Dean and Clara

By LoveAmBryLayn

38.4K 659 38

Clara is a new diva signed to the WWE, and her journey with her new career and love life is Legendary. More

My First Match
Night of Champions
WWE's Ugly Stepchild (Part I)
WWE's Ugly Stepchild (Part II)
Friday Night
The Morning After
Raw Betrayal
My Story
Tuesday Morning
Tuesday Night/ Smackdown
The Fight
Raw Drama
15 Years of Smackdown
The Doctor
Raw Retribution
The Love of a Mother
Raw Return
Hell in a Cell
Raw Revolution
Live Event
Raw Recognition
Dean's Story (Part II)
AJ Lee
Raw Risks
I Do...
Survivor Series
Raw Rivalry
Live Event
Happy Birthday Dean!
Baby Season
Should We Revisit?

Dean's Story (Part I)

624 11 0
By LoveAmBryLayn

It was Tuesday and Dean and I were on our way to Smackdown. I hadn't performed there in a while and I was ready to get back to work. Nikki called me out on Twitter, and I was happy to oblige. Dean had a spot on The Peep Show with Christian so I would stay there with him until he did his segment.

We arrive and I grab my bags and head to the locker room. I get into my ring attire and stretch. I hear footsteps approaching and look up to see Brie approaching me.

"Hey, I'm sorry for the way I've been acting lately." She apologizes. I shake my head and attempt to reassure her.

"Listen, I know it ain't you, it's that conniving sister of yours." I reply. She shakes her head and smiles, bit then becomes serious. She pulls me in closer and talks quietly in my ear.

"Listen, Nikki plans on having me 'help' her in her match tonight. So if you were to take me out before I did anything, she couldn't blame me." She explains. I nod my head in understanding.

"Thanks for the tip." I respond before giving her a farewell nod and continuing to stretch. My segment is up next and I'm coming in first. I look to the tech guy and he plays my music. I make my way down, greeted by cheers and applause. I guess it's been a while since I last came on Smackdown, but I was ready.

Nikki's music hits, and she makes her way down with Brie. I shake my head. Nikki slides in and the bell rings. I run past. Nikki and jump through the ropes, taking out Brie. Nikki gets pissed and frustrated since now She didn't have a helper. She is bending over the ropes screaming.

I jump up and grab her by the hair. I pull down and her neck slams into the rope and she rebounds and flops down to the mat. She is choking and I slide back in. I grab her by the hair and pull her up. I kick her in the stomach and she falls and holds it in pain. I walk over to her and she slaps me in the face.

I back up and process the slap. I shake my head clear and charge at her. She kicks me in the stomach and I hold it in pain. She grabs me by the legs and sweeps me up. I trip and fall hardly on my back. She walks up to me and I kick her in the face. She backs up and I get up. Nikki drops kicks me and I fall into the ropes and rebound and clothesline her.

She flips over and lands on her head. I pull her by the hair and set her up for Clarafication. She kicks me in the leg and it gives out. I'm leaning over and she kicks me in the back. My back is curved and she lifts me up and does her Rack Attack. I am unable to kick out and I just lay their holding my back in pain.

Nikki grabs a microphone and begins to mock me. "You're playing with the big dogs now Clara, maybe now you know not to mess with me. In fact, don't get involved with problems that don't concern you." She warns. I stage up guy slides me a microphone.

"I have no doubt that AJ will kick your ads and retain her title." I start. "But if for some inconceivable reason, you win, I'm going to take the title from you." I finish. The audience cheers and I raise my hands and my music starts. She has a fit and runs backstage with Brie not far behind.

                                    *           *           *

It is later in the night and I am watching Dean during his interview. He looks nervous, probably for the first time since he began his time with the WWE. Bray Wyatt makes and an appearance and I notice Dean is having a hard time keeping his cool. Wyatt mentions Dean's father and Dean gets pissed.

I start to think and I can't help but notice that Dean has never really mentioned his personal life. I feel bad since he showed so much interest and mine, and I showed little with his. After his segment, I meet with him.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. I don't know why I'm letting that freak get in my head like that." He replies.

"Why don't you ever talk about your father?" I counter.

"We're not getting into this right now." He responds angrily. He tries to walk away but I stop him.

"Listen, how are we supposed to get married if you don't trust me." I argue. He looks at me upset.

"So now you don't want to get married?" He asks before turning his back on me and leaving. I run after him with my bags in hand.

"I never said that." I defend. "Come on, can't we just go to the hotel, please." I suggest. He nods.

"Yeah, the WWE is going to Europe anyway so we should just go to the hotel and try to salvage a good night's sleep." He agrees. We get the hotel and head to bed.

Before going to sleep in Dean's arms I kept thinking, What is Dean's story?

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