Heartfelt Love (Male Rivals x...

By CuteFireFlareon

260K 5.9K 5.6K

All credits to Yandere Dev for making Yandere Simulator. After seeing his April Fools video a hundred times... More

1- Arrival
2- Untrusted
3- Day 1
4- Odd Dream, New Rivals
5- Power
6- Demon Realm
7- Reset
8- Dream
9- Repeated
10- Comforting
11- Video Game
12- False Lives?
13- Girl's Sleepover
14- Truth
15- Ex and Bully
16- Suspicions
17- Bullies
18- Fakes
19- Their Happy Ending
20- Real Selves
21- Reset Lives
22- Boys
23- Kitten
24- Another Rival
25- Taken
26- Help Me
27- Back
28- Mr Mido
29- Caught
30- Plans
31- I don't know
32- Dance
33- Music
34- Female Rival
35- Saikou Home
36- True Yandere
37- Contest
38- Careful
39- Old Souls
41- Questions
42- Stay Away
43- Company
44- Bullets
Valentine's Day Special
45- Date
46- Charity
47- Garden
Late Easter Special
48- Festival
49- Foxes
50- Coma
51- Angels
52- Time
53- Who
54- Embarrassed
Osorō is one of meh husbandos
55- Wake up
Announcing the relationship/ Jealous people
One Month
First Kiss + I Love You
Not being around them
He's sick
Catching up Damien and Hoshiko
Helping with their problems
Osorō x Reader x Megamo
He/She loses a bet
They're stressing/ Argument
Vacation Together- Part 1: Preparing
Vacation Together: Part 2- Time there

40- Damien

741 21 12
By CuteFireFlareon

Back to posting. Sorry for the wait.

Osorō's POV

"Why the fuck didn't you delete the recording?" "The password was different on the computer!" Megamo yelled at me as I growled and sighed. "Fucking... make sure you know it next time." "I will. I don't see you doing that." "I don't see you killing!" I yelled and Osano stopped me. "We're still in front of a camera." He said and I nodded. I looked outside and saw (Y/n) skipping by with Asu by her and I growled. The others looked out and saw it as I heard Aso growl. "Going to kill her." "Make sure it's hidden or Megamo can actually delete the footage." Aso nodded and Megamo glared at me. "I could log in before so I don't know why they changed it without telling me." He said and I nodded as Aso walked out.

Reader POV- Five Hours Later

I smiled and skipped out to the courtyard after talking to all of the girls at the same time and soon saw a person I was talking to yesterday on the floor. I approached them and when I went to wake them up, I felt that they were cold and screamed. There were no cameras in this section but a staff came by and saw the student. "Please get away." I went back but soon fainted.

Police arrive

I was in the detective personality and investigating the body. "Miss, we must ask you to get away from the body." "I'm investigating it and the scene." I said to the police officer and felt the blood. "Fresh... This student was killed recently." I said and they were angry. "Who gave you authority to investigate this?" "Myself." I said and showed my badge from a pocket in my skirt. I showed it to them and they were surprised before nodding. "Our apologies." They said and I nodded. "I'll be aiding you in this investigation. And I promise you, the culprit isn't who last had their fingerprints on the weapon." "How do you know?" "I have dissociative identity disorder. While my other self is unaware of me, I am fully aware of her and know whatever she sees and she was talking with her and 12 others at the time. I'd say this murder happened about 5-10 minutes ago." I said and noticed the girls.

"Miss Saikou, how long would it take her to get here if you called her?" I asked, talking about Nemesis-Chan. "About 20 minutes." "Can she make it sooner?" "Five if she takes a vehicle." "Tell her to do that. She's better at estimating time. Can you officers block this off from the public? I don't need students seeing this and if I'm not acting this way when you see me, don't let me pass because it's the other personality." They nodded and got the tape as Nemesis was here. "Oh, Lunar." "Hello to you too. I need you to estimate the time of death here." She nodded and approached. "Since I got here, I'd say they were killed 12 minutes ago at 17:06 with 25 seconds passed." I nodded. "As I said, the other and real self was talking with those 13 there. I'll be checking the cameras to see who does and doesn't have an alibi since they are the main suspects." I said then walked over to the area and got on the computer. "Can you log on for me?" I asked a different school and the person did so but questioned me. "So why did they let you continue?" I showed them the badge as I looked through with people at that time stamp and a few minutes ahead and before.

"Student last seen with-" "Hold on, the Corporate Company?" "Please don't interrupt me when I'm doing this. But yes. I can still answer questions as long as you don't interrupt me while I talk. Now then, last seen in public with (Y/n) Aishi but cameras catch him last seen with Aso Rito near that area. At 17:06, he runs away bloodied and the students gets a hand out to the light. At 17:13, (Y/n) Aishi sees him on the floor and goes up to him. She touches his neck and screams." I nodded and finished. "I believe we have our top suspect. However, I need to see who also doesn't have an alibi." I said and nodded, allowing them to question me. "Just know some won't be answered." I said and they started. They asked me about the company, how it's so well, if it's more advanced than anything, training, how they feel with a split personality person there, etc.

I returned to the police and nodded, showing them the list of suspects. They read through them and nodded. They each took a person and questioned them as I kept investigating the body but told them to leave the first suspect there. Nemesis was helping me and she nodded to me. "Yep, Miss Odayaka is being framed." She said and I agreed as she examined the knife. "However, it appears that the fingerprints have been smudged on this knife. Gloves were used to cover up the killers fingerprints." I nodded to her and she showed me. "As I thought. Well then, Mr Rito, I'd like to question you." I said and he nodded as he followed me.

"I saw the footage, don't even try to lie to me." I said and showed him the recording. He seemed shocked. "Look, I know you love that dense personality, but seriously? Killing for her? That's a new level I've never seen. And besides, that boy had no affection towards her, he wanted to know how she cooked so well." I said and he growled but nodded. "Fine... I killed him..." "Sorry? I'd like you to repeat it to the police. Hey police, gather around!" I called and they arrived quickly.

"Yes?" "I killed him..." "Louder. I want every school to hear. And your sister." I fainted and switched personalities without anyone noticing besides Nemesis and Aso yelled, "I killed the student! Alright?!"

I stepped back in shock as my voice was different too. "Y-You killed someone? Why? What did they do to deserve it?" Aso seemed shocked but was unable to approach me as he was taken away. Asu held me and pet my hair while she comforted me. "Y-Your brother killed..." "I know... I think it's time we tell you something..." She said and we were told to go to our rooms. I went with her and the other 13 as I was confused. "Yeah?" "Those 8... they love you enough to kill for you." "But... I don't want anyone to die..." I muttered and they nodded. "They think its best for you." "How? I feel responsible for his death... All he asked for was help with cooking..." I muttered and they nodded.

"Why don't you sleep?" I nodded and fell asleep in one of the sleeping bags.


Demon Empress appeared and she looked bored. "I'm genuinely going to speed up time... seriously, this is boring..." She complained and we rolled our eyes. "I should have the other rivals get her attention more... let's see, she hasn't been with Oko much... Next reset... siblings killing again... maybe I should add more rivals..." "Isn't 8 enough?" Megami asked and Demon Empress looked confused, "8?" "Our brothers?" "Oh yeah, there's two others." "What? Who?" "Hoshiko and Damien. They have the same ability to go back in time or whatever." She said and thought. "Yeah, she needs time with them too." She said and tapped a screen looking thing. "Wait a second... you just said Ayano and Ayato will be killers again..." Amai said with worry and Demon Empress looked at her. "They already got their happy endings so you're all safe. I'm talking about killing for (Y/n)." She smirked.

"You'll see at the reset. And speaking of which..." She didn't finish as we all fainted.

Reader POV- Back at school

Ayano and Ayato were noticeably more protective of me and I was confused. "What's wrong?" "We don't want anyone hurting you..." "This is new. Why don't you hang out with Buds and Taeko?" While they did blush, they shook their heads and stayed by me. "Not happening right now..." Ayato said and they led me to the roof where we were sat together until class.

I sat in front of Osano and smiled to him as he smiled back. "You know... I really care for you..." He said and I looked confused. "Me too. I'd hate to lose you. You're a great friend." I smiled as I heard a bit of laughter while Osano was disappointed but pissed once he heard the laughing.

"Calm down Osano. Maybe they said a funny joke and they're laughing at it. It's not like I was really heard." I said and he sighed and nodded. I smiled to him and Mrs Kinaki walked in, ready to teach.

After school

I was going to the cooking club but saw a trail of blood. I got out my phone and started to record it. I got to the end while I was waiting to see if there would be a corpse or see the murderer and I saw Hanakō's back quickly as I saw Damien's corpse getting dragged but couldn't make a noise. I had stopped recording and called Amai, saying I'd be late. I had followed Hanakō and saw him going to the incinerator and pressed record on the tape. I heard Megamo and Osorō's voices as I also heard Hanakō complaining that the body was heavy.

"Why'd you make me drag him? Seriously! Why couldn't we make Osorō do it Megamo?" "Because you need to help. I had killed Seiyo with Amao's help and you don't do anything." "Neither does Kizano, Osano, Amao or Aso!" "I know. But Amao helps plenty too. He distracts sweet innocent (Y/n) to make sure she doesn't catch us. But I'll put the others to work later. For now, you're dragging corpses." "Um... quick problem..." Osorō said and Megamo seemed annoyed. "What? This better be important..." "Amao just texted in the group that (Y/n) isn't in the cooking club... she could be anywhere..." Osorō said and Megamo cursed. "Shit..." Megamo said and Hanakō sighed as I ran away. I stepped on a leaf and it crunched but I just ran quicker. I hardly heard Osorō ask who was there since I was already in the building. I went to the Student Council room and knocked on the door. I was allowed entrance and the five looked at me.

"What's wrong?" "D-Damien is dead because of Amao and Megamo... I caught Hanakō dragging his corpse and Megamo and Osorō were by the incinerator..." I muttered and the five girls were shocked. "And father is pissed that you're the dangerous one... I'll be back." "Wait! You could get killed!" I said to Megami and the other girls nodded. "She's right. What should we do?" "Don't tell them I know. I want to see how they act around me and I want to see if the others are the same but... I don't want to put anyone in danger of murder..." I said and Megami shook her head. "We're already on the line for being your friend. And Janine is most likely the next target..." Megami said and I was in shock. "Why? I don't want her dead..." "I know... Go to the cooking club. Tell them you were using the bathroom if they asked and the sinks weren't working." I nodded and left.

I got to the cooking club and the others looked at me while I faked a smile. "Hi! Sorry I'm late." "It's fine. What was holding you up?" "The sink wasn't working in the bathroom and I didn't want to come to the cooking club with dirty hands." The others nodded but Amao smiled to me while I felt a little bit of fear but kept it down. "You can always use the sink in here next time." "Right. I forgot that was here. Sorry... I miss Seiyo... he didn't deserve to die..." I muttered and sat in my seat next to Amai. She nodded and the others nodded to. Even Ajia. Despite the fact she didn't like his foods, she never wanted him dead.

"Agreed. I hope whoever did it gets put in jail." Shoku said and we all nodded. We ate again and I spoke. "How about every Friday starting tomorrow, we make some of his favorite food in respect for him?" "Sounds good. Great idea (Y/n)." "Thank you. I just thought of that. Is that okay with you Ajia?" "It sounds amazing. But why Friday?" "Because it's the day he was found dead..." I said and she nodded and grabbed my hand lightly. "Right. Hey, be happy. Seiyo liked making you smile so don't be sad. It's not what he'd want." "R-Right. Thanks Ajia." She smiled and nodded as we ate a cookie as today's treat.

Hoshiko's POV- After School

"We'll make your life hell if you try to leave this group. You're only popular because of us. Correction, me." Musume said while sassily flipping her hair over her shoulder a bit and I snapped. "You're the ones who hurt (Y/n)! She's just clueless to others who like her! Fine then! You want to make me suffer, I'll expose you! I have this all recorded as well as all your gossip!" The four were shocked but soon growled. "Hah! No one will believe it. We're all perfect angels to them." "Oh really? How do you think we had to start working again? (Y/n). She had recorded our little bathroom conversation and given it to the Student Council." "I knew that bitch was working for them!" "No, her phone happened to start recording. Plus, the bruise you gave her. Since it formed so quickly, Saikou saw it and questioned her then heard the recording." I growled and the four started to laugh more.

"You're a joke Hoshiko. Great job. Fine, how much money to stop you from exposing it?" "Like I give a shit about your money. No matter what you do, it won't matter to me unless you stop hurting (Y/n)." "Would you stop acting like she's a perfect goddess?! It's so annoying!" Kokoro said and I glared at her. "Then stop kissing Musume's ass." I said and walked away while the four were processing it. I already sent the recording to the group chat as there was clearly much more such as their plans to harm (Y/n) for the next few weeks.

Megamo: Great for not hurting (Y/n). But now we don't have a clue as to what they'd do after the weeks.
Me: I can read them like a book. It'll be easy to tell by one of their actions.

I got off the chat and had my phone grabbed when I was going through pictures of (Y/n). When I looked at who took my phone, I saw Kashiko holding my phone and she soon smiled in satisfaction. "There! Now you can't give it to anyone." "Great..." "What are you doing with her phone? Give it back." I heard Megamo and the girls froze and shoved my phone back in my chest. Afterwards, they ran away and Megamo looked at me. "You better be able to tell us or else you're getting dirty work too." I nodded and saw (Y/n) walk out. She had a quick flash of fear when she saw Megamo standing by me and Osorõ approaching me.

"Hi guys! Have you seen Damien anywhere? I wanted to hang out with him tomorrow but I can't find him." "Are you sure he didn't go home sick?" Megamo asked and she nodded. "I asked the nurses. They said that he didn't see them all day." "Okay. No idea then." "Alright! Hi Hoshiko. How are you?" I blushed and smiled. "G-Good."

"Where's the other girls? You're always with them." "Oh they're... not my friend anymore..." "Why?" "They wanted me to bully you..." "Oh... well thank you for not doing it." She hugged me and I flushed red and hugged her back. I was positive she could hear and feel how hard my heart was beating. She backed up from me and smiled to Osorõ. "We should get going. I don't want to be late." He nodded and put his arm around her waist and walked with her.

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