then she bleeds out!"

They both then paused, remembering where they were as they turned to see the other three still standing there, now pressed back against the wall.

Jay was still standing in front of Ari, holding his arm out so that it covered Claire as well.

All three were shaking, frozen in fear as tears streamed on their faces.

"FUCKING RUN!" Axel screamed out, the other three snapping out of it before bolting.



Word Count: 1453

I feel as though some of you may be mad at me-
ANYWAYS! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!!! Make sure to vote and comment your thoughts and opinions on it! I love you all, thank you for reading! Ill see you next chapter, have a lowly rest of your day/night, bye!

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