Fame || LRH

By sighbcboys

161K 4K 354

"But then she came along and absolutely demolished me in the best way possible." More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Four

2.7K 80 1
By sighbcboys

Josie’s P.O.V.

I booked the flight back home during the concert and had to get prepared to leave once the concert ended. Unfortunately, the only flight left open for tonight was an hour after the concert ended so I didn’t know if I was going to be able to make it to the end of the concert. I was able to have one of the drivers drive me down to the airport so as he waited in the car outside of the venue, I stood side stage for Luke to see me so I could wave goodbye to him. Time was ticking down, but Luke didn’t glance to the side stage at all tonight. I think he was trying to avoid the same thing I was trying to avoid, goodbyes. I knew how airports worked and how long security and tickets took, so I couldn’t wait any longer. I quickly wrote down a note and stuck it to the mirror in their dressing room before saying goodbye to the rest of the tour crew who I’ve grown so close during my time here. The note read:

I wish I could’ve said goodbye to all of you, but I have to get to my flight. Lucas, there’s something else in the back of this note for you so make sure the rest of the boys don’t read it! Cal, Mike, Ash I love you guys so much and hopefully I’ll see you dorks very soon! Thanks for this amazing adventure. Finish off the tour strong for me boys! - Josie

I had another small note left for Luke in the back because I had a lot more to say to him. I wrote

Luke Robert Hemmings. I’ll call you as soon as I land so hopefully you won’t sleep through my phone call babe. You don’t know how badly I wanted to say goodbye to you but I couldn’t wait any longer, my flight leaves an hour after the concert ends so it’ll be the morning for you once I land back in LA. I love you Luke, make these final concerts of the tour last and don’t mope around because you miss me! I’ll miss you too and I’ll be waiting for when I get to see you again. I love you so much. I’ll see you soon baby.

Love, Josie

My eyes were getting more than watery by the time I finished this note. It was going to be weird not being able to wake up to the sound of these four idiots yelling in the tour bus anymore, but I knew it was going to happen eventually, I just thought I’d have one more week to spend with them. But it is what it is I guess, or at least that’s what I’d like to think. Things happen for a reason and I’m sure we’ll all figure out what that reason is eventually. For now I said my goodbyes and dragged my suitcase into the SUV before we finally drove away from the venue, the entire tour family, and the four boys I’ve spent the last three months with. Now that was when the water works began. 

I managed to wipe away all the tears before we arrived and had myself put together by the time I had to get out of the car. Fortunately, because of the impromptu mandatory flight home, there were no paps or fans to be seen at the airport since no one outside of tour knew that I had to go back home.

I was in the line to customs when I heard someone calling my name.

Fuck its the paps.

I probably had dried make up stains on my face from crying in the car so I put my shades on and tried to hide my face as best as I could for the cameras. Thankfully it was almost around midnight so there weren’t that many people in line, it moved quicker than possible, but before  I could get to the front, someone grabbed my arm pulling me out of the line

"Hey what the he-" I began to say before I felt those familiar lips onto mine making me recognize who it was 

"Luke," I spoke as he panted probably from the amount of running he did to get to me in time

"You thought I was going to let you leave without saying goodbye?" He asked leaning his forehead against mine as I looked into his blue eyes

"Well I left so you didn’t really have a choice," I said

"And yet here I am," He countered

"You always do manage to prove me wrong Hemmings," I smiled placing my lips back on his

I didn’t even realize we were holding up the line until one of the people behind me cleared my throat to get my attention

"Oh sorry," I apologized grabbing his hand to pull him to the front of the line with me. We went through security and took a seat near my boarding area.

"I can’t believe you actually came here," I said as he placed his hand instinctively on my thigh

"I can’t believe you said goodbye to everyone on tour except for the guys and I,"

"I left you guys a note," I argued

"I know, I read it on the way here," He said pulling out the folded paper from his pocket to hold it in front of me

"And I have one for you too," He added on pulling out another piece of paper and handing it to me

"Really what does it say?" I asked about to unfold it before he placed a hand on mine stopping me

"Read it when you get on the airplane," 

"I swear Luke if this says something dumb like ‘don’t forget to brush your teeth’ or anything, I’m going to-"

"Baby- babe, I swear it’s not. I just want you to read it after we say…"

"Goodbye?" I finished for him knowing he wasn’t willing to say it

"Not goodbye, just a I’ll see you soon," 

"Wow smooth Luke, how many movies have you taken that line from?" I joked as he smiled before intertwining his fingers in mine

"You always manage to ruin the most romantic moments you know that?" He laughed kissing the back of my hand as I leaned against his shoulder

"I just never imagined us being that sappy airport couple with huge make out scenes and teary goodbyes,"

"I never imagined us being a couple in general," He said

"That surprised me too," 

"It actually physically pains me knowing that you have to walk on that plane without me Josie," He said quietly making me realize how serious he was actually being

"Physically pains you huh?" I asked trying to lighten up the situation

I knew that if our conversation were to get any deeper, the waterworks would start up again and I honestly didn’t know if I was going to be able to control myself this time

"Shut up," He groaned looking down at his phone for the time

I didn’t know how much longer I had left with him until I had to board my plane but I intended on using every second of it

"It hurts me too," I mumbled placing my lips on his shoulder for a kiss before leaning my forehead against it

"It’s gonna be boring back home now," I said thinking about what I was supposed to do when I actually landed. Doctors orders were to just rest up for a few weeks until the concussion fully healed, so I basically had nothing to do except for stay in my house for two weeks straight

"It’s gonna be boring without you here too," 

"No it’s not, you guys are performing every night to a crowd a fans, it’ll be fun,"

"Not when you’re not here," He muttered

"You said you read the note didn’t you? Remember what I said? No moping around because you miss me," 

"I’m not moping, I’m just waiting for the day I’ll get to see you again," He said

"Boarding call for flight 209. Boarding call for flight 209." The speakers rang in front of us as the doors opened letting the passengers enter the plane

"I really don’t want to go," I whispered feeling him pull my body closer to him

"I really don’t want you to go," He said as I buried my face into his neck

We sat in silence for a moment, holding each other close just letting everything settle between us. This is it. We’re finally leaving each other after being inseparable for the past three months.

"I’m going to miss waking up to your face in the morning," He said

"Please don’t say that, I’m going to cry," I cracked out a laugh trying to mask the tear threatening to fall

"I really am. Who am I going to cuddle with in my bunk now? Calum’s not as good of a cuddler as you are," He said

God was he cheesy. On a regular day, I would’ve cringed at what he said, but not today. Today I was just trying to spend enough time with him as I could without crying. But here I was, miserably failing at that poor attempt to keep myself together

"You’re a real dick ya know that?" I laughed finally letting a tear fall as I removed my face from his neck to look at him

He held a hand to my face, wiping the tear with his thumb before holding my face in his hands. I kept my hands on his, gently rubbing the backs of his hands with my thumb as he spoke to me

"I’m really going to miss the way you say ‘I love you’ at random times of the day just because you can. And they way you ramble about everything even if it isn’t important. And-"

"Just stop talking already you dork," I cut him off before smashing my lips against his. This was always our way of shutting each other up, and it was going to be a long time before I actually get to do that again. Public displays affection wasn’t usually our thing, but since there were no paps around we just went at it. He pulled my legs onto his lap as I kept my hands on held onto his wrists on either side of my face just to try to keep the feeling of his touch embedded into my skin before I had to leave. Then it was finally time

"Final boarding call for flight 209." The speaker announced as we pulled away

He sighed before standing up and holding his hand out for me to take to pull me up from my seat

"So this is actually happening," I breathed watching the last of the passengers left to enter my flight

Luke held me in his arms as I breathed to keep myself from crying even more. I didn’t want to walk onto the airplane with even more dried make up and tear stains on my cheeks. I already looked like a mess as it is, I didn’t even know how Luke could look at me with those eyes of his. He always and I mean always looked at people like they meant the absolute world to him so I was no exception, but this time he really did mean to look at me that way. That’s what tore me apart the most. The only time I’d be able to see that look again would be through the computer screen. God am I going to miss him

"I love you so much," I said feeling his head resting on top of mine as he kept his arms wrapped tightly around my waist

"I love you too baby," He said before finally letting go

He gave me one last kiss before handing me my suitcase. 

"I’ll see you soon?" I asked him one last time

"See you soon," He nodded letting out a smile

I handed the flight attendant my ticket and took one last glance at him

I’ll see you soon Luke

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