
Av theathea3015

224K 13.7K 1.3K

"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the te... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 49(Pt.2)
Chapter 50

Chapter 37

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Av theathea3015


Just wow.

That's all I can say.

Oh and Yay! It's finally my birthday!

But you wanna know the most surprising thing ever ?

Everyone forgot.

Everyone freaking forgot!!

I usually tell all my friends and colleagues way ahead of time about my birthday because I don't like being forgotten and stop reminding them on the date itself. Tammy forgot too!

I woke up all chirpy and took a long bath. I dressed up in a short skirt and thigh high boots with a white shirt. I think I looked good!

I had a long black jacket I was going to wear later. I did slight makeup and brushed my hair,that I had cut yesterday.I walked to the kitchen not smelling the usual cookies Tammy bakes everyday on my birthday.

She was using her phone whilst drinking coffee. She didn't even notice me come in and I looked at her weirdly.

"Morning! How'd you sleep?" I asked her when she finally looked in my direction and she raised her brows.

"Why the hell are you so happy this morning? You're never happy in the mornings. Did you and Nick bone yesterday?"She asked and I blushed so hard and looked at her like she had grown another head.

Did she?

Did she just forget my birthday?

"Anyway! No matter. Guess what? I got promoted at work!" She said coming up to show me the mail sent to her on her phone.

She's kidding me.

This better be a freaking joke.

"Woah, that's great awesome.. but aren't you forgetting something ?"

"I am? Oh yeah!" She said and smiled walking over to the other side of the kitchen.

"Here, I borrowed your charger last night. My old one doesn't work on my new phone any more." She said giving me my charger and I stood staring at her like a fish with my mouth wide open.

When did she even get a new iPhone ?

"Okay Tammy. Quit with the jokes now.. you can't possibly forget my birthday.." I told her seriously and she rolled her eyes.

"Duh Ari.. how could I forget? I'm saving money so we can go celebrate your birthday that's next week." She said drinking her coffee again.

Next week?

She thinks my birthday is next week?

She really forgot!

I frowned and decided not to ruin my day because of Tammy.

But she's my freaking sister !

I walked out of the kitchen and was about to leave the house when she called.

Maybe she's remembered finally!


"I'll be home a little later today .. so can you please make dinner?"

What the...

I just walked out the house and took a cab to walk. But I decided not to get upset and smile the whole day. I'll deal with Tammy later.

I walked into work about 10 minutes late and greeted Tasha and Suzie and they didn't say anything about my birthday except that I looked extra cute today. I just smiled and walked to my office knowing at least Nick would wish me a happy birthday.

"Oh hey Cedric." I greeted him as we passed in the hallway.

"Hi beautiful..I like your hair."

"Thank you." I told him giving him a smile waiting for my birthday greeting.

"I'll be on my way okay? I have a meeting with the director right now.." he said and I nodded and let him go.


I put my bag down in my office and entered Nick's.

"Morning!" I said smiling.

"You're 10 minutes late." He said not looking up from his notebook and the smile immediately dropped from my face. It just took me back to the first time I was in his office.

His behavior was a little weird because since we started dating , he's always stealing kisses when we're in private and isn't his usual broody self.

"Uh..I —"

"Talk about it later. Our meeting is in 4 minutes.." he said giving my notebook that's always on his table.

"Oh.. um.. okay.." I said still hoping along the line he would wish me a happy birthday. He stood up and we walked out his office with his hands on the small of my back and on his phone in his other.

I couldn't believe it. I really couldn't.

"Did you cut your hair?" He asked we got into the boardroom.

"I did .. do you like it?" I asked him inadvertently touching my shorter hair.

"Yeah. It's different.." he said taking a seat and starting the meeting .

No no no. I must be dreaming.. he can't have forgotten my birthday.. he's been asking me all the time ... no no..

"Are you listening Ariane?" His voice snapped me out of my reverie.


"You're not taking any notes ..are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I told him suddenly getting upset everyone forgot my birthday. 45 long minutes passed and the meeting was over. I was so upset, I didn't want to be in his presence any more. I got to my office walking ahead of him since he was smiling about something on his phone.

I opened my drawers and took a bunch of candy and stared eating it angrily.

He got in and walked to his office like he didn't see me at all! I entered his office and put my hands on his table staring at his eyes angrily.

"Why you upset cara?"

"Oh I'm 'cara' now huh? I thought you forgot I was your girlfriend! You didn't even kiss me this morning!"

"I had no idea you'd be a clingy and needy girlfriend.. I love it."

Okay that sounded a little clingy..

I rolled my eyes and groaned."I can't believe you forgot my.." he interrupted me by kissing me on my lips briefly.

"I'm sorry baby. I have to make an important call alright? Later.."


"You'll accompany me to a business dinner today alright? I'll tell my stylist to send you a dress to wear."

"What? Business dinner? You're kidding right?" I asked him very seriously.

"When do I ever joke about business ? My driver will pick you up at 7pm. Don't be late." He said kissing my cheek and leaving the office.

The amount of times I've said 'wow' is surreal. But I just don't believe it. I can't. I can't . I can't,

The rest of the day went in a blur with no birthday wishes whatsoever.

None. Zero. Nada.

At the end of the day, I went home and Tammy wasn't there like she said.
I paced up and down in my room, running  my fingers  through  my  hair in frustration. Expectations is what will kill me!  Goodness,  I can't  believe  them all.

Nick who was all up about me having a party totally  forgot to wish me happy  birthday  today. Totally  unbelievable. When I saw him this morning, I expected  something  so sweet  and  romantic considering  he was the one reminding  me  of my birthday  like a broken record.

Then there's  Tamara, my own  sister. I obviously  expected her to know my birthday date. I mean for the  last 23 years, she's always  been  the first one to wish me happy  birthday, yet today, she forgot. Can you believe it? This morning , I really expected  a birthday  song, considering  she has an angelic  voice,  but all I got was her telling  me she got promoted  at work. Yayyyy,  right? Wrong!

The nerve of her to forget my birthday. And to think I always  have her birthday planned out in my mind. The worst part is, she said 'I'm saving money to celebrate  your birthday  which  is  next week.' I almost fainted, but didn't  correct her.

Harry didn't wish me either.. not that it would matter much but while I stayed at his house and we were 'getting to know each other', I told him my birthday!

Then Melanie, Tyler, all my other friends  and  coworkers  at work didn't  leave a message  either.

Like I earlier  said,  expectations  will kill me.
Worst birthday ever. Worst. Worst. Worst. God, I've  never been so sad and lonely. I just needed a bit of love on my birthday. That's all.

Maybe this is God's way of punishing me for all my sins.

I plopped on my bed, face down, feeling  so sad. A tear slipped  down my cheek, followed  by  another, then another and more tears, soon, I was a crying  mess. Was it wrong to just wish for  a little attention  on your special  new  year? Soon enough, my alarm started  ringing.

I begrudgingly woke up and dressed up in the short white dress Nick had sent to me. I looked so good with a black choker. I took a lot of pictures and decided to be grateful for the new year despite everyone ignoring me.

I wore my jacket and soon enough , his driver picked me up. The drive was silent and I was planning how I would snub Nicholas Jeremy DeMorgane for the rest of the time I had in this city.

I stepped out of the car when we reached the fancy restaurant.

"Where's Nick?" I asked Trey and he just smiled and said 'have a good one Miss Ariana'

What the hell?

"Enjoy your evening Miss Rodstein" thé guy at the door told me and I smiled at him nodding my head.

Wait? How'd he know my name ?

I walked into the restaurant and it was dim but I could still see people and hear distinct talking.

"This is weird." I said to myself as I continued walking through the lobby to the private area for the meeting. It got darker and quieter as I kept moving and I suddenly felt scared. I turned on my heels and I was about to leave the place when someone pulled me into huge room and the lights came on .

"SURPRISE!!" For a minute I was so scared that someone was pulling me into a dark room and I turned to see Tasha with a smile on her face in a blue dress.

I turned to see everyone with huge smiles on their faces and I looked at Tammy standing in front of me In a cute blue dress too.

I looked around and saw a fully decorated room with a banner that said "happy birthday Ari" and I could see a cake at the side. And a live band was playing soft music in the background. Everyone from work. And my few friends college. Tyler, Mel.. everyone. I couldn't spot the brooding guy of my dream though..

"Happy birthday lil sis! Did you think I'd forget? Oh my gosh, the look on your face this morning was everything!" She said hugging me and I hugged her back with a huge grin on my face.

"You planned this? All the silent treatment  from you guys was all planned  out? I can't  believe  I didn't  see this coming. I had a hunch though!" I said laughing  at my own silliness,  tears of joy still rolling  down my cheeks.

Soon, I felt someone come up to me and I looked at him surprised.


"You're too special to have your birthday forgotten.." he said looking at me intently and I smiled wondering on his honesty. He gave me hug and I smiled putting on a show for everyone and staring at Tammy who was looking everywhere but at him.

"Yeah.. happy birthday again Ari.."

"Happy birthday Ari."

"Happy birthday  Arianna."

"Happy birthday  Riri."

They all kept wishing me happy  birthday  and  I couldn't  contain  the joy in my heart. I looked around for Nick as the crowd started interacting with each other while the live band played the music.

" You look so good Ari!" Tasha said later

"Thank you! So do you! I can't believe you guys planned this out."

"Here's a little secret ... Mr DeMorgane did. Suzie told me not to tell you but I think you should know.."

"A-are you serious?" I asked her feeling elated.

"Yeahh. So are you gonna tell me what's going on between you two? I can feel it."

"I'll tell you later..okay?" I told her and she nodded as I continued to look for Nick.

I was sad he didn't come and stepped out of the noisy room to call him. I tried at least 4 times and gave up , going back into the hall only to bump into a tall firm chest.

"Looking for me?" He asked me looking at my face all over and at my chest . He held my waist against him and his scent was all around me.

"N-Nick...You're here.." I whispered and hugged him not caring that everyone will see us. He hugged me back and I could see him smiling.

"I wouldn't forget it for the world.. you look so gorgeous.. very...fuckable." He whispered the last part in my ear and I blushed 100 shades of red as the live band started playing the birthday song. I smiled as we pulled away from the hug.

"Thank you so much for all this. I don't deserve you." I told him as we walked around and my eyes teared up.

"You deserve the finest things in life baby..don't cry.." he said wiping a tear that fell down. I saw Tyler and I looked at Nick pleading with him with my eyes.

"'No." He said putting his frown on and his hands in his pockets.

"C'mon ! It's my birthday!" I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Don't be long okay?" He said and I smiled at him , walking to Tyler and his Mel's brother, Trevor.

"Hi guys!" I said giving them both a hug and peck on the cheek. "I really thought you guys forgot my birthday!"

"Of course not... how have you been girl? It's been so long" Trevor said and I nodded.

"Gorgeous as always beautiful" Tyler said and I smiled and thanked him. "I brought you a gift, it's in my car. Would you accompany me to go get it?" He asked and just when I thought of Nick waiting for me. I turned to see him chatting with some girl from work.

Wasn't jealous or anything.

Never ever ever jealous.

"Um.. sure.." I told Tyler when Harry pulled me away from him rudely. I mouthed 'later' to him and turned to Harry.

"I was in the middle of a conversation you know?" He said as we went to the other end of the hall and handed me another drink.

"I have something for you. Umm.. I-I didn't know if you'd like them but.."

"Thank you. You didn't have to ." I interrupted him and smiled and he smiled back genuinely.

"That's what friends are for right ?" He said and I nodded as he gave me a small box. I opened it and saw diamond earrings.

"Um.. I can't take this.. it's too expensive. But the thought was very much appreciated." I said giving him back.

"Princess just—" I felt someone touch my arm cutting his sentence short . I turned to see Tamara looking very uncomfortable.

"Ari, time to cut your cake.. c'mon. We're all waiting" she said and I nodded and Harry said "we'll talk later."

I smiled at the monster behind the good looks. I walked to the center where my huge cake was. Everyone was gathered round and they sang happy birthday to me. Nick was standing in the back with a small smile on his face and winked at me. I blew my candles and cut the cake.

I took a seat in front and watched the live band play 'It will rain' by Bruno Mars. Suddenly I felt my whole world stop when I saw Nick walk to me playing a 🎷saxophone. In front of everyone!

It was like it was just us two in the room. He played it so passionately and sexily, it made my heart swell. He went round me playing and tears fell from my eyes. When he was done playing , he walked back to the stage and gave the saxophone back to one of the guys. I saw Harry stand and leave the hall in anger.

Oh no! He'll take it out on me now.

My goodness.  My heart got swollen  with the love and everyone  in the crowd cheered and cooed. Who wouldn't? Nick is just too sweet to him and it breaks my heart that all of this is just a game. I pushed that thought  away from my mind as he stared at me with a smirk. His smile melted my heart.

The party went on for a few more hours and I got more gifts as the night ended. I was so happy and I hugged Tammy so hard. "You're the best sister ever !" I told her and she smiled . The guests were already leaving.

"Why would you say that ?"

"I know Nick couldn't have done this alone.. so thanks Tammy.. I love you.."

"Lové you too baby sis"

"Can I steal your sister for the rest of night?" I heard Nick asking behind me.

"Of course! I'll see you tomorrow... use protection guys..seriously." She said and walked out of the hall. I turned to Nick and put my arms around his neck and hugged him.

"I have a gift for you." He whispers softly against my lips.

"What can possibly be better than this ? It's too much caro.."

"It's nothing extra, I promise..Tamara discouraged me from doing that."

"Okay." I said smiling. "You looked so sexy playing the saxophone.. I didn't know you played.."

"There's à lot of things you don't know about me.. you'll find out in due time..but first.. I have to do this.." he said kissing me properly and hungrily.

Like I always say; a girl can't resist!

"Let's go home baby.."

"Yeah.." I nodded still dazed from the kiss. We walked out the hall hand in hand and got into the car where we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves..

This man will be the death of me!
Happy birthday Ari!

If the pictures aren't loading.. tell me🙄🙄.. this was done 2 days ago and I just found out , it wasn't posted yet😒😒

Do well to leave a comment and vote, sweethearts.❤💖

Anyway ... Happy thanksgiving!!!❤️❤️❤️

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